Page A-6 TORRANCE PRESS Sunday, October 7, TELEVISION LOG FOR THE WEEK SUNDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY OCTOBER 7 OCTOBER 8 OCTOBER 9 OCTOBER 10 OCTOBER 12 OCTOBER 13 V 12:00 ( 4) World Series 12:00 < 2 Burns and Alien 12.00 ( 2) Buvns and AMen 12:00 ( 2) Burns and Alien 12:00 ( 2) burns and Alien 12:00 ( 2) Sky King ( 7) Directions '63 ( 4) Merv Griffin ( 4) Merv Griffin ( 4) Jan Murray (C) ( 4) Jan Murray ( 5) Movie ( 9) Movie ( 7) Jane Wyman ( 7) Jane Wyman ( 7) Jane Wyman ( 7) Jane Wyman ( 7) Bugs Bunny (11) World Series (11) Sheriff John ( 9) Cartoonsville ( 9) Cartoonsville ( 9) Cartoonsville ( 9) Movie <1H> Oral Kobma ( 9) Cartoonsville (11) Sheriff Johr (11) Sheriff John (11) Sheriff John (13) Hour of Stars 12:30 ( 5) Telesports Digest (13) Midday Roport (13) Midday Report (13) Midday News (13) Midday Report 12:30 ( 2) Football Kickoff ( 7) Pro Football 12:15 (13) Milestones 12:15 (13, Milestones 12:15 (13) Milestones (13) Milestones ( 4> Watch Mr. Wizard Buffalo at Houston 12:30 < 2> As World Turns 12:dO i 2> As World Turn* 12:30 ( 2) As World Turns < 2) As World Turns ( 7) Magic Land of (13) Business ( 5) Divorce Hearing ( 5) Night Court ( 7) Camouflage ( 7) Camouflage Alakazam Opportunities ( 7) Camouflage > ( 7) Camouflage (13) Racket Squad (13) Racket Squad 12:45 ( 2) NCAA Football f 1:00 ( 5) Movie Oklahoma at Texas (13) Racket Squad (13) Racket Squad i 2) Password . i!3« VOK "» Calvary 1:00 ( 2) Password 1:00 ( 4) Movie 1:00 ( 2t Password 1:00 (2) Password I 4) Loretta Voung ( 4) Loretta Young "The Scraf" 1:30 (13) Cal's Corral John Ireland ( 4) Loretta Young ( 4) Loretta Young ( 5) Movie ( 5) Movie ( 7) My Friend FUt*.§_ 1:45 ( 2) Extra Point ( 5) Movie ( 5) Movie ( 7) Love That Bob ( 7) Love That Bob (11) Movie ( 4) Baseball Wrapup ( 7) Love That Bob ( 7) Love That Bob ( 9) Movie ( 9) Movie (13) Bowling (11) Scoreboard ( 9) Movie ( 9) Movie (11) Topper (IP Topper 1:30 ( 7) Movie (13) Movie 2:00 (-2) Washington Report (11) Topper (11) Topper (13) Felix the Cat (13) Felix the aCt 2:00 ( 5) Movie ( 4) Covenant (13) Felix the Cat (13) Felix the Cat 1:30 ( 2) House Party ( 2) House Party ( 9) Movie ( 4) Voung Dr. Malone ( 9) Movie Kino's Row" 1:30 ( 2; House Party 1:30 ( 2) House Party ( 4) Dr. Malone (11) Movie Ronald Reagan ( 4) Dr. Mal',»ne ( 4) Young Dr. Malone ( 7) December Bride ( 7) December Bride "Sea of Grass" At Spencer Tracy ^* 2:15 (11) Movie ( 7) December Bride ( 7) December Bride (13) Movie (11) 26 Men 2:30 ( 2) Teen-Age Trials 2:30 ( 4) Why Teacher (11) 26 Men (11) 26 Mcu 2:00 ( 2) Millionaire (13) Movie (11) Home Show ( 4) College Report (13) Movie (13) Movie ( 4) Danny Thomas 2:00 ( 2) Millionaire 3:00 (4) Teacher '62 ( 5) Championship Races 2:00 ( 2) The Millionaire 2:00 ( 2> Milllona're ( 7) Day in Court ( 4) Danny Thomas (13) Movie 3:00 ( 2) Viewpoint ( 4) Danny Thomas ( 4) Danny Thomas ( 9) Movie ( 7) Day in Court 3:30 ( 4) Ornamental World ( 4) Dr. Baxter ( 9) Mpvie ( 7) Day in Court (11) Movie ( 9) Movie (.5) Cannonball 3:30 ( 2) L.A. Report. ( 7) Day,in Court ( 9) Movie "The Hoodlum Priest" (11) Movie ( 7) 1 >rama ( 4) Movie (11) Movie William PoweM "Comrade X" (11) Movie ''Yellow Tomahawk" (11) Movie "Sinner Take AH" Clark Gable "Saratoga" Clark Gabli Bruce Cabot 2:30 ( 2) To Tell the Truth 3:45 (2) Scoreboard Pory Calhoyn 2:30 ( 2) To Tell the Truth 2:30 ( 2) To Tell the Truth 2:30 ( 2) To Tell the Truth ( 4) Here's Hollywood 4:00 ( 2) Extra Point 4.00 ( 2) Political Primer ( 4) Here's Hollywood ( 4) Here's Hollywood ( 4) Here's Hollywood ( 7) Seven Keys ( 4) The Red Myth ^ ( 7) Issues and Answers ( 7) Seven Keys ( 7) Seven Keys ( 7) Seven Keys 3:00 ( 2) Secret Storm ( 5) Californians ( 9) End of Communism 3:00 (2) Secret Storm ( 7) Exclusively 3:00 ( 2) Secret Storm 3:00 (2) Secret Storm ( 4) Frandseu Feature (11) Trojan Huddle ( 4) Frandsen Feature ( 4) Frandsen Feature Outdoors 4:30 ( 2) Communism ( 4) Frahdsen Feature ( 5) Tips 'n' Tricks ( 9) Movie ( 5) Tips 'n' Tricks . ( 7) Queen for t Day ( 5) Tips and Tricks ( 7) Editor's Choice ( 5) News Tips & Tricks < 7) Queen for a Day 4:15 ( 2) Sports (13) Felix the Cat ( 7) Queen for a Daj ( 9) Mr. D.A. ( /> Queen for a Day (13) Felix the Cat 4:30 (2) Reading Room 3:30 ( 2) Edge of Night (13) Felix the Cat (11) Football Game (13) Felix-the Cat 3:30 ( 2) Edge of Night 3:30 ( 2) Edge of Night ( 4) Agriculture USA USC v*. Iowa 3:30 ( 2) Edge of Night ( 4) Movie ( 4) Movie GOING MY WAY—-Gene Kelly stars as zestful Father ( 5) Bowling Tourney "Daybreak" Ann Tedd ( 4) Movie (13) Social Security ( 4) Movie "All Ashore" Chuck O'Malley in the new series seen every Wednes­ "The Invisible Woman" ( 7) World of Sportt Mickey Roonay ( 5) Skipper Frank John Barrymore Trenton $PO Automobfl* "fha Souera Pet" day night at 8:30 p.m. on ABC-TV, Channel 7. Race and Grand Prlx Da 4:45 (13) Changing Times Norman Wisdom ( 5) Skipper Frank- ( 15) Skipper Frank ( 7) Who Do You Trust? ( 7) Who Do You Trust L Arc Da Trlomphe. 5:00 ( 2) Amateur Hour ( 5) Skipper Frank ( 7) Who Do You Trustl (13) Movie f/j 4:00 ( 2) Amos 'n' Andy 4:00 ( 2) Amos *n' Ancw ( 7) Discovery ( 4) Jewish Holidays ( 7) Who Do You Trust1 4:00 ( 2) Amos 'n' Andy 5:00 ( 2) Movie ( ? > American Bandsttnc ( 7) American Bandstand ( 9) Here's Uncle Johnny "Nightmare" ( 5) Popeye Cartoons ( 2) Amos 'n' Andy THURSDAY ( 7) American Bandstand ( 9) Birthday Express ( 9) Birthday Express OCTOBER 11 (11) Mickey Mouse Club Etlward G. Robinson ( 7) Great Conversations ( 7) American Bandstand (11) 3 Stooges (11) 3 Stooges ( 9> Birthday Express ( 4) NFL Hilites ( 9) Birthday Express 12:00 ( 2) Burns and Alien 5:00 ( 2) Mbvie ( 9) Ten-Twenty 4:30 ( 2) Life ol Riley 4:30 < 2) Life of Kiley "The Black Book" (11) 3 Stooges 5:30 ( 4) Captain Gallant ( 4) Jan Murray (C) Robert Cummlna* (13) Fashions (11) 3 Stooges ( 5) Popeye Cartoons ( 5) Popeye Cartoons 4:30 ( 2) Life of Riley ( 5) Hopalong Cassidy 4:30 ( 2) Life of Riley ( 7) Discovery ( 7) Jane Wyman ( 7) Zoorama ( 9) Movie 5:30 ( 2) College Bowl ( 7) Discovery ( 9) Playhouse Nine ( 5) Popeye Cartoons ( 4) Bullwinkle ( 5) Popeye Cartoons ( 9) Here's Uncle Johnny (11) Superman 6:00 ( 4) News, Sports (11) Mickey Mouse Club ( 9) Here's Uncle Johnny (11) Sheriff John ( 7) Discovery ( 5) Perspective ( 7) Press Conference ( 7) Discovery (13) Midday Report . (13) Thaxton's Hop 5:00 ( 2) Movie (11) Mickey Mouse Club ( 9) Here's Uncle Johnny ( 7) Lawrence Welk ( 9) Champ Bowling ( 9) Here's Uncle Johnny 12:15 (13) Milestones 5:30 ( 5) Bozo "The Texan*" 5:00 ( 2) Movie ( 7) Soupy Sales (11) Mickey Mouse Show (11) Dan Smoot (11) Mickey Mouse Club Joan Bennett "Ruggles of Red Gap" 12:30 2) As World Turns (13) The New You 5:00 ' (2) Movie ;. v: (13) Parade of Hits ^ ( 7) Zoorama Charles Laughton ( 7) Camouflage ( 9) Lone Ranger '": "Pillow te Post" 6:15 ( 4) Wyatt Earp * 6:00 ( 2) 20th Century 5:00 ( 2) Movie (7) Zoorama "Pollster* and Politic!" "Tha Great Man> Lady" (11) Superman (13) Racket Squad (11) Casper Ida Lup'no (11) Builders' Showcase Barbara Stanwyck (13) Thaxton's Hop ( 7) Zoorama ; ( 4) Meet the Press (11) Superman 1:00 ( 2) Password 5:45 (4) Curt Massey ( ) 6:30 (11) The Islanders ( 7) Zooramt 5:30 ( 5) Bozo (13) Tbaxton's Hop (11) Superman . ' ( 5) Invisible Man ( D soupy Salee ( 4) Loretta Young 6.00 ( 4) a) (13) News (13) Danger Is My (11) Superman 5:30 ( 5) Bozo ( 5) Movie (13) Thaxton's Hop Business ( 7) Beany and Cecil (13) Thaxton's Hop ( 9) Lone Ranger ( 5 Bozo the Clown ( 7) Soupy Sales ( 7) Love That Bob ( 9) Supercar 5:30 ( 5),:Bozo 6:45 ( 2) News-Jerry DunphJ (13) Newsroom 5:30 ( 5) Bozo (11) Casper ( 9) Movie T7) Soupy Sales ( 9) Lone Ranger (11) Highway Patrol ( 4) Bob Wright News 6:30 ( 2) Password ( 7) Soupy Sales 5:45 ( 4) Curt Massey (C) (11) Topper ( 9) Lone Ranger (11) Casper 6:15 ( 4) (7) (9) (13) Newt 7:00 ( 2) Sea Hunt ( 4) McKeever and ( 9) Lone Ranger 6:00 ( 4) (13) News (13) Felix the Cat (11) Casper ( 4) Biography Colonel ( 5) Bozo the Clown 5:45 ( 4) Curt Massey (C) (11) Casper 1:30 ( 2) House Party (13) Weather and Sports 5:45 ( 4) Curt Massey (C) Biography of ThwdWt ( 5) Polka Parade ( 9) Supercar tt.UO i 4) (7) (9) (13) News ( 4) Young Tr. Malone 6:30 ( 2) (5) News Roosevelt 5:45 ( 2) Curt Massey (C) (11) Highway Pa'rol ( 7) December Bride 6:00 ( 4) (7) (9) (13) Newt ( 5) Jeff's Collie ( 7) Winston Churchhill 6:00 < 4) (7) (13) News ( 9) Supercar ( 4) Huntley-Brinkley ( 7) Fight of the Week f 6:15 (4) (7) News (11) Highway Patrol ( 9) Kingdom of Sea ( 9) Supercar ( 9) Maverick ( 9) Supercar (13) Weather and Sports (11) 26 Men ( 9) Cartoon Express ^ (11) Highway Patrol ( 9) The Deputy (11) Highway Patrol 6:05 ( 4) Weather-Sports (C) (13) Adventure Theatre (13) Ad entures In 6:30 ( 2) (5) News (13) Movie (11) Space Angel 6:15 ( 4) CD News Sports i 6:05 ( 4) Weather-Sportj - 6-15 ( 4) (7) News (13) Cartoons 7:30 (2) Jackie Gleason ( 4) Huntley-Brinkley 2:00 ( 2) Millionaire (13) Weather and Sports 7:00 ( 2) Lassie 6^5 ( 4) (7) (9) New ( 9) Cartoon Express (13) Weather and Sports ( 4) Danny Thomts 6:35 (11) Dick Tracy ( 4) Sam Benedict ( 4) Ensign O'Toole (13) Weather and Sports (11) Space Angel 6:30 ( 2) (5) News ( 7) Day in Court 6:45 ( 4) (5) (11) News 6:30 ( 2) (5) News ( 5) Yancy Derringer ( 9) Movie ( 4) Huntley-Brinkley ( 9) Movie ( 7) Father Knows Best 6:30 ( 2) (5) News (13) Cartoons ( 4) Huntley-Brinkley 7:00 (4) Science in Action "The Little Princess" (11) Movie "Suroerv for Strokes" (9) Cartoon Express Shlrley Temple (11) Movie ( 4) Hundey-Brinkley 6:45 ( 4) (5) (11) News ( 9) Cartoon Express "W«"»t Point of the Air' "Out Wait with tha ( 5) Beat fhe Odds (11) Space Angel (11) Best of Groucho ( 9) Cartoon Express 7:00 ( 4) 7 Seas (11) Space Angel Robert Taylor ( 7) Guestward Ho! Hardy*" Mickey Pooney "Second Time Wa» tnt" (13) Cartoons 2.30 ( 2) To Tell the Truth (13) Beachcomber Bill '(13) It Is Written (13) The Bitter End (11) Space Angel ( 9) People Are Funny ( 5) Beat the Odds 6:35 (11) Dick Tracy ( 4) Here's PMlywood 7:00 ( 4) Hennesey 7:45 ( 7) Sports Final 7:30 ( 2) Dennis the Menace (13) Cartoons ( 7) Ripcord (11) Yogi Bear 6:40 (11) Weather 3:00 ( 2) Secret Storm (13) Adventure ( 5) Beat the Odds 8:00 ( 5) Restless- Gun - ( 4) Walt Disney (C) 6:35 (11) Mr.
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