Parish of All Saints’ Episcopal Church 209 West 27th Street, Austin, TX 78705-5716 512.476.3589 Website: www.allsaints-austin.org ANNUAL REPORT for the calendar year 2019 Annual Parish Meeting – 9:30 a.m., Sunday, January 26, 2020 U U U PAROCHIAL POSITIONS Interim Rector The Rev. Lane G. Hensley Associate Rector The Rev. Cynthia Caruso Deacon The Rev. Deacon Ed Woolery-Price Front Porch Missioner The Rev. Dr. Stephen Kinney University Missioner The Rev. Dr. Travis Helms Organist & Choirmaster Gregory Eaton Parish Administrator Mona Myers Communications Director Jerry LaPorte Bookkeeper/Financial Administrator Anita Barrick Sexton/Facilities Director Marvin Jones Student Center Program Coordinator Caleb Parker THE VESTRY Senior Warden Alan Nelson/Brian Hopper Junior Warden Bill McLellan/Gregg Free Clerk Sandra Kelley Treasurer Patricia Goubil-Gambrell Chancellor Carolyn Ostrom Terms Expiring Terms Expiring Terms Expiring Terms Expiring 1/2020 1/2021 1/2022 1/2023 Olga Garza Cynthia Beeman Phil DeFalco Matt Davis Karen Mountain Gregg Free Kit Garven Darla Desormes-Smith Charles Stuart Brian Hopper Carol Moczygemba Joe Lostracco Kate Wood Robert Wells Gary Thompson Jan Triplett TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Parish Administration.......................................................................................4-15 Parish Statistical Report 4 Senior Warden’s Report 5-6 Junior Warden’s Report 6-7 Treasurer’s Report 7-8 Vestry Authorized Land Committee 8 Board of Trustees of the Endowment Fund 9 Outreach Ministries: 9-14 — Carolyn T. Smith Loaves & Fishes Ministry, Micah 6 Austin and Home Cooked Fridays, El Buen Samaritano, Meals on Wheels, Environmental Guild, Woman to Woman (Women’s Mentoring Ministry), and Men’s Mentoring Ministry. II. Parish Groups and Organizations.................................................................15-31 Acolyte Guild 15-17 Altar Flower Ministry 18 Altar Guild 18 Book Group 19 Choirs & Parish Music Program 19-20 Daughters of the King, St. Catherine’s Chapter 20 Jr. Daughters of the King 21 First & Third Sunday 22 Grief Support Group 22 Cursillo 22 Heavenly Hosts 22-23 Justice Group 23 Central Texas Interfaith Core Team 23-24 Refugee Welcome Team 25 Open Table 25 Lectors and Chalice Bearers 26 Newcomer & Visitor Ministry (Greeters) 26 Parish Retreat (Parish Getaway) 26-27 Pastoral Care at All Saints’— Grace Ministry, Bridge Ministry 27-28 St. Clare’s Guild & St. Monica’s Guild 28-29 St. Lucy’s Card Guild 29 Usher Corps Ministry 29 Verger Ministry 30 Women’s Group 30 Young Adults 31 III. Parish Christian EduCation Programs..........................................................31-33 Children & Youth Christian Formation 31-32 Adult Ed — Adult Ed Forum, Lectionary Bible Study, Centering Prayer, Greek Reading Group, Book Study (Just One Thing) 33 IV. REsidEnt Organizations at All Saints’............................................................34-39 Parents’ Day Out 34 The Front Porch 34-35 All Saints’ Episcopal Day School 35-38 The Episcopal Student Center at the University of Texas 39 V. Appendix Transfers In and Out / Confirmed/Received 40 Minutes of 2019 Parish Meeting 41 2 3 I. PARISH ADMINISTRATION PARISH STATISTICAL REPORT OFFICIAL ACTS: 2017 2018 2019 Baptisms Infants/Children 18 11 8 Adults 2 0 2 Total………………………………………20 11 10 Confirmations 7 5 4 Received 4 8 5 Total………………………………………11 13 9 Marriages 6 4 4 Burials 8 11 10 SERVICES: Daily Offices and Others Sundays 7 0 8 Other Days 100 99 96 Holy Eucharist Sundays 203 149 132 Other Days 53 21 16 Private Communions 0 57 24 Total AttendanCE for all sErviCEs………………………19,220 16,385 14,920 CONGREGATION: Total Units (Households)…………………..……643 799 806 BaptizEd MEmbErs Last REport….………...….1488 1513 1502 InCrEasEs During YEar: Baptisms 20 11 10 Added by Confirmation 7 5 4 Received 4 8 5 Added by Transfer 3 6 3 Total InCrEasEs…………………………..+31 + 30 + 22 DECrEasEs During YEar: Transferred Out 0 30 -3 Database corrections & adjustments 0 0 -6 Lost to Death 6 11 -6 Total DECrEasEs……...………………… - 6 - 41 - 15 Total BaptizEd MEmbErs………………………1513 1502 1509 4 SENIOR WARDEN’S REPORT I am grateful for the call to serve as Senior Warden of this place that I love, and even more grateful to share in that work with the enormous number of folks who helped us through this tumultuous year. Our 120th year has not been without challenge, but I thank you all for the grace, wisdom and vision that you have continued to meet the test. Here are some highlights of what was accomplished this year. Despite all of the challenges, the vestry and staff have accomplished quite a lot in the past year. First among them, to begin our new search process and to call our invaluable new interim rector. Thanks are especially due to Alan Nelson, Greg Free and all of the vestry who led us through the storm. To the Interim rector search committee - Polly Moore, Mary Irvine and Bobbie Wright who chose an interim leader so well matched to our parish and its current needs. Most especially, thanks to the Rev. Lane Hensley and his long-suffering wife Rebecca, who have reshaped their lives to be with us here in Austin. And boundless thanks to Madre Cynthia and Rev. Steve Kinney, who kept us fed and helped us shelter from the storm. We have just experienced a great milestone in our search process with the Healthy Congregations workshop. Thanks to all of our staff, who provided the stability to negotiate this time. And thanks especially for all of the background detail work necessary to hold the Healthy Congregations workshop last week. You made it look effortless, but those behind the curtain saw just how much effort went in. Thank you to those who do all the hard work of the Parish Retreat for gracefully understanding the scheduling conflict and bearing with the cancellation with immense grace. The call of a new Director to see to the spiritual formation and health of our next generation. Thanks to Lee Read, Patricia Goubil-Gambril, Jessica Johnson, Sarah Peet, Robert Wells, Kate Wood and Cynthia Caruso for their excellent work with the Lighthouse program, and most especially for finding and calling Don Carlson, who is already making All Saints a better place. The final installation of the Absalom Jones/Jonathan Daniels window. Thanks to all of the window committee Chip Harris, Cynthia Beeman, Carol Brookhart, Jimi Calhoun, Greg Free, Bill McLellan and Robert Wells. Thanks also to Shannon Harris who drove the fund raising plan and built the materials for the campaign. Thanks most especially to all of the donors to the project, without which none of the rest would have mattered. Thanks to Nancy Lynch, for shouldering the load of the Adult Education and Formation Committee and carrying us through the year. Thanks to Gregg Free and the newly revitalized Building and Grounds Committee for all that they have done. Renewed bathrooms, the Nazro Oak and Chikako Nichols maple and the whole long term grounds plan. For emergency repairs - drains, student center sinks, and all of the things that can go awry. Our music program continues to be a blessing upon all Saints. Thanks to Gregory Eaton and to all of the choirs who this year showered us with Evensongs, Organ recitals, the Faure Requiem, the St. Luke the Physician concert - not to mention week after week of gorgeous services. We don't praise this vital ministry often enough, but our souls rejoice every time you raise your joyous sounds. As the outgoing vestry members and other officers lay down their burdens - thank you to Olga Garza, Charles Stuart, Kate Wood, Gary Thompson and Karen Mountain. Thanks also to Bill 5 McClellan and Alan Nelson for their service. Thank you to Carolyn Ostrom for her long and faithful service as Chancellor, and to Emily Davenport for her service as Endowment Committee member and president. As we look forward to a new year, I ask you to continue to be as generous with your time, treasure and talent as you have always been. We have many things to do, but I am supremely confident that we will solve them together with grace and wisdom. It is always easy to look around a room full of All Saints' folk and to remember that a church is a people, and not a place. Peace, Brian Hopper Sr. Warden JUNIOR WARDEN’S REPORT In May 2019 I was asked by Senior Warden Alan Nelson to step into the position of Junior Warden, replacing my good friend Bill McLellan, who was retiring. Bill and I had been working together on many issues the previous year, including the creation of a new ADA-compliant restroom, kitchen renovation, and several workdays on the grounds. At this time I was already chairman of the ASEC Building and Grounds Committee. We started by re-organizing the Building and Grounds Committee to include parishioners with related training and experience for the many tasks ahead. The new committee members are: Gregory Free, Chair, Historic Preservation Specialist Cynthia Beeman, Historian* Kit Garven, Interior Designer* Jay Barnes, Architect Matt Davis, Architect Carol Barnes, Interior Designer Ann Rutledge, Chair of St. Francis Garden Guild Bobby Wright, Civil Engineer Jon van Allen, Landscape Architect Patti Woolery-Price, Building Users Liaison *current ASEC Vestry member In the light of the Diocesan recommendations to upgrade our physical appearance as we begin the search for new Rector, we took this opportunity to move forward on several already planned goals. In addition to correcting safety issues such as electrical systems, code -compliant entries and walks, we initiated a Master Landscape Plan; began upgrading our public/office spaces in Gregg House, particularly restrooms, lobbies, hallways and Kinsolving Hall, to reduce clutter and other accumulations; to increase storage for all building users; to develop a consistent signage program, and draft building use policies.
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