Marine One Past & FUTURE A Turning Point in Presidential Transportation CHARLES DENYER 65 53.indd 64-65 4/23/19 12:31 PM u.s. presidents have relied on The helicopters of choice for the past the location of the real Marine One car- helicopter transport for more than half six decades have been the Sikorsky Sea rying the president. The current lineup a century. Helicopters, for presidents, King models, along with the VH-60N, a of Marine One helicopters are equipped have gone from being experimental in smaller, newer executive transport heli- with a battery of security technologies, President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s day, copter. But these aging Marine One heli- including flares to counter heat-seek- to being essential in the twenty-first copters will soon be replaced by the all- ing missiles, infrared countermeasures, century. The hefty, highly sophisticated new Sikorsky VH-92s, slated to enter and more. While Air Force One is of- helicopters are commonly referred to as service in 2020. The VH-92 represents ten referred to as the president’s flying “White Tops” because, above the unique a quantum leap in presidential heli- Oval Office, Marine One also keeps the dark green body, a prominent white copter travel in terms of safety, security, president in constant communication stripe covers the top and spreads part- technology, and overall amenities. Plush with highly secure data transmission way down the sides. The White Tops in carpeting, seating for twelve passengers, protocols that allow the commander the skies over the nation’s capital are ballistic armor, secure communications in chief to conduct business as usual. routine, but their thunderous noise still lines, and a whisper-quiet interior will Whenever the president travels do- commands onlookers’ attention. be standard features on all VH-92 heli- mestically or overseas via Air Force One, Marine One is the call sign of what- copters dubbed Marine One.1 According Marine One always goes along, together ever U.S. Marine Corps aircraft is trans- to the VH-92 Sikorsky program direc- with the president’s limousine (known porting the president, traditionally one tor Spencer Elani, “It’s also very quiet, as “the beast”) because the U.S. Secret of a suite of helicopters operated exclu- so much so that you can have a conver- Service’s security protocol strictly pro- sively by Marine Helicopter Squadron sation,” with the VH-92 providing “a hibits the president from being trans- One, known as the HMX-1 Nighthawks. smooth and comfortable ride.”2 ported on any other helicopter, airplane, The men and women in this squadron For security reasons, Marine One or automobile. are a select group of highly trained always flies in a group of identical heli- Just as presidential motorcades are Marine pilots, considered the very best. copters, up to as many as five. While one supported by numerous other vehicles, For decades they have managed takeoffs is transporting the president, the others flying the president on Marine One and landings on the South Lawn with serve as decoys. After takeoff, the decoys requires supporting staff and mate- precision. begin to shift in formation to obscure rials, and that job is given to the MV- 22 Ospreys, tilt-rotor military aircraft capable of vertical takeoff and landing, previous spread, commonly known as “Green Tops.” The above, and right White Tops and Green Tops together Views of the all-new Sikorsky form what is known as the Executive VH-92s, slated to begin service as Flight Detachment.3 Marine One in 2020. The new models will feature enhanced security, comfort, and technology. left Marine One carries President Donald Trump to Andrews Air Force Base, where the he will board Air Force One, 2019. WHITE HOUSE PHOTO WHITE HOUSE HUNTER HELIS MARINE CORPS PHOTOS BY SGT. U.S. / THIS PAGE: SPREAD: LOCKHEEDPREVIOUS MARTIN 66 white house history quarterly white house history quarterly 67 53.indd 66-67 4/23/19 12:32 PM left President Dwight D. Eisenhower stands beside the first presidential helicopter, a Bell H-13J Sioux, on the South Lawn of the White House, July 12, 1957. opposite President Eisenhower and his guest, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev, board a U.S. Marine Corps Sikorsky HUS-1 helicopter on the White House lawn for a sightseeing tour over the nation’s capital, September 15, 1959. As the first president to regularly use a helicopter, Eisenhower had two Executive Flight Detachments for his transport. These were provided by flight crews of the U.S. Army and the U.S. Marine Corps. To demonstrate his impartiality, the president alternated between these helicopters and their respective military personnel. THE BEGINNING physician and another Secret Service The first president to use a heli- agent.4 copter while in office was Dwight D. For years, the Secret Service—the Eisenhower. When he opted for a brief agency responsible for the protection flight to Camp David on July 12, 1957, of the president—had held firm against the nature of presidential travel was im- helicopter use due to both safety and mediately diversified. He flew on a Bell security concerns, but with growing H-13J, a crude form of transportation nuclear threats from the Soviet Union, compared with the modern-day fleet a much more efficient means of evacuat- of Marine One helicopters. It had a top ing the nation’s commander in chief was speed of 105 miles per hour and a range necessary, and helicopter transport was of approximately 200 miles. A heavily the answer. In 1958, both the U.S. Army tinted Plexiglas nose bubble reduced and U.S. Marine Corps took command glare, and inside, on seats with sim- of presidential helicopter responsibil- ple arm- and footrests, there was just ities, while the U.S. Air Force retained enough room for the president, the pilot, sole responsibility for transporting the and a single Secret Service agent. But president in fixed wing aircraft. Since the president was not alone in the skies. 1976, the Marine Corps has been given An identical Bell H-13J would usually complete responsibility for all presiden- be close behind, carrying the president’s tial helicopter missions.5 DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARY DWIGHT D. AP IMAGES 68 white house history quarterly white house history quarterly 69 53.indd 68-69 4/23/19 12:32 PM MEMORIES “The helicopter was very smooth, very impressive,” according to former President Barack Obama after his first ride in the Sikorsky helicopter in 2009. “You go right over the Washington Monument and then you know—kind of curve in by the Capitol. It was spec- tacular.”6 With presidential motorcades causing massive traffic jams almost any- where the commander in chief travels, the White Tops have become a great alternative for fast, efficient, and secure transport. “On multiple occasions, he [President Obama] and his staff would use Marine One in order to eliminate motorcade-induced traffic jams around the country and the world,” according to Joe Mahshie, a White House Trip co- ordinator.7 Former President George W. Bush explained, “I don’t view it [Marine One] as a perk. I really view it as a part of the presidency because it en- ables me to get from point A to point B without inconveniencing a lot of my fellow Americans.”8 Bush’s predecessor, President Bill Clinton, concurred. “I don’t know how I would function with- opposite out Marine One when I was president,” cost. Bush replied that a person might site.” According to Bridgers, President he stated. He jokingly remembered how Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev pay $1 million or $2 million for a home Reagan was lighthearted, always smil- and President George H. W. Bush “I had trouble getting Buddy [Clinton’s in that area. Gorbachev then asked ing, and full of jokes: “We’re [Marine exit Marine One, at Camp David, how long it would take for someone to One] pointing directly at the White Chocolate Labrador Retriever] on Maryland, June 2, 1990. board. But in the end, he got to where save up that much money to buy such House. So, he comes out with Mrs. he loved it. He would practically run off above an expensive property. Bush explained Reagan, and we’re ready to take off and the leash to get on Marine One.” 9 President Bill Clinton shares Marine that people did not pay in full but got a somebody taps me on the shoulder. The cabin of the Sikorsky Sea Kings One with his family. His dog, Buddy, mortgage to buy the home, prompting And I look behind me and it’s President is so quiet that the president and oth- seated next to Chelsea, was once a reluctant Gorbachev to ask, “What’s a mortgage?” Reagan and he says, ‘Rob, don’t hit my 11 ers inside can speak in a normal tone flier but grew to love the helicopter. Valdez recalled, “We all looked at each house when you take off.’” of voice. Once, aboard Marine One, other sitting there in the close quar- President George H. W. Bush and Soviet ters of Marine One and realized he had MARINE ONE AND 10 Premier Mikhail Gorbachev engaged in never heard of it before.” NATIONAL TURNING a brief discussion of the fundamentals Lieutenant Colonel (ret.) Rob POINTS “Therefore, I shall resign the of American capitalism. David Valdez, Bridgers, who flew Marine One during Presidency effective at noon tomor- President Bush’s White House photog- President Reagan’s last three years, re- row. Vice President Ford will be sworn rapher, vividly remembered that, follow- membered traveling the world with in as President at that hour in this of- ing takeoff, as Marine One flew over the the president.
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