
PUBLIC LIBRARY 429 E.»ROAD ST. ADV. Leaf Collection Schedule THE WESTFIELD LEADER Page 8 THI UADINO AND MOIT WiDILY CIRCULATE WliXlY NEWSPAPM IN UNION COUNTY Hi ill- !) tieaond Clan* Pol t age Ffcld FubliHhfld SEVENTY-NINTH YEAR—No. 12 at WM* field. N7.T. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY NOVEMBER 7, 1968 fflvary Thurnrtny •28i-Ea|es£10Cet?tj' Republicans Sweep Council Seats; 82% k Voters Here Cast Ballots Westfletd Republicans continued three of the town's 22 districts. Vote By Ward* In Westfield their control of the Town Council Closest race was in the Fourth No Legal Action •uesday With a total sweep of its Ward, where DemocMat Patrick D. Question* Wiiri) 1 Word 2 WnHIl Want 4 candidates for Mayor and council. Minogue's strong campaign/failed to Number I Yet 2332 2139 2036 2139 The GOP aspir'ants lost in only unseat incumbent Morris Kamler Pool Yeti who was oleoted to a sedond term (Public Buildings) ..........No 884 838 949 929 by a 2,081 to 1,708 margin. ?.; Number 2 -. ...Yat 2535 2298 2119 2277 it "••• (Transportation) ........No 711 1107 871 822 Westfield's Fried Kamler lost two of the ward's five f .^timber*3 .'. Yes 2059 1858 1813 1899 districts, most heavily in the first' Bids tor construction of an $800,000. ^"-(Housino; Assistance) No 1099 1057 1132 1130 district where. Minogue gained S73 ars Loser votes to Kamter's 234. This laai,' bow. municipal Olympic pool complex oo { NOmbor 4 ...' Yat 2395 2180 2033 2155 Nor* Scotch Plains Ave. have beeo ever, as' well as the 359-304,v«« la "'yif. Legislature) .....No 685 664 799 765 advertised by town officials. Pro- In County Race the second district was CfaaV'owa> posata for the work,will be received, mnomi, come by Kamdetr's 699-3M \*»ary to Tuesday, Dec. 3.. 1013 914 1447 15B7 pNrty-Muskle (D.) • While some 10,000 absentee ballots the Stonehenge area of Xttkfr- ' i n w 2667 2545 2254 2165 the third district and moat The complex will require the con- .-».-.ErT*n *9 « (*•) -• 106 92 184 160were still being tallied in tfoe Union struction of an Olympic swknmlng W«llo«-UMoy " County Courlhause at press time Republican-populated. •, , ;.. • pool, a diving pool, wading poo), yesterday afternoon, it appears that At press time yesterday afUrntaa; mechanical systems and appurte- 549 499 935 973Westfield's lone contender for coun- it was learned that Mr. KamJtr's nance*, a bathhouie, equipmentl 3138 2961 2786 2784 ty office, incumbent Freeholder load was increased by 84 absentee building. ail ike work and certain. Arthur C Fried was a loser in Tues- votes to Mr. Minogue's 88. jWwall (0.) 909 822 1463 1512day s unorthodox general election. In addition Nixon tallied 733 West- field absentee votes to Humphrey's AuthorUatioo for iu comtnwtioa Ahwn (D.) 922 842 1431 1530 Excluding the awaited absentee 282. Freeholder candidate* received oin b> 1m nrtwjum ta FOUND HHMMW tmm at n* hunt at W«BM v«tm bn Yoar «nd financing were approved by the *>lad<D) ballot count William Magulre K) 1164 1061 T619 1766 the following local absentee votes: Town Council at a atomy masting Zwrav (R) led the Freeholder contest with 103,- 1*** MHW#M aahtd HflMa aj WeaMeM" aMvlag Ike maaWpal taMtag Iran acraai «w laha it Mia- 261• 2448 2088 2042 Caldwell, 223; Ahem, 288, Fried, M7; Nik. Oct. 22 following which a group of Dttnno (R) i 789 followed by Donald Dunne (R), 2646 2509 2149 2066 Zurav, 683; Dunne, 714; and William reakfenta living adjacent to the pool Maautr* <«.) 2535 2406 2055 1953 103 284 William Ahem (D) 102893; •He threatened to aeck an injunction T Hugh CaMwell (Di 102 749 Mr. Maguire, 711. A total of 1081 Watt- field residents cast absentee baaoU. to prevent iU construction then. Al- rot tmm 991 901 1548 1617Fried <D) 102 571 and David Zu- though the deadUoa for taidag auch Oritcollo (D) rav («), 101,930 County totals were not. yet avail- $0 Years Brings Many Changes legritotton U and atoaday, » days Irlnkarhoff (R) 2616 2504 2107 2075 County voters on the whole fa- able. v • . '••'••••' . foUawfaig paMge, MM baa |wt ban vored Hubert Humphrey (D) by a Only other district toes was suf. fOftSUttOOATf 682 639 1082 1252tarn margin of 106,230 to Rtchard Uonwd(D) fered by Jamta Moraa, former onav y West field As Population Doubles i etttne 2934 2751 2541 2427 Nixon s 104 830 Rep Florence P. cilmtan who waa cM*»d:pi h* teat > i. of (h» ftuth Kenan* (R.) Dwyer (B) over Dr John Huff (D) term as Mayor, vtoe'M fc> Fourth by a vote of 138132 to 81 tSO Sheriff Ward's Hast diaMcVte.his • town in UN to • darter warp- 71 •Oft MOOT* , 762 685 1216 Kania (RJ . 2805 2660 2321 Ralph Orwceuo <D) over Vincent era*! BrmkerhoH (R) 116 364 to M673; Durkln (D) County Regnter Joseph Durtaa (R) Ward's third dkaMtt MMtMAYOt 844 77Q 1247 o*«r Joaeph KM* (D) W7.fr*, and StovcH 10.) 2106 2*5* 24M Moron {«,) , eoasue waa la> •> ••w, that* aw eone IMtt Wttt- ^tiaasaMKakM mktA rttaarf—a 4 : H»re «or» aha U Vf"JaPimv am UaVIQI -.9** *, prertdmt at Mercury ba aa many mar. Fafcral Savlamof Woodbndge hav w'n "'••':.-•.• • n : " riajM. wa* 4» am and W bat yoar. Mrtl» canaiad from IN to ... •> Oardaa CHUT, 48-Page Shoppers Guide Leaf laaad, Naw York, wfll bt Iteraajtrar at htustrwM heads Or. Edwards has baas doing ra- Torborg Returns C> PWl1 TlWBI Thra«etS of M Federa! of ap- ' ** a*™*****"* Mailed to Homes this Week soarch wark into tat pnMam «f corat to bt MM par year. proxanatoiy Ml nuHwn combined drag akwa and ia wkWkr i ' * Ut^^ftM^Atffl** a^^aaM atf aaaMi^tBaaMtMti Tht tatatt dtvate ot th»W«*«atd lag aad to •• aajaartty oa tht xt.tawajhlp ia MM t» Area Channfar of Oomroarca baa wttfc In* bravt As WHS Teaciier torn Kite, iwwnbMit, PTwOUCMI KM nm • Ha wW'flivasame bard tota about The MiMCe ^n^rMii tha C4mnWok*tiaM llapp . the dtffer- Jell Ttaterg, tormer W«*lk*i of *»• and that Uaurence G. Maaon proMm rf the T7 Guide OMlaaai-.B tocos hi tbtaUag betwaot n (M d Hah School student, Has ratumad ay mimMm* for the senior Mgh awne wiU remain Pint Federal Siv- VWars alas turned dawn a «•»jm BaVi 4WB HHaWaTJam „ _.. - cataparuwl Matint at add parentt, (faareaaoaa fcr chll- to «ie gym there as a teachtr, K wasschool gtadNMa OMtnsetor since that bond issue to eoMftiHt a muafcfeal nT0 NlaWOIaT* WH. 09 AMlM - W. swimming pool by a margin, of MM ia Waalattd «Ua It is planned tihat the Woodbridge partota aitmiM knaw and ^^ftof Education bat aHM. Mr, Ttrbenj. Tha naajnaHnn of Mrs. Marion B. branch office wiM be represented by do wMhta tfatir own famiiaj. now a Lot Angola Dodgtrs' oatchor Esoomtr at secretary in the busi- an advisory board comprised of for- In tht »uMa wa»||wdiaj,»<I a» aadat and a reridaat of JtouoWtaaWJe, waa neai office was approved, as were mer directors of Mercury Federal. crate John H. Pabnsr and Arthar ahappara in AaJifli tha atarai that mwyaJj'ilfpiajiil^thB Park." ac- of fflojntar-iiitf" of Mrs. Mary R. This will be Fir* Federal's third M. Goldberg. oaodMMaB for BorauaH oarrrthemaNtMMdbMtltfyarataak- ,The merchant*' office secretary, branch office, with its fourth sche- Council, wore defeated ahnant t to t Gray and Mr*. lUtph JeOenon. proflttt IM tht apoeiaWin of each from « bout wfc* hepatitis.; Mrs. Lynn E. Ohmdule, d to open in Clark next May. by Repubhoan tacumbenta Ma «. Soma ttfhtto. hMwvtr, win ba oa atora, tha telpbooe number and in- Mr. Torberg wii teach physical Kootevet secretary. $4,000. Hechtle and Wilfred H. Brandt. Ugh formation on delivery services and' aala at tha faa*v«tt Junior Mga r education and first aid at a salary of Noel A. Taylor was named Satur- Leaf Collection man on the ballot waa Brandt Wldl cftargo aocounta. ' gehaal aadttoriuai Iran 7 p.m. until $M0 a month. day science coordinator at a fee of 2,483, followed by HecMe wtth i,m. Palmer and Goldberg tnl)M l,4n» the •:» pjn. curtain time, A 1000101 atctton of die guide it Heatgnatiom of four teachers were #50, and a sfiiary adjustment for F. Schedule Reprinted and 1,286 reapecttveiy. fltudcot HCIHM are ate avaHaMe devoted to cooperating financial in- accepted and four additional staff Gould Charshee Jr. from 7,100 to $7,- The 1IM leaf ctllectita sekefele lr«m mambtra of Vouth Give* • stitution! and realtors and inuron. member* were appointed. Resigned M0 was approved upon hi* obtaining Is reprialei «a page S tf tec- iDcnmbent Fonwood CouocihinM Dama, (he yeung people't »ervfce The back page has a la* of im- are Miss Susan G. Bcker, WHS phy- a master's degree. tW* 1 •* (sday's Leader. The William J. Nekwn and hfe portant and frequentiy-oalM tele- nnjanliiillua that it cooperattog with sical education; Mrs. John F. Mc- Approved as supplemental teach- editor regret* any IHMU>- mate Charles G. 9m**, phone numbers. leace the ivMlcatiaa el an la- tha WeotfWd Area Oommittce of •Hugh, McKlnley third grade; Mi» ers were Mrs. Edith Epstein and for the Borough Council, received HUOM n«Ma, apomw of tht txna- The guide is intended as a refer- Sherrel Rogers, Columbus sixth CWWCt MKvHlB CMMCf 2,«12 and 2,«a votes in Tuaaday'i ence book tat should be kept handy grade; and Mrs. Paula R.
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