KFKI 1990 50/C В. LUKÁCS SZ. BÉRCZI I. MOLNÁR G. PAÁL EVOLUTION: FROM COSMOGENESIS TO BIOGENESIS Hungarian Academy of Sciences CENTRAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR PHYSICS BUDAPEST KFKI-1990-50/C PREPRINT EVOLUTION: FROM COSMOGENESIS TO BIOGENESIS B. LUKÁCS. SZ. BÉRCZI, I. MOLNÁR, G. PAÁL (eds.) Central Research institute for Physics H-1526 Budapest 114. P.O.B. 49, Hungary T.F. Farkas: Structures under Crystallization. (1980) The material of the t8 Evolution Symposium of the Evolution of Matter Subcommittee of the Qeonomy Scientific CommiUee of the Hungarian Academy of Science. 28 31 May, 1990. HU ICSN 0368 5330 В. Lukács, Sz. Bérezi. I. Molnár, Q. Paál (eds.): Evolution: from cosmogenesis to biogenesis KFKI 1990 50/C ABSTRACT The Volume contains the material of an interdisciplinary evolution symposium The purpose was to shed some light on possible connections between steps of evolution of matter on different levels of organisation. The topics involved are as follow: cosmogenesis; galactic and stellar evolution, formation and evolution of the solar system; global atmospheric and tectonic changes of Earth; viral evolution; phytogeny and evolution of terrestrial lile; evolution of neural system; hominization The material also includes some discussions of the underlying phenomena and laws of Nature. Б. Лукач, С, Берци, И. Молнар, Г. Паал (ред.): Эволюция от космогенезиса до биогенезиса. KFKI-1990-50/C АННОТАЦИЯ Сборник содержит материалы интердисциплинарного симпозиума по эволюции. Целью симпозиума являлось выяснение связи между шагами эволюции материи на раз­ ных уровнях организации. Были затронуты следующие темы: коемогенеэис, эволюция звезд и Солнечной системы, глобальная тектоника Земли, эволюция атмосферы Земли, эволюция вирусов, филогенезис, эволюция жизни, эволюция нервной системы, гомини- эация, термодинамические аспекты эволюции. Материал содержит также некоторые со­ ображения относительно законов, скрытых за процессами природы. Lukács В., Bérezi Sz., Molnár I., Paál Qy. (szerk.): Evolúció: kozmogenózistől biogenezisig KFKI 1990 50/C KIVONAT A kötet egy interdiszciplináris evolúciós szimpózium anyaga. A szimpózium célja az voll, hogy megvilágítson esetleges kapcsolatokat a szerveződés különböző szintjein folyó evolúciós lépések közt. A témák: kozmogenézis; galaktikus és csillagevolúció; a Naprendszer kialakulása és története; globális változások a földkéregben és a légkörben; a vírusok evolúciója, fílogenézis és a földi élei evolúciója, az idegrendszer evolúciója; emberróválás. Az anyag szintén tartalmaz bizonyos meggondolásokat a folyamatok mögötti természeti törvényekről iHTKODucTiom This volume is tne written material of tne symposium "Evoiu- tion:Cosmogenesis...Biogenesis...", neId between гвгп апа 3l3t Gy. Barta: Opening Address г nay. 1990. <n Budapest, mis symposium had been organised under В. Lukacs I G. Faai: Physical Background to tne aigis of tne Geonomicat Scient»fiс Committee of the Hungarian Evolutionary Studies j Academy of Sciences, e>y tne Evolut < on ofnatter suocommi ttee of s. P»il a B. Lukacs: Cosaogenesis т tne said committee. Tne Geonomical Committee is an mterdisci- L. Jekt: on the stability of Nuclei 13 plinary body for general overview of tne natural sciences to de­ L. Diosi: On a Possible Link between Hon- velop new long-range connections among different discipiinesi tne Relativistic Gravitation and Quantisation .9 Subcommittee started in 1999. tries to follow (or trace bach) tne L. G. Baiaxs: Evolution of tne Galaxy гг steps of self-organisation of matter from tne Beginning to tne A. Grandplerre: Evolution of Stars 26 present, and tne result of its first symposium is this volume. Sz. Barcsa: Cosmic Abundances 36 However, no constructive method is Known to view "natural Si. Bérezi: solar System Evolution: Crystals Science' as a unit; the global picture is built UP from blocks and Planetary Bodies (a Review) ЭТ constructed by the separate discipiines. Still, an overview may Erzsébet IUés-Alaér: Evolution of Planetary Bodies «a give answers to old questions. For exanple, on all levels of 01— L. Cserepes: Convection in the Earth's Hantle: ganiaation tne actual path of evolution may be and is regarded Motor of the Geologic Evolution ы alternatively either as accidental or as predetermined. Such л. Jurtasz: Effect of Hegatectonic Processes questions nave connotations not only professional but phi losopm- on the Evolution of the Living world 65 cal. retigious. escnatological tc. as well, but we do not want to Sz. Bérezi a B. Lukacs: Evolution of the leave the grounds of strict natural science. Our present purpose Terrestrial Atmosphere 6« is to show up the availaDie most coherent picture as a starling A. S. Koch: The Evolution of Viruses? 69 point of any deduction. E. szathmáry: useful coding before Translation: As an example. for terrestrial evolution of matter же men­ tne Coning Coenzyme Handle Hypothesis for tion that life uses mainly the mest abundant elements of the uni­ verse. These abundances may or may not be accidental. but the an­ the origin of tne Genetic code 77 swer can come only from other discipiines. Similarly, tne condi­ Sz. Bérezi. В. Lukacs I 1. Molnar: On Phylogenesis et tions resulting m Earth had been produced by cosmologic, galac­ J. vernas a I. Molnar: A Mechanochemlcal Model tic and (presolar) stellar evolutionary steps, wh.ch, therefore, for Spatioteaporal Self-Reproduction 94 snould be simultaneously studied. I. Molnar: Organizational Rules, Morphogenetic Generally the lecturers of the symposium are experts of Transformations and Evolution 100 their own fields. The Organising Committee (the Editors) toon tne E. L»OOJ: on the Rise and Decline (SID) of the responsibility of selecting the actual persons, but tne texts are Brains 109 the lecturers' sovereign works. The plan of the symposium tried L. Kordos: тпе Human Evolution si? to establisn some links or overlaps. Some separated extra com­ Xgnes Holba а в. Lukács: How to Jump into ments of tne Editors may appear after texts (in tne gotmc ital­ Humanity: A Mathematical Reconstruction 125 ics of tne present introduction). witn a signature E. Of course. B. Lukacs: On the Thermodynamics of the •for tnese comments tne lecturers are not responsible. Evolution 130 we nope that tne volumr will promote some further muitidis- Concluding Remarks 136 ciplinary activities. The Ediiors tnank the Theory Department of the Particle and Nuclear institute of tne Central Research insti­ KFKI-1990-S0/C B. Lukacs t a), teds.): tute for physics for technical help. The edition was partly sup­ Evolution: from Cosmogenesis to Biogenesis ported by tne OTKA fund N* 177г. Editors (and Organising Committee) B. Lukacs (president). Sz. Berczi, I. Molnar, G. Paai Evolution of flatter Subcommittee of tne Geonomical Scientific Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciencss KrKi-t99o-so/e « . Cvolut.on.. /rom J*' *•"*•»« s a tenth section ot the Hungarian Academy of Sciences under the leadership of Szadeczki-Kardoss Elemér, the Commission having in interdisciplinary character from I have learnt with pleasure that the Working the beginning on. In the frame of this commission we Commission for Matter Development of the Geonomical wanted to develop the concept of changing-developing Commission ot the Hungarian Academy of Sciences will into a link connecting the sciences with one another organize a symposium with the title "Evolution: and so to counterbalance the disadvantages involved in the frittering away as a consequence of excessive Cosmogenesis Biogenesis". I remember that nearly specialization. This objective has been followed by a quarter of a century ago we conducted talks with the Commission for more than a decade and although it the geologist Szádeczki-Kardoss-Elemér and the happened sometimes that we cams into an impiss in the meteorologist Béli Béla about the problem how the course of our investigations, the present symposium Earth Sciences distributed in many branches could be is just showing that the combining force and activity grouped around a unified resarch conception not of the science does exist inflexibly end the young mentioned the fact that they have an objects from organizing staff possesses the ambition to further different domains of our Earth to be studied. During develop this idea. these discussions it has been conceived that the flow of matter and of energy could be the central nucleus Of course we do not claim a full ownership of around which various branches of science (geography, this idea, since the world-wilde development of geology, geophysics, meteorology, geodesy etc.) sciences shows that the boundaries of the various should be grouped, or even all the branches of branches of sciences are mere and more fading away natural sciences would be interested. So it has come and just even the frontier zones develop into the to the organization o* the first conference en most interesting domains of successful research. matter-and-energy-flow in 1967 and three more have vjy I «j:»55 m; irst wishes and hope for a fallowed. successful reac.*-. of the goal set or •-;'. least for an The idea has developed more and more in an approach to it. interdisciplinary way, since every branch of science is trying to change the static way of looking into a dynamic one, which includes also the concept of evolution. Taking into account this idea the Geonomic Commission has been organized in the .frame of tne Barta György President of the economical Commission Fellow of the Hungarian Academy of Science 2 PHYSICAL BACKGROUND TO EVOLUTIONARY STUDIES first measure« by Cavendish (1796;. 10 • Relativity, constant; esS.OOelO ев/s. KFKI-I990-50/C B. Lukjcs t a I Its constant, as velocity of light, first successfully mea­ B. Lukacs* к в. РааИ evciut.on: from Ccsmogenes.s to sured ьу Romer (UT5>. First signal f«r tne existent« of the fun­ •Central Resarch institute for Physics. H-i525 Bp. П». Pi. 49, damental phenomenon was the negative result ef Hichelson's exper­ Budapest, Hungary iment (1841) to measure Earth's velocity in the ether. The com­ 'Konkoly Observatory. H-1525 Bp. 11». Pf. 67. Budapest, Hungary plete theory is Special Relativity (Einstein, 1905).
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