FOGHORSan Francisco N UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO VOLUME 87 MMBIUV WKDNKSDAY, NOVEMBER 7. 1990 HILLTOP FRATERNITIES EXPAND STEVE FERRY Associate Editor Al a 5 p.m. meeting on Tuesday, Oct. Theta are going lo add to the strength ol 30, USF'sGreek Council voted to approve the existing Greek system. We are really the colonization of two new fraternities unifying the existing organizations, and on the Hilltop. i t will be great to add two more supportive Pi Kappa Phi will rush in the spring groups. The decision made on Oct 30 semester. The Pi Kapps have an interest was a big step to a larger Greek Commu­ group of approximately 38 men, which nity at USF," Delta Phi Epsilon President wasformedoverayearago. Pi Kappa Phi Laura Owen, said. has 128 chapters, 49 colonies and over "The addition of new fraternities and 50,000 initiates. The fraternity has been sororities to the USF Greek community is recognized for its charitable efforts vital to thc survival of the Greeks. Al­ through the P.U.S.H. (People Under­ though it will challenge the existing standing the Severely Handicapped) houses, adding the fraternities will in­ Program; the fraternity has raised over S1 crease the strength of the overall system. million for the cause. Pi Kappa Phi was Wilh Pi Kappa Phi's interest group and founded in 1904 in Charleston, South the reputation of Phi Delta Theta as one of Carolina. the ten strongest national fraternities, USF "It's nice to have a new fraternity on will benefit tremendously from the ex­ campus and it makes USF look better in panded Greek community. The Greek the national Greek system. Hopefully, Council did an excellent job in the se­ the new fraternities will help draw more lection and interview process and should students with a bigger and more a t trac t i ve be commended for iheir efforts," Greek Greek system," USF senior psychology Council Advisor Michelle Miller, said. major Kevin Fat, a member of the Pi The Greek Council is also looking into Kappa Phi interest group, said. the expansion of the sororities at USF. The second fraternity, Phi Delia Theta The council is currendy contacting na­ will rush in lhe Fall'91 semester. Founded tional sororities, inviting them lo make in 1832 at Hamilton College in Clinton, presentations on campus. The Greek New York, the fraternity currendy has Council is looking for at least one more 184 chapters and colonics and over sorority, but it is possible that another 175,000 initiates, nationwide. Every year could be added later. The soonest another they sponsor a community service day, sorority would arrive on campus would which averages 50,000 man hours donated be next fall. to charities in the individual chapters' Thc Greek Council consists of two communities. Each chapter chooses a representatives from each of the Greek local charily to work with. Houses, Delta Phi Epsilon, Delta Zeta, "I feel that it will strengthen the entire group, and Phi Delta Theta is a greal all lhe houses stronger," Sigma Alpha Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Zeta Beta Tau. campus as well as the Greek community. house. Although there will be some Epsilon President Ted O'Connell, said. The expansion of the Greek System will Pi Kappa Phi already has a strong interest healthy competition, I think it will make "I know Pi Kappa Phi and Phi Delia double the numberof existing fraternities. UNIVERSITY MISSION STATEMENT RELEASED NIKKI BURROWS News Staff A Presidents Select Committee was The statement pledges to commit to its mission for the future of the University. formed on March 26,1990, to update the Catholic heritage, assume personal and Once adopted, we should also take care to current university Mission and Goals social responsibility, promote justice for insure that this statement is employed as Statement. humanity, and contribute to the San Fran­ the basis of decision-making in every A non-finalized draft said the mission cisco society. ^rea of University life," Father Flynn statement is "A clear, brief, public state­ said. ment which defines the unique contribu­ The draft states there are more specific Membership of the Presidents Select tions the institution stri ves to deliver, and goals of the statement which relate to Committee is varied. All members are to form the authentic basis for decision preparing USF's leaders for service to from different areas of the USF commu­ making throughout the university." others. These goals are: Creating an nity, including Amy Wertzberger, stu­ The present University Mission and environment which encourages mutual dent representative. Goals Statement has been active since support and respect for one another, Father Flynn is also works closely wilh March 23,1979. supporting faculty and staff in research the planning efforts of the Office of Uni­ "Since last March, the Statement has and education, promoting excellence versity Planning and Institutional Re­ undergone two major drafts within the through high quality teaching in an at­ search as an ad hex; member of the Strate­ 17-membcr committee. Now it is lime for mosphere of academic freedom, learning gic Planing Committee. the entire University community to ac­ within a challenging environment, and Any sludenl wishing to make a sugges­ tively participate in its formulation and shaping a changing world with creativity, tion aboul thc new Mission statement can eventual adoption by the Board of generosity, and compassion. contact Father Flynn al the Office of thc Trustees," University Mission Chair Fr "Wc have at hand thc opportunity to University Mission, University Center • Reverend James Flynn, S.J. heads thc James E. Flynn S.J. said. define more clearly our identity and our 310. Mission and Goals Committee NEWS Earth Day is Every Day Halloween For Dinner Honors KIMBERLY KAUER Homeless Kids Alumni Athletes News Editor CHAD EVANS KIMBERLY KAUER News Staff News Editor USF Recycles planted a Weeping cherry tree by Xavier Hall last week with money The Lone Mountain Residence Hall Staff, The 24th annual Father Hubert "Hub" made during Spring semester's "Earth along with Campus Ministry and members Flynn Dinner was held on Nov. 2, inducting Week." ofthe Erasmus Project, sponsored a party on six new members to the USF Athletic Hall Thc group also placed a plaque in front of Halloween for 60 homeless children and of Fame. the tree, as a reminder to students of thc families. Those honored were alumni George week. Thc families camc from thc Hamilton Durchslag, '56 Soccer; William Garcia, '71 "Every day is Earth Day," John Haskins, Family Shelter, thc Tenderloin and thc Rita Baseball; Raymond Gennette, '43 Special one of the USF Recycles' founders said. dcCascid House for homeless families with Category; David Olcrich, '66 Football; "Hopefully thc plaque and the tree will AIDS. LoiharOsiandcr, '69Coaching; and Michael remind people of lhal." Thc children went trick-or-treating al 5 Quick, '73 Basketball. According to Haskins and Devin Camara, pm throughout the Lone Mountain Residence Thc evening began with cocktails in Pa­ another USFRccyclesmember, thc recycling Hall. Along thc way, there were games for rina Lounge al 6 pm and the dinner, held in group decided to plant a tree as a way of thc children and a haunted house. Afterwards, thc McLaren Center, followed at 8 pm. giving something back to the Earth. "The dinner was served to the families and more Leo Walsh,Prcsidentol Alumni Relations, earth gives us so much, and wc need to give games were provided for lhe children. Thc spoke aboul his memories as a Don, recall­ something back to her," Haskins said. event ended at approximately 7 pm. ing such experiences as parading back to the "People need to do more and get more "It was hard to tell who had more fun, the Hilltop after the football team won the active," Camara said. kids or the volunteers, who did what they championship al Kezar Stadium, when lhe Thc money used to purchase thc cherry could to make Halloween a liulc better for basketball team won ihe National tide and tree was raised by a raffle for a mountain someone else," said one studeni who helped the next day of classes were cancelled, al­ bike last semester. • USF Recycles' members John Haskins organize lhe event. lowing students to greet the team at the The tree was planted by Haskins and Jay and Devin Camara "flip" over a new tree that 'The children and their families would airport as ihey relumed to San Francisco. Stafford of Plant Services and is expected to was planted to build up awareness of the have otherwise missed out on the good time After dinner, a slide show featuring each bloom in April. environment. that mostchildren have on Halloween," said of the athletes being honored was shown. another student. Then, individually, thc athletes were called up and presented with a metal from Father President John Lo Schiavo, SJ. Father Flynn, the former dean of the Acting Assistant Named to Residence Life College of Arts and Sciences, worked ex­ NIKKI BURROWS tensively with generations of student athletes. News Staff The Father Hubert Flynn Endowed Scholarship fund was established for USF James Johnson assumed the role of Act­ "Aboul 30 people had input on the deci­ rently working for a computer training cen­ students athletes that need financial aid. ing Assistant Director of Residence Life for sion." Travenick said, including members ter in San Francisco. Richard Parina, '31, was supported by the Staff and Programs on Nov. 5. of Residence Hall Council, Residence Hall Travenik said Johnson has extensive fund. Parina went on to become a member of Ron Travenik, USF's Acting Director of Association and several Resident Advisors.
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