164 Short communications On the true identity of Trichotropis solida Aurivillius, 1885 (Gastropoda) YURI I. KANTOR1, M. G. HARASEWYCH2 1 A. N. Severtzov Institute of Problems of Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninski prospect 33, Moscow 119071, Russia 2 Department of Systematic Biology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20013-7012, U.S.A. (Ruthenica, 2003, 13(2): 164-166.) lida is a valid species distinct from N. arctica, but О подлинном таксономическом положении is probably not represented in Russian collections. Trichotropis solida Aurivillius, 1885 After the publication of the paper of Sysoev and Ю. И. КАНТОР1, М. Г. ХАРАСЕВИЧ2 Kantor [2002], the junior author discovered that 1Институт проблем экологии и эволюции им. А.Н.Се- “Trichotropis” solida is the senior synonym for верцова РАН, Ленинский просп. 33, Москва 119071, Admete regina Dall, 1911, a species correctly assig- РОССИЯ ned to the family Cancellariidae (Admetinae). The 2 Отдел систематической биологии, Национальный type locality of Admete regina was reported by Dall музей естественной истории, Смитсонианский Инсти- [1911:19] as “Plover Bay on the Siberian side of the тут, Вашингтон, округ Коламбия, 20013-7012, США Strait” dredged on hard bottom in 25 fathoms [46 m] (now most often known as Provideniya Bay, approximately 64°20’N, 173°30’W). The holotype Trichotropis solida was described on the basis of Admete regina (Fig. 1 C-D) is in the collections of a single dead shell collected by Vega Expedition of the National Museum of Natural History, Smit- in the southern part of Chukchi Sea (66°58’N, hsonian Institution (USNM 221473). Comparison 171°35’W, 38 m) [Aurivillius, 1885: 328, 375, Taf. of types of both species confirms that they are con- 12, fig. 6]. The holotype (Fig. 1 A-B) was deposited specific. Besides, type localities and depths are very in the Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stock- similar for both species. holm (type-1560. Shell height 35.2 mm). The anatomy of this species had been examined This species name appears in current Russian by MGH and its position within Admetinae confirmed malacological publications [e.g. Golikov, 1995; by morphological features shared with the type species Egorov, Alexeyev, 1998]. Its nomeclatural status of Admete [Harasewych & Petit, 1986], among them was discussed by Sysoev and Kantor [2002], who a reduced kidney, the absence of operculum and radula, were not able to find any specimens that match the and presence of a greatly reduced jaw. Preliminary type of T. solida in the collections of Capulidae analyses of a partial 16S rDNA sequence of this species housed in the Zoological Institute of Russian Aca- place it within Neogastropoda, as sister taxon to Sy- demy of Sciences (St.-Petersburg) or the Zoological daphera spengleriana (Deshayes, 1830) and Hertlei- Museum of Moscow State University. They disco- nia mitriformis (Sowerby, 1832), both Cancellariinae vered that the specimens identified as T. solida by [Harasewych, in preparation]. Golikov (1995) and subsequently cited by Egorov This species is characterized by significant vari- and Alexeyev (1998) belong to a different species, ability in the degree of umbilicus development, from Neoiphinoe arctica (Middendorff, 1849). the nearly complete absence of an umbilicus in the Sysoev and Kantor (2002) concluded that T. so- holotype (Fig. A-B) to the presence of a pronounced Short communications 165 FIG. 1. Admete solida (Aurivillius, 1885). A-B – holotype of Trichotropis solida; C-D – holotype of Admete regina Dall, 1911. E-F – specimen from Anadyr Bay (USNM1016246) with broad umbilicus. РИС. 1. Admete solida (Aurivillius, 1885). A-B – голотип Trichotropis solida; C-D – голотип Admete regina Dall, 1911. E-F – экземпляр, собранный в Анадырском заливе (USNM1016246), с широким пупком. umbilicus in specimens from the Anadyr Bay Admete solida (Aurivillius, 1885) was reported (63°19.25’N, 177°41.94’W), in 88 m (Fig. 1 E-F). from northeastern Siberia, just west of the Bering Although the name Trichotropis solida was pro- Strait [Dall, 1911], the eastern Bering Sea and the bably never correctly used in the 20th century, its Chukchi Sea by Baxter [1983, 1987], who also noted incorrect usage precludes considering the name as literature records from the Beaufort Sea. MacGinitie nomen oblitum. Therefore, Admete regina Dall, 1911, [1959] illustrates a specimen (USNM 673112) from is a junior subjective synonym of Trichotropis solida 522 ft. [159 m] off Point Barrow, Alaska that is Aurivillius, 1885. correctly identified, confirming that the species oc- 166 Short communications curs in the Beaufort Sea. She also reports examining all mollusks, freshwater, land and marine, re- specimens from other localities, among them the ported from the State of Alaska, with known lo- Gulf of St. Lawrence, Labrador and Nova Scotia, cations of type specimens, maximum sizes, and ma- which are based on misidentifications. Oldroyd rine depths inhabited. Privately published, xvii + [1927: 156] and Abbott [1976: 248] both report the 69 p. range as Arctic Sea to Pribilof Islands. Macpherson Baxter, R. 1987. Mollusks of Alaska. 3rd Edition. Shells [1971] does not report this species from Antarctic and Sea Life, Bayside, California. 163 p. Canada. Dall W.H. 1911. A giant Admete from Bering Sea. Trichotropis solida was recorded in Aniwa Bay Nautilus, 25(2): 19-20. (southern Sakhalin, Okhotsk Sea) by Golikov and Scarlato [1985]. Examination of the material on Egorov R.V., Alexeyev D.O. 1998. Trichotropidae. Treasure of Russian shells, 2. Moscow, 36 p. which their record is based (Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg) reve- Golikov A.N. 1995. Shell-bearing gastropods of the aled adult specimens reaching a maximum length of Arctic. Moscow, Colus, 108 p. only 12.5 mm, rather than 37-44 mm typical of A. Golikov A.N., Scarlato O.A. 1985. Shelled gastro- regina (e.g., Fig. 1 E). Their specimens of Admete pods and bivalve molluscs of the shelf of southern sp. also differed in shell shape and proportions. Thus, Sakhalin and their ecology. In: Biocenoses and the confirmed geographic range of this species seems fauna of the shelf of south Sakhalin. Issledovaniya to be restricted to the northern Bering Sea, the Chuk- fauny morei, 30(38): 360-487 [In Russian]. chi Sea and the Beaufort Sea. The bathymetric range Harasewych, M. G., Petit, R. E. 1986. Notes on of specimens in the USNM collections extends from the morphology of Admete viridula (Gastropoda: 15 to159 m. Cancellariidae). Nautilus, 100(3):85-91. MacGinitie, N. 1959. Marine Mollusca of Point Bar- The work is supported by RFBR grant 01-04- row, Alaska. Proceedings of the United States 48134 [Biodiversity of the mollusks of Russia and National Museum, 109(3412): 59-208. adjacent territories (inventory of the fauna)]. Macpherson, E. 1971. The Marine Molluscs of Arctic Canada. Publications in Biological Oceanograp- References hy, No. 3. National Museums of Canada, Ottawa. viii + 149 pp. Abbott, R. T. 1976. American Seashells, Second Edi- Oldroyd, I. 1927. The Marine Shells of the West tion. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York. 663 Coast of North America. Volume 2, part 1. Stan- pp., 24 pls. ford University Press, California. 298 pp., 29 Aurivillius C.W.S. 1885. Översigt öfver de af Vega- pls. Expeditionen insamlade arktiska Hafsmollusker. Sysoev A.V., Kantor Yu. I. 2002. On some species II. Placophora och Gastropoda. Vega-Expeditio- of prosobranchiate gastropods from Russian wa- nens Vetenskapliga Jakffagelser, IV. Stockholm: ters described by C.W.S. Aurivillius in 1885. 313-383, 2 Taf. Ruthenica, Russian Malacological Journal, 12(2): Baxter, R. 1983. Mollusks of Alaska, a listing of 113-118..
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