Electron-Scale Processes in the Solar Wind and Magnetosphere by Yuguang Tong A dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Physics in the Graduate Division of the University of California, Berkeley Committee in charge: Professor Stuart D. Bale, Chair Professor Forrest S. Mozer Professor Eliot Quaertet Summer 2019 Electron-Scale Processes in the Solar Wind and Magnetosphere Copyright 2019 by Yuguang Tong 1 Abstract Electron-Scale Processes in the Solar Wind and Magnetosphere by Yuguang Tong Doctor of Philosophy in Physics University of California, Berkeley Professor Stuart D. Bale, Chair Plasma, one of the four fundamental states of matter, prevails the universe and accounts for 90% of the known masses. Interaction between the solar wind, a space plasma with solar origin, and the terrestrial magnetic field shapes the space climate that is crucial for our modern society that heavily dependent on electricity, electronics and satellites. Waves ubiquitously grow, propagate, interact with other waves and plasmas, and eventually damps away in plasmas, significantly altering plasma dynamics and energy transport. Measurements of both plasma particles and electromagnetic fields allow probing wave-plasma interactions of interest. Part one of the thesis presents a few new results relating to the electron heat flux in the solar wind. Electron heat flux is a poorly understood quantity in weakly collisional or collisionless astrophysical and space plasmas, but it is crucial to modeling large scale systems such as galaxy clusters and stellar winds. We present a statistical study of the electron heat flux in the solar wind and confirm that it is bounded from above by power laws of electron beta. We consider various collisionless processes that potentially reduce the heat flux. In particular, the whistler heat flux instability (WHFI) has long been considered to constrain heat flux in the high beta regime. We show for the first time local generation of whistler waves in the solar wind using high-cadence simultaneous particles and wave measurements onboard ARTEMIS spacecraft. We present the statistical properties of the whistler waves in the solar wind at 1 AU, with evidence supporting WHFIs generating the observed whistler waves. However, we argue that the wave amplitude is too small to effectively reduce the electron heat flux. Accompanied by the electron heat flux is measurable electron bulk drifts with respect to the solar wind protons, which significantly modify Landau resonance of kinetic Alfv´enwaves (KAWs). We consider the effects of potential KAW instabilities in the context of electron heat flux inhibition. Part two of the thesis considers a type of electrostatic structure known as the electron phase space hole (EPSH). It is formed in the non-linear stage of plasma streaming instabilities and remains highly stable for long duration. We address for the first time 3D configuration of EPSHs by analyzing multi-spacecraft (using NASA MMS) passing of the same EPSH. 2 The length scale perpendicular to the background magnetic field is directly measured with significant implications to electron motions inside EPSHs. In addition, statistical study of such multi-spacecraft observation reveals strong correlation among parameters of fast EPSHs. i To Yue Pan, Xiaomu Yu and Jingou Tong ii Contents Contents ii List of Figures iv List of Tables xii 1 Introduction 1 1.1 The Sun . 1 1.2 The solar wind, Earth's magnetosphere, and solar-terrestrial physics . 2 1.3 Solar wind and magnetosphere as plasma physics laboratories . 3 1.4 Social impacts of space weather . 5 1.5 Goals of this thesis . 6 2 Plasma physics, linear waves and electron holes 7 2.1 Linear dispersion relation of a plasma wave . 7 2.2 Fluid treatment . 8 2.3 Kinetic treatment . 9 2.4 Some linear modes of interest . 11 2.5 Electron holes . 17 3 Spacecraft and Instruments 20 3.1 Missions . 20 3.2 Electrostatic Detectors . 22 3.3 Magnetometers . 22 3.4 Electric field . 26 4 Electron heat flux in the solar wind at 1 AU: WIND observation 30 4.1 Introduction . 30 4.2 Dataset . 32 4.3 Electron heat flux observations . 35 4.4 Collisionless processes in the high-beta solar wind . 37 4.5 Collisionless processes in the low beta solar wind . 45 4.6 Conclusions . 49 iii 5 Effects of Electron Drift on the Collisionless Damping of Kinetic Alfv´en Waves in the Solar Wind 51 5.1 Introduction . 51 5.2 Theory and method . 53 5.3 Results . 54 5.4 Discussion and conclusion . 58 6 Whistler Wave Generation by Halo Electrons in the Solar Wind 61 6.1 Introduction . 61 6.2 Observations . 62 6.3 Analysis . 67 6.4 Discussion and Conclusion . 71 7 Statistical Study of Whistler Waves in the Solar Wind at 1 AU 73 7.1 Introduction . 74 7.2 Data and Methodology . 75 7.3 Whistler wave occurrence . 82 7.4 Whistler wave intensity . 85 7.5 Whistler wave frequency . 87 7.6 Discussion . 91 7.7 Conclusion . 96 8 Multi-spacecraft Observation of Electron Phase Space Holes 98 8.1 Introduction . 98 8.2 Observations . 99 8.3 3D electron hole configuration . 103 8.4 Discussion and Conclusions . 106 Bibliography 107 A ARTEMIS Intervals 119 B Electron Hole Velocity Measurement 128 B.1 Two spacecraft interferometry . 128 B.2 Four spacecraft interferometry . 128 B.3 Other diagnostics . 131 C Fitting Three Dimensional Electron Holes 136 C.1 Models and optimization procedures . 136 C.2 Observed E(t) versus best fit E(t) . 139 iv List of Figures 1.1 Diagram of Earth's magnetosphere. 3 2.1 Schematic diagram showing the dispersion relation of whistler waves in a cold plasma. 13 2.2 Phase velocities of three MHD modes. 15 2.3 Example snapshots of the evolution of the phase space density f(x; vx) in a 1D PIC simulation of the two-stream instability. The simulation is described in Oppenheim, Newman, and Goldman (1999). The figure is accessed from www.bu.edu/tech/support/research/visualization/gallery/epstornado. 17 3.1 Top view and cross section view of the basic top hat plasma spectrometer first introduced by Carlson et al. (1982), who referred to it as a symmetric quadri- sphere, this top hat ESA design has been used extensively in space missions. This illustration is adapted from Carlson et al. (1982) . 24 3.2 A schematic diagram illustrating the working principle of a basic fluxgate mag- netometer. Taken from Verscharen, Klein, and Maruca (2019). 25 3.3 Schematic diagrams for cylindrical dipole antennas and spherical double probes. 27 3.4 Schematic diagram illustrating the working principle of the electron drift technique. 28 4.1 Schematic diagram for electron populations. Courtesy of Marc Pulupa. 32 4.2 Measured solar wind electron distribution functions and fits. The top two panels show f(v) in the slow solar wind (vsw 381 km/s), with f(v?) in panel (a) ≈ and f(vk) in panel (b). Hollow squares show the EESA-L data, while asterisks mark the EESA-H data and small black dots mark the 1-count level for each detector. The red curve in panel (a) is the fit to the measured f(v?). The green curve in panel (b) is the fit to f(vk). The strahl appears clearly as an enhanced field-aligned feature which is limited in energy. Panels (c) and (d) show the same features in the fast solar wind (vsw 696 km/s). 33 4.3 Frequency distribution of core electron≈ drift with respect to suprathermal electron drift. 34 v 4.4 (a) Histogram of the ratio between the measured electron heat flux qe over the Spitzer-H¨armheat flux qsh. (b) Frequency distribution of qe=qsh against core electron parallel beta βcjj. .............................. 36 4.5 (a) Frequency distribution of normalized heat flux with respect to core electron parallel beta. (b) Normalized distribution of normalized heat flux with respect to core electron parallel beta. 38 4.6 Distribution of normalized core electron drift versus core electron parallel beta. 39 4.7 Distribution of electron heat flux against core electron parallel beta overplot with linear instability thresholds of KAW and WHFI. 39 4.8 Median strahl electron density in the plane of normalized heat flux and core electron parallel beta. 42 4.9 (a) Frequency distribution of halo electron temperature anisotropy with respect to halo parallel beta. (b) Median heat flux values as a function of halo electron temperature anisotropy and halo electron parallel beta. 44 4.10 Constraint on drift velocity by marginal instabilities of KAWs. 46 4.11 Dependence of the wavenumbers of the unstable KAW modes on core electron beta. 47 5.1 Schematic diagram for the plasma considered in this letter. We annotate the parallel wave phase speed vres = !r=kk for our resonance analysis in Section 5.3. 53 5.2 (a)-(b): Dispersion relation of KAWs in plasmas for different δvc. !r and !i are the real and imaginary parts of the wave frequency. ρp vT p=Ωp is the proton p ≡ gyro-radius, vT p 2kBTp=mp is the proton thermal speed, and Ωp eB0=mpc ≡ ≡ is the proton gyro-frequency. (c): Total particle heating rates (Ptotal, solid lines) and wave energy dissipation rates (1 e2!iT , dots) as functions of wavenumber. 56 − 5.3 Dependence of Pproton (a), Pelectron (b), Pcore(c) and Phalo (d) on k?ρp in plasmas with varying δvc. ................................... 57 5.4 Ratio of energy partition between electrons and protons as a function of electron drift. 58 6.1 ARTEMIS observations in the pristine solar wind on November 9, 2010 about 40 Earth radii upstream of the Earth's bow shock: (a) quasi-static magnetic field; (b) ion bulk velocity in the GSM coordinate system; (c,d) electron and ion densities and temperatures; (e) wavelet power spectrum of one of the magnetic field components perpendicular to the quasi-static magnetic field; we use a Morlet wavelet with center frequency !0 = 32 as the mother wavelet and normalize the wavelet power (W 2) by the white noise power (σ2); (f) the coherence coefficient between magnetic field components Bx and By perpendicular to the quasi-static magnetic field; (g) cos θkB indicating obliqueness of the whistler waves (k and B are the wave vectorj and thej quasi-static magnetic field).
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