MSv VOLUME XXXVII. ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11,1910 NUMBER 20. M a r n a g ts . D s a th s . Leuten Regulations. The Library Social. GRAHAM—OVERY. M Its. ELIZA BETH FOSDICK. The Lenten regulations for the dio­ The basket social held at Tilt G? On Tuesday morning at eight The death of Mrs. Elizabeth Fos- cese of Peoria read last Sunday from on Tuesday evening for the benefit of o’clock, at St. Joseph’s Catholic dlck, relict of Sanjuel Fosdick, for the pulpits of all the Catholic the public library was a decided suc­ ohurch In Reynolds, Indiana, occurred years a resident of Chatsworth, occur- churches in the diocese are as follows: cess A short literary and musical the marriage of Miss Bridget C. ed at her late home in Chicago, on All days of Lent from Ash Wednes­ program was given, Willie Beckman Graham and Mr. Arthur Overy, Rev. Tuesday, February 8. at the advanced day (Feb. 9) to Easter Sunday (March and Vernon Bushway having recita­ Father Kock officiating. MissEatella age of nearly 93 years. 27), Sundays excepted, are fast days. tions; Misses Aurelia Haberkorn and Graham, sister of the bride, The Fosdiokssettled in Germanville By dispensation, flesh-meat may be Gertie Bork, vocal selections; Mias bridesmaid and Mr. Martin Overy, township in 1868, and they moved Into used at the principal meal on Mon­ Irene Ryan, accompanist. After tho brother of the groom, acted aB best the villiuge of Chatsworth In 1864, Mr. days, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur­ program the baskets were sold, the man. A small gathering of friends Fosdick being engaged in the practice days, except the Saturdays in Ember prize for the prettiest basket, donat­ witnessed the ceremony. law. and Holy week. The use of fish and ed by Mr. L. J. Haberkorn, being The bride was attired in a beautiful A number of years ago the family re­ flesh-meat is forbidden at the same awarded to Miss Brown, the judges embroidery dress and carried a bou­ moved to Chicago, where the death of meal even on Sundays during Lent. being Messrs. John Q. Puffer,-James M quet of bridal roses. The bridesmaid Mr. Fosdick occurred, since which All the faithful who have attained Duffy and Edward Herr. The sum of was attired in a beautiful gown of time the mother and only daughter, their twenty-first year are obliged to $61.40 was realized from th e sale of Alice Blue, trimmed in white lace. Miss Mary, had made their home to­ fast and abstain on the days appointed th e baskets, $4.00 incidental expenses, Following the congratulations the gether. unless otherwise dispensed by their m aking a n et profit of $57.40 for th e wedding party repaired to the home The remains were t- jught to this pastor. library, which will be used in of th e bride, in YPest P o in t township, city on the afternoon train today, and The sick, the very poor, pregnant ,’i'irchasing of new books. where a three-course dinner was funeral services were held at the Will­ women, those nursing infants, and in The library board wishes to extend served. The day was spent in social iam Cowling home, at the corner of genera] all who because of old age (60 thanks to all those who so kindly con­ enjoyments. MRS.'AOETA BECKMAN, Maple and Fifth streets. The inter­ years), weakly constitutions or bard MR MARTIN KUEFFNKR, tributed in making this social a suc- The bride is the fourth daughter of who celebrated her 93rd birthday one ment was beside the remains of Mr. labor cannot fast without detriment who celebrated, his 85tii birthday on i^ss, especially thanking the manage­ Mr and Mrs. Joseph Graham, former week ago today. Fosdick in the Chatsworth cemetery. to their health, are exempted from Saturday, January 29 ment of The Grand for the donation Chatsworth residents. The groom is [This portrait was intended to appear with fasting. Those exempted are not re­ [This portrait was intended to appear with the article in last weoVs i6sue. but was delayed GEORGE COLLINS. of the hall. The people of Chats­ the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. George stricted in the use of meat on days the article iu last week’s issue, hut was delayed worth should be proud in the iu trausportatiou from the ODKrarers.] Last Friday afternoon, at his late iu trausportatiou from the engravers ] • Overy and they are well and favorably home in Cullom, occurred the death when it is allowed by dispensation at sion of a library, of which few towns Seed and Soil Special Tomorrw. the principal meal. known to a large circle of friends of George Collins, a resident of this Notice. of the size of Chatsworth can boast, They were the recipients of many T he T., P. & W. Seed and Soil corner of the county since 1866 He Those obliged to fast are restricted and they should be equally interested to one full meal in the day, which Herman Gerdes. Charlotte tax-col­ beautiful gifts After a short wed­ Special is due to arrive in Chatsworth was a native of Kentucky, having lector, will be at The,Commercial Na­ with the library board in furthering ding trip they will be at home on a tomorrow (Saturday) at 2:15 o'clock in been born September 15, 1833. He is should not ordinarily be taken before tional Bank, in Chatsworth, every its progress, as it is for them and farm south of Wolcott. tile afternoon. The train will stop survived by his wife, one daughter noon, aud to a collation in the evening Saturday, all other days at his store their families that the library was es­ T he P l a in d e a l e r joins th e m any near the T., P. & W. station and will and two step-sons. not exceeding the fourth part of an at Charlotte. I6tf tablished. L ibr friends of the bride in extending con­ carry coaches, where comfortable The funeral services were held at ordinary meal. Custom permits the gratulations and good wishes. seats will be available to those who the Cullom Mennonite church on Sun­ taking of tea, coffee or chocolate with BLACKMORE—MOORE. desire to hear the lectures and avail day afternoon. a small peice of bread not exceeding Miss Etta Blackmore and Mr. Ed­ themselves of the opportunity of lis­ two ounces in the morning. ward Moore were married on Thurs­ tening to some of the best-known and Wreck at Charlotte. Lard, the fat rendered from any day evening at five o’clock by Rev. O. ablest agricultural specialists in the The south-bound freight, No. 359, kind of meat, may be used in prepar­ M. Dunlevy, the ceremony taking country. on the Illinois Central was derailed ing food on all days during Lent and on all days of fast and abstinance Not How Cheap place at the M. E. parsonage and be­ TheT., P. & W. railroad company early Wednesday morning at Char­ ing witnessed by George Meisenhclder is going to a large expense to run this lotte on account of a broken truck throughout the year. and Miss Laura Moore. train and the only benefit derived under an oil tank car Three loaded The Holy See has granted to work­ Both the young people have many from it is the increasing of the crops box cars and one tank car were entire- ingmen and their families a special friends in this community, where they raised in the territory tributary to thrown off the track near the Farmers’ indult permitting them to eat meat have lived since childhood, and they the railroad. elevator, tearing and twisting the once a day on all days of fast and ab Hut How Good unite in wishing them much joy and Every farmer should arrange to be rails for a distance of about t welve stinance throughout the year, except happiness. The bride is a daughter in town and hear some of the lectures rods The truck broke down on the Fridays. Ash Wednesday. Wednesday of Lincoln Blackmore, of this city, by the men who will accompany the north side of the Vermillion river and Saturday in Holy Week, and the while the groom is a son of Mr. and train . bridge, which is about a mile from the Vigil of Christmas. Working men and their families a- Mrs. S. Moore and has been engaged Bowling Match, Last Evening. scene of the derailment, cutting the with P C. Tayler in repairing and ends of the ties all the way into Char­ vailing themselves of tills indult are The most important question to con In a bowling match on Burns’ al­ making wells. lotte and on bitting the frog at the not ajlowed th e use of fish and tiesh- leys last evening between Forrest and meat at the same meal. It is the KAGKL—KINELLY. switch the front end of the tank car sider in buying your Groceries is the Chatsworth the latter team was vic­ earnest desire of the Holy See, and On Monday morning at ten o’clock was thrown over on the siding, cut­ torious, winning by 16 pins. The fol­ ours as well, that they perform some at the SS. Peter and Paul's church ting it free from the front end of the lowing is the score: other act of self-denial, such as ab­ occurred the marriage of Mr. Martin train, which remained on the track.
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