If you have issues viewing or accessing this file, please contact us at NCJRS.gov. IffJ7S- 1 lJNITED STATES CONFERENCE OF MAYORS 1620 EYE S'l'RllET, NORTHWEST WASHINGTON, D, C. 20006 USCM CLEARINGHOUSE .. GUN CONTROL BIBLIOGRAPHIES 1. Cheryl W. Hoffman, "Bibliography: Gun Control", The Center for Law Enforcement Research Information, January, 1975. 2. Nathan Dardick, "A Compresensive Bibliography on Gun Control", The Center for Studies in Criminal Justice, The University of Chicago, August, 1972. 3. Harry L. Hogan, "Gun Control in The United States", Congressional Research Service, February 15, 1)72. 4. Joseph P. Basaman, "Gun Control", LEAA National Criminal Justice Reference Service, U.S. Dept. of Justice, March 17) 1975. S. William T. Ford, '!Gun Control and The Second Amendment: A Biblio­ graphy", Los Augeles CO,unty bibrary. 6. National League of Cities, U.S. Conference of Mayors, "Periodical . Holdings", NLC cr USCM Library & Information Services, July 1976. FIREARM REGULATIONS & LEGISLATIO~FECTIVENESS 1. 'Senator Barry Goldwater, lfWhy Gun Control Laws Don't Work", Readers Digest, December, 1975. 2. Mark Link, "Ne\,l Gun Control Bill Sent to House", Congressional Quarte'rly, Inc., April 17, 1976.' 3. f.1artin S. Geisel .. Richard Roll & R. S. Weitick, Jr., "The Effective­ ness of State and Local Regualtion of Handguns: A Statistical Analysis", Duke Law Jou1'11a1, Vol. 1969: 647. 4. The National Shooting Sports Foundation, "Gun Registration: Costly Experiment or Crime Cure?" National Shooting Sports Foundation, (NSSF). 5. James D. Wright & Linda L. Marston, "The Ownership·of the Means of Distruction: Weapons in the United States",. Social Problems. 6. Frank Zimring, "Is Gun Control Likely to Reduce Violent Killings?" Tho University of Chicago Law Review, vol. 35, No.4) Summer, 1968. 7. Douglas R. Murray, "Handguns, Gun Control Laws and Firearm Violence", University of Wisconsin. 8. Steven T. Seitz, "Firearms, Homicides, and Gun Control Effec.tiveness"J 1.:1.\01 f. Society Review. Vo 1. G. May. U,-7~2--'.. ____._______ --,- ___.. ~ Page Two 9. FranklinZimring, "Firearms and Federal Law: The Gun Control Act of 1968", The Journal of Legal Studies, Vol IV, "Jan., 1975. 10. Steven Brill, "The Traffic (Legal and Illegal) In Guns, Harper's, ~ September, 1977. CRIME AND THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM 1 United States Conference of Mayors, "USCM Policy Statement on Handgun Control", USCM Criminal & Social Justice Policy Committee: USCM Forum on Handgun Control: May, ~975. 2. Richard Hofstadter, "America as a Gun Culture", American Heritage, vol. 21, October, 1970. 3. Nathan 1ewin, "Ensuring Domestic Tranquility: Platitudes About Crime", The New Republic, July 5 & 12 .. ·1975. 4. Patrick V. Mu.rphy, "Cooperation in The Criminal Justice System", Crime and Delinquency, January, 1972. 5. Philip J. Cook, "Punishment and Crime: A Critique of Current Findings Concerning Criminal Sanctions", Economic Research Program, Office of Policy and Planning, U.S. Dept. of Justice page 8-76. HOMICIDES, ,SUICIDES STATISTICS AND THE ROLE OF HANDGUNS 1. Anthony J. Mahler, MBA, and Johanthan E. Fielding .. Md., "Firearms and Gun Control: A Public Health Concern", The New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 297, No 10, Sept. 1977. 2. NQrman B. Rushforth, et al; "Violent Death in a MetropGlitan County (Changing patterns in Homicide--1958--74)", The New England Journal of Medicine, Vol 297, No. 10, Sept. 1977. 3. Bruce L. Danton, MD, "Firearm Suicide in The Home Setting", Omeg&, Vo 1. 3, No.2. 4. Charles S. Hirsch, M.D.; et al; "Homicide and Suicide in a Metropolitan County", The Journal of The American Medical Association, Vol 223, February 19, 1973. 5 . Ma:.t' y H. Bur k e J Chi e f He a 1 t h S tat i s tic s De pt., "r.l 0 r tal i t Y By Firearms, 'Absolute Numbers & Rates per 100,000 Population", World Health Organization, March 4, 1975. 6. U. S. Government Pr in t i ng Offi ce, "Reform of the F cd era 1 Criminal Laws: Hearing Before The Subcommittee on Criminal Laws & Pro c e d u res, 92 n d Con g res 5 ", Feb., 15 - 16 -, & 1 7, 1 972 . P~ge Three ll 7. Emanuel Tanay, M.D., "Psychiatric Study of Homicide , American J. Psychiat. 125:9, March, 1969. 8. Donald T. Lunde, "Hot Blood's Record Month: Our Murder Boom", Psychology Today, July, 1975. 9 ... Judge George Edwards, "Commentary: Murder & Gun Contro1"~ 128 American Journal of Psychiatry 811, 1972. 10. Franklin E. Zimring, "Street Crime and Ne\'l Guns: Some Implications for Firearms Control", Journal of Criminal Jus~ice, Vol 4, pp,.95· 107, 1976, Pergamon Press. - 11. Charles H. Browning, M.D., "Handguns and Homicide: A Public Health Prob 1 em", Journal of the Ameri can Medi cal As so cia tion, Nov. 8," 76 ll 12. Bruce D[lnto, M.D., "Firearms and Their Role in Homicide & Suicide , Life Threatening Behavior, Vol. 1, No.1, Spring, 1971. 13. Branklin E. Zimring, "Games with Guns and Statistics", Wisconsin Law Review, Vol 1968: 1113. 14. Daniel J. Kleithman, Richard C. Larson, "On Urban Homicide: A Statistical Analysis",.Journal of Criminal Justice, Vol 3, pp. 85-110, 1975, Pergamon Press. 15. Daniel P. King, "Firearms and Crime", The Criminologist, No.8, 1973. 16. Joseph C. Fisher, "Hor.licide in Detroit: The Role of Firearms", Criminology, Vol .. 14, No.3, November, 1976. 17. Charles H. Bro\ming, M.D., "Handguns and Homicide", Journal of the American Medical Association, November 8, 1976. HANDGUN CONTROL: THE DISPUTE, POLLS AND POLITICS 1. Hazel Erskine, IlThe Polls: Gun Control. 2. Rep. Michael J. Harrinton, "The Politics of Gun Control", The Nation: January 12, 1974. 3. Mark Link, IIG.un Control Dispute Focuses on Handguns", Congressional Quarterly, Inc., April 19, 1975. 4. Franklin E. Zimring, "Getting Serious About Guns", The Nation, t Ap~il 10, 1972. 5. U.S. News & World Report, "Rising Demands for Gun ControlLa\'lSH~ Feb. 12, 1973. Page Four 6. Jonathan Cottin, "Washington Pressures/National Rifle Association", National Journal Report, May, 1970. 7. U.S. News & World Report, "Tighter Gun Contro-ls--Both Sides of the Dispute", July 19, 1972. 8. Dorothy Weil; "The Right to Bear Armslt, The Atlantic Monthly, February 1977. 9. 00hn V. Lindsay, Mayor, "Criminal Justice Coordinating Council of New York Ci ty. The Cas e for Federal Ei re arms Con tro 1. " , Criminal Justice Coordinating Council of New York, Nov., 1973. 10. Amitai Etzioni, "Public Policy and Curbing Violence", Columbia University & Center for Policy Research. 11. Norval Morris and Gordon Hawkins, "Letter to the President on Crime :Control", University of Chicago Press. 12. Philip J. Cook, "A Policy Prespective on Handgun Control, With Suggestions for Research", November 5, 1976, 13. James B. Sullivan, "Know Your Opposition: The Strategy and Tactics of The NRA and Affiliated Organizations" , United Statas Conference of Mayors, Second National Forum on Handgun Control, January 1976. 14. Thomas Epstein and Kathryn Grannis, "Handgun Control iIi Los Angeles, March 8, 1976. HANDGUN CONTROL POLLS AND SURVEYS 1. Louis Harris, "77% Favor Handgun Registration" ,- The Harris Survey, December 29, 1975. 2. Quayle, Plesser & Company, "Attitudes Toward Gun Control", Qua y 1 e, Pie sse r & 'C 0 ., Inc., May, 1 975 . 3. Daniel Melnick, "Review of The DMl Poll on Gun Control", The Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service, Feb. 1976. 4. John M. Fenton, "Public Opinion and Handguns--F1'om Gallup Poll Survey 1938-1975", The Gallup Poll, January, 1976. 5. Rep. Gladys N. Spe1lman~ "Spellman Questionaire Results", News from Gladys Noon Spellman, Oct. 27, 1975. Page Five 6. Hon. John M. Ashhrook, "Opinion Polls and Antigun Laws", Congressional Record, October 3, 1975. 7. William Greider and Barry Sussman, "27% of House Members Own Handguns", The Washington Post, June 30, 1975~ 8~ George Gallup, "Public Overwhelmingly Favors Registration of l1 All Firearms , The Gallup Poll, June 5, 1975. 9. The New York Times, "Firearms Control Has Wide Backing", June 5" 197 10. Gordon Raley, "March Question Summary", NLC/USCM Staff, April, 1975. 11. American Institute of Public Opinion, "Support for Requiring Police Permits Prior to Gun Purchases, By Demographics Characteristics, 1965 and 1966", American Institute of Public Opinion, Study 704. 12. The Civic Disarmament Committee, "Preliminary Report--Gun Question­ aire Project", Civic Disarmament Committee, Sept. 1972. 13. Dr. Robert Hitlin, "D.C. Residents Feel Need to Outlaw Handguns Sales", News from Georgetown University, April 8, 1975. , 14. George Gallup, "Gun Owners Favor Controls", The Washington Post, July 6, 1975. 15. Market Opinion Research Co., "The Michigan Public Speaks out on ll Crime , Of.fi ce of Criminal Justice Programs, April, 1976. 16. Office of The Attorney General, "Help Stop Crime! Bulletin", Help Stop Crime Bulletin, February, 1977. 17. Cambridge Survey Research, Inc., "Massachusetts Handgun Ban Referendum Survey", USCM Handgun Control Staff, Jan. 1977. 18: Impact, "Where M.D.'s Stand on Handgun Control", Impact, Feb.". 1977. HANDGUNS: WHO ONNES THEM AND WHERE THEY COME FROM 1. The Police Foundation, "Police and The Problem of Fireamrs used by ll Civilians , The Police Foundation. 2. James D. Wright, !The Demography of Gun Control", The Nation, Sept. 20, 1975. 3 . J' am e s D. Wrig h t & Lin d a L. Mar s ton, " The 01'111 e r s hip 0 f the Mea n s 0 f Destruction: Weapons in the United States", Social Problems, Vol. 23, 1. Oct. 1975. 4. Steven D. Brill, "How Guns Get to Town: Tracing the Southern Connection", NeN York Magazine, April, 1974. PAGE SIX THE PSYCHOLOGY OF GUN OWNERSHIP 1. Richard B. Drooz, M.D.,· "Handguns and Hokum, A Methodological Problem", Jama .. July 4, 1977, vol. 238, No. 1. 2. J. Sher\'lood Williams & John H. McGrath, III. "Why People Own Guns", Journal o~ Communication, Autumn 1976, Vol.
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