AN INTERESTING FOR THE PICTORIAL EDITORIAL 3TORYOFTHEBALANCE APPEARS STAFF DEPARTMENT. ON PAGE 2 TURN TO PAGE 6 * Published by and for the ·Employees of the Hamilton Watch Co., Lancaster, Penna. * Vol. 7 ·No. Copyright, 1949, Hamilton Wat~h Co., Lancaster, Penna. PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC LIGHTS BEING INSTALLED PASTOR ROBERT SALAU RECEIVES HAMILTON Township Supervison' HAMIL TON WATCHES ON DISPLAY IN FOR HEROIC WAR WORK IN SOLOMON ISLANDS Request O.K'ed By State NEW YORK AND CHICAGO JEWELRY SHOWS For Installation Of Hamilton's complete line of Eight custom made diamond Threa Pedestrian Lights watches along with the Com­ watches were also one of the fea­ pany's latest dealer dispL!lys were tures at the New York show. Almost every employee will be on exhibit at two national jewel­ The same displays and time­ pieces with the exception of the glad to hear that pedestrian traf­ ry shows held in July and August fic lights are being installed in at Chicago and New York. eight diamond watches were used front of the factory. Through Mr. The American National Retail in the Chicago show. Charles H . Hostetter (Train), Jewelers' Association show at The Hamilton personnel attend­ president of the Lancaster Town­ New York's Waldorf-Astoria Ho­ ing the New York show was com­ ship Supervisors, official word tel was h eld on August 15-16-17-18, posed of: President R. M. Kant, G. P. Luckey (V.P. in Charge of was received that these lights will while the National Association of Mfg.), M. F . Manby <Dir. of be in operation shortly. Credit Jewelers show was held at Since the parking lot South of the Stevens Hotel in Chic.ago on Eng.), R. Waddell (Dir. of Adv.>, July 25-26-27-28. the Lincoln Highway was estab­ Lowell F . Halligon (Sales & Mer­ chandising Mgr.) , F . S. Franklin lished, a larger number of em­ At the New York show, last (Asst. Sales Mgr.), Henri Vermot ployees have had to cross the year's booth, consisting of two (Dir. of Styling), Paul Seibel highway and a greater traffic haz­ sections, the one 71h feet high, 16 (Dist. Sales Mgr.), R. J . Gunder ard has existed. The Company is feet long, the other ni. feet high, 8 feet long with a 3 foot curved (Dealer Serv. Mgr.), Robert W elsh glad to be informed that meas­ ures are being taken to insure the extension was used. (Asst. Dealer Serv. Mgr.), Jack On display for the first time Conklin (Display Supv.), E. B. safe crossing of employees during was the n ew Hamilton watch Silvius (Sales) and John Marion factory working hours. When the (Sales) all from the factory, while lights are installed at the inter­ fold-away table which was made section of Rider Avenue and the for Hamilton wholesalers for use those H amilton salesmen in at­ Lincoln Highway, it will be vital at state and national jewelers tendance were: John Hall, W . E . F. S. Franklin (Asst.. Sales Mgr.), right, presents a Hamilton to to the safety of all employees conventions and trade shows. The Pierpont, W. J. Aukamp, A. C. Pastor Robert Salau with Rev. A. G. Stewart, missionary for 41 years crossing the highway that they novel part about the table is the Schacheman, and D. F. Chapman. display portion as well as the legs to the Solomon Islands, at the extreme left. use the marked lanes at the Those present at the Chicago fold up permitting the table to lights and avoid jaywalking. show were: President Kant, Jack be transported without difficul­ Conklin and R. .J. Gunder, while Pastor Robert Salau, a Seventh­ hard to understand, but through Three lights are being installed, one on a pedestal at the curb near ty. The table was designed by R. the salesmen who attended were: day Adventist native from the an interpreter, the Rev. A. G. J. Gunder (Dealer Service) and J. L . Keenan, J . Philp, J. R. the West Tower entrance and two R. Solomon Islands, visited Hamil­ Stewart, missionary for 41 years built by the Hamilton Display across the street at the corner of H enrickson, R. W. Snyder and ton on Thursday, July 21 and re­ to the Solomon Islands, who ac­ Shop. Fred E. Orr. ceived a Langdon model strap companied him on his brief tour Rider Avenue where that thor­ watch in appreciation for his he­ of Hamilton, he made himself oughfare joins the Lincoln High­ roic work during World War II clear. way. These lights will be the standard red, amber and green TIME GETS A FACIAL in which he saved the lives of ap­ Pastor Salau, as a young man, proximately 500 American ser­ signals which are in operation in ran away from home to attend a the downtown section of Lancas­ vicemen during the fighting in school set up by the Adventist the South Pacific. ter. Church in the Solomon Islands. The lights will be in full oper­ Pastor Salau, a dark, sharp­ Since becoming a pastor twenty ation from 7 to 8:30 a. m ., 11 a. m. eyed little man, wearing a pin­ years ago, Salau estimates that h e to 1:30 p. m., and 4:30 to 5:30 striped coat, white shirt, black tie, has helped convert some 2,000 na­ p. m. In between times, the am­ a blue serge skirt, native mocca­ tives in the Pacific IsL!lnds. ber signals will operate as blink­ sins and carrying a hand-carved During World War II, Salau, ers to warn traffic to slow down spear, never wore a wrist watch who was stationed out of range of when traveling in this area. before and when he r eceived the dog fights in the sky, did not par­ In order to have the lights watch from F. S. Franklin (Asst. ticipate in actual r escue work, but erected, the Township Supervis­ Sales Mgr.) his broad smile indi­ a group of his own converts, un­ ors sent a request to the State cated his pleasure and grateful­ der his direction, risked their lives Highway Department. The Har­ ness for the gift. time and again for the allied air­ risburg office sent men here to As Pastor Salau explained, "We m en . He acted as liaison between take a traffic count. When the do not use watches in the Solo­ the U. S. Marines and the na­ count revealed lights were justi­ mons. We tell time only by night tives. fied the State Highway Depart­ and day." Before his tour of Hamilton, ment notified the Township Su­ Salau's English at times was Pastor Salau was guest of honor pervisors that lights could be in­ at the Rotary Club luncheon at stalled and sent the necessary Hotel Brunswick. Dr. Theodore technical data. The Township then A. Distler, president of Franklin ordered the equipment necessary and Marshall College, was master for the lights. of ceremonies at the Rotary meet­ The lights are being erected by ing. the chief City electrician. Looking up at Hense Simpson amount of a special outside white (Maintenance) giving the face of enamel shipped in from Cleveland being used for the eight dials. MODERN MINSTREL SHOW, FEATURING CHORUS the east clock on the West Tow­ For the two coats of white paint er a final dab, the TIMELY used for the woodwork around & ORCHESTRA, TO BE HELD ON OCTOBER 25·26 TOPICS camera caught this shot the two towers, Harnish estimated from the roof over the Finishing four separate acts, interspersed eight gallons (4 gals. per tower). For the first time in the 18 year Department on July 18. FOR YOUR BENEFIT history of the Hamilton Chorus, with singing and musical num­ Simpson said it took about a a modern minstrel show will be bers by the chorus and orchestra. With Dick Harnish (Mainten­ half day per coat for the dials, Night school courses ore offered presented at the Y.M.C.A. audi­ Abe Longenderfer (B. & F . SJ ance) painting the woodwork and hands, numerals and the minute in various subjects by several torium on the evenings of October will direct the show. "Our modern spouting around the East and markers of each of the eight educational institutions in this area . 25 and 26. minstrel," said Abe, "will differ West Towers, and Simpson paint­ clocks. These courses ore available ta all In conjunction with the chorus, from the old time minstrel show ing the faces of the eight clocks It took a bit longer to paint the qualified employee s at a small the newly-formed Hamilton em­ in that we will not have an in­ on both towers, the two Mainten­ clocks on the West Tower than ance employees finished the com­ cost. For further information watch ployee concert orchestra w i 11 terlocutor and end men. Instead it did those on the East Tower we will have four separate acts plete )ob in eight painting days. your departmental bulletin board. make its debut, · providing the because the distance across the musical background for the show. with the characters appearing in Simpson used three quarts of face of each of the West Tower Approximately 100 Hamilton black face and regular minstrel Duco black enamel for two coats clocks is 71h feet as compared to employees will comprise the cast. dress." on the hands, numerals and min­ 61h feet for each of the East Tow­ The show will be composed of (Continued on Page 4, Col. 2) ute markers, with th e same er clocks. 2 Timely Topics Mark Ryder Visits Volume 7 Timely Topics Number 8 Sister In England EDITORIAL BOARD WALLACE BORK, Chair., Proc.
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