FlEE GOLD STAMps SUI President Virgil M. Hancher (left) con­ ceive Iwnorary degrees. StYllUSS also delio­ A portion of tl u~ 1,390 stluienls who receioed fers with Ll?wis L. Strauss (ce lll er) and Rich- ered t/le Commencement address. degrees Friday are 81wwn filing into the -Plloto by Joe UppillCOU anI Shope Thursday. Slw:..p_ea1_u:l_S_tr_a_us_s_r_e_-______...... ________~ ___________________---'- _______-. ___ ,.---.,- ____ HOT Partly ~Iovdy -' CMtlnueti qilite warm 4111d. hvm d throueh tonlt"t. Scatt--' show.. .nd tttvncl.r.~ ,",y. end In oil owan 1101111 portion ....I, ht. Hith hlUr Serving the State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City IS to H. Associated Preas Leased Wlret aod WireDboto Iowa City. Iowa, 8,1963 Army ROTC grads lake tll"ir officer's oath Friday morning. The Army commissiollcci18 as second lieutenants. The Air ------------------------~-------- -----------------------------------------------------------------~------------ Force commi.ssiolled 15, Today/s News in Brief SCHWENGEL AWARDED, Con- charged wilh conspiracy in lhe gressman Fred Schwengel (R- Keith Wilson Hatchery burglary, ra uates ear trauss Iowa) has been awarded the Alger- .... non Sydney Sullivan Awal'd by GAS EXPLOSION A series of Lincoln Memorial University, Har- propane gas tanks blew up in a rogate, Tenn. Schwengel delivered spectacular explosion at the Eagle the commencement address at that lron Works in Des Moines Friday. university Monday, No one was injured but one fire· New Office Hours 1st Service Profumo Asks No Visit Roads to P ac The award is conferred jointly man was overcome in 9O·degree each year by the New York South- weather. He was treated aDd re­ For Summer Go . ' . h ern Society in conjunction with leased. Officials said lire developed Lincoln Memorial University to While gas was being transferred Into Elfect Monday Awards Given With Queen Ehzabet II those who, "because o( the quality into a tank from a loader. LONDON til - John Profumo, olher Torle have done - that more Are Emphasized SU I be9ins special 7:30 a.m. to center of a party girl scandal, shocks may be coming. ATO of their lives. are judged to be ap- ••• 4:30 p.m. hollrl for ,Il depart· SUI's June graduates were told Iment of t rror and d trucllon. propriate recipienls of that dis- PICKETS FOR JFK. President mellts and oHices Monday. spared Queen E~belh . 1l em bar- Speaklnll in ,.Exeler, be said; "I TO 3 T0 d of al Comm ncement exercise. 1<·rl. The Co!llmencl'm nt Ii)'X' ker, 00 ay ras ment by begglDg off FrIday think the eplsod fro Profumo IPS tinelion. Kennedy came to Los Angeles The ~w sc;h9dule, which Is In· . lh' . tT d Renr Adnural LeWIS L. rau. • •• a political expedition Friday, and tended to ptM'llit University staH from the .tr~ dltional audi.e~ce for- is extremely serious. It has ex- day mornmg o. selen IIC an (r t.), former chIJlrmlln or the PARENTS ALONE. The next civil righls pickets promptly set I119mb.rs to take advantage of Meredith Willson, mally reslgnmg as war mlnlster. tremely riou8 implication. Th re 1 chnologleal a vel 0 \) men ta - Atomic Energy Commi. ion, lold meeting of "Parents Alone" will be up an around-the-clock demonstra­ the cooler morning hours ,nd His secrel ilIicil affair with a arc aspects of il now under re­ atomic nergy, automation, Im- UI' 1963 cia. that all \h gain Earl Hall, Witte pretty redhead, Christine Keeler, view which would make iL quite im· held in the Council Chamber of the tion at his hotel. "gain" an 'lItra half hour of day­ proved communlcal!on and control nd reward., opport~mities and 22, de cribed in Parlillmcnl as a proper for me to comment." Iowa City Civic Center at 8 p.m. Kennedy didn't cross the picket Iight in the aft.rnoore, will be in To Be Honored of d' a.e _ put an increa in, bl 1."j:S lh t are po Ible ~c U. June 12. line established by CORE, the Con- force throll9h Allg. 31. call girl, has provoked a major Prolumo resigned Wedne day ,. of SCI nUfic • nd t chnolol[lrnl ad- A former Iowan of natipnlll rl'­ sca Dd~1 that has hakcq the Con- aClet admittJng he lied to th llou e pr~mlum on bram pow r Bul, he VanCC5 arr b d on the III lIII.tn. The purpos-e of the association is gress of Racial EquaIil·ll. wbich The preten" II!IOI\. to 1 .p.m. nown and- two Iowa community to bring together persons who have pres ed a demand (or presidential lunch hour will remain in eff.d, servaltve government. of Commons to cover his illicit af­ warned, th y caD be u d a lnstru- nc of pc 1'. leaders today will be the first per­ Britain's opposition Labor party fair wIth Miss Keeler. been widowed, divorced or sepal'at- "moral leadership now to end this sons to receive Distinguished Serv­ * * * Strall. ~ aid that thcr ar(' two ed and are confronted with the racial nightmare.' ' will launch its assault 00 Prime The queen, in line with protocol, way to se ur peace, bul h d· ice Awards from SUI under a new Mini ter Harold Macmillan and his commanded Profumo to arrive lit problems that arise when one be- The chief executive landed on the No National Rules University program. elared that on of them. "pe cc comes the sole parent in a family holel roof in helicopter. There government as soon as Parllament Buckingham Palace on Tuesday a Meredith WUlson, composer, con­ through appeasement," a propo d situation. were no pickets there. For Coe Greeks returns from a rece s June 17. morning to yield his seal or office. Education by Brill. h philosoph r. Lord B r­ dUctor and author; W. Earl Hall, political sources said. The command brought immediate The association is still in the or- * * * retired Mason City newspaperman; tram Russell, would be the peace ganizational stage olnd all inlerest- WORKER RESCUED. Workers in CEDAR RAPIDS IA'I - The Coe The Laborites plan a lwo·pronged protests from both main parties. of Lhe gray for maoy and pea or College Board of 'l'rustees Friday and John H. Witte Jr., Burlington attack - eilher that British secur- Profumo's lawyers issued tbis ed persons may attend. Parkersburg, W. Va. Friday res- businessman, will be honored at slavery for lho who survive. "Th told the school's sororities and fra­ Jty (ailed to warn Macmillan of statement Friday; Must Continue men who founded the Unlled States • •• cued a construction worker who ternities they have complete free­ the All-Alumni Luncheon at 12 ;30 his war min Isler's secret love life, "Although he realizes that il is SCHOOLS CLOSE . The Iowa City was pinned under tons of rock p.m. today in the Main Lounge of would have tUrn d from such coun· dom in choice of members, but that or that Macmillan, once warned, Her Majc ty'S normal cuslom to el witli dlsdam and disbelief," he public schools will close today with which crashed down from the roof membership must not be subject to thp Iowa Memorial Union. failed to boot the 48-year-old Pro· receive a minister after he has re- the distribution o( report cards at o( a Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Says Hancher aid. approval by the national organiza­ Willson, who grew up in Mason fumo from office. signed, Mr, Profumo has in aU lhe "Th re i anoth r road to peace. 10 ;30 a.m. tunnel. The extent o( his injuries tion or persons not sludents at Coe. City. has long been active in cbari- Some Conservatives demanded circumstances begged leave to be Pre ident Virgil M. Hancher lold • • * was 'not known immediately. II is peace through lrength," The statement of policy was aim· table work as well as the field of that Macmillan get off the golf excused an audience. He has been graduates at SUI Comm nc ment Straus laid. It i a long road r • PLEADS GUILTY. Edward G. Another victim of the faU was ed at preventing use by sororities music. His fame has come through links and back to Whitehall. He ha.s told that his reque t ha been exercise Friday morning that Utl­ still missing and believed dead. qUlrlng elf-dcnialund vigila nce, he Gerdes, 32, pleaded guilty Friday and fraternities of rulings or such accomplishments as the hit spent the past crisis-torn week on granted." less they continue to learn, they contlllued. to forging endor ement on checks • • * clauses set up by a national organ­ musical "Music Man", but he is vacation and aides say he has no The redhe.ad who brought Pro- will become obsolele. "It n Cl'. Ilnt a di criminating taken in an $8,000 burglary at the NO SCHOOL . Pickets blocked ization to prevent pledging of also the founder and past president intention of returning to London fumo to pohlical ruin watch~ in In hi tradition III charge to the ear to recognIze the well-cloaked Keith Wilson Hatchery May 20. buses and prevenled about 500 chil­ ethni c or religious minorities. of the Big Brotbers of Los Angeles. before Monday. lhe Old Bailer Court as JammC8D graduates, the SUI president aid ; propaltonda of an implacable ne· Pronouncement of sentence has dren from attending school Friday The statement said the local or­ Hall , who recently retired as edi- Lord Poole, joint chairman of N~gro. Aloy IUS Gordon, 31, v:a "If this University has taughl you my.
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