PAGE 12 DETROIT EVENING TIMES (PHOSE CHERRY 8800) COMICS Saturday, February 1, 1941 BLONDIE Listen to "Blondio” Each Monday at 7:SO P. M. Over Station Will By Cblo Young PRIVATE BUCK By Clyde Lewis Governor Ready " Talks CAM* For Road lAV With President TW« Staff r«T»»«M»it LANSING. Feh. I.—Governor Van Wagoner will discuss Michi- gan's defense plans with President (zz)^ Roosevelt at a conference set for Thursday in Washington. He willbe accompanied by High- way Commissioner G. Donald Ken- nedy and United States Senator Prentiss M. Brown. THIMBLE THEATER (Starring Popeye) How Stowing—“A Norse on Him” Monday—'“Closed Interview!” One of the things under discus- sion will be plans for financing BEAR, HUH! '\ | VDOKTT MAKE- NiO J\/ BUVi ME OOWnI N. I foH, fT WAS SOH^HOCmKI* ) I \/1 KNHOT N e* ffiS ¦^^AfiAARFJOOdA'M superhighways for Detroit, includ- V_TRWtM6«TOCHEW ) AT ABABtV LOOKTT ALLTHE‘STOKIES A ‘EM STONES WITCHER / LEAVE- TM OUT ] EVE* HEAR Of- M l CjRtrZLJE BEAR FLSINT—MiyS' HAH, ing a Harper - Stanley - McGraw MEURHUH!/ CUB. 1 SB BE ASAND/ LjiUMOi-SHaT; J IN THE UESERiCfA/4% A HORSH 60tsl‘ S crosstown limited access thorough- fare and either a depressed or ele- vated superhighway for improving traffic conditions on Grand River avenue. The governor said he was confi- dent consrtuction will soon start on the crosstown project and indi- cated he had advance word from Washington that financing would be taken care of for the most part with federal funds. always shoe* “We will dlacusa the general “Buck breaks m kk new that way!" defense picture with regard to Michigan,” the governor said, “and how we will fit into the general scheme. Wo want to DONALD DUCK Baby Hoods Now Shoos By Walt Dlsnty Mysterious 'Bullets’ know what is needed and how we can fill the need. r "Superhighways of all kinds—- Tells, in Sundays American Weekly, How especially In and around Detroit, • Umr? Scientist will come up st the confer*nee." Cosmic Rays Perform as Weather Prophets Red Cross Calls Health Aides Increased need in the army for more medical technicians in some fields today prompted the Detroit chapter of the American Red Cross to issue a call for both men and BRINGING UP FATHER Everybody Is Himcry! women technicians for use in time ‘ of emergency. “1 1 1’ 1 walp-stabved -rwT') \| I‘r- / The request was made by A. J. f r— Berres Jr., Detroit chapter man- [ ¦ o 1 1 JJt^- ager. who said his organization 1 r 'rr rrZTZ^ needs men and women dieticians, 1 f women physical therapy techni- cians, men orthopedic mechanics, and men and women X-ray techni- cians to provide a backlog of registrants. Interested applicants should ap- of earth showing how cosmic ray particles (E) act. ply by telephoning Berres at the i Red Cross House, Fitzroy 4040. In addition to filling technical WE'VE ALL read about the cosmic rays—those mysterious requirements, applicants must be **bu]lets" of force shot at us from interstellar space at the rate of between the ages of 21 and 45, 1,200 times a minute. must be able to pass the army physical tests, and must be willing But real use can science make of them? what to serve during emergencies. TOOTS AND CASPER No Came for Jealousy Robert D. Potter, science editor, explains with remarkable Women applicants must be un- clarity, how the cosmic rays are now put to work as weather married. / THIS JUST CAME IN THE MAIL.* ( EVEN IF SHE’S PRETTIER W AND SHE prophets. i Men called Into such service as SA,D eligible /IT MUST BE DIMPLES'* PICTURE *( THAN ALLTHE MOVIE QuEENSv L SWE * AND Vou’ll find this special article* medical technicians willbe DOHT SO WORRIED, TOOTS WELL Mfl T rUSett* f ice l LOOK A COMBINED, REMEMBEfThOO'RE . aft HADN'T rr<rVl MAX BRAND'S exciting new for non-commissioned o f rs' -**' 1 on page 9 of The American ratings, women willserve as \IT DOESN'T MEAN ATUINS ) THE ONLY ZjIRL IN W- ?’OR... ILL CHANGEO serial. "Dead Man's Passport," is while '.\ tome; 1 fSk ft Weekly with tomorrow’s issue of now thrilling millions of American civilian employes, Berres said. The Detroit Sunday Times. Weekly readers. • • • Turn to it tomorrow. Of all the startling and incred- • • • Five State Airports ible figures to rise out of that DIRECTIONS for making such maelstrom of death and intrigue interesting dishes as Cauliflower, that is Communist Russia, rarely Pepper Chuck Steak. Potted Her- To Receive WPA Aid has there been one more fantastic ring and the famed Gefuelte Fish, Washington today approved six than "La Plevitskava” Stalin’s' are given in The American Week- WPA projects in Michigan which "Black Angel." mast accomplished ly’s "Housewife’s Food Almanack.” will employ 2,500 men. Largest and unscrupulous of Red spies. that department read by women project, calling for an expenditure Pierre Lazareff. former editor- from coast to coast. of $905,626. will improve the air- in-chief of the famous Le Soir of In addition, Mrs. Christine port at Battle Creek. Paris, opens the door on this Frederick, household efficiency ex- Other projects call for the devel- woman's past to tell a story that; pert. gives you a number of kitchen opment of an airport at Kalama- LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY Nature Is So Prolific! outrivals fiction In The American shortcuts, and Mary Lee Swann, ; zoo a cost of $139,423; construc- ** at CBACWUfI X V<M» Weekly tomorrow. writer on cookery, settles Ihe prob- tion of additional latrines and mess JUST LIKE PILES OF SOFT WMTTeJ YTTWWFjM**1 ««JCS9 IT WOULD Ta*/ OOGCNCSS.* • ON A LAKE ,Q3F AHVOWC FEEL LAZy F 1 WHAT WOULD HAPPEN • • your menus at Custer, at I SNOW FLOWIN' ‘POUND a WJ SOSTTA I OUST TMIMKJN* lem of for the week halls Fort estimated WATER WjWj M LIVE WAtPE >OU W MOU \aAS SLKCWMg LM3CP A MADAM— by listing a well-varied selection. $109,892; improvements to the I FULL OF LOVELY BLUE M TMEV COULD UYJ [ We'll all admit that men waste Don't miss these and other fea- Grayling Airport. $200,000; an time. Don't take advantage of op- tures which await you in The appropriation of $140,000 to con- portunities. And so on. American Weekly, with tomor- tinue work on the Traverse City But what about the ladies? row's issue of The Detroit Sunday Airport, and $145,000 to improve A “For Women Only ' question- Times. the Muskegon Airport. naire awaits them in The Ameri- can Weekly tomorrow. Simply by answering a selected list of ques- tions. they can learn their own What’s the Answer? score, "time-wasting" and discover (Distributed by King Features Syndicate, Inc.) really make the most whether they —A naval battle of the Civil War ultimately changed the of their time. 1 • • • great ships of the world from wood to steel was fought ANINTERESTING development between a vessel of the South described as "a great turtle,” est the war in Europe is the fact and a Northern boat described as a "tin can on a raft.’* Can that parts of it are being tough* you precisely as wars were fought give their names? TOILER Clamour's more than 2,000 years ago. 2 What was once the only walled city in Western America? TILLIE THE When No Asset I the women of Greece, coun- of more expensive than For 3 Which the following metals are 68SS.TANE QUIT WITHOUT notice GEE.MAC.r WAS W IHAO SOME- I NOT WITH\f NO, THAT WAS LEFT AW. WHAT’S APEX EMPLOYMENT the ancient Amazons, f ? terparts of gold: Palladium, tungsten, iridium, platinum, rhodium, AND MAC OION'T Show up This morning SO AFRAID VOU*D THING FOOLISH all that BV an uncle and Mts MONEY AGENCY SEND ME A like the celebrated women war- Hr v\ nu.lC>K molybdenum? V 3=sp DONE SOMETHING // ALL PLANNED, VOUHAOV ) OTHER RELATIVES j VIT DOESN’T // TYPIST AN (MLr ONE their are ' —7=*=====s=«S riors of ancient legends I*M i WAS ( you e- , ( WORRIED to DEATH FOOLISH —ouT I COULDN’T v|~PROVED“ HE 6RIN6 //WNO'LL tI«N A 4At the present time who is in control of the former Inter- “ helping their country fight Italy l about mac.cm-phoning —JgL .RAISE The V COOKOO HE I l ANYTHING) l THAT \ and an of national Zone Tangier? DOUGH when PLEDGE doing effective job it. of VrwE MISSING PERSONS TTr\l T IJ \ MADE HtS WILL / > BUT < \ fHI WON'T M ) too. 5 How wide is the English Channel between Dover and the Alma Sioux Scarberry, fam'd Europe? novelist and world traveler, tells mainland of you about it in The American 6Two well known kings named Georgs are ruling in the world Weekly tomorrow. today. One rules over England. Over what country doea • • • the other rule? IN GRANDMA’S DAY women 7 Before becoming a part of the Union, Vermont had been a the means achieved wasp waist by what of painful whalebone and steel. part of other State? Today, it's far easier—and far less painful. You'll find a page of illustra- The Knowledge Test tions and directions describing the best exercises to getting and keep, Bv DR. SABINA H. CONNOLLY ing a trim waistline in The Amer- 1—What city is farther North: (a) Alexandria, Egypt, or Gibraltar: ican Weekly tomorrow. HENRY By Carl Anderson (.1 • • • <b) Berlin, Germany, or Boston, Masa.; (e) Athens, Greece, or Galveston, Texas.
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