Sacred Heart Catholic Church Mission: We are a dynamic and welcoming Catholic community, cooperating with God’s grace for the salvation of souls, serving those in need, and spreading the Good News of Jesus and His Love. Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón Misión: somos una comunidad católica dinámica y acogedora, cooperando con la gracia de Dios para la salvación de las almas, sirviendo a aque- llos en necesidad, y compartiendo la Buena Nueva de Jesús y Su amor. Pastoral Team “Simon’s mother-in-law lay sick with a fever. They immediately told him Pastor: Rev. Fr. Michael Niemczak about her. He approached, grasped her Deacons: Rev. Mr. Juan A. Rodríguez Rev. Mr. Michael Rowley hand, and helped her up. Then the fever left her and she waited on them.” Masses/Misas Mark 1:30-31 Monday: 5:30p.m. Tuesday: No Mass Wednesday: 12:10p.m. Thursday/jueves: 5:30p.m. (Spanish / en español) Friday: 12:10p.m. Saturday/sábado: (Vigil/vigilia) 6:00p.m. (Spanish / en español) Sunday: 8:30a.m., 10:30a.m. & 5:00p.m. At this time, we will be authorized 100 parishioners per Mass in the church. Hasta nuevo aviso, solo podemos tener 100 feligreses dentro de la iglesia por cada Misa. Church Address/dirección 921 N. Merriwether St. Clovis, N.M. 88101 Phone/teléfono: (575)763-6947 February 7th, 2021 / 7 de febrero, 2021 Fax: 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (575)762-5557 Email: 5 ˚ Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario [email protected] [email protected] Confession Times/ Eucharistic Adoration/ Website: www.sacredheartclovis.com Confesiones Adoración del Santísimo facebook: Mon. & Thurs./lunes y Jueves Thursday / jueves www.facebook.com/sacredheartclovis 4:45p.m. 12:00p.m. to 5:15p.m. Food Pantry/Despensa: 11:30a.m. Wednesday / Miércoles: Friday / viernes 2nd & 4th Saturday/2˚ y 4˚ sábado: Friday/viernes: 11:30a.m. 6:30a.m. a 12:00p.m. 9:00a.m.– 10:00a.m. Saturday/sábado: 4:00p.m. 5˚ Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 7th, 2021 Saint of the Month St. Barbara Ch’oe Yong-I and the Korean Martyrs From cbck.or.kr/en/CatholicChurchInKorea.,n.d. and Catholic.org,n.d. The Korean Martyrs were the victims of religious persecution against Catholic Christians during the 19th century in Korea. Between 8,000 - 10,000 Korean Christians were killed during this period, 103 of whom were canonized en masse in May 1984. In addition, Paul Yun Ji-Chung and 123 companions were declared "Venerable" on 7 February 2014, and on 16 August 2014, they were beatified by Pope Francis during the Asian Youth Day in Gwanghwamun Plaza, Seoul, South Korea. There are further moves to beatify Catholics who were killed by com- munists for their faith in the 20th century during the Korean War. Choe Yong-i Barbara was a daughter of Son So-beok Magdalene, one of the 103 Saints. Barbara was very devout from the time she was a young girl. When her parents tried to arrange her marriage, she said that the spouse she wanted must be a very devout Catholic. She said that she did not particularly care for a noble or rich husband. So she married a much older man, 44-year old Cho Charles. Barbara was 20 years old at that time. The next year she gave birth to a son. The couple encouraged each other in virtue and practiced their religion faithfully. When Barbara was arrested, she took her son with her to prison. It was very hard for the infant to stay in prison. It was dirty with neither fresh air, sufficient light nor enough food. So Barbara sent her son to one of her relatives. She was afraid that she might be discouraged from being steadfast to her faith because of her son. The interrogator asked her to give up her faith and to reveal the names of her fel- low Catholics and of the owner of the religious articles found in her house. Barba- ra would not deny God and said that she was too young to know her fellow Catho- lics, so she was severely tortured. She was beaten 250 times and her body was twisted. She wrote a letter in which she said: "How sad I am to lose my parents in martyr- dom! But when I think of Heaven, I am consoled and thank God for the special privilege of martyrdom. I am full of happiness in my heart!" On February 1, 1840, Barbara was taken to Tangkogae near Seoul and was beheaded there with Yi John and Hong Paul. Barbara was 22 years old when she was martyred. On the previous day Barbara's mother had been martyred. According to the Korean law of those days, relatives were not supposed to be killed on the same day. 5˚ Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 7th, 2021 Ash Wednesday Schedule Horario para Miercoles de Ceniza Wednesday, February 17th Miércoles, 17 de febrero 6:45a.m., 12:10p.m., 5:30p.m. and/y 7:00p.m. (en español) 5˚ Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 7th, 2021 Here we go Sacred Heart! It is officially time to begin our joint endeavor that is the Annual Catholic Appeal. Praise be to God and the overwhelming generosity of you, our parishioners, we have met our ACA goal for the last two consecutive years. Let’s get this year started right! ¡Vámonos parroquia del Sagrado Corazón! Ahora es el momento para empezar con nuestra empresa conjunta del Campana Católica Anual. Gracias a Dios y ustedes, nuestros feligreses, hemos cumplido nuestros objetivos para el CCA los últimos dos años. ¡Vamos a empezar este año bien! Remember folks, NO CASH will be accepted! Ensure your contributions are done so by check or money order. Also remember that the amount of the contribution is not as important as participating! You can also donate to the ACA by visiting the Archdiocesan website at www.archdiosf.org, click on “Offices”, click on “Annual Catholic Appeal”, then click on “Donate” or “Pledge Here” if you are not yet ready to donate but wish to make a pledge and pay the entire sum later or in installments. ¡Recuérdense, NO EFECTIVO! Solo aceptamos cheques o giro postal. Tam- bién recuérdense que participación es más importante que el tamaño de su contribución. Si quieren, también se puede donar visitando el sitio web de la Arquidiócesis en www.archdiosf.org, hagan clic en “Offices”, hagan clic en “Annual Catholic Appeal”, luego hagan clic en “Donate” o “Pledge Here” si quieren pagar después. Archdiocesan Goal / Objetivo Arquidiocesana- $2,750,000 Parish Goal / Objetivo Parroquial - $33,000.00 Total Pledged / Total Comprometida - $715.00 Total Paid / Total Pagado - $845.00 Shortfall / Déficit - $32,155.00 Registered Families / Familias registradas - 1,365 Families Participating / Familias participando - 6 5˚ Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 7th, 2021 7 Corporal Works of Mercy 7 Spiritual Works of Mercy 7 Obras Corporales de Misericordia 7 Obras Espirituales de Misericordia 1. Feed the Hungry 1. Instruct the Ignorant 1. Dar de Comer al Hambriento 1. Corregir al que se Equivoca 2. Give Drink to the Thirsty 2. Counsel the Doubtful 2. Dar de Beber al Sediento 2. Enseñar al que so Sabe 3. Give Alms to the Poor 3. Admonish the Sinner 3. Vestir al Desnudo 3. Aconsejar al que lo Necesita 4. Shelter the Homeless 4. Forgive Injuries 4. Hospedar al Peregrino 4. Consolar al Triste 5. Visit the Sick 5. Comfort the Sorrowful 5. Visitar al Enfermo 5. Soportar los Defectos con Paciencia 6. Visit the Imprisoned 6. Bear Wrongs Patiently 6. Visitar a los Presos 6. Perdonar las Ofensas 5˚ Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time February 7th, 2021 Weekly Readings Monday, February 8th: GN 1:1-19 PS 104:1-2a,5-6,10&12,24&35c MK 6:53-56 Tuesday, February 9th: GN 1:20—2:4a PS 8:4-5,6-7,8-9 MK 7:1-13 Wednesday, February 10th: St. Scholastica GN 2:4b-9,15-17 PS 104:1-2a,27-28,29bc-30 MK 7:14-23 Thursday, February 11th: GN 2:18-25 PS 128:1-2,3,4-5 MK 7:24-30 Friday, February 12th: Memorial of St. Agatha Monday February 8th, 2020 GN 3:1-8 PS 32:1-2,5,6,7 MK 7:31-37 5:30PM †Ed Root Saturday, February 13th: St. Paul Miki & Companions GN 3:9-24 PS 90:2,3-4abc,5-6,12-13 MK 8:1-10 Sunday, February 14th: 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time Tuesday February 9th, 2020 LV 13:1-2,44-46 PS 32:1-2,5,11 1COR 10:31—11:1 MK 1:40-45 No Mass Sacred Heart Prayer Warriors! Wednesday February 10th, 2020 12:10PM †Kit Pettigrew If you or someone you know is in need of prayer, please contact Mary Shockley (575) Thursday February 11th, 2020 799-6402. She will place that 5:30PM †Alexander Galvan Garcia, individual that is in need of †Jovani Galvan Gonzalez prayer into a circle of prayer. Parishioners of Sacred Heart Church will then pray for those individuals to Friday February 12th, 2020 Almighty God. This is a wonderful ministry and privi- 12:10PM †James Fuller lege for us to be able to pray for you. Saturday February 13th, 2020 6:00PM †José Benito Galvan, †José Galvan Signing in to FORMED is easier than ever! Visit Sunday February 14th, 2020 formed.org and sign in using our zip code, 88101.
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