VOLUME 20 NO. 3 SEPTEMBER 2011 the journal of the asian arts society of australia TAASA Review ARTS OF KOREA c o n t E n t s Volume 20 No. 3 September 2011 3 Editorial: arts of KorEa taasa rEVIEW Josefa Green THE ASIAN ARTS SOCIETY OF AUSTRALIA INC. ABN 64093697537 • Vol. 20 No. 3, September 2011 4 spirit of jang-in: trEasurEs of KorEan mEtal craft ISSN 1037.6674 Registered by Australia Post. Publication No. NBQ 4134 Min Jung Kim EditorIAL • email: [email protected] 8 passage to paradisE: KorEan Buddhist painting of the late JosEon pEriod General editor, Josefa Green Jackie Menzies puBlications committee 11 WishEs for harmony, prospErity and long lifE: KorEan bronze mirrors of the GoryEo kingdom Josefa Green (convenor) • Tina Burge Charlotte Horlyck Melanie Eastburn • Sandra Forbes • Ann MacArthur Jim Masselos • Ann Proctor • Susan Scollay 14 on the world hEritage list: the Hahoe and Yangdong villagEs of KorEa Sabrina Snow • Christina Sumner Joan Domicelj dEsign/layout Ingo Voss, VossDesign 17 considEring bojagi: traditional and contEmporary KorEan wrapping cloths printing Christina Sumner John Fisher Printing Published by The Asian Arts Society of Australia inc. 20 groundEd in tradition: the contEmporary Work of JoungmEE do PO Box 996 Potts Point NSw 2011 Marian Hosking www.taasa.org.au Enquiries: [email protected] 22 tEll mE tEll mE: Australian and Korean Art 1976 – 2011 Song Mi Sim TAASA Review is published quarterly and is distributed to members of The Asian Arts Society of Australia inc. TAASA Review welcomes submissions of articles, notes and reviews on Asian visual and 24 KorEan cinEma today: KorEa goEs to hollyWood performing arts. All articles are refereed. Additional copies and Kieran Tully subscription to TAASA Review are available on request. 26 introducing the KorEan cultural officE, sydnEy No opinion or point of view is to be construed as the opinion of The Asian Arts Society of Australia inc., its staff, servants or agents. Young-soo Kim No claim for loss or damage will be acknowledged by TAASA Review as a result of material published within its pages or 27 in the PuBlic Domain: A Korean-Australian neckpiEcE at ThE POwerhouse Museum in other material published by it. we reserve the right to alter Alysha Buss or omit any article or advertisements submitted and require indemnity from the advertisers and contributors against damages 28 GeorgE souttEr: 1934-2011 or liabilities that may arise from material published. All reasonable efforts have been made to trace copyright holders. 29 collEctor’s choicE: A Korean Maebyong Vase Josefa Green taasa mEmBErship ratEs $70 Single 30 rEcENT TAASA ACTIVITIEs $90 Dual $95 Libraries (in Australia) $35 Concession (full-time students under 26, pensioners 30 taasa mEmbers’ diary: September-November 2011 and unemployed with ID, Seniors Card not included) $115 Overseas (individuals and libraries) 31 What’s on in australia and ovErsEas: September-November 2011 Compiled by Tina Burge advErtising ratEs TAASA Review welcomes advertisements from appropriate companies, institutions and individuals. Rates below are GST inclusive. Back page $850 Full inner page $725 Half page horizontal $484 Third page (vertical or horizontal) $364 Half column $265 Insert $300 For further information re advertising, including discounts for regular quarterly advertising, please contact [email protected] while ouR TRyST haS been DelayeD (STill), 2010, yEESOOKyUNg, VidEO, SOUNd. the dEadline for all articlEs for our nexT issue iS 1 SEPTEMBER 2011 16:25 MiNUTES. diREctor: yEESOOKyUNg, fiLM PROdUcER: KiM JOONhA, PERfORMER: JUNg MARiE. the dEadline for all advErtising iMAgE cOURTESy ANd © ThE ARTiST. SEE PP22-23 Of ThiS iSSUE. for our nexT issue iS 15 OcTOBER 2011 A full indEx of articlEs puBlishEd in TAASa Review since its BEginnings in 1991 is availaBle on the TAASA web sitE, WWW.taasa.org.au 2 t a a s a c o m m i t t ee E d i t o r i a l : a r t s o f K o r E a gill green • President Josefa Green, Editor Art historian specialising in Cambodian culture CHRISTINA SUMNER • VicE President Principal Curator, Design and Society, It has been a great pleasure to dedicate this patchwork and embroidered wrapping cloths Powerhouse Museum, Sydney issue to the arts of Korea, in celebration of which are, as she writes, deeply imbued with ann guild • TREASURER the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations Korean aesthetic, cultural and social values. Former Director of the Embroiders Guild (UK) between Australia and South Korea. This has Readers may recall the 1998 exhibition at the dy andrEasEn • SEcRETARy however created an impossible challenge: Powerhouse which displayed some of these Has a special interest in Japanese haiku and tanka poetry how to encapsulate the richness of Korea’s beautiful textiles. past and present artistic achievements in one Hwei-fE’n chEah issue of the TAASA Review? Of course, we have The growing appreciation of the value of Lecturer, Art History, Australian National University, with an interest in needlework not attempted such an unrealistic enterprise. traditional cultural products is mirrored by Rather, this issue aims to provide some sense the listing of extraordinary places of cultural JOCElyn chEy of the range and richness of Korea’s cultural or natural significance by the UNESCO Visiting Professor, Department of Chinese Studies, University of Sydney; former diplomat heritage and to touch on some of its more World Heritage Committee. The Korean contemporary manifestations. villages of Hahoe and Yangdong have been matt cox recently placed on the World Heritage List Study Room Co-ordinator, Art Gallery of New South Wales, with a particular interest in Islamic Art of In this we are aided by a major exhibition and we are fortunate to be given a sense of Southeast Asia at the Powerhouse Museum (PHM), Spirit of their enormous historical significance by jang-in: Treasures of Korean Metal Craft, which Joan Domicelj, a heritage consultant who was philip courtEnay will be launched late October. Drawing involved in the listing process. Along with the Former Professor and Rector of the Cairns Campus, James Cook University, with a special interest in Southeast on iconic pieces from a number of Korean surviving buildings originally founded in the Asian ceramics museums, its focus is on Korean metal craft 14th century, the wooden masks of Hahoe, LUCIE folan but its brief is much wider. As PHM curator used in the Hahoe masked dance-drama (still Assistant Curator, Asian Art, National Gallery of Australia Min Jung Kim states in her review of this practiced today and an Important Intangible exhibition, the display of both historical and Cultural Property), are the only masks to be sandra forbes contemporary examples of metal craft offers named Korean national treasures. Editorial consultant with long-standing interest in South and Southeast Asian art an introduction to Korean history and culture and deep insight into the spirit of jang-in - the JosEfa green Moving to the contemporary, this issue offers spirit or essence of Korean craftspeople. a review of the recent major Australian – General editor of TAASA Review. Collector of Chinese ceramics, with long-standing interest in East Asian Korean art exhibition, Tell Me, Tell Me, from art as student and traveller Several other articles in this issue tease out the perspective of Song Mi Sim, a Korean min-Jung Kim aspects of Korea’s rich metal craft tradition. national living in Australia, and a practicing Curator of Asian Arts & Design at the Powerhouse Museum We are pleased to be able to offer an article artist and graduate of the National Art School. The exhibition juxtaposed contemporary ann proctor by Dr Charlotte Horlyck from the School works with significant historical examples Art historian with a particular interest in Vietnam of Oriental and African Studies, London University, which summarises some of her from the 1970’s by important artists of both yuKiE sato recent research on Goryeo period (918-1392 countries. Jointly curated by Glenn Barkley Former Vice President of the Oriental Ceramic Society of CE) Korean bronze mirrors. from Sydney’s Museum of Contemporary Art the Philippines with wide-ranging interest in Asian art and culture and Kim Inhye from the National Museum Dr Marian Hosking introduces us to the work of Contemporary Art (NMOCA) in Seoul, SABrina snoW of Joungmee Do, an Australian-Korean who the exhibition moves from the National Art Has a long association with the Art Gallery of New South School to open at NMOCA in November. Wales and a particular interest in the arts of China spectacularly combines traditional techniques with contemporary materials and designs. hon. auditor A striking necklace by another Korean- Finally, we are very pleased in this special Rosenfeld Kant and Co Australian, held in the PHM, is discussed Korean issue to take the opportunity to s t a t E r E p r E s E n t a t i v E s by Alysha Buss in our regular In the Public introduce the newly established Korean Domain feature. Its pared back modern design Cultural Office (KCO) in Sydney. Its Director, AUSTRALIAN Capital Territory is belied by the complex traditional processes Young-soo Kim, outlines its ambitious roByn maxwell used in its construction. program of activity, both current and planned, Visiting Fellow in Art History, ANU; aimed at promoting mutual understanding Senior Curator of Asian Art, National Gallery of Australia Jackie Menzies’ article on Late Joseon between Korea and Australia. KOFFIA – the Northern Territory Buddhist art (18th – 20th centuries), Korean Film Festival in Australia – now works Joanna BarrKman demonstrates a different aspect of Korean out of the KCO and will launch an expanded Curator of Southeast Asian Art and Material Culture, artistic achievement.
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