DAILY ALASKA EMPIRE “ALL THE NEWS ALL THE TIME” — .- ___ ■ VOL. XXX., NO. 4529. JUNEAU, ALASKA, TUESDAY JULY 12, 1927. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICE TEN CENTS I-■ Fliers Across Pacific Ocean Are Given Noisy Welcome IN ANXIOUS MOMENTS COLUMBIA WINS POUGHKEEPSIE RACE v mi fLIERS „_...._ PROSPERITY IS EARTH SHOCK RETURNHOME; DUE TO FEDERAL CAUSES DEATH , ARE GREETED BANKING SYSTEM TO HUNDREDS Two Lieutenants Who Span Senator Reed Credits bye Witness Describes i Pacific to Hawaii, Democrats for Basis of Scenes Attending Eharth Reach San Francisco Country’s Prosperity. Movement in Arabia. ATLANTA, .July 12.—Address- SAN FRANCISCO, July 12.— CAIRO, 12.—An a July eye wit- .A of noise ing joint sesion of the Georgia barrage greeted Lieu- ness who arrived here today by tenants Albert Legislature last night, Rena tow F. Hegenberger airplane from Transjordanla ss'd nnd Lester James A. Reed of Missouri, J. Maitland, United 300 persons were killed in ascribed “whatever there is of yes- Slates Army Fliers, when they terday's earthquake. returned prosperity today" to the Federal today from Hawaii after The eye witness said that at the Reserve banking system, and he malting pioneer flight from Maan, Arabia, most of the hoitHea to California to the gave the Democratic Party Islands. were damaged or collapsed com- Thousands credit tor the origin and perfec- lined the water- pletely while the Mosque, in front and tion of the system. aboard ships and when course of erection, was The Senator “the seriously tb'-y caught the first sight of the disputed damaged. great boast ot the present Admin- Uner. Maui, carrying the fliers, The movements of the earth istration that it produced a con- cheering started. lasted 47 seconds and were vistb'i dition of prosperity.” He said Scores of planes flying in the In surrounding lava beds. The air that no Government can produce dipped their colors as the Columbia—a dark horse—wins the annual four-mile varsity crew race on the IJudson at eye witness said the effect of the wealth, which, he said, is pro- ship entered the Golden Gate. The Columbia shell is shown at the trailed the finish lma earth shocks was terrifying. The duced by the people under given Poughkeepsie. right being acrpss by Maui, which was two Many persons were killed at favorable conditions. He referred ,ihe Washington Huskies. California was third. hours late, went to quarantine. Amman, Palestine, while others specifically to the advantages of were killed at Ludd and Ramleh. the '■ ■ '*« Federal Reserve System which j % permitted the mobilization of the 62 KNOWN DEAD wealth of the country as a basis DETECTIVES CHAMBERLIN Ten in Court FAST FLIGHT JERUSALEM, July 12.—Late t for credits and financial flexibil- offidial reports from Nablus. 39 ity that was the marvel of the Following miles north of Jerusalem, e worLi. p , HOME : Radio anxious families of the crew of the Amerioa FAIL TO GET Assassination BE ATTEMPTED the earthquake casualties as 02 BOUND kept Speaking of the prosperity ■informed of the progress toward Europe. Picture shows known dead and 250 Injured, plane’s claim of the Republicans, Senator ; Acosta and her two and Mrs. DUBLIN, Ireland. July 12. while at Itainlet, 12 were kl'ed Mrs. Berta children, George Reed said the present Adminis- | son of and 25 Holder or at Garden N. last messages fro* thcii CONFESSION j George Plunkett, j Injured. At Ludd U» Y., reading tration was mn for and the FRENCH FLIER Long Distancej KNoville, City, by Count were " ; George Plunkett was | Injured. husbands and fathers. class. — ~ wealthy Air Record --’— one of the ten men A Returning (International Hewereall | appear- | bazaar collapsed at Nablus, The Senator devoted a large ing In court charged with which accounts for many of t.i* to United States. of address to Man with Murder j j part his reviewing Charged conspiring in the murder of : Col. Renee, French War dead and injured there. the incidents of the scandalous j of Women Withstands Kevin who was -♦ ♦ SO OT HAM-PTON, Eng., July Font's | O'lligglns, | ♦- Apology and corrupt use of money in Ace, Plans Round Trip 12.—Carrying back to the United | assassinated on the stioet j BORAH TALKS politics lor many years past. Long Quizzing. last lo Slate; liis rec- Satisfies ...j, Sunday. | 24 Hours. long distance air -♦ » ♦ Paris, ord, Clarence Chamberlin, accom- i Aaron Sapiro NEW YORK. July 12.—A one- NEW TROUBLE bis for T_ NEW YORK, Juiy 12. The Her- panied by wife, sailed time sailor today had successfully homo on th(f liner Levia- ENFORCEMENT ald-Tribune "ays Col. R. Rex Ren- today CHICAGO, July 12.— Aaron Sn- withstood .since last Sunday the than which left for INVESTIGATES nee, former officer of Ihe I.aF'ay- Cherbourgh piro—"just an accident of destiny almost continuous barrage of to etle Kscadrille ami World War IN NICARAGUA pick up Commander Richard in vindication of the Jewish Peo- question's fired by relays of 20 PARENTS OF E. Byrd and his three Some Must Ace, announces he will in Sep- compan- Says Party ple" ns he describes himself In detectives, who believe him guilty ions on the Atlantic tember attempt a flight to Purls flight. Make Issue of Eigh- completely satisfied with Henry DEATH OF MAN of hacking to pieces the bodies Fraulein Thea Easche, Ger- and return In 24 hours. Rebel Leader Is Serve;! Ford's published apology for what of two women In a Brooklyn many’s woman licensed teenth Amendment ALASKA MAN Col. Itonnee is credited with only pilot, Ford's Dearborn Independent has rooming house where ho is jani- with an Ultimatum hoarded the Leviathan here with having slu t down 10 planes during by ■said about the Jews. Motion tor. her liltlo stunt CHICAGO, .lulv i- United Picture Man Found Ihe World War. U, S. Commander. plane. Sapiro believed his Million Dol- During it all, the suspect, States Senator E. Col. Ronii'e’s trans-Atlantic William llorali, lar libel suit against Ford will be Dead—Wife Ludwig Lee, sat unmoved and ARE KILLED Hysterical will ho two Republican of Idaho, declares the plane propelled hy MANAGUA, in 12 — FICTION WRITER settled out of court. calmly protested his Innocence YAKIMA. Wash., July 12— Mr it'., July Eighteenth Amendment will be- —Much Drinking. special twelve eighty Packard Major O. IT. Hatfield. Command- “The retraction, apology and re- District Attorney Dood, of ami Mrs. George Peeblnr, an ugoil and he will a RETURNS SOUTH eome "fossilized” unless a political said: motors use special ing the United States Marine cantation have fulfilled the pur- Brooklyn, "It does not real- couple, was when an auto- killed fuel which he has Invented. The makes an issue of enforce- a Corps, has sent an ultimatum to party of the so far as the HOLLYWOOD, Cal,, July 12.— ly make such difference wheth- mobile a Leo fiction and poses suit plunged down 100 foot Peck, writer, ment. machine will he capable of a Rebel Header Gen. Handino t) main intention Is concerned,” said Detectives have started an In- er he does confess. I am con embankment Into the Yakima Ri- Mrs. Pec k, who hawe been guests of between .‘100 hla "There are those in both we cruising speed lay down arms at El Octal bv par- vestigation into the apparently have a strong case, ver. Their of Htewart Edward White and Sapiro. Ijdent grandchildren. Vivian X ties wtio ;tr;> tho violent of to him.” and 37f> miles an hour which ex- o’clock on them ornlng of against Eighteenth death Perclval I. Lin- enough convict and who were Mrs. White on their yacht, th Sylvia Paterson, ceeds Amendment,” said Senator IlOiah. two the speed plane record cf July 14. wood, ijged ‘1!>, motion picture l’arts of the bodies of the driving with them said Mrs. Tech- Simba, during the leisurely cruise 278.84 miles. The rebel "Unless a as a throws found dead In his home women were found In ash cans in leader was notified party, party, employee, ier saw a boulder start a slide of the; to Juneau from Se- that unless he yacht a and of with a two-inch at the cellar of Lee’s complied, a join; pledge prestige the party gash the base I rooming house, down a hill seized the left on LOSE COURT and steer- this the attack will be attle, morning behind its wit! of his brain. in a drain that became made by the Am- enforcement, there pipe wheel from her husband Will Gov. Prims ss Louise for their home in ing (o Fight Hartley erican and he a of and Mrs. Llnwood is and and caused the cellar to Nicaraguan forces. always balancing pros hysterical clogged steer the ear from the of the the States. path In Gen. Sandino has been cons, wets and drys. Enforcement the police are unable to obtain tie flooded there. Auto Accident Case operat- While the mad" rock. here, Pecks MUST one women ing American mines and is said as it now is in localities Information from her. Lee said of the dead many FIGHT; — A son of the resides the trip to Twin fllacier Camp couple SEATTLE, July 12. A. W. to have a force of men anti is a mere skirmishing between The apartment was in great was Miss Sarah Brownell, aged 1,000 with IT. and Mrs. II. C. I somewhere in Alaska. Orotefeld, Chicago produce mer- four machine DeVlghne, lines.” disorder. There apparently had! 60 years. guns. owners of the and were chant, Ik ready to fight Gov.
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