Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 4, Number 6, February 8, 1977 Equal Employee Representation: The Key To Industrial Expansion The following are extracts from the Minority Report of ments to any form of board representation. the Bullock Committee. which were prepared by Mr. N. Our recommendation, subject to the creation or P. Biggs. Sir Jack Callard and Mr. Barrie Heath. The existence of a suitable substructure, is that if there is to Minority Report. in contrast with the Majority view of be employee representation at board level, it should be the Bullock Committee. calls for worker representation on supervisory boards. on supervisory boards. based on the West German We propose that a supervisory board, where adopted, model. which would leave the existing board structure in should consist of: one-third elected by employees; one­ British industry virtually intact. Further. the report en­ third elected by the shareholders; one-third independent visages the formation of such supervisory boards. to members. Included in the one third employee elected re­ ha ve no formal links with the trade union apparatus. only presentatives should be at least one member from the following a number of years experience with work coun­ shop floor payroll, one from the salaried staff employees, cils within each company. and one from management. If a supervisory board is to serve a useful purpose. it We present this minority report in the confidence that should not be a watchdog without teeth. It should exer­ our views will have the support of large sections of the in­ cise general supervision over the conduct of the compa­ dustrial community. We are unable to satisfy ourselves ny's affairs by the board of management, but should not that sufficient notice has been taken of the evidence and participate directly in the management of the company, advice of those who work in industry - employers and nor be empowered to initiate policies. employees alike - whose views and experience are most The effect of this proposal would be to leave the exis­ relevant and most valid. It would be exceedingly unwise ting structure, organization. and purpose of boards of for the natiori to disregard their practical realism and directors in the United Kingdom substantially un­ accept the theories of those who see this debate as a changed. but it would introduce a new and. we believe. means of changing the structure of society in this country important element of accountability. and who would seek to bring the boards of the private sec­ We believe that no candidate should be eligible unless tor under trade union control. he or she has: been employed by the company for a Our own first-hand experience of. companies which minimum of 10 years; been a member of a sub-board operate in West Germany leads us to believe that it is the council-committee for not less than three years; and un­ German insistence on effective works councils separated dergone adequate and appropriate training to enable him from the union negotiating system. representing all em­ or her to participate effectively in the supervisory board ployees and given extensive powers. which is one of the discussions. key factors in the success of the German system of em­ ployee participation. We believe that the substructures can be power houses Extracts taken from: Report of the Committee of Inquiry of ideas. wisdom. and influence on a company's activi­ on Industrial Democracy (Command 6707, Her Majesty's ties. and that they are essential complementary arrange- Stationery Office) Carter Networks Use British Courts Against Callaghan A decision to prevent political action against the fascist The unprecedented judicial action was taken by the settler-regime of South Africa handed down by Britain's British Court of Appeals. which served an injunction second highest court this week has become the leading against the British postal unions who have been organ­ edge of a right-wing destabilization campaign against izing a boycott of all mail and telecommunications with the government of Prime Minister James Callaghan. South Africa. With support from the Carter cabinet. under the manifest supervision of agencies in New York South Africa's Vorster government refused to �thdraw and Washington, D.C. The court decision. an injunction military support for the outlaw Rhodesian regime of Ian against boycott activities directed at South Africa by Smith. as the British government has demanded. The parts of the British labor movement. has directly postal union's action is therefore consistent with British challenged the role of Parliament as final arbiter of law government policy. in the nation. and reflects a deliberate intention to The court acted to sabotage this peace policy at the weaken Callaghan's ability to head-off the U.S. Carter behest of the right-wing National Association of Freedom cabinet's policies of military confrontation in Africa and (NAF) which charged the postal union with "arrogance the Mideast. of power." The court. moreover. delivered its injunction 44 EUROPE © 1977 EIR News Service Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. I only after Attorney General Sam Silken, an appointee of who recently alleged that the Labour Party had been Callaghan and Labor Party Member of Parliament, had infiltrated by "crypto-Communists and fifth colum­ refused to interfere with the postal union campaign "in nists. " the public interest." The court, calling upon Silken to Mrs. Thatcher herself - a member of the Bilderberger explain why he had not halted the boycott organizing, group carefully groomed by the Rockefellers' Council on declared that "Political reasons are not necessarily good Foreign Relations to take over Callaghan's job - is not legal reasons, " a hint of the underlying constitutional above putting in an appearance at NAF functions, as issue involved: Who is the final arbiter of the law, the recently when the guest of honor was Soviet dissident courts or Parliament? (With broad support from Parlia­ Vladimir Bukovsky. Right wing sources in the U.S. have ( ment, Silken insists that he is answerable only to Parlia­ affirmed that the "human rights" issue now being' ment, not the courts, and charges that the court has centered around Bukovsky in Britain could also easily be exceeded its authority, and has no business inquiring into used to compromise Callaghan's fight for improved the grounds of a decision for which he is accountable by East-West relations on the basis of expanded trade and English traditions only to Parliament.) economic cooperation, in conjunction with the Carter The court notably refused to investigate the NAF, administration confrontation policies which give added whose intelligence agency origins and nature are not clout to the Tories' anti-Sovietism. obscure, and which has been catapulted into national Callaghan's vulnerability to Cyrus Vance's destabil­ prominence by the case. Its decision, which implies a ization attempts was revealed this week when, just after fundamental change in Britain's uncodified constitution, he had outlined British Government thinking on South befits an operation which amounts to a treasonous Africa to visiting Trilateral Commission emissary conspiracy against the British government directed from Walter Mondale, eight bombs rocked through London's the U.S. side of the Atlantic. central shopping district - the work of the Rockefellers' The NAF is tied closely to David Rockefeller's New Interpol terrorists. Just last week, British fascist Enoch York Council on Foreign Relations, the U.S. Central Powell was trotted out again to give, according to the Intelligence Agency, and the intelligence-linked under­ press, his "most startling and chilling prognosis yet" on side of the Tory party. The NAF shares personnel and the imminence of race war in Britain. Powell, now a policies with the London Institute for the Study of Con­ member of Parliament from Ulster, has been inciting flict, the agency which has stage-managed every "red­ British workers to fight each other for years. This time, scare" in Britain for the last three years. The Institute's he said, all that was needed was a "few thugs, a few director, CIA agent Brian Crozier, was identified by the shots, a few bombs at the right place and time - and that 1976 Soviet daily Izvestia in November, as co-ordinator of is enough for disproportionate consequences to follow." 1968 Forum World Features, used by the CIA until as an The Labour Party and the trade unions have already "instrument ...in the struggle against Communist taken steps against such a possibility. Trade union leader propaganda." Robert Moss, who is now the ringleader of Jack Jones, uncharacteristically coming right to the the National Association for Freedom, worked as a point, warned that Britain nearly faced a right-wing coup correspondent for Forum World Features, and special­ two years ago, and the same people "are still around." izes in terrorism and Third World destabilization - a The press was full of "colonel this and captain that," fact revealed by both Literaturnaya Gazeta and, more recalled Jones. "Around the top echelons of society there recently, the Manchester Guardian. Moss is a top policy . was quite a lot of loose talking and quite a degree of advisor to British Conservative Party chairman undemocratic talk." In a warning to Callaghan not to Margaret Thatcher, according to the Guardian. Moss, hesitate in pushing forward with his policies for growth also editor of the London Economist's confidential and economic stability, Jones noted that Britain had weekly "Foreign Report" has recently authored averted a coup two years ago only due to "progressive . "Chile's Marxist Experiment" - reportedly for the CIA. management" and the solid alliance between the Labour Although the NAF vigorously denies connections to the Party and the trade unions.
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