SCIENCE AND SOCIETY Ecological Effects of the South-to- North Water Diversion Project on the Hanjiang River DU Yun, WANG Xuelei & CAI Shuming (CAS Institute of Geodesy & Geo-physics, Hubei Province’s Key Laboratory for Environment & Disaster Monitoring and Evaluation) he middle and lower reaches valley’s sustainable development. erside industrial or farming undertak- of the Hanjiang River are the The middle route of the South-to- ings and urban development. Tcenter of local economic de- North water Diversion Project will of- To promote a sustainable devel- velopment in the region. For a long fer unprecedented opportune opment in the River’s valley, the au- time the mother nature’s mighty force chances for the local development. thors of this article suggest that ef- and mankind’s infringement have led However, it will reshape the flowing forts should be made to conduct a to a series of ecological problems, volume and seasonal distribution of systematic and comprehensive evalu- such as flooding and water-logging the water resources in the River’s ation on the project’s impacts on the calamities, droughts, soil erosion & main waterway downstream off the local ecological surroundings and water loss, downgrade of environmen- Danjiangkou Reservoir, imposing in- socio-economic development, and to tal quality, shrinkage of wetland fluences in varied degrees on the anti- actively push forward a modern de- resources, posing threats to the flood water-works, water quality, riv- monstrative model for water conser- The giant dam at the outlet of the Danjiangkou Reservoir. 166 Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Vol.20 No.3 SCIENCE AND SOCIETY vancy in the valley. I. An Overview of the of Hubei Province. The central route of the ambitious Valley The valley is predominantly sub- South-to-North Water Diversion ject to a sub-tropical monsoon-domi- Project is a center piece for the na- Originating from the Qinling nated climate with 800--1,100mm in tional efforts to transfer water from Range in Shaanxi Province, the annual precipitation, which is usually the humid south to arid north, a grand Hanjiang River is the largest tributary concentrated in the period from May and strategic engineering initiative to of the Yangtze, with a full length of 1, to September. The uneven spatial and meet the water demands of the north 557 km and a drainage area up to 15. temporal distribution of the rainfall China. It is an urgent task to alleviate 9x10 4 km 2. Dan jian gko u a nd makes the region vulnerable to vari- the water shortage in north China by Nianpanshan separate the river into ous calamities such as flooding, wa- readjusting the spatial distribution of upper, middle and lower reaches. Its ter-logging and drought. It has a sur- 8 3 water resources in Chinese heartland. valley is located on the transitional face run-off trove up to 137.1x10 m Its operation will exert a far-reaching belt between arid north China and and underground water storage up 8 3 influence on China’s sustainable de- humid south China, serving as a link- to 55.8x10 m . After the deduction of velopment in the social and eco- age between the two regions. It is also repeated calculations, its water re- nomic aspects. Because such a huge a water transport passage, through sources yielded from the province it- 8 3 water shipment through different val- which coal is shipped from the north self has been registered to148.1x10 m leys is a complex and systematic to south and petroleum from west to while the annual average of water re- project, its impacts on the water east. It is expected to play a critical role sources flowing in from other prov- source region are an extremely com- in the all-round development of the cen- inces comes up to a total of 404. 8 3 plicated issue. Without the help of a tral China for the new century.[3,4] 4x10 m with a relatively lower fig- long-time and systematic hydrologi- ures per capita and per hectare of [5,6] cal monitoring and related research, 1. Natural environment water resources . it would be difficult to reach a scien- The middle and lower reaches of tific conclusion about the impacts. the Hanjiang River are situated in the 2 . S o c i o - e c o n o m i c The middle and lower reaches of the low-lying heartland of Hubei development Hanjiang River are Hubei Province’s Province. Its mainstream is 652 kilo- The middle and lower reaches of breadbasket and hub of manufactur- meters in full length, running through Hanjing River are noted for their fer- ing industries, acting as a power- 28 counties and cities with a total tile and broad land mass, huge house for the economic development drainage area of 6.4x104km2, includ- population, economic prosperity, and in the valley. The water-shifting ing 4.6x104km2 within the borderlines abundance in natural endowment. In project will change the annual run- off and seasonal distribution down- stream off the Danjiangkou Reservoir, making impacts in various degrees on inland navigation, water quality, farm- ing irrigation, industrial production and urban reconstruction, imposing a direct bearing on sustainable de- velopment of the valley in the new century.[1,2] So the water-shifting pro- gram will bring in both opportunities and challenges for the whole valley and needs a careful study. Danjiangkou Reservoir. Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Vol.20 No.3 167 SCIENCE AND SOCIETY 2000, the area yielded 815×104 tons of its urbanization and industrialization once in every 20 years. In addition, grain and its industrial output value of farming yields processing at the an accessory network is put into op- was 140.3 billion yuan, accounting for national frontline, the Hanjiang River eration for regulating the geographic 45.8% of the provincial total. Its GDP valley now acts as a powerhouse for layout of the water resources, which reached 155.7 billion yuan, making up t h e P r o v i n c e ’ s e c o n o m i c is composed of 1,471 reservoirs in 36.4% of the province’s correspond- development. The region along the varied sizes, totaling 63.7x108m3 in ing figure. river’s mainstream between Wuhan, aggregate storage capacity. Its irri- The area is a national base for capital of the province, and Shiyan gation culverts and riverside water developing comprehensive and en- city is a flourishing belt of the auto- gates can supply 128 x108m3 of the vironment-friendly farming produc- mobile manufacturing industry. river’s water to farmlands each year. tion and diversified economies in the Thanks to the half-a-century So, in a normal year, the system is countryside as well as main produc- strenuous efforts, an engineering able to meet the demands for water ers of cereal, cotton and edible oil in system capable of bringing floods and consumption of industrial or farming China. Out of the 100 top cereal- and water-logging calamities under con- undertakings in the area. Along the cotton-yielding counties across the trol takes its initial shape, featuring river’s mainstream, a cascade-shaped country, nine and 15 are in the area its riverside embankment and engineering system is designed to respe ctively. Its fresh water Danjiangkou Reservoir. Including the conduct an all-round exploitation of aquiculture is well-known for its fish- flood-diversion area at Dujiatai and the water resources in the valley, farming potential and now becomes 14 civilian reserves for flood storage functioning as a key project of water one of the largest inland aquatic bases in a rainy season, the system now conservancy for hydropower throughout the country. Because of can stand against the worst deluge generation, inland navigation and water supply. Its inauguration will lay a solid foundation for the rational uti- lization of the valley’s water resources and modernization of the whole area. II. Major Eco- environmental Problems The sustained development of the water resources is a precondition to the whole area’s sustainable development. In the wake of the rapid progress scored by the local socio- economic development, the pressure on the carrying capacity of the local environment and resources is on rise, leading to a variety of ominous de- velopments in the area, including higher frequency of flooding, water- logging and drought events, intensi- fied soil erosion and water loss, wa- ter quality degeneration in the area’s A diagram showing the gradient profile along the Hanjiang River’s mainstream. hydrological setting, shrinkage in the 168 Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Vol.20 No.3 SCIENCE AND SOCIETY area’s wetland resources and snagged management system. This has become a restrictive factor for the valley’s sound development. 1. The uneven precipitation distribution leads to an increase in floods and droughts Since the 1950s, the area has been hit by seven disastrous floods. As the standards for the anti-flood- ing engineering projects were not high enough, a 581-km-long substan- dard embankment in the area failed to reach the designing requirements. Most riverside reserves for flood di- version could not work properly when put in operation. The result was huge economic losses inflicted by the flood diversion. In the middle reaches of the river, there are many knolls or hilly districts, where the lack of a well-func- tioning setting for water storage led to their unfavorable climatic condi- tions and exotic landforms. After a A map showing the central route for the national water diversion program. downpour, it was very difficult to local people forced to drill wells for immediately slashed down into the make use of the runoff as the latter is their survival and the River’s branch River as pollutants while the majority running away very soon or leaks be- Dongjinhe had its normal flow dried of the urban sewage and industrial neath the ground while the under- off temporarily.
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