Poisons'" 435 AnCient History, Geography, Botany 'or: Biology or Zoo­ logy, Chemistry, Physics or Mechanics. or (b) having obtained the General Certificate of Education of the University of London and having passed, on one 'and the same occasion, in the following subjects ;- English, Language, Pure or Applied Mathematics, and three of the following ;- English Literature, Latin" French, German, Domestic Subjects, History or Ancient History, Geography, Bot;my or Biology; or Zoology, Chemistry, Physics." 2. These Regulations may be cited as the Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland (general) Regulations, 1952, and shall come into operation on the 1st day of September, 1952. Sealed with the Common Seal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland this 16th day of May, one thousand nine hundred and fifty-two in the presence of (L.S.) (Signed) H. W. Gamble, President. (Signed) W. Gorman, ~ecretary. I; THE RIGHT HONOURABLE BRIAN MAGINESS, : Minister of' Home Affairs for Northern Ireland, in pursuance of the powers' vested in me by sub-section (2) of section three of the' Pharmacy anq. Poisons Act (Northern Ireland), 1925, and having consulted the Minister of Educa­ tion for Northern Ireland in pursuance of the said sub"section, duly approve of the foregoing Regulations. , ' Dated this 30th day of June, 1952. (Signed) Brian Maginess, Minister of Home ,Affairs. Poisons ORDER IN COUNCIL, DATED 30TH JANUARY, 1952, APPROVING A RESOLU­ TIO:!,! PASSED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY OF NORTHERN IRELAND ,AND niE MEDICAL FACULTY OF THE 'QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY OF BELFAST,· AMENDING THE THIRD SCHEDULE 'TO THE ,MEDICINES, PHARMACY AND POISONS ACT (NORTHEm IRELAND), 19~. ' ' , 1952. No.9 By THE GOVERNOR IN THE PRIVY COUNCIL OF NORTHERN IRELAND G RANV It:L'E WHE,REAS by sub"s(,)ction (2) of. section, twenty-six of the Medicines; p'~aprwcy" all:4 roi~on,s Act (Northern Ireland), 1945" ()leteinafte.u' 436 PHARMACY AND POISONS referred to as " the Act ") it is provided that the Council of the Pharma­ ceutical Society of Northern IrelanQ. and the Medical Faculty of the Queen's University, Belfast, may from time' to time, by a resolution passed by both of these bodies, declare that the Third Schedule to the said Act ought to be amended by including in, or removing from, any part thereof any substance specified in the resolution, or by transferring any substance so specified from one part of the said Schedule to another part. AND WHEREAS the said Council and the said Medical Faculty, by virtue of and iri exercise of the powers vested in them by the said sub­ section (2) of section twenty-six of the Act, did, on the 21st day of September, 1951, and on the 23rd day of October, 1951; respectively, resolve and declare that the Third Schedule to the Act ought to be amended as, follows :- 1. In Part I 'of the Third Schedule to the Act - (a) In the item commencing with the words" Anti-histamine substances", after the word " Antazoline" there shall be inserted the word " Chlorcyclizine ", and after the word " Phenindamine" there shall be inserted the word " Pro­ methazine " ; (b) Mter the item "Erythrityl tetranitrate" there shall be inserted the words " Gallamine, its compounds" ; . (c) In the item commencing with the words" Mercury, oxides of " after the words" potassio-mercuric iodides" ther.e spall be inserted the words "organic compounds ·of mercury which contain a methyl (CH~) grOlJP directly linked to th~ mercury atom" ; . (d) After the item commencing with the word. " Para-amino­ benzoic acid" there shall be inserted the item" Parametha­ dione ". 2. In Part II of the said Third Schedule after the words" Mercury ; organic 'compounds of" there shall be inserted the words " except compounds which contain a methyl (CHa) group directly linked to the men;:ury atom". AND WHEREAS the said· resolution has been duly submitted by the Minister of Home Affairs for the approval of the Governor in the Privy Council of Northern Ireland in accordance with the provisions of sub­ section (3) of the said section twenty-six of the said Act, and whereas it is expedient that the said resolution sho1,lld be approved as required by the said sub-section (3). Now, THEREFORE, I, WILLIAM SPENCER, EARL GRANVILLE, Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Companion of the Distinguished Ser­ vice Order, Vice-A~iral, Governor of Northern Ireland, by and with poi~ons the ~onsent of the Privy Council, jn eiercise. of the. powers conferred by the said sub-section (3) do hereby approve 0f the said resolution . Given at Government House, Hillsborough, this thirtieth day of January; 1952. MacDermott Brian Maginess Edmond Warnock Arthur Black REGULATIONS, DATED 14TH lVIARCH, 1952, MADE BY THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS UNDER SECTIONS THIRTY AND THIRTY-TWO OF THE MEDiCINES, PHARMACY AND POISONS ACT (NORTHERN IRELANP), 1945. 1952. No. 36 I, THE R!GHT HONOURABLE BRIAN MAGIN~SS, Q;C., Minister of Home Affairs fo1' Northern Ireland,.in pursuance of sections thirty and thi1'ty­ two of the' Medicines, Pharmacy and Poisons Act (Northern Ireland), 1'945, (hereafter r~ferred to a,s" the Act ") (1.0 hereby make the follo'W- . ing Regulations ;-'. 1. The First Schedule to the Principal Regulations ,(which specifies the poisons in respeCt of which special r.es~rictions as to the personS to whom the poisons may be sold, and special requirements as to the' keeping of records or sales are imposed) shall be amended in the manner specified in the First Schedule tO,these Regulations . .2. The part of the Third Schedule to the Principal Regulations headed " Group 'II " (in which is specified iIi the second column the, , substances exempted, so far as the poisons specified in the first column, are concerned, from the provisions of Part III of the' Act, and from the provisions of the Principal· Regulations) shall be amended in the manner specified in the Second Schedule to these Regulations. 3. In the Fourth Schedule to the Principal Regulations (which specifies the poisons the sale of which by retail without a written prescription containing specified particulars is prohibited) shall, be amended in the manner specified in the Third Schedule to these ;Regulations. 4. The Ninth Schedule to the Principal Regulations (which s~ts out the form of appHcation for entry in the list kept by a local authority 1,mder section thirty of the' Act of persons entitled to sen poisons includ­ ed in Part II of the Poisons Schedule to the Act) shall be amended as follows, that is'to say, in the note appended to ,the said form of applic­ ation, in the list 0f poisons in the said Part II therein set out, after the worcl.s " mercury organic compouncl.s· of" ther~ shall b~ in.serted the .
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