e ~ o ster ......__,.enea o By Mrs. Ben Hil/, Dofter~~-In memory of her husband J.t♦- ~t:- Completed, edited, and produced by Wadsworth Dofter llitltI:Ififlfiflflfififlf!fJflflflfltlflfltlfltIJiflfI1l1IIIIJfifitllitlfiflrlfifI1IfIIIfifltlfiflfltJililiiflflrititltiilfifiilflflflflfJflil mcmxlv THE WILLIAM BYRD PRESS:: RICHMOND, VIRGINIA THE DOSTER GENEALOGY COPYRIGHT 1945 BY WADSWORTH DOSTER 50 Vanderbilt Avenue, New York 17, N. Y. Communications to the editor may be sent to the address above PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA The William Byrd Press, Inc., Richmond, Virginia Foreword The editor, in constructing this work originally conceived by Mrs. Ben Hill Doster, who was stricken before she could assemble all the foundation stones, wishes to acknowledge in deep gratitude her fundamental work on the Doster Genealogy. A sketch of her life appears in Branch No. 4. Without her patient labors the Doster history would be, as in so many American families, a mass of scattered fragments, many limited to two or three generations and not connected with others. But her death inter­ vened. In tribute to this lovely old lady, and in justice to future generations to whom she vainly hoped to leave her memorial, the editor has assumed the imposing duty of fulfilling her dream. It has been possible to set other collections of material upon her diligent groundwork, to add occupations and addresses and explanatory data, to fit innumerable items into the abandoned framework and to end, after years of work, with a fairly complete structure. A task of this kind is never really finished and items are constantly being added. But the aim has been, first, to fit the family into its background of history and, secondly, to provide a pattern of continuity. This in turn will offer answers in some degree to the natural questions: where did the Dosters come from, who were they, why did they leave, where did they go and who are they today? [ V] Contents PAGE FORE\VORD . V .. CONTENTS vu . KEY CHART . IX . DOSTER BRANCHES Xl ... AUTHORITIES CONSULTED . Xlll PART ONE: INTRODUCTION CHAPTER I. The Doster Background 3 Origins; War Days; Geography; The 17th Century; The Reformation; Effects on People; America and William Penn; First Continental Emigration; The Three General Groups; Emigrant Trade; Ship Ar­ rivals in Philadelphia; Similar Names; Origin of the Doster Name; The South; Other Emigrations; Ocean Voyages; Enduring Resem­ blances; Classes; Politics; Military Service; The American Revolu­ tion; Summary PART TWO: GENEALOGICAL TABLES CHAPTER II. The Genealogy Itself . 25 CHAPTER III. Jost Hite . 27 CHAPTER IV. Thomas Doster, Emigrant 29 CHAPTER v.. Branch No. 1, Ohio 33 Branch No. 1-A, Ohio . 48 Branch No. 1-B, Ohio . 51 CHAPTER VI. Branch No. 2, Ohio-and-Kansas . 53 CHAPTER VII. Branch No. 3, North Carolina 69 Branch No. 3-A, The Pierce Family 99 Branch No. 3-B, The Lee Family 100 CHAPTER VIII. Branch No. 4, Georgia . 105 CHAPTER IX. Branch No. 5, Louisiana 131 CHAPTER x. Branch No. 6, Northampton County, Pennsylvania 133 Branch No. 6-A, The Eggert Family . 161 Branch No. 6-B, The Ruppert Family 163 CHAPTER XI. Branches in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania . 165 CHAPTER XII. Branch No. 7, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania 171 [VIII CONTENTS PAGE CHAPTER XIII. Branch No. 8, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania 187 CHAPTER XIV. Branch No. 9, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania 195 CHAPTER xv. Branch No. IO, Cities near Philadelphia, Pa. 201 CHAPTER XVI. Branch No. I 1, Bucks County, Pennsylvania . 207 CHAPTER XVII. Branch No. 12, Chicago, Illinois . 21 I Branch No. 12-A, Buffalo, New York 212 CHAPTER XVIII. Branch No. 13, Danville, Pennsylvania . 215 CHAPTER XIX. Branch No. 14, Danville, Pennsylvania . 219 CHAPTER xx. Branch No. 15, Port Leyden, New York . 225 CHAPTER XXI. All Michigan Branches . 229 CHAPTER xxn. Branch No. 16, Michigan 231 CHAPTER xx111. Branch No. 17, Michigan . 239 CHAPTER xx1v. Branch No. 18, Michigan . 247 APPENDIX Buffalo Names . 263 Litigation . 263 Unidentified Names . 264 Acknowledgements . 266 INDEX . ILLUSTRATIONS FACING PAGE Maps of Wilrttemberg . • 5 Coat-of-Arms . 17 Doster Hall, University of Alabama . • . 91 Typical W ilrttem berg Village . 2 47 ,-. ... --.. ----.. --~ -.... ----...... -,--........... ---.. - -- ..... --.- -~ -, - .. -.. - ----... - .. -.. --.. -.. ----.. - -- -- --... -, i MARA~~~t ~Z!TER : : 'I : \\'urttemberg : : KEY CHA RT I I l. -.. - - - ----- - - - - - - -- - - - -----49,-.,t I THOMAS DOSTER. E.rnigranl • JOHN VALENTINEl- - DOSTER---- ---------·-I ----·t DOSTER BRANCHES About 1695 1687 I I : I Wilrttemberg Niederhofen I _______________________. I " I Eml "" I • L- -----------.. L- -.-,: ---.~ ----:- ----L - - - .:,. - - - - ~ - -- - ~.: - - - - ~ THOMAS WILLIAM JAMES JO:-.SATHAN JOHN PHILIP DOSTER I I I 1 I I t I DOSTER II DOSTER DOSTER DOSTER 1729 1 I 1 1729 1732 1135 1140 N" d h f I t I I I I I I i Guman Town. Winehe!<ter. Winehe~ter, Winchester. ie ro en I I t ? I I I I Pa. Va. Va. Va. ________ J ____ ! ____ :____ _:_ J____ t ____ : ____ ~-----~ 1 DR. DANIEL DOSTER JOHN PHILIP DOSTER II I I I t VNKNOWN DOSTER I 1763 1765 I I I I 1 775 I Niederho(en Niederhofen I I • I I Grafen berg f Emig. 1817 Emig. 18 17 f t I I t t Emigs. 1836-1846- : ,J. ·' I I I I I : : i !- - --- ~ •1852~:~~~~~~~1819_ ➔ LEWIS DOSTl:-.:R JOHN PHILIP DANIEL. MICHAEL I t I \\'JLLIAM I RaidwangenJOHANNE 1796 DOSTER 111 DOSTER DOSTER I t I I DOSTER I Ti~chardt DOSTER Niederhofen 1796 1802 1804 , • I I 1801 1 1800 Emig. 1817 Niederhofen Niederhofen Niederhofen I I I I I Luxembourc I Grafenbera Emig. 1817 Emig. 1817 Emig. 1817 I I I I Emig. 1857 Emig. 1836 , I t I 1 .. CHRISTIAN----- -·-I ----- -I -..............I --JOHN-. -- --- -JOHN- ..... GEORGE , DOSTER I • DOSTER. SR. DOSTER 1828 I 1823 i8i8 I Lau ffen I I Stuttgart Riederich E · t I E · 1843 r86o r_mgs. 1 1 m1g. Emir. -•-. •T 1863-1871 ~-- - __ .,. - - - -1 ----- - J. A. DOSTER JOHN ADOLPH JACOB JACOB 1855 DOSTER DOSTER DOSTER Alabama 1835 1840 1840 Gleibethingen Kohlberg Strasbourg Emig. 1883 Emigs. Emig. 1865 1885-1924 Doster Branches T ROMAS DOSTER, Emigrant, born about 1695 in Wiirttemberg, arrived at Phila­ delphia in 1717. He journeyed to German Town, Pennsylvania and thence in 1731 to Winchester, Va. where he spent his life and died in 1748. Farmer and planter. Branch No. I. Thomas Doster II, born 1729, eldest son of Thomas Doster, Emigrant, moved from \i\Tinchester to Culpepper Courthouse, Va. after his father's death in 1748. His o,vn son John Doster, born 1770, transferred in 1810 with his family to Chilicothe, Ohio and settled in Fayette County, Ohio near New Martinsburg. Farmer. Branch No. 2. William Doster, born 1732, second son of Thomas Doster, Emigrant, lived and died at Winchester, Va. where he married twice. He was a tavern keeper. His first wife moved to Zanesville, Ohio with all her children, and descendants are in that vicinity. His second ,vife had one son, Alfred, who moved about 1848 to Indiana and 1865 to Illinois; and the latter's son Chief Justice Frank Doster of Kansas, lived and died in that state. Branch No. 3. James Doster, born 1735, third son of Thomas Doster, Emigrant, some time after 1755 moved south from Winchester, Va. and settled in Old Mecklenburg County, now Union County, N. C. Farmer and planter. His descendants not only abound in North Carolina and are often called the North Carolina branch, but also ventured to South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkan­ sas, Oklahoma, and Texas. Branch No. 4. Jonathan Doster, born 1740, fourth son of Thomas Doster, Emigrant, moved south from Winchester, Va. and apparently went right through North Carolina to York County, S. C. Farmer. After the Revolution he claimed lands in Georgia and settled there. His descendants are numerous in Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, Mississippi and Arkansas. Branch No. 5. A branch which has not been fully traced beyond J. A. Doster and B. L. Doster who were both born in Alabama but all descendants are in Louisiana. Probably belongs to one of the branches above. Branch No. 6. Dr. Daniel Doster, born 1763 in Niederhofen, Wiirttemberg, landed in Philadelphia in 1817, a physician. His son Lewis moved to Bethlehem, Pa., became a woolen manufacturer, and begat a large family now known as the Northampton County Branch of Pennsylvania. Branch No. 7. John Philip Doster III, born 1796 in Niederhofen, Wiirttemberg, landed at Philadelphia in 1817, with his father, John Philip Doster II, 1765-1829, became a wealthy farmer, settled at Middle Creek, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and founded this branch. [XII DOSTER BRANCHES Branch No. 8. Daniel Doster, born 1802 Niederhofen, \Vurttemberg, landed at Philadelphia in 1817, with his father, John Philip Doster II, 1765-1829, became a promi­ nent distiller at Pine Hill, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania and founded this branch. Branch No. 9. Philip Michael Doster, born 1804 Niederhofen, Wiirttemberg, landed in Philadelphia in 1817 with his father John Philip Doster II, 1765-1829, spent boyhood in Lancaster County, Pa., became a leading jeweler and silversmith at Philadelphia, Pa. and founded this branch. Branch No. 10. Children of Christian Doster who lived in Lauffen, Wi.irttemberg and died there, emigrated at several dates, Lena in 1863, Caroline and Christian, Jr. in 1864 and others up to 1871. All settled near Philadelphia, Pa. except son John Louis Doster who went to La Salle, Illinois but left no male descendants. Branch No. 1 I. Various members emigrated from Gleibethingen, Wi.irttemberg to Philadelphia, Pa., around 1883, and all descendants are in Bucks County, Pa. except one who went to Knierim, Iowa and left no male descendants. ., Branch No. 12. Johannes Doster emigrated from Tischardt, Wiirttemberg to New York State in 1885 but later returned. His brother's son Christian Herman Doster, born 1901 in Tischardt, emigrated after World War I, in 1924, to Chicago where his family resides today.
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