'IERM E • ~be llnbergrabuate Mleeklp of tbe llnibersitp of elatnare VOLUME 67 NE\VARK, ELAWARE, MAY 22, WOMEN OBSERVE TRADITIONAL MAY DAY FETE r· · Da 11 Hall Harvard r of a·itiJlO' Dr. Morise of M Is Speaker at Assembly t an1 d In rc• ·o 'llttion uf acad(•mk ~whiPVl'111'11ls .mong hoth th• Rtu­ Maybrey Takes 1st Prise clf'nt lmdv nnd tlw m mlH'I".' of tlw fa •ult.\, th • {!nfV('I'Hity of 0l•li1Wfll'l' Anne Perkins, 2nd Place has plann d a •'P • In! !Ionon:; 0. to lw h •ld this v •a1· on Ma' 22 nd to h • murk •d In Hn as mhly In !\1it<'lwll llnll. 1;h ' ohjP<'tivPs for thi.· clav "til tw tlw :t\\:trdlng of pl"i7.t'.' f r· xc· II .n<.'l' in . C'h lastk :uhj(•cts. lllltlation Into tlw s • Nul lllHWr· ft•a t ·rnith·.· on ·nmpu:. and a joint m •etl ng of tlwHt' group.. I r. Anctn• !\1orlzt•. prof • ·s I' of Fr •n h lltt nnur·p nt I lm ani l n l· v ' I'Hi \", will lw tlw gut•. t sp ukt•r a tlw !\11tch II I l ull us. ml ly whic·h \\Ill!(' hllcl ut 11 :10 ( .m. nr. Will tum :. ('urlson. n I v" t' sIt y JH't•siclt•nt. \\ill an noun· • th • vln­ rwr · of til • vnri us prlz H ofT •r •d annual!\ to undt•r·gt·aduat .. Invitations to h a. st•mhtv havt' hf't•n issul'd to all ,' tudt•n :s who 1':11'11 d plac ·' on th • I •an',.; list th • pas s tn(•s t •r and o all stu nts who hu\' b • •n If' lPd to m •rn lwr­ shlp In Phi Koppa Phi. national honorar·v s •h las i<' frat rni y, Pi Mu F.psil n. na I nul math rna l<''i frut<•rnltv, <:~nd Tau B •ta PI, n · tion­ a I Pngin <'ring fr·at •rnlt\. whiC'h ar • th • thn•f' honor· SIIC'Jt•lii'H n•pn•- sPntl'd c umpus. Photo by Tony Faucrbach During th • <1· v two of th<'IH' hon­ May Queen Katty Ann Brewer· and H er Maid of H onor, ally Swing, followed by tbe 1\fay Court, lead CJI' HOCII'lif'H will hold HPJ)HI'<J t 111f'l'l· the women stud nts in the Hec s lonal of th May Day •1«>brati01l last Satut·day, May 17. ings lwfor all thn•t• gutll •r In thl' loung<' of Warn •r fl ail ·tt H: IG p.m. to Jwar Dr. 1or·iz • again. H<•fr s h­ nwnts will h • s l'VI'<I unci fr·i nd 1st Army Officers BlueHenYearhook F. B. Thoma ew and r •la lvPs of the stud •ntH h •lng honor •cl w· • orcllally invit ~ d t­ Inspect ROTC lJnit To Be Distributed Ag. Club Pre id nt t •ncl. 7::l0 p.m .. in the Woman'~; F'a - Off. -R t u •t B By June 2., inU.Hall Three thin;---fint r st high- 'lub Rooms In Warn ·r· H <J II leers a e n1 S Y light ct th oncl uding m ting of will h h ·ld the Initiation f nrw Steadfastness Displayed Annual to Include Resume the Ag. lub for the s m ster. m mb(•rs in o Phi Kappa Phi. Th annual lections for the offl- ThcH • includ Phy llis entlcu, Ir · priz . lng 1orri. Arnold • hu I r, Hung- On 1:onday, May 19, a grou p of Of War Years 1943-1945 cers f the club result in th fol- lowing m n gaining offlc : Pr si- .Judg •s for· Uw ontN;t ' Prt' Miss un Ling. of Shanghai, C'hlna; I ar­ four officers from headquarters, d n , l" rank B. Thomas; l st Vic M<Jrgar •t Lyn ·h. <Jn alumn· of th hara Bartow. Stun! •y lJ •II, Davirf i''ir t Army arrived in Newar k to Eddi • Gol in, Editor of the 1947-48 Pre icl nt, William H . .J nkins; 2nd Wom n's Collt'):W whn now holc!K Van Orm,.r, Jac(ju lin • •. Ro£ I, B - conduct the annual final insp c­ B tu H n Yearbook, and Mark VI Pr sid nt, . •. Davis; S ere­ t h • position of mam1ging •clitor of ron M C'andl ss, orm<Jn B r·man, tion of th ROTC U n it at t h e Uni­ Jacoby, Business Manager, told a tar , William Kutz; Treasurer, a magazin for women, Modern Francis Duffy, and William Hol­ v r sity of D laware. The i nspec­ pr ss conf r nc arly Wednesday h arl s hell. / llfiss: Mr. William P. !''rank, a fot·­ llngHworth, ,Ji·., all m mh I'H O( tlw t ion board consisted of Col. H. P. morning that th annual publica­ Th n wly cl ct d pr sid nt, m •r n •wspap r •cti or and column· grartua ing claRs; and Dr. Anna DP­ 'lork , Field Artillery, p r esident tion will b distributed on or before Frank Thoma , th n discu ssed plans ist now sro rving as a ·ommentator Armonrl and Dr. 'harll·s N. I ,anl,.r, of the board, and Lt. Col. G. M. .Jun 2, 1947, in nlversity Hall. for th forthcoming Home Ec.-Ag. anrl cript wri PI" for Rarllo Sta I n hCJ h of th f acult. Simmons, Signal Corps; Maj or M. This y ar' annual will b one of lub picnic to be h ld this coming WJ t ~:\1; and Mr. .Jam<'s lark, a Thr • • o her memhPr · of tht• T. Nesbitt, Field Artillery, and th f ·w in the niver ity history to Friday, May 23. m mb r of the Engli. h d<'p r m nt grarluating ·l:.t ss a1· • air· •acly m •m• 1ajor R. W. Van W er t, Ord nan ce b di tribul d n tli original dat fa ulty victory in th of th • l ni •r. i y who stucll •cl D partment as board member . lwn; of th ' honor fra •rnl y, ha - .eL tud nt-Facullv softball onflict drama and playwriting with the lng hrl'n (•IPr·tr•d In l!l14 prior o This inspection board i on e of Mr·. ,olin :aid that th book was \\'as ·on fir! ntly for cast d by arolina Playmak rs at h nl- th • lntpr·r·uptl()n of thr•lr R udlf'<J for· versitv of orth ·arCJlina , and at a group of similar· boar as wh ich nt'atly laid out. inter ting, and all­ Dr. Manns. with coa h s St rs st·t·vl P In th • rm< d fore •s. 1'h ·v at· condu ting inspection s of all in Ius!\· . The book onslsts of a and Martin h acling th fa ·ulty ol umhla niv ·r·. ity. ar • Arthur :\11llman . .fnrm· · rroppr·i· the ROT Units in t h U n ited r sum<> of the vear·s 1943 to 1945-a off nsiv . ond .Jam(•-; I !1'11l'V, Hll of who <·r·v •cJ • tat ·. Befor comln_~ to Delawar flashba k or th • D lawar ampu. Th gu sl p ukcr of the v ning, at l(•us thrf'r· \cars In thr• Army b •• thi: board conduct d in pections cluring the I ttcr part of th war Dr. Brashc•r, In a short talk pr nt­ forP l"t•tul ning tfJ h(• l ' nlv •r I y CJf at om II University, Ithaca, N. Y., un<l carrying through to pring of •d manv ·x itlng and wcll paying Ut•lawar·r• w cnmpll'tt• lw work for and Prln eton niv r sity Prince­ 1!!47. Ttwr ,.,as no radical d par· opportu.niti<.·s in th ' g<'n rat fi ld of tlwlr d •gr •. ton. J. tur· from pr lou. y arbo ks oth r J l or·ti ultur· '. Pi ~1u Epslion lnl Jut will IH• at·- 'l'h obj ct of this inspe tion is than a mon• efficient u se of xp sl­ T1w mPNing wa C'!·p r•d in IJ 1n ·ntb ·r hlp u un Jn. to tiNcrmin the standards of mlli­ tion. I unnal F·l r·m11rn o IJI• t •ld In tnt·v training ancl adminl trati n Til<' 131uP lien I~ nO\\ a comblna­ Hoorn 20:~ In th: Ch ·mls rv Dull<.!· ti m of tlw form I' \\'om n' oil ge lng; Pt·r• idf'nt IJu\ld Van · rm ·r. u "Hiue G lei " aml D •lawar ol­ rnl'mlJ •r of thP st•nl()r cia . will prr•· leg " Hiu • H n." Th y arbook ' ld •. T\\ u m'•mhPr· 0f h1· faculty v t staff is ompo eel of qual parts of DeanArmPr and v.o undt•t·gradunt(· aN• In ·lud· m •n and wom n . •d In h<• group of I 7 ,, br• In! Ia cl For Every und rgraduat tud nt is Pap r at M Thf'V an·· Dr. T. A. l:l() '!and T . P. en itl d to on copy of th publica· enior F onncll G . LlvNmun, both rnNnlwrf! of thP rna t hr•tllii r i<' 1l 1·p· r·t mr·nl fM·u I .. , ti n. l' r •:trlf'nt l!r·nrv \ld'omh :rnrl WP on Bt·al•· und .r.
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