News Mosaic Sports Arts and Science dean Manson frightens, Brey signs five-year chosen enthralls Philly fans contract with Blue' Hens See page A3 Bl BlO An Associated Coll egiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner • Non-Profit Org. ~Review Online • THE U.S. Postage Paid Newark, DE www. review udel. edu REV IE Permit No. 26 Free 250 Student Center • University of Delaware • Newark, DE 19716 Friday Volume 125, Number 44 April9, 1999 Jury chosen UD sophomore for Flagg's arrested for porn suspehsion from the university Student charged that could range from a year to as much as five years . with possession Sophomore Adam Matthews murder trial sparked the investigation which led to Davidson's arrest when he ofponwgraphic rep'orted the images to the BY APRIL CAPOCHINO • a 44-year-old man from Newport officials in charge of the City News Ediror who said he has no knowledge of pictures of university's computer system. WILMINGTON -Twelve jurors the case; Matthews said he told the were selected this week in the • a 30-year-old woman from officials that pictures of an capital murder trial of Donald A. Claymont who said she has minimal young children offensive nature were located on Flagg, the man charged with the knowledge of the case; the Christiana Network murder of a university student's • a 35-year-old man who is a postal BY JONATHAN RIFKIN Neighborhood. Sraff Reporter father. worker from Bear; " I was on the Network Over the past three days, the jury • a 49-year-old Ze neca manager A university sophomore was Neighborhood for the Towers was chosen, including seven whi te from Wilmington; · arrested Wednesday morning and when I came across a site by the and five black jurors, while more • a 54-year-old clerk from Pike charged w ith having porno­ name of Ghetto Super Star," he than 50 potential jurors were Creek; graphic pictures of yo ung said. " I looked through it and excused. • a 43-year-old Newark saleswoman children on his personal computer fo und almost an entire cache of Trial selection began Tuesday for who used to live in Wellington and posting them on the student pictures with prepubescent girls Flagg. who is charged with ki lling Woods where Flagg li ved; netwo rk neighborhood, doing really disgusting things Anthony J. Puglisi in his Newark a 50-year-old accounting University Police said . wi th older men. home last April. Flagg is a lso superv isor; Zachary R . D avidson , 20, " I' m no Mormon, but child charged with kidnapping and raping • a 27-year-old man who works for turned himse lf in and was pornography is something that Puglisi's wife, Debra, who was held the Wilmington Blue Rocks; subsequently charged with one goes way over the line - these captive in Flagg's home for four • a 26-year-old w ho works in coun t of us ing a comp uter to girls are going to be screwed up days. cosmetics; unlawfully depict a chi ld fo r the rest of thei r lives." The Puglisi's son, Michael, is a • a 37-year-old banker who said he engaging in a prohibited sexual Matthews said he notified the junior at the university. has no previous knowledge of the act. university's Information Flagg has plead not guilty. citing case; The Chris tiana East Tower Techno logies department on legal insanity. He also has admitted • and a 23-year-old pre-school resident was later released on March 30. University Police were to the murder and kidnapping. teacher whose husband is a n $1 ,000 secured bail. notified soon after and they If convicted of murder, Flagg Emergency Medical Technician. University Police Capt. Joel searched Davidson's residence would either spend life in jail or Among the prospective jurors Ivory said Davidson was also hall room on April 2. receive the death penalty. If found who were excused was a man whose referred to· the Dean of Students After being notified of the not gui lt y by reason of insanity, mother, a Texas prison teacher, was Office for allegedly breaking the si tuation by an unidentified Flagg would be sent to the state's kidnappen and hel h n~ t agc I I d~;·• responsible computing article of uni versity employee. Ivory said a mental ho pita!. during a prison riot. Also excused the Student Code of Conduct. search warrant for Davidson' s Flagg's lead attorney, J. Brendan were those who were close friends In addhion, Dean of Students room on the second floor of the O'Neill, said he could not comment with New Castle County Police Timothy F. Brooks said Davidson Christiana East Towers was on the case because of the gag order officers, an employee from Chrysler, is being charged with a breach of o btained, and Davidson's placed on him by Superior Court where Flagg used to work, and a policy regulation, a rule that computer was then seized. Judge Norman A. Barron. man who was opposed to the death punishes any violation of local, Since Davidson is charged The following jurors were penalty. state or federal law. with a crime involving the selected: The trial is scheduled to begin THE REVIEW/ John Chabalko "If he is found guilt y, then the Internet, his case was • a 34-year-old man from Odessa Tuesday at 10 a.m . in Superior Donald A. Flagg, accused of killing Newark resident Anthony J. penalty could be severe," Brooks automatically deferred to federal was chosen as foreman ; Court in Wi lmi ngton. Puglisi, leaves court after a pretrial meeting earlier this year. said. " It could include a see UD SOPHOMORE page A8 DUSC elections set to go BY SUSAN STOCK restructuring would be to get a more Student Affairs Ediwr Presidential candidate Brenda diverse student representation at regular In a time full of choices, students can Mayrack and vice presidential candidate DUSC meetings. voice their opinions by voting in the Matt Abbott head the Leadership Party "We recognize there are groups that upcoming Delaware Undergraduate ticket . Running under the s logan are ali ke in many ways, and what we'd Student Congress e lection, which is "Leadership for a Change," Mayrack try to d o is to get at least one contested for the first time in three said their first action, if elected, would representative from each area who can years. be to alter the way DUSC is run. voice their opinions," he said. Both the Leadership Party ticket and "lt' s supposed to be a congress, some The Greek ticket presidential two independent candidates named the kind of a government. that has candidate Andrea Hinc hey and vice Student Advocates are running this year representatives that are required to go presidential candidate Andrew T urczyn, against the established Greek ticket. every week, that propose resolutions running under the slocran "The Greek The platforms of the three campaigns· and vote on them,' satd Mayrack, who ticket ... believe in it ,'r are foc usi ng on vary, yet they all still deal with the same is the president of Students Acting fo r internal changes within DUSC. central issues - reorganizing DUSC, Ge nder Equality and the Co llege "I think that our ticket' s goal is to parking and the proposed rental cap. Democrats. take the current DUSC and improve on Abbott, Resident Student Association RE ORGANIZING DUSC secretary, said a big part of thi s see CANDIDATES page A9 First openly homosexual Counesy of Matt Harker Senior Matt Harker poses with his favorite singer Sarah McLachlan. Harker recently congresswoman visits UD appeared on VHl for a documentary on male groupies. BY ADRIAN BACOLO Staff Rt'tmrter People mu st assume respon sibility as a UD senior featured on VHl community for society's mistakes and refrain from placing individual blame on minority groups, said former Rep. Sebrina Sojourner's. D­ BY MELISSA SCOTT SINCLAIR The idea for appearing on TV came o him D.C. , Wednesday night. Swdem Ajfair.'i Editor when he heard the MTV show " Fanatic" was Sojourner. one of few African Americans in "Oil you speak to me in riddles I and you speak searching for a McLachlan fan to meet the singer. Congress and the first member to o penly to me ilr rilnne I M,- bod\' aches to breathe \'OIIr Harker e-m ail ed the show' producers . and they acknowledge her homosexuality. was the guest breath I ,-o,;r II 'Ords. /.: eep ;ne a/h·e .. " . asked him to send a videotape o f himself. speaker at the opening event fo r the Cent~ r for Sarah. McLachlan's ·'Possession" is about a fan In August. Harker received an invitation to Bl ack Culture 's Black Arts Festiva l in the obsessed with a singer's words but it could be come to New York City to appear in a show - Trabant Universit y Center. seni or Matt Harker· s -\'oice singing those lyrics. not "Fanatic ," as he ha d expecte d. but a "We. who want such an America. have to act He doesn't call himself obsessed. but he said hum oro us documentary show on VH I called on the dream of an America in which all of our he considers himself one of McLachlan' s greatest "Rock Candy." people are free ... she said. fans- and one of the luckiest. He wa originally told the completed show Sojourner said she feel s American need to Harker got the chance to profess hi s devoti on wou ld ai r in the fall.
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