Sorting using BItonic netwoRk wIth CUDA Ranieri Baraglia Gabriele Capannini ISTI - CNR ISTI - CNR Via G. Moruzzi, 1 Via G. Moruzzi, 1 56124 Pisa, Italy 56124 Pisa, Italy [email protected] [email protected] Franco Maria Nardini Fabrizio Silvestri ISTI - CNR ISTI - CNR Via G. Moruzzi, 1 Via G. Moruzzi, 1 56124 Pisa, Italy 56124 Pisa, Italy [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT keep them up to date. Storage space must be used efficiently Novel \manycore" architectures, such as graphics processors, to store indexes, and documents. The indexing system must are high-parallel and high-performance shared-memory ar- process hundreds of gigabytes of data efficiently. Queries chitectures [7] born to solve specific problems such as the must be handled quickly, at a rate of hundreds to thousands graphical ones. Those architectures can be exploited to per second. All these services run on clusters of homoge- solve a wider range of problems by designing the related neous PCs. PCs in these clusters depends upon price, CPU algorithm for such architectures. We present a fast sorting speed, memory and disk size, heat output, and physical size algorithm implementing an efficient bitonic sorting network. [3]. Nowadays these characteristics can be find also in other This algorithm is highly suitable for information retrieval commodity hardware originally designed for specific graph- applications. Sorting is a fundamental and universal prob- ics computations. Many special processor architectures have lem in computer science. Even if sort has been extensively been proposed to exploit data parallelism for data intensive addressed by many research works, it still remains an inter- computations and graphics processors (GPUs) are one of esting challenge to make it faster by exploiting novel tech- those. For example, the scientific community uses GPUs nologies. In this light, this paper shows how to use graphics for general purpose computation. The result obtained, in processors as coprocessors to speed up sorting while allowing term of computational latency, outperform the time charge CPU to perform other tasks. Our new algorithm exploits a requested on classical processors. Unfortunately, such pro- memory-efficient data access pattern maintaining the min- grams must rely on APIs to access the hardware, for example imum number of accesses to the memory out of the chip. OpenGL or DirectX. These APIs are simultaneously over- We introduce an efficient instruction dispatch mechanism to specified, forcing programmer to manipulate data that is not improve the overall sorting performance. We also present directly relevant, and drivers. These APIs make critical pol- a cache-based computational model for graphics processors. icy decisions, such as deciding where data resides in memory Experimental results highlight up to an order of magnitude and when they are copied. improvements over prior CPU-based sorting methods, and a In last years, due to the growing trend of media market, remarkable improvement over previous GPU-based sorting the request of rendering algorithms is rapidly evolving. For algorithms. those companies producing hardware, it means to design every time new hardware both able to run novel algorithms and able to provide higher rate of computations per sec- 1. INTRODUCTION ond. Such processors require significant design effort and Every day people use Web Search Engines as a tool for are thus difficult to change as applications and algorithms accessing information, sites, and services on the Web. Infor- evolve. The request for flexibility in media processing moti- mation retrieval has to face those issues due to the growing vates the use of programmable processors, and the existing amount of information on the web, as well as the number of need for non-graphical APIs pushed the same companies into new users. Creating a Web Search Engine which scales even creating new abstractions designed to last. to today's Web contents presents many challenges. A fast Finally, according to what Moore's law foresee, the num- crawling technology is needed to gather web documents and ber of transistor density doubles every two years. Further- more, mainly due to power-related issues, new generation processors (such as traditional CPUs) tend to incorporate an ever-increasing number of processors (also called cores) on the same chip [9]. The result is that nowadays the mar- Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for ket proposes low-cost commodity hardware that is able to personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are execute heavy loads of computations. In order to enable de- not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies velopers to leverage the power of such architectures, they bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to usually make available ad-hoc programming tools for. republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. For the reasons listed so far, these architectures are ideal Copyright 200X ACM X-XXXXX-XX-X/XX/XX ...$10.00. candidates for the efficient implementation of those compo- bitonic sort as well as an odd-even merge sort. They pre- nent of a Large-Scale Search Engine that are eager of com- sented an improved bitonic sort routine that achieves a per- putational power. formance gain by minimizing both the number of instruc- This paper focuses on using a GPU as a co-processor for tions to be executed in the fragment program and the num- sorting. Sorting is a core problem in computer science that ber of texture operations. has been extensively researched over the last five decades Zachmann et al. [14] presented a novel approach for par- and still remains a bottleneck in many applications involv- allel sorting on stream processing architectures based on an ing large volumes of data. One could argue why efficient adaptive bitonic sorting [6]. They presented an implemen- sorting is related with LSDS-IR. First of all, sorting is a tation based on modern programmable graphics hardware basic application for indexing. We will show in Section 3 showing that they approach is competitive with common how many indexing algorithms are basically a sorting op- sequential sorting algorithms not only from a theoretical eration over integer sequences. Large scale indexing, thus, viewpoint, but also from a practical one. Good results are required scalable sorting. Second, the technique we are in- achieved by using efficient linear stream memory accesses troducing here is of crucial importance for Distributed Sys- and by combining the optimal time approach with algo- tems for IR since it is designed to run on GPUs that are rithms. considered by many as a basic building block for future gen- Govindaraju et al. [13] implemented sorting as the main eration data-centers [4]. Our bitonic sorting network can computational component for histogram approximation. This be seen as a viable alternative for sorting large quantities solution is based on the periodic balanced sorting network of data on graphics processors. In the last years general method by Dowd et al. [10]. In order to achieve high com- purpose processors have been specialized adopting mecha- putational performance on the GPUs, they used a sorting nisms to make more flexible their work. Such facilities (i.e. network based algorithm and each stage is computed using more levels of caches, out-of-order execution paradigm, and rasterization. They later presented a hybrid bitonic-radix branch prediction techniques) leads to make the theoreti- sort that is able to sort vast quantities of data [12], called cal performance of CPUs closer to the real achievable one. GPUTeraSort. This algorithm was proposed to sort record From the other side specialized processors, like GPUs, ex- contained in databases using a GPU. This approach uses the pose lower flexibility at design phase, but are able to reach data and task parallelism on the GPU to perform memory- higher computational power providing more computational intensive and compute-intensive tasks while the CPU is used cores with respect to other the class of processors. We map to perform I/O and resource management. a bitonic sorting network on GPU exploiting the its high Sengupta et al. [25] presented a radix-sort and a Quick- bandwidth memory interface. Our novel data partitioning sort implementation based on segmented scan primitives. improves GPU cache efficiency and minimizes data transfers Authors presented new approaches of implementing several between on-chip and out-chip memories. classic applications using this primitives and shows that this This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses primitives are an excellent match for a broad set of problems related works, while Sections 3 introduces some relevant on parallel hardware. characteristics about the applicability of GPU-based sort- Recently, Sintorn et al. [28] presented a sorting algorithm ing in Web Search Engines. Section 4 presents some issues that combines bucket sort with merge sort. In addition, arising from the stream programming model and the single- authors show this new GPU sorting method sorts on nlog(n) instruction multiple-data (SIMD) architecture. The central time. part is devoted to expose our solution, and the computa- Cederman et al. [8] showed that their GPU-Quicksort is tional model used to formalize Graphics Processing Units. a viable sorting alternative. The algorithm recursively par- Section 6 presents some results obtained in a preliminary tition the sequence to be sorted with respect to a pivot. evaluation phase. Section 7 discuss hot to evolve and im- This is done in parallel by each GPU-thread until the en- prove this research activity. tire sequence has been sorted. In each partition iteration a new pivot value is picked and as a result two new sub- sequences are created that can be sorted independently by 2.
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