THE PIARIST FATHERS Number 8 PROVINCE OF THE U.S.A. AND PUERTO RICO Winter 2015 PIARIST NEWSLETTER OUR NEW AND EXPERIENCED PIARISTS Our Province of the United Avila, Sch.P. on January 10 at ation Church in New York; Father States and Puerto Rico is cele- Christ the King Chapel in Celaya, Moises Navascues, Sch.P. (60 brating with great joy important Mexico. In addition, Bishop Felix years) on November 27 at Our La- milestones in the life of seven of Lazaro, Sch.P. of Ponce, PR re- dy of Mount Carmel Church in Pla- our members this year. cently ordained Brother Luis to ya de Ponce, PR; Father Jesus We now have thirty-two the diaconate on September 13 Marques, Sch.P. (50 years) at Our men, who are studying for the at Annunciation Church in New Savior Church in San Juan, PR. priesthood in our Province. Three York. We congratulate our seven of them recently professed their We now have thirty-seven brother Piarists for reaching these solemn (permanent) vows. They priests in our Province. Four of momentous events in their lives. are: Brother Nicolas Zunun, Sch.P. our priests celebrated the 50th or We ask our dear Lord to continue on July 25 at the Oratory of the 60th anniversaries of their ordina- to send his blessings upon them. Apparition (San Pantaleo Church) tion to the priesthood. Father Jo- What an accomplishment in Rome, Italy; Brother Luis Cruz, seph Kershner, Sch.P. (50 years) for our younger (new) and older Sch.P. on August 24 at Our Lady on April 15 in North Miami, FL; (experienced) members! of Mount Carmel Church in Playa Father Jose Maria Clavero, Sch.P. de Ponce, PR; Brother Federico (50 years) on June 29 at Annunci- Our Jubilarians Fr. Joseph Kershner (top left) Fr. Jose M. Clavero (top right) Fr. Moises Navascues (bottom left) Fr. Jesus Marques (bottom right) Page 2 Number 8 PROVINCIAL AND GENER AL CHAPTERS The Piarists are a province gather to exam- tives from the Province of religious order of priests ine the past and to pre- the United States and and brothers in the Cath- pare for the future. Every Puerto Rico will gather in olic Church. We all pro- six years, representatives Guayanilla, PR from April fess four vows, one of from each province gath- 5 through April 10. Rep- which is the vow of obedi- er to do the same for our resentatives from the en- R.I.P. We ask you to ence. We are obliged to entire Order. In addition, tire Order will gather in remember in your pattern our lives after the the representatives elect Esztergom, Hungary from prayers our deceased guidelines of the Bible, the five men, who will June 30 through July 21. relatives and friends: Canon (Church) Law and direct the province or the We ask that our the Constitutions and Order until the next such relatives, co-workers, Clara M. Ambrus Hector Barcelo Rules of the Piarist Or- meeting (Chapter). friends and benefactors Norberta Castillo der. This year, we will keep in your prayers our Mr/Mrs Peter DiTullio Every four years, hold both the Provincial representatives to these Paul F. Doughty representatives from Chapter and the General two Chapters. May the George V. Famiglio, Jr. each community of a Chapter. Representa- Holy Spirit help us. Msgr. Michael Flanagan Harper Fowler Richard W. Hallahan Efraim Hernandez VOCATION RETREATS Thomas D. Hipszer A Vocation Re- from throughout our few months. If all goes Paula Jacoby treat took place in Miami, Province participated in well, they might begin our Eleanor Larsen FL from the 27th to the the celebration of the Eu- formation program in Au- Timothy J. Malloy, Jr. 30th of November. There charist, conferences and gust. Rose Marinari Jerome S. Miller were twenty-eight young interviews. A psycholo- During the past Edwin S. Moore, III men, who participated. gist, who has had much few years, we have been Bishop John Nevins They came from through- experience with religious blessed with several Rev. Angelo J. Nobile out the southeastern orders, assisted us. Our seminarians, who began Judy Noble United States. Most of seminarians also played their discernment pro- James O’Sullivan them became acquaint- an important role in its cess during the annual Stan Piotrowski ed with us through our organization and imple- Thanksgiving weekend Gregory St. John pastoral work at SEPI, mentation. retreat. We would like to Robert E. Slota, Jr. particularly our Easter In the end, six re- thank everyone, who Ernest G. Szechenyi Youth Retreats (Pascua treatants expressed the made this event possible. Lawrence A. Weber Juvenil). desire to continue the Kevin M. Weed Brian J. Weierbach Piarists from the discernment process Fr. Alberto Moreno, Sch.P. John G. Wilbur community of Miami and with us during the next William J. Wilson Vocation retreats, like recent ones in Miami (left) and Ponce (right) have been a major fac- tor in the growth of our formation program. We now have 32 semi- narians. PIARIST NEWSLETTER Page 3 MANHATTAN AND BRONX, NY Since 1948, the Piarists in the Bronx. Father Emilio So- schools in the Archdiocese of New have ministered in the Archdio- tomayor was installed as its new York, as we all continue on our cese of New York. In October Pastor on September 21. Bishop life’s journey with the Lord. 1977, Cardinal Terence Cooke Josu Iriondo, a retired auxiliary offered us care of Annunciation bishop of New York, presided over Parish in Upper Manhattan. We the ceremony. There are now now have two Piarists, who work four priests and three seminari- in the parish. ans, who are assigned to our new During the summer of mission in the Bronx. 2014, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, We are indeed very fortu- the Archbishop of New York, en- nate to be permitted to assist the trusted to us Saint Helena Parish people of two parishes and two “It is no secret that the ministry of the Piarist Fathers greatly depends upon the generosity of our benefactors. Please consider us in your an- nual donations, will, trust or insurance plan.” Solemn Profession of Brothers Nicolas and Federico and Diaconate Ordination of Brother Luis VOCATIONS Youth Is Our Concern. If you think the Lord may be calling you, consider our next voca- tional retreat. Contact Father Francis- co Aisa in Devon, PA (484-862-9695). Piarist Seminary of Father Jose Mateo (Ponce, PR) and Colegio Calasanz (San Juan, PR) A Thought from Our Development Office Your gift can be quick but safe by using Pay Pal: www.piarist.info Our Lady of Mt. Carmel (Playa de Ponce, PR) and Colegio Ponceno (Coto Laurel, PR) Page 4 Number 8 THE PIARIST ANGLE (BY FR. JESUS MARIA LECEA, SCH.P.) Each year, we liturgically The goal of every family in Lord as much as possible, accord- begin New Year’s Day by celebrat- daily life should not simply be the ing to their state in life." (Letter ing the Solemnity of Mary, the search for sentimentalism or ide- 26; December 11, 1618) Mother of God. In addition, short- alism. Rather, the goal should be In an exhortation, Calasanz ly before or after the first of Janu- the development and strengthen- thinks especially about the re- ary, we celebrate the Feast of the ing of family values. They include: sponsibility, which parents have Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and work, love and tenderness, sup- regarding the education of their Joseph. port and human growth, spirituali- children. He is aware that, at Indeed, our Church recog- ty, service, self surrender, mutual times, they are not responsible nizes the importance of the fami- protection, love for life, harmony enough in such an important task. ly. In Rome, there was an extraor- and peace, enjoyment, shared He writes: "Parents do not always dinary Synod (meeting) of Bishops suffering, thanksgiving, etc. respond as expected. Only God in October 2014, and there will be Every Piarist is sensible knows what example they are an ordinary Synod of Bishops in and understands the family reali- showing to their children." (Letter October 2015 to discuss the role ty. He is an educator of children 1631; June 19, 1631) of the family. In addition, Pope and youth. He belongs to his own The family should be the Francis will be present for the family, which will always remain first school of love and of mutual World Meeting of Families in Phil- important to him. At the same support in the development of adelphia in September 2015. time, he belongs to a religious each of its members. The family In a family, the mother al- family. Calasanz expresses him- should be like a "domestic most always demonstrates the self in this regard: "We can and church," where we live a life filled warmth and tenderness of a we should remember our relatives with mutual love for one another home. Mary is the Mother of and friends in our prayers. As a on a daily basis. Such love should Christ, the Mother of the Church, means of comfort to them, when- be demonstrated on the basis of the Mother of God and our Moth- ever possible, we should let them service for each other in imitation er. The size of the family is not know about our concern for them of God’s love for us and as mani- important. This is evident in the with a letter. We should encour- fested in the example of Joseph, house of Joseph the Carpenter. age them to be of service to the Mary and Jesus in Nazareth.
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