■+ r ■ r / - V MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 19M' PAGE FOURTEEN AFtrage Daily Net Prcaa Ran .- j Far Um Week Eaded The Weather Ferecaot e< O’. 8. Weatbar Ba St. Oerard'a M othm Clrcl* will The rriandahlR Circle « f lb* Feb. 11. 1888 Salvation Arpiy will hold Itk week­ ScouU Receive Ad Altere Dbi O o m Scouts to S^rve WINBOW BHADES meet tomorrow night at 8 o'clock laereaMag MeodiaBee, net m eakT About Town at the home of Mra. Thomaa Quinn, ly meeUng at the Citadel tonight Spaghetti Supper 11,916 toMlgbt. Lew 8S-S7. Wedaeeday 134 Greenwood Dr. Mr*. Arthur at 8 o'clock. Hoateases will be Mrs. GrBBB. WhitB, Rcni MutehMUr Lodgt. No. 7S, A.F. HiUa ia th* co^oateaa. Ethel Carlson and Mra. Frances t UM Aodlt cloudy, Adld, eerasleani •nd A.M., will held • Mat«d com* GebeL . Scaler Girl Scout Troop 1 is. W m Iib M b *C Orebbmee High 40-8#. nunlcaUon «t the Mm m Ic Tem­ M anchest^ Aeaembly, No. IS. planning to serve another on* of MancheMtei^— A City of Village Ch a r m Memorial Temple, No. 83, . HOLLAND RNiSH _____ ________ 1 ple tomorrow night at 7;S0. Fol- Order o f Rainbow for Girl*,, will It* appetizing jpaghettl supper* lewliig the bueineea meeting, the hold a Tognlai 'bualneaa meeting Pythian Siatcrir will meet tomor­ 0 A Blade t* Order row at 8 p.m.'All new officera and Saturday night. Fe’ . 11, In Wood­ rellowttan degree w«l he con- tonight at 7:80 aharp at the Ma- # l - O T wuh Tear Rollers yOL. LXXV, NO. 114 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1956 (Claaalfled AdvortUbig aa Faga U ) tened on a claae of candidate* aonlc Temple. All officer* will the degree staff are urged to' be ruff Hall of, tha Canter Congrega­ PRICE FIVE CEI present for a rehearsal. Members tional Church. The troop is putting «rtth Senior Warden Malcolm Rob- liwar their white dreeee*. are also asked to bring Valentine* E. L JOHNSON ertaon In charge of the degree for excheiige at the eodal hour, on th* *Iti>p*r to help raise funds work. At the cenclujilon of the The folloeing Mancheeter girl*, / - ' ------■ . for Its trip to Europe this summer. / PAINT CO. Uteettng, there will be a eodal hour member* of the claa* of 1058 at St. Miantonomoh Tribe, No. 58, 13m aupper wUl be served from Senators. Bid to Air e Chech and refreahmenta. Franeii Hoepital School of Na:*- lORM, will meet tonight at , 8 5:80 to 7 pjn., with guests coming 699 Main S U Tel. M I 9-4501 ■ ’ t ing, received their cap* in a cere­ o'clock in Tinker Hall. It la hoped in any tim* during those hours. S t Jodb Thaddeue MotherR Clr- mony yeaterday afternoon; Sucan- Ihs menu, beside* plenty of spa­ that all members will attend, 4a eport Set d a will meat tomorrow night at ne Audette, Patricia Oiovannini, important business will be trans- ghetti with tasty Italian sauce, Donna Hart, Ann Roy and M. will include ealad, rolls, TMTcrage ‘Improper Pressure’ a o'clock at the home of Mre. Har­ acted. old Dwyer, Weatf St.. Bolton. Co- Sucanne Tatei. and dessert. boetaeae* Will be Mra. Bverette The Holy Angel* Mothers Circle Carol McHugh is nneral chair­ . OLLIE'S B y Doctors C5rr and Mr*. John Ooy. A brief bu*ine*a meeting of th* will meet at the home of Mr*. Ed­ man of the supper, Evelyn Harry Mancheater Fine Art* Aa»n.. mund Mikolowsky, 184 Cooper St., in charge of puUieity, Martha AUTO BODY On Natural Gas Bill Wednesday at 8 . p.m. in the Leander In charge of choking, Washington, Feb. 14 (A V - DAV, No. 17, Auxiliary, will hold tomorrow night at 8 o'clock. Whiton auditorium Will be followed Loretta Oerleon In ch »g * of dec­ it WaDING Dr. Paul Dudley White and tta regular meeting Wedneaday at by a demonstration in water color* ------ 'Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Kargl, orations and Betty England in ir AUTO lODY oRd Washington, Feb. 14 (/P)— Sen. George (D-Ga) called in the the vfWf Horn* at • o'clock. Plan* by Mr*. Howard W. Vlbhert, 4 Charge of ticket*. five other physicians consnlt* . Will be mad* for a tcapital Yieit. 186 Vernon St.. Hartford, have Senate todai}’ for any Senator with evidence of any “ imphiper Frederick Rd. Plan* fftr the com­ moved to 165 Ferguson Rd., Man­ ‘nckbta may be purchased from FENDER REPAIRS ed at the White House today All mcmbera are aaked to try and ing yaar will be outlined by the any member of th* troop oi from p^saure” in connection with the natural gas bill to give it to preparatory to giving Presi­ attend. chester.'* ★ COMPLETE CAR president, Mr*, J. Herbert Finlay. Batty England, Uck*t chairman. his committee investigating .a $2,500 campaign contribution dent Eisenhower a "more or A apeial time with light refresh­ The Irish Night committca of PAINTING to Sen. Francis Case (R-SI));’^ less final” report on how hia ment*'will follow. The association Manchester Lodge of Elks will iJkOQOER aad ENAMEL welcomes all thoae interested in ^eart is standing up under NOBTH END BAEBER SHOP meet tonight at 8 o'clock at the Heavy Rain Cause George said hi* Mmmlttee had [Polio Victim Spurs tine arta. Elks Home. Members are urged to 8 GriawoM Street made noeesw determinationj8a4 amomI ea m b I * as yet ^ ^ the burdens of his office. M l North Mala Street TeL MI-9-5025 The medical conference - got Offers 5-Point Plan Dader New Maaageaecat procure tickets promptly on ac­ whether to seek authority to Hebron to Record Judith Rubinow, a sophomore, count of the limited number that Of Highway trash started a few minutes before no<^ Adatt Haircata S1.15 broaden it* inquiry' beyond the and Dale Robinson, a freshman, can attend the affair. y ease Incident. and within five mimltea of the Ar­ EhUdrau'a Haircata 7te are on the honor roll for Chaffee Hebron, Feb. 14'(Special)— state Police said a car driven At the federal courthouse, mean­ Through the aealoua deter­ rival of White, Boaton heart ape- Open 8 A. M. to S r . M. DaUy School! Windsor. Andrrson-.Shea Auxiliary, No. by Andrew H. Benard, 36, of 152 ciallat. To Better West Ties 8 Barker* At Tear Sertrloa » ——- time, a grand Jury began its own mination of Mra. Fredarick 2046. VFW. will hold a regular Eldrfdge St., crashed Into a car inquiry Into the case of the oil Wythe the March of Dlmea WhItF haa been chief consultant The Senior Girl Scout Leaders meeting tomorrow night at 7 ;30, at driven by two West Point r«d«t» on. the case since the President suf­ Club will meet tomorrow night at man's 82500 donation which Ssn. campaign in Hebron reached fered a heart attack last Sept. 24. By STANLEY JOHNSON the post home. Officers W'ho have on Rt. IS In Tolland during Satur­ case spurned. an all-time high this year.. 8 o'clock at the home of Emily uniforms are requested to wsar day's heavy rain. Aaslyie New Tests Moscow,.Feb. 14 (/P)— NikiUt S. Khrushchev told the world On. hand to testify were three Though forced to conduct the The consultation* dealt first Smith, 55 E. Middle Tpke. them, as District President Marga­ Trooper Richard A. Schwarz of wlthcasea who said they were drive from a hospital bed 25 |bdey “ there are only two roads, peaceful co4Mcistence or war,” ret St. George will make a visita­ the Stafford Spring* barraLks in­ with analyala of naw madlcal'testa prepared to anawer all queationa jnilea away, Mrs. Wythe’s ef­ which Elaanhower underwent Sat­ and declared the Communist bloc is now invincible. Advcrtlaement— tion. Members are reminded to vestigated and said no Injuries oc­ and had noUilng to conceal. fort* netted 8720 for the polio bring a Valentine for the Valentine curred. Benard w«a warned for urday at the Army's Walter Reed The Soviet Communist party bos^ pictured the western Kid*! See Balua Jones and The social and also s toilet article for a One was John M. Neff. Lexing­ fund. Hospital here. position as weakening while the Soinet Union and its driving too fast for conditions. ton, Neb., lawyer Iwho left the In previous yeara contribu­ 4 Mouseketeera in person at De- veterans' hospital. Police said the car in which The team of alx physicians ar­ associates grow stronger. But the warning was accompanied Cormier Motor Sales, 21 Maple S't. 82.500 In Sioux Falls, S.D., as a tions never reached the 8900 ranged to report their ■findlnga to James' H. Gordon, 21, and Fred­ contribution to Caae'a campaign. mark. Mra\ Wythe, chairman by a statement that war is not inevitable. Courtesy Ameijcan Motor*; Tuea- Members .of Hose Co., No. I, erick Gordon, 20, both of West the President at 1:45 p.m. day afternoon at 4. Coras one— MFD. will hold a meeting tonight Alao on hand were Elmer Pat­ for the pasL two yeara, was The Whits'^ House said there was Khrukhchev spoke before clieeiing delegates at the 20th / Herald Photo. Point, were riding was stopped on man of Auatin, Tex., like Neff stricken 'with poliomyelitis Com* all. at 8 o’clock, 't the firehouse. Tha Rev. Edgar Farrell of St./James' Church looks at the Ad Alter* Del.'. Croes won by Robert the shoulder of the highwa.v and a poaatblllty the phyaiclans might Congress of the Soviet Communist party in the Kremlin, the Fitzgerald as William Kusmik, afiother Cross wiiiner, looks on.
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