ACRL Board of Directors ANNUAL CONFERENCE membership poll concerning such a levy. The May 1972 issue of CRL News had CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, 1972 carried a special insert which provided the membership an opportunity to express their opinion on the matter, asking whether they M i n u t e s were in favor of the assessment or opposed to Monday, June 26, 1972—10:00-11:30 a .m . it believing the office should be funded from the ALA budget. Space was also provided on Present: President, Joseph H. Reason; Vice- the card for other preferences or comments. President and President-Elect, Russell Shank; Mr. Beard reported that the response to the Past President, Anne C. Edmonds; Directors- poll had been very poor, with only 732 replies at-Large, Mark M. Gormley, Norman E. Tanis, (6.7 percent), out of a total membership of David C. Weber; Directors on ALA Council, 10,872. Of those responding, 149 voted in fa­ Page Ackerman, Evan I. Farber, James F. Hol­ vor of the assessment, 424 were opposed to the ly, Robert K. Johnson, Roscoe Rouse; Chair­ assessment and believed the office should be men of Sections, Carl R. Cox, Hal C. Stone, funded from the ALA budget, 116 were op­ Lee Ash, Wolfgang M. Freitag, Ralph H. posed to the office and/or faculty status, 20 Hopp; Vice-Chairmen and Chairmen-Elect of were in favor only if funding from ALA were Sections, John R. Beard, William J. Hoffman, not forthcoming, 4 were in favor of a smaller Howard L. Applegate, Alice D. Ball, LeMoyne assessment, 1 took no position, and 21 indicat­ W. Anderson; Professional Assistant, Jordan M. ed other opinions. Mr. Reason inquired if Mr. Scepanski; Administrative Assistant, Ilse F. Beard intended to request some action from the Bridges. membership and asked the committee’s opinion Absent: Herbert A. Cahoon, James F. Govan, of the results. Mr. Beard felt that the response Warren J. Haas, Andrew Horn, Richard L. had been too poor to draw any definite conclu­ O’Keeffe. sion and Mr. Reason asked if anything should Visitors: D. Joleen Bock, Richard M. be done other than making an announcement Dougherty, Richard K. Gardner, H. Joanne of the official tally. A general discussion fol­ Harrar, David W. Heron, B. J. Mitchell, Jasper lowed, with Roscoe Rouse stating that the re­ G. Schad, Robert Van Waes, Sue Welch, and port should be adopted as presented. William others. Hoffman asked if the strong negative responses The meeting was called to order by the pre­ were possibly a result of the way in which the siding officer, President Joseph H. Reason. The questions were worded. Russell Shank com­ first order of business was the approval of the mented on the matter of budgeting from ALA minutes of the Midwinter Meeting sessions of and reminded the Board that the requested as­ the ACRL Board of Directors as published in sociate executive secretary position had again the April 1972 issue of CRL News. Following not been funded. James Holly asked if the sur­ this, Mr. Reason announced the ACRL election vey indicated the members did not want the results and introduced Norman Tanis as the position established and if their response sup­ new vice-president/president-elect and Joanne ported the ALA position, but Mr. Hoffman Harrar, director-at-large for 1972 through 1976. stated that it appeared many people believed The chair then recognized Howard Apple­ ALA should fund the office; most were op­ gate, who stated that difficulties had arisen con­ posed, however, to an additional dues levy. It cerning the site selected for the Rare Books and was agreed that Mr. Beard should make his re­ Manuscripts Preconference Institute in 1973. port at the membership meeting that afternoon. Los Angeles was now deemed to be a more Mr. Reason then introduced Robert Wedge convenient and advantageous location for the worth, executive director designate of ALA, preconference. Mr. Applegate thus m o v e d , and who informed the Board of the search for a LeMoyne Anderson s e c o n d e d , that the Rare new executive secretary. He mentioned that he Books and Manuscripts Section be authorized had delayed a selection in order to personally to change the location of the 1973 Preconfer­ interview and carefully screen a number of in­ ence Institute from Denver to Los Angeles. Af­ dividuals. His widening of the search had re­ ter a short discussion the vote was i n f a v o r of sulted in a number of excellent candidates. Da­ the motion. vid Weber asked what inadequacies had been Mr. Reason next called upon John Beard, found among some of the earlier candidates for chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee on an the position, and Mr. Wedgeworth replied that ACRL Membership Levy for an Academic they either did not have enough experience or Status Office, for his report on the recently conducted they lacked an understanding of the issues. He 239 assured the Board that he would recommend his participation and then called upon Mr. an appointment within a month. Shank for his report on the 1972/73 budget. The next item on the agenda concerned the Mr. Shank explained that it was difficult to Association of American Colleges/American compare the 1971/72 budget with the 1972/ Association of University Professors/ACRL 73 proposed budget since the figures were pre­ Joint Statement on the Faculty Status of Li­ sented somewhat differently this year. He told brarians [see September 1972 CRL News] the Board that ACRL’s funding had been re­ and Mr. Reason explained that the Executive duced. He discussed the elimination of the half- Committee had invited Robert Van Waes, asso­ time professional assistant position and the ram­ ciate secretary of AAUP, to attend both the ifications of other budget cuts, and he com­ Board meeting and the afternoon’s membership pared ACRL’s budget with those of other ALA meeting. He introduced Mr. Van Waes who, units. He stated that the association will have he said, was available to answer any questions a difficult time in the coming year. Mr. Dough­ which might arise concerning the work of the erty, editor of CRL, indicated that CRL News joint committee. was to be cut by an average of four pages per Mr. Holly stated that he was interested in issue. hearing a brief review of the negotiations lead­ The chair then recognized Hal Stone, who ing up to the joint statement. Mr. Van Waes spoke about the reorganization of the American complied, touching on some of the problems in­ Association of Junior Colleges/ACRL Joint volved and filling in some of the background Committee on Junior College Libraries. The regarding efforts of collective bargaining units. Board had previously agreed to an expansion He concluded saying he thought the Joint of the committee to include representation from Statement was a very good document and he the Association for Educational Communica­ hoped ACRL would approve it. tions and Technology. Mr. Stone said that the Page Ackerman inquired about the timing committee proposed to eliminate one committee involved for approval of the document by the member from the AAC and one from ACRL other two associations. Mr. Van Waes replied and add three from AECT. This structure has that the AAUP would submit the document to been agreed upon by the three organizations. its Council and ask for approval to have it pub­ The next item on the agenda was the pro­ lished. At the AAC, a commission will review posed changes in the ALA Bylaws concerning the statement during its annual meeting in Jan­ Committees of Council, and Mr. Reason asked uary. He indicated final approval from all three Mr. Shank to conduct this discussion. The chan­ organizations could possibly be achieved within ges would require that a majority of the mem­ a year. At this point, Mr. Shank mentioned that bers of certain major ALA committees be he had a letter written by one of the Board’s drawn from the Council. Mr. Holly indicated members, David Weber, to the ACRL execu­ that he voted for the proposal when it was tive secretary. He brought the matter up at this brought before Council at the Midwinter Meet­ time because he believed it to be a point ger­ ing and he intended to vote in favor of the by­ mane to the discussion. He then read Mr. Web­ law amendments implementing the procedure. er’s letter, which raised the question of the As­ He said he strongly believed that Council mem­ sociation’s tax exempt status. If ACRL formally bers should be involved in the operation of involves itself in arbitration and in the imposing committees and that under the present system of sanctions, it would come close to the position too much time was wasted in Council meetings. of a labor union, he said, and he expressed the A number of Board members opposed the sug­ belief that the AAUP may also be in this posi­ gested changes, however, and the argument tion. He asked if Mr. Van Waes could be con­ that the proposal resulted in a smaller number tacted and queried about the tax position of the of members participating in the affairs of the AAUP as a result of their efforts as a bargain­ association was advanced. ing agent. In response to Mr. Reason’s call for new busi­ Mr. Van Waes made several comments in an­ ness, Mr. Weber brought up the subject of swer to Mr. Weber and indicated that in his committee and section reports.
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