Pennsylvania Sustainable Forestry Initiative® Implementation Committee (SIC) NEWS PA SFI Continues to March On All in all, 2012 was another good year for the PA SFI program. We didn’t shatter any records, but we achieved most of our program goals and did a solid job of delivering another year of training, outreach, and support to Pennsylvania’s forestry community. We continued to retool the pro- gram to maximize the benefits and services we provide to you, using the financial resources avail- able. Despite some downtime last summer with the changeover in the Program Manager posi- tion, we still managed to participate in outreach events and be involved with various forest stake- Winter 2013 holder organizations. Our program continues to be guided by an outstanding SIC, made up of (Issue # 31) knowledgeable and dedicated individuals who, in addition to their regular day-to-day duties, make the commitment to show up to meetings, support the program, and contribute their valua- ble input. SFI Implementation Committee (SIC) Members At the beginning of 2012 we initiated our new core training requirements, and I received a lot of positive feedback. The new Professional Timber Harvesting Essentials core course seems to have John Bouch, PA Veneers Inc. something for everyone and generated good discussions. The workshops offered an excellent Dennis Brehm, Weaber Lumber Inc.* opportunity for more experienced participants to convey their own knowledge and experiences Charlie Brown, Chair, Glatfelter Pulp Wood* to newer individuals. I also received a number of positive comments from folks who participated Chuck Coup, PA SFI® in a Game of Logging 1 course for the first time last year, including many veteran loggers. The Keith Craig, PA HDC Amy Doty, SFI Inc. competitive aspect of the training really seems to jibe well with the competitive nature of Penn- Dan Evans, Domtar Paper Co., LLC* sylvania timber harvesters. Jim Finley, Penn State University In 2012, participants collectively engaged in 5,000 hours of PA SFI training. A summary of the James Grace, Penn State University 2012 training results can be found on page 3. I want to thank everyone who participated, and Bob Hobbes, Hobbes Forestry congratulate the 78 individuals that completed their core training requirements and received a Dave Jackson, Penn State Coop. Ext. PA SFI Training Card. Chuck Dibble, Craftmaster Manufacturing, Inc. Jeff Kochel, Forest Investment Associates* I also want to note that at the end of last year, 171 training cards had expired. Is yours one of Rich LaBrozzi, RAM Forest Products them? If so, I hope to see you at one of our courses this spring. A copy of the training schedule Mike Lester, PA Bureau of Forestry and registration form has been included with this newsletter. John Levavasseur, Hancock Forest Mgmt.* Paul Lyskava, PA Forest Products Association This will be the last year that you can attend either the Professional Timber Harvesting Essentials Nancy McCloskey, Forecon, Inc. or Game of Logging 1 course for continuing education credits, so I recommend you take ad- Ken Roberts, Vice Chair, NewPage Corp.* vantage of that opportunity while it is available. If you took Game of Logging 1 last year I would Ron Rohall, PACD encourage you to participate in one of the Game of Logging 2 courses being offered this spring. Rudean Reynolds, Weyerhaeuser* I would also encourage you to contact me if you have any suggestions for training courses or Todd Sparks, Hancock Forest Management* Kevin Stout, Allegheny Wood Products locations that you would like to see included in this fall’s training block. Susan Stout, USDA Forest Service Lastly, if you are in need of training outside the PA SFI training blocks you should take a look at Sue Swanson, AHUG our new “blog” that advertises non-SFI courses that have been pre-approved for PA SFI C.E. credit Barrett Wiggins, Deer Park Lumber Co. (see article on page 4). Jonathan Wirth, Walker Lumber Co. Of course, we owe a great deal of gratitude for the financial contributions and * Denotes SFI® Program Participant support provided by our Program Participants, Partners, and Supporters in 2012. Contributor support is critical to (Continued on next page) Questions or comments regarding the PA SFI® newsletter, contact: Visit PA SFI online: The PA SFI office has recently moved and our contact www.sfiofpa.org Pennsylvania SFI® SIC information has been updated. The new contact infor- 211 Barrington Lane mation is listed at the bottom left corner of this page. Bellefonte, PA 16823 Please be sure to update your address book. (814) 355-1010 or (888) 734-9366 (toll free) Fax: (814) 355-1022 Have a smart phone? You can instantly access the PA SFI website on your phone by scanning the Quick Response (QR) code to the right using a QR code reader app like RedLaser or QR [email protected] or www.sfiofpa.org Droid. Check it out! Pennsylvania Sustainable Forestry Initiative Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI®) Implementation Committee (SIC) NEWS SFI Inc. (www.sfiprogram.org) is an in- (continued from page 1) dependent 501(c)(3) non-profit charita- our efforts to educate loggers and promote sustainable forest management practices in ble organization, and is solely responsi- Pennsylvania. This year it is my hope that more entities will begin to step up and join ble for maintaining, overseeing and the small number of dedicated companies that have historically borne the cost of sup- improving the internationally recog- porting PA SFI programming that benefits the entire forestry sector. If you were previ- nized Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) program. Over two hundred million ously a program Partner or Supporter, or are interested in becoming one, we would be acres (81 million hectares) are certified happy to discuss what involvement with the program can mean to you. to the SFI forest management standard, Looking ahead to this year, the PA SFI we will be involved in the 2013 Private Forest making it the largest single forest stand- Landowners Conference at the Blair County Convention Center on May 10th and 11th, as ard in the world. SFI chain-of-custody certification tells buyers the percentage well as the 2013 Pa Timber Show (see page 4 for more details). This summer we will of fiber from certified forests, certified also be developing a new training course page on our website that will allow individuals sourcing and/or post-consumer recycled to register and pay for PA SFI training courses online using a credit card. We hope this content. The SFI program’s unique fiber new service will provide a more convent option for individuals participating in this fall’s sourcing requirements promote respon- training block. sible forest management on all suppli- ers’ lands. SFI Inc. is governed by a three So as the PA SFI program continues to march on into 2013, I look forward to the many -chamber board of directors repre- opportunities that lie ahead of us. The SFI program, both at the national level and here senting environmental, social and eco- in Pennsylvania, remains focused on our core mission of sustaining the forest resource nomic sectors equally. In order to for the benefit of current and future generations, and we are determined to continue broaden the practice of sustainable growing and progressing through the years ahead. forestry in our state, the PA SFI Imple- Chuck Coup mentation Committee was formed in Program Manager 1995. Today, the PA SFI® program works to ensure the progress of the national initiative and advance sustainable for- estry practices, here in Pennsylvania. DEP Again Confirms Success of the state’s impaired stream miles are Best Management Practices attributed to forestry activities. The Pennsylvania DEP recently released Of the 35 contributing sources tracked by DEP, silviculture ranks 28th and logging the 2012 Pennsylvania Integrated Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment Re- roads rank second to last. Compare this to SFI, Inc. Program Participants port, which they are required to submit agriculture and mine drainage which top Supporting PA SFI to the U.S. EPA on a biennial basis. The the list and contribute a combined 68% (34% each) of the total impaired miles These PA Companies are affiliated with report provides information on the quali- the SFI® Program at the national level ty of Pennsylvania’s water resources and across the state. Even “Natural Sources” through independent third-party certifi- identifies the source of water quality im- are listed as the cause of impairment for cation and provide direct involvement pairments throughout the state. 131 more miles than silviculture and forest and financial support to the PA SFI® roads combined. Program. As with previous reports, the 2012 report again demonstrates the effectiveness of The moral of this story is that BMPs are Domtar Paper LLC the state forestry BMPs taught by PA SFI working to protect Pennsylvania’s water and the overall negligible negative impact resources, and it is a testament to the vigi- Forest Investment Associates that careful logging practices have on lant efforts of timber harvesting profes- water quality. sionals and landowners across Pennsylva- Glatfelter Pulp Wood Company nia that are implementing these practices. Of the 16,599 miles of streams in Penn- Lets continue to protect our water re- Hancock Forest Management sylvania that do not meet water quality sources and demonstrate to the DEP and NewPage Corporation standards, only 19 miles are attributed to EPA that Pennsylvania Timber Harvesters silviculture and 2 miles are attributed to know how to operate in an efficient, eco- Weaber, Inc. forest roads. nomical, and environmental manner. Weyerhaeuser This means that that less than 0.13% A copy of the report can be found on the PA SFI (thirteen one-hundreds of a percent) of website under “Publications.” Winter 2013, Issue #31 - 2 - The Sustainable Forestry Initiative®, SFI®, and Implementation Committee Logo are registered service marks of SFI, Inc.
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