NEPTUNE TIMES AND 101 Years Old r Public Legal ' ■ # v :. and'NEW; Notices Every Thursday ■ Page 8 VOL. 101 NO. 37 OCEAN GROVE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, NE.W.iJERSEY, THURS., JULY 1, 1976 JiF T E E N CENTS Businessmen Bible Hour All Invited Auditorium -1976 Commemorative Facts & irovements Opens Jtdy 1st Old-Fashioned OCEAN GROVE - th e Bible Select “Citizens” Hour, which is held each, year in BLOCK PARTY About the Tabernacle from 9:00 to 10:00 The, AjM. will.'lioldUts first session on House OCEAN GROVE - George Froe- Thursday July 1st and will continue Tour lig of Peddler’s-Fair was installed through ..August 21, meeting each DID YOU KNOW THAT . day except Sunday, as president of the Ocean Grove NEPTUNE TWP. — “Come and —this is our EIGHTH House Tour, .Businessmen, Inc., last Friday Bring Your Whole Family” is the —one house on the tour has a night; succeeding Mrs. Rose Car- invitation of the township’s Bicen­ WICKER victrola!! iddo of Tempo Hairdressers.- tennial Committee which is staging —there will be an early baby, car­ .. Returning Officers are William a community-wide BLOCK PARTY, riage with a fringed “surry” top Campbell, vice president, and Mrs. this holiday Monday, July 5, from on display. Fourth of July Kathy Moore, recording secretary. 11 A.M. to dusk. Neptune Boule­ —a tent is decorated in red, white Other new officers are Susanna vard will be a closed street for and blue and it wasn’t intentional Knecht, who. succeeds Miriam Van the outdoor event in front of the for the Bi-Centennial. in Ocean Grove Horn as correspotding secretary, Municipal Complex.' —there is also a house with eagles Roy Olson, successor to Samuel Climax a. safe & sane “Fourth” and RED, WHITE a n d BLUE with a fun-filled day at the Block decor, just because they’re likes OCEAN G R O V E - An event-fill­ Party, says Robert Eccles, chair­ : of the owner. ed Fourth: of July weekend has man, who reports t h e following —one house has framed Victorian been scheduled here. participating-organizations offering bibelots that are a delight. The Hamilton Temple Band, one their wares, games and displays —one owner has built in objects so of Canada’s premier brass bands, at individual booths— cleverly you’d- never dream they along with the Asbury Park Cita­ Kiwanis Club, Neptune Lions were there. del Band a n d Salvation Singers, Club, Republican and Democratic —you will find delighful.crafts used fresh from musical triumphs in a Clubs, Ocean Gi'cve Woman’s Club, throughout one of the homes. tour of the southern states, will Avon-Neptune: Junior Woman’s —a tent houses several refinished present “Musicrama ’76” in the Club, Ocean Grove Businessmen, antique pieces. Auditorium this Saturday at 8 PjM. Ocean Grove Historical Society, . there is a, BELTER sofa on dis­ The program is co-sponsored by Monmouth County Retarded Chil­ MRS. TINA SKOKOS, proprietor of Gifts by Tina, Cookman and play. the Salvation Army and the Ocean Rev. Dr. Floyd E. George dren, .Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts,.Cub Grand Avenues, Asbury Park, and North End Boardwalk, Ocean —a sunning deck: nestles in t h e Grove Hotel Assn. Tickets are now Scouts, Cincerned Citizens Organi­ Grove,,is pictured in the W. Goebel firm showroom in Rodental- The leader for the first tw o treetops.. - on sale, at the Camp Meeting. zation, Puerto Rican Civic Club, Oeslau, Bavaria, West Germany. The Goebel firm is the sole —all :jhe money raised this year A ssn.‘office. ■j1."-/ weeks will be the Rev. Dr. Floyd •Neptune Civil League, Neptune manufacturer of M.I. Hummel figurines and plates of which Tina E. George, Pastor of the Castle will go towards the restoration oi The kaleidoscope- of exciting in- ■ Community Council. offers a $30,000 inventory for buyers to, select from. Gifts by Tina | ; Beersheba. t Heights United Methodist Church And, Way of Life Fellowship, Bi­ also announces the 1976 Ocean Grove commemorative plate is now strumental and choral music will of White Plains, N.Y., apd a Trus­ —at re-dedication of Beersheba’s also include Solo renditions by' ble Church, Christian Children’s available* a colorful interior view of the Auditorium created by a time capsul will contain t h e tee of the Ocean Grove Camp Association, Neptune Senior Citi­ Paul Schlitsey, Eatontown artist. She also reports there are still a Bandmaster David Buckley, trom­ Meeting Association. names of those that contributed bonist, and Bandsman Deryck Dif- - zen^, Little League Soccer Asso­ few of the 1974 and 1975 Ocean Grove commemorative plates avail­ to the restoration fund: Dr! George has been active in able. fey, cornetist, Canadian artists of ciation, Red & Black Association, - LAURA B. BATKIN Bible Class work for more than 25 American Legion Posts 346 & 266, international renown. Both bands years having taught th e largest Unexcelled Firemen & Auxiliary' -*V*:. .. • • Publicity Chairman will combine for the first perform­ Samuel Ziegler Men’s- Bible Class in the country, Religious Heritage;Siiriday Total Now.$67,311.86 ance of “God and Country,” a new : “Citizen' of the Year” Liberty Firemen and Auxiliary, the Bartholow Class of Mt. Vernon, Hamilton Firemen and Auxiliary, manuscript by William Himes, and OCEAN. GROVE — The amount Logos Opens Tonight During the annual dinner meet­ N.Y., with an average attendance Neptune Historical Society, Nep­ the finale o f. Dvorak's “N e w of over 300 men for six years, the NEPTUNE — A Bicentennial Re­ received for the Ocean Grove Wbrld” symphony. The concert is ing in Day’s Restaurant on Audi­ tune Library Association. OCEAN GROVE — Logos opens Norwalk Everyman’s Bible Class The BLOCK. PARTY opens at 11 ligious Heritage Celebration will Camp Meeting Now and Forever sponsored by the Ocean Grove torium Square, Samuel Ziegler, take place this Sunday at 1 P.M. Fund for the past week was $2,- tonight (Thursday) on the Board­ who has retired as a vice presi­ of Norwalk, Conn,, for five years A.M. (rain or shine) with a- wel­ Hotel Assn. in front of the Neptune Municipal 943.00 making a total of $67,311.86. walk at 7:30 P. M. Young people dent of the New Jersey Nation­ and -the Cadman Men’s . Class come by Maydt Joseph M. Pepe On Saturday afternoon, Gordon Complex, with Rev. Sherman S. The Save Ocean Grove fund re­ from 14 on up are invited to the al Bank and in later years the of Brooklyn, N. Y., for four years. and the presentation of Century Turk will present aii organ concert mained the same while the Tem­ LOGOS Center for recreation and manager of.the Ocean Grove For twenty years he has served as Home plaques to, Jam es Scruton, Robinson in charge., Combined in the Auditorium, 4 P:M. /' ple Fund for the week was $1,298- an opportunity to meet new and branch, was cited as the “Citizen Chaplain. of. the National Federa­ 1739 Asbury Ave., Neptune, and choirs from Neptune Churches will The Rev. Dr. Thomas Stephens help celebrate the nation’s 200th 00 making a total of $2,197.00. $1,- exciting people. “ We hope that we of the Year.” He: was presented tion of Men’s Bible Classes, an or­ (Mrs. Janet Watson, 22 Ocean Haggai, director of Manpower for anniversary. For. moire informa­ 000.00 was received in Wills and can make your summer more by Joseph Thummess, vice chair­ ganization - that holds its Annual Pathway, and C. George Alvey. 50- the Boy Scouts of America, will Convention each year in Ocean tion, see page 2 of this newspaper. Legacys. worthwhile,” say the men that will man of the board of the New 50% Abbott Ave., both O e e an be leading the LOGOS Center- preach in t h e Auditorium Jersey; National Bank and for- ■'Grove...- y Grove. The Historic Exhibit and Of -- at b o t h the. 10:45 A.M. and 7:30 Dr. Georye has .chosen to lead Brian Miller, a senior English ma­ ' mer president of its predeces­ Crafts opens at 11 A.M. inside the Graduates Cum Laude jor at Temple University; Morgan P.M. services, this Sunday. He has. sor, the Asbury Park and Ocean the Bible Hour during the first 2 municipal complex in the center weeks of the season, July 1-14, on Studies Dentistry Frost, a graduate from Millersville a daily five - minute radio show, Grove Bank. mall. ' ' ■ (Pa.) State Colege in the area of “Values for Better Living”, . the theme: “THIS IS LIFE - - -1” At 11:30, .the Avon - Neptune Jun­ JERSEY CITY — O n Ju re 5th, iMr. Thummess noted, that basing the studies on the 1st Let­ Jean L. Mitchell, (Mrs. L. W.) special education, and J.D. Landis throughout the nation and is a well “Sam’s ties with Ocean Grove be­ ior Woman’s Cltib will stage a bal­ was graduated cum laude from and WiHard Orellon who are 2nd known public speaker, including ter of^St. John - the last message loon release, and entertainment Jersey City- State College and gan in 1934 when he fell in love of the New Testament by the last year students at Westminster Theo­ commencement addresses at.the with Kathleen Strassburger and begins with the Gospel Singers, fol­ was awarded a bachelor of arts Air Force Academy. of the Apostles. \ degree in Health Sciences. Mrs. logical Seminary in Philadelphia. they were married In 1936. It was lowed by the Derick Folkes Rock ... ' This Sunday afternoon at 2:30 All are cordially invited to at­ Band.
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