Online Connections Quaker Records Home Download Abbreviations Now [Press Ctrl+F to search file.] Fall Creek Monthly Meeting (Hicksite) Minutes and Marriages (Madison County) Edited by Ruth Dorrel and Thomas D. Hamm Fall Creek Monthly Meeting was set off from Milford Monthly Meeting and first held on Eleventh Month 14, 1839. It consisted of Fall Creek Preparative Meeting east of Pendleton in Madison County and Duck Creek Preparative Meeting near Greensboro in Henry County. In 1848 Fall Creek established Rush Creek Preparative Meeting in Wabash County. In 1854 it was joined with Maple Grove Preparative Meeting in Huntington County, which had previously been subordinate to Whitewater Monthly Meeting, to form Maple Grove Monthly Meeting. Friends from Chester County, Pennsylvania, began to settle near Pendleton in the late 1820s. In the summer of 1833, Jonathan Thomas, a Chester County Friend then sixty-six years old, was visiting his daughter Rebecca, who had married John J. Lewis and had settled near Pendleton. One morning, while following an Indian trail leading over the hill back of the future site of Fall Creek meetinghouse, he reached the point where a few years later he was buried. There he had what Friends called an “opening.” In 1839 he wrote of it to Rachel Hicks, a Friend from Long Island: As I was walking the road where the meetinghouse and graveyard now are, I felt a remarkable stoppage in mind on which I turned half around. I then had a full view of the ground where they are. The language distinctly to the inner man, passed through my mind, “Now, buy this place and give Friends a lot for a meeting house and grave yard.” But the above language followed me to Pennsylvania as a duty to perform and in one year I was here again with my family, having in the fall of 1833 instructed my son-in-law, J. J. Lewis to purchase the place having sent money for that purpose. I remembered that there were three or four families of Friends here and I felt that I aught to be one of their number. Quaker Records: Fall Creek Monthly Meeting (Hicksite) Minutes and Marriages (Madison County) (From a paper prepared by Evangeline E. Lewis and read by Rebecca L. Swain for the Pendleton Art Association, June 26, 1923.) Fall Creek Meeting was unusual among Quaker communities in Indiana in being composed largely of Friends from Pennsylvania. This was less the case in Duck Creek Preparative Meeting, where many families had North Carolina roots. Well into the twentieth century, Fall Creek remained one of the largest Hicksite monthly meetings in the Midwest. Duck Creek Preparative Meeting was laid down in 1915, but the Hicksite Cemetery, as it is still called, remains at the east edge of Greensboro. Fall Creek still exists on the land that Jonathan Thomas set aside for it in 1833. The first volume of men’s minutes is now lost. Fortunately, Hinshaw’s abstractors had access to it in the 1930s, and those abstracts have been used. The Fall Creek Monthly Meeting records are in the Ohio Valley Yearly Meeting Archives at Wilmington College, Wilmington, Ohio. They have been microfilmed. The records indicated with an asterisk (*) were examined for this abstract. They have been supplemented by inscriptions from tombstones at Fall Creek and Duck Creek. • Men’s minutes: *1-21-1888 to 1-10-1895 • Women’s minutes: *11-14-1839 to 1-10-1895 • Joint minutes: *2-14-1895 to 12-12-1895; *1-9-1896 to 12-2-1918 • *1 volume births and deaths • *1 volume membership records • *Marriage register, 1840–1946 • *Removal certificates, 1870–1916 Fall Creek Monthly Meeting (Hicksite) Minutes and Marriages ALLEN 11-14-1839 Eliza appt to comm 12-10-1840 Mary Ann appt Asst Clerk 1-13-1842 Eliza appt o 7-1842 Mary Ann & Narcissa M Duck Creek PM chm att mcd 6-10-1847 Aaron, Sarah Hannah, Eunice, & Isaac ch/o Moses & Jane rocf Whitewater MM 4-12-1849 Ch/o Moses & Jane gct Milford MM 8-12-1852 Amos dis for mcd; Mary Ann & Narcissa Duck Creek PM chm att mcd 9-8-1853 Lindsey dis for mcd 11-10-1853 Benj dis for att mcd 2 © 2008 Indiana Historical Society Press. All rights reserved. Quaker Records: Fall Creek Monthly Meeting (Hicksite) Minutes and Marriages (Madison County) 2-14-1856 Eliza appt Duck Creek PM o 9-17-1856 Mary Ann Henry Co dt/o Daniel H & Eliza m Elwood Madison Co s/o Solomon & Elizabeth Roberts at Duck Creek MH 4-15-1857 Mary G dt/o Jehu & Mary Henry Co m Milton Henry Co s/o Nathan & Rebecca Smith Henry Co at Duck Creek MH 10-15-1859 Narcissa Henry Co dt/o Daniel H & Eliza m Warner Washington Co s/o James & Elizabeth Trueblood at Duck Creek MH 3-14-1861 Louisa (Allen) Copeland dis for mcd 4-11-1861 Louisa (Allen) Copeland Duck Creek PM rpt mcd 9-11-1861 Mary Ann appt Duck Creek PM o 9-14-1865 Rebecca & Alcinda gct Clear Creek MM IL; Jehu & w Mary Ann & s Edward W gct Clear Creek MM IL 7-11-1872 Tamson E (Allen) Walker chm mcd 8-8-1872 Duck Creek PM rpt Tamsen (Allen) Walker mcd 1-13-1873 Elmira (Allen) Priddy chm mcd 4-12-1888 Hannah rec in mbrp ALLISON 8-10-1876 Susan (Cook) Duck Creek PM mcd 9-14-1876 Susan chm mcd ANDERSON 8-10-1888 Caroline J rocf Milford MM 2-14-1889 Archibald & ch Estella & Chester rst 2-14-1889 John rst AXMAN 10-11-1888 Lillian (Kendall) rel by rq; jas BAKER 6-10-1852 George & w Margaret & ch Lydia A & Mary rocf Fall Creek MM OH 8-13-1854 Amasa & w Sarah rocf Clear Creek MM OH 5-10-1855 Amy (George) Fall Creek PM mcd 10-11-1855 Amy dis 3-11-1858 Sarah (George) dis for mcd BALDWIN 3-10-1877 Virgil F rec in mbrp 10-10-1878 Virgil rel fr mbrp BARB 1-8-1846 Joseph dis for att mcd BARRICKMAN 11-11-1841 Nancy (Batty) Fall Creek PM mcd 12-9-1841 Nancy (Batty) dis for mcd BATTY 8-13-1840 Nancy rocf Hamburgh MM NY; David & ch Marmaduke & Richard rocf Hamburgh MM NY 12-9-1841 Nancy (Batty) Barrickman dis for mcd 3 © 2008 Indiana Historical Society Press. All rights reserved. Quaker Records: Fall Creek Monthly Meeting (Hicksite) Minutes and Marriages (Madison County) 8-14-1845 Marmaduke dis for mcd 8-14-1851 David chm mcd BEATY 8-13-1840 Elizabeth (Messox) Fall Creek PM sis/o Mary Dale & Ann Ross mcd & j M E BISHOP 10-9-1851 Rebecca rocf Milford MM BOND 2-14-1850 Elias M Wright gct Milford MM to m Demaris S 12-12-1850 Isaac & w Sarah & ch Lydia, Emily, Susannah, Rosanna, & Mary rocf Whitewater MM Aaron & w Amy & ch Louisa, Mary Jane, Zilpha Ann, Malissa Ellen, Ursula, & Harriet rocf Whitewater MM 1-9-1851 7-12-1855 Edward H Stratton gct Milford MM to m Hannah 8-14-1856 Sarah (Bond) Johnson chm mcd 9-3-1874 Robert Mexico Miami Co s/o Jesse & Elizabeth J m Lucretia M dt/o Lewis W & Priscilla Thomas at res of Priscilla Thomas 8-8-1889 Robert rec in mbrp BOSTON 9-13-1849 Margaret (Rogers) Fall Creek PM mcd 11-8-1849 Margaret A chm mcd 8-11-1881 Mary Emma (Haycock) Fall Creek PM chm mcd 4-11-1886 Eliza Ann rec in mbrp BOWMAN 7-10-1862 Rhoda (Cook) Duck Creek PM mcd 8-14-1862 Rhoda chm BRANSON 11-4-1839 Sarah appt to comm 11-18-1858 Nathan V Clark Co OH s/o Thomas Clark Co OH & Anna dec m Anna dt/o Charles & Sarah Ann Swain Madison Co at Fall Creek MH; Wit: Benjamin Rodgers Jr, Joseph E James, Lewis W Thomas, Evan Lewis, Wolston Swain, John E Oldham, Wm McKimmey, Jesse K James, Rebecca T Lewis, Esther A Mathews, Marcelius S Cook, R M Lukins, Charles Swain Sr., Sarahann Swain, Wm F Morris, Mary Ellen Morris, Caroline Swain, Charles Swain 3-10-1859 Annie gct Green Plain MM OH BROOKS 8-8-1895 Deborah (Watson) Moore mcd; ret mbrp BROWN 1-12-1854 Elwood & w Mary Ann & ch George, Henry, Isaac S, Margaret S, Philena, Samuel C, Joseph, Elwood, & Charles rocf Whitewater MM 2-9-1854 Charles rec in mbrp 5-11-1854 Mary Ann appt Asst Clerk 11-16-1865 Margaret S dt/o Elwood & Mary Ann Fall Creek m Charles E s/o Charles W & Sarah Ann Swain Fall Creek at Fall Creek MH 10-12-1865 George H chm mcd 4 © 2008 Indiana Historical Society Press. All rights reserved. Quaker Records: Fall Creek Monthly Meeting (Hicksite) Minutes and Marriages (Madison County) 9-20-1866 Philena S dt/o Elwood & Mary Ann Madison Co m James Madison Co s/o Thomas & Martha Cockayne both dec Madison Co Fall Creek MH 4-11-1872 Isaac chm mcd 2-8-1883 Joseph chm mcd 8-20-1887 Charles chm mcd 2-13-1890 Isaac Fall Creek MM chm “using intoxicating liquors & associating with women of unchaste conduct” 5-6-1890 Isaac dis 2-9-1899 Elizabeth A Fall Creek PM rec by rq BUNKER 2-8-1849 Milia rocf Alum Creek MM OH BURCH 10-14-1869 Anna (Satterthwait) Fall Creek PM mcd 11-11-1869 Anna rpt rem; dis BURDSALL 11-3-1898 Richard H Harrison Westchester Co NY s/o Elwood dec & Sarah E Harrison Westchester Co NY m Mary T dt/o Benjamin & Annie Rogers Pendleton Madison Co at res of her par 9-14-1899 Mary (Rogers) gct Purchas MM NY BUTLER 1-12-1843 Hannah (Weeks) Duck Creek PM mcd 11-14-1844 Hannah dis CAMPLIN 4-13-1871 Rebecca (James) mcd 5-10-1888 Duck Creek PM rpt Thomas Henry & min ch Floyd, Orlando Perry, Forrest Clifford, & Harry Lincoln rq mbrp 6-14-1888 Henry & ch James Floyd, Orlando Perry, Forrest Clifford, & Harry Lincoln rec in mbrp 11-11-1897 Essie L Duck Creek PM rec by rq CATREN 6-10-1886 Josephine & ch Edwin, Estilla, & Lillian U rec by rq CATRUN 10-8-1891 Mary Jane (Catrun) Tunis ret mbrp CHAMPLIN 6-12-1884 Caroline (Foulke) chm mcd CHARLES 7-16-1852 Anna (Williams) Charles Huntsville dt/o Wm & Hannah Williams both dec Madison Co m Jesse W Huntsville Madison Co s/o Samuel & Priscilla Roberts at res of Anna Charles 2-8-1855 Anna rocf Milford MM 5 © 2008 Indiana Historical Society Press.
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