![May 7.] the New -Zealand Gazette](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
MAY 7.] THE NEW -ZEALAND GAZETTE. -MILITARY ·AREA- No.- 2 (PAEROA~eo~t-irvl.wd. MILITARY AREA No ..2 {PAEROA).~oimtim!ed. 290395. Cryer, Gilbert James, dairy.farmer, Kaihere, via llforrinsville. 404551 Fahey, Denver, Canada St., Morrinsville. 300701 Cuff, Arthur Eric, farmer, P.O. Box 27,-Katikati. 397149 Faragher, Frederick Hugh, grocer's assistant, Post-office, 422762 Cunningham, John Gordon, farm hand, Katikati. Walton. 422755 Curtis, George Dean, projectionist, care of G. Moring, Fraser 433737 Farrelly, Joseph Basil, high-tension linesman, P.W.D. St., Tauranga. Electrical Substation, Edgecumbe. 202707 Curtis, Ian Stuart, dairy-farmer, Wharepoa, Thames Line. 375318 Faulkner, Joseph Charles, transport employee, Durham St., ·434043 Cusack; Francis Peter, cheesemaker, care of Kopuarahi Tauranga. · , Dairy-factory, Turua. · 434002 Feaver, Geoffrey Harold, farmer, Chudleigh Estate, Waihou, 076137 Dabb, Leslie l\folchezeldick, milk-powder packer, Brick St., Piako County. Te Aroha. · -274297 Fenton, Thomas George, truck-driver, care of Tunnicliffe &nd 294575 Dalgity, Ferguson John Alexander, farmer, care of H. A. Co., Pongakawa Rural Delivery, Te Puke, Gardner, Omokoroa, Tauranga. , 266237 Fergus, Neil Ewenson, farmer, Athenree, Katikati. 236053 Danson, Richard Raymond, driller, 10 Tararu Rd., Thames. 092575 Ferguson, James Andrew Albert, farm hand, Stanley Rd., 273805 Darby, Arnold Edward Carrison; farmer; Arapuni. Kutarere. 417168,Darlington, John Matthew, farmer; Box 43, Ngatea. 290578 Ferguson, William George, dairy-factory worker, care of 249375 Davidson, Roy, grocer's assistant, care of_ Mr. H. R. Gubb, N.Z. Co-operative Dairy Factory Co., Ltd., Ngongotaha. Mangawara Rural Delivery, Morrinsville. 428026 Field, John Alfred, farm hand, Ngakura Rural Delivery, ,432401 Davies, Cecil Alexander, porter-barman, . care of Criterion Rotorua. Hotel, Paeroa. 252394 Findlay, William Kenneth, farm hand; Kaimai, Matamata., 219388 Davies, David Lindsay, farm hand, P.O. Box 37, Taneat~a, 245335 Finlay, Reginal Power, farm hand, Mowbray Rd., Waharoa. Whakatane. 271550 Fitness, Allan Francis, farmer, Reparoa, via Rotorua. 230980 Davies, Gilbert Thomas, grocer, 4th Avenue, Cameron Rd., · 248050 Fitzgerald, Joseph William, farm hand, Tirau. Tauranga. .. 251876 Fleet, William, dairy-farmer, care of A. Prioe, Pairere Ri,ral 288677 Davis, Francis Lionel, grocer, Kaihere, via Morrinsville. Delivery, Tirau. 424910 Davis, Martin, sawmiller,- care of Khans Sawmill, Private 254976 Fleming, James Allan, buttermaker, St. Johns St., Opotiki. Bag, Putaruru. · 276544 Fleming, Leonard Wilfred, farmer, Kataroa, Ngongotaha. 245647 Davy, Clive Ernest, care of Mr. A.H. MciClean, Waitakaruru . 200243 Fletcher, Evan Arthur, grocer, Cliff Rd., Tauranga, Rural Delivery, Hauraki Plains. · 227355 Fletcher, Thomas Fredrick Stevens, care of I. Burns, Paerata 090572 Dawson, John Brant, methodist minister, Methodist Ridge, Box 47, Opotiki. Parsonage, Ngarua Rd., Waitoa. 254869 Forbes, Roy Earlich, dairy-farmer, Manawahe, Matata. 167306 Deacon, John, cheesemaker, care of New Zealand Dairy Co., 300553 Ford, Brian Goodwin, printer, Fraser St., Tauranga. Tilrua. 264804 Ford, John Edward, care of Forest Products, Tokoroa. 428772 De Luen, William Dar'cy, Whitaker St., Te Aroha. 377450 Foreman, John White, farm labourer, care of Hooker Bros., 109572. Denize, Lawrence Victor, farmer, Matatoki, Thames Valley. Walton. 398739 Denyer, Ernest Frederick, bushman, Woodlands Rd., Waibi. 251849 Forster, Alfred, salesman, Broadway, Matamata. 397150 Dibble, James Vivian Worsley, farmer, Kaihere Post-office. 239621 Fowler, Everett John, salesman, Bradley St., Paeroa. 248311 Dobson, Charles Monmouth, farm hand, oare of Tatuanui · 375652 Francis, Willis McKay, labourer, care ofW. Black;Pae,ngaroa, Post-office, Morrinsville. · Bay of Plenty. 272058 Doddrell, Alf'red Keith, factory hand, 17 Mary St., Thames. 247583 Frear, Robert Roland, dairy-farmer, Te Aroha. 290455 Dodgson, Arthur Alan, farm-manager, Woodlands Rd., 243326 French, George. Henry, .farm hand, Waitakaruru,' Ha.uraki Opotiki. Plains. 261806 Donald, James Ar~hibald, Te Puninga, Morrinsville. 289518 Fryer, Kenneth James Harry, porter, Kiwitahi. 273819 Donald, James Carter, labourer, care ofl\fiss Burns, Arapuni. 296412 Furey, Eric Edmund, managing butcher, Nottingham 422419 Donaldson, James Thomas, sha.re-milker, Opotiki. · · Castle, Morrinsville. 373275 Donnelly, Allen Robert, plumber, 92 Rolleston St.,. Thames. 260262 Furness, Vivian Clarence, garage attendant, Peria Rd., 235989 Donnelly, Job,n Alfred; builder, 92 Rolleston St., Thames. Matamata. 428782 Dorr, Frank Honore, farmer, Stanley Rd., Te Aroha. 146766 Fussey, William George, plumbing assistant, Lorne St., 283827 Double, Roy Albert, truck-driver and· contractor, care of Morriusville. Mount Maunganui Town Board, Mount Maunganui. 257388 Gaddes, Jack McLean, farm hand, Taukoro Rd., Morrins. 431780 Dougherty, Erick Arthur, farmer, Pongakawa, Te Puke. ville. 167222 Doughty, John Edward, farm labourer, care of Mr. W. H. 266173 Gardner, Walter, dairy-farmer, Overdale Rural. Delivery, . Lambert, Box 87, Opotiki. · Putaruru. 398591 Doughty, Ronald M., timber-worker, Kaimai, llfatamata. 201939 Garriock, David Murray, atoreman, 198 Cameron Rd., 424851 Dovel!, Maurice Archie, butcher, 80 Brown St., Thames. Tauranga. · 375503 Dowling, Hugh Graham, farm hand, care of R. K. Reynolds, 116712 Gaskill, Jack Ian, farm hand, Lower Waiaua, Opotiki. Okoroire Rural Delivery. 035484 Gaskill, Roy Bruce, dairy-farmer, Waioeka, Opotiki. 374673 Dowling, Joseph Henry; pumpman, Waharoa, Rotorua Line. 276533 Gawler, William Herbert, care of Mrs. G. A .. Gawler, Ngongo. 373128 Downie, James, farmer, Otamanakui, Rural Ma,il Delivery, taha, Rotorua. Te Puke. 248604 Gear, Robert David, school-teacher, "The Tower," Mata. 390044 Dmwbridge, Herbert Arthur, Waitawheta, Waihi Rural mata, Rotorua Line. Mail Delivery. 260125 Geddes, John Howard, labourer, Koutu, Rotorua. 391394 Duff, Charles Richard, tractor-driver, care of Downer and Co., 175206 Gee, Cecil Frederick, bus-driver, Taneatua. Taupo. 248845 George, John Seddon Netherton, farm hand, Elston, Waihou. 218944 Duncan, John, prisons supervisor, Rangipo, National Park. 436887 Germann, Frederick Paterson, dairy-farmer,.Rural Delivery; 264571 Duncan, Patrick Francis, farmer, Turua. Te Aroha. 424260 Dunlop, Guy Rerenui, dairy-farmer, Box 12, Waharoa. 420113 Giannelli, James Mario, farmer, care of Post-office, Te Aroha.- 238779 Dunton, Albert George Lawsten, cabinetmaker, Welcome 374549 Gibbs, Rex Francll!, electrical wireman, Kenrick St., Te Bay, Tauranga. · Aroha. 375703 Durham, Henry Leonard, farm labourer, care of Post-office, 211877 Gilbert, Richard Ralph, dairy-farm manager, Te Puna, Waitoa. Tauranga Rural Delivery. 435866 Dwyer, Peter, miner, Barry Rd., Waihi. 430429 Gilchrist,. Arthur Haliday, dairy-farm hand, Te Puninga. 276535 Earle, Edward Eric, bushman, Ngongotaha Post-office. Rural Mail Delivery, Morrinsville. 253360 Edlin, Arthur George, farm hand, care of C. E. J. Wood, 412808 Giles, Norman Edward, farm hand, care of W .. A. Land, . Campbell Rd., Walton. Manawaru Rd., Te Aroha. 246484 Edwards, Frank, grocer's asaistant, Paeroa. 285156 Gill, James Edward, driver, care of •Wilson's Timber Mills;. 260259 Edwards, Osborne Walter, watchmaker, care of Mrs. Alquist, Te Whaiti, via Rotorua. Tamihaha St., Matamata. 277520 Gill, John James, civil serva.nt, Lands and Survey Del\art-. 408501 F.Jliott, Allan Joseph, sheep-farmer, Arapuni, Waikato. ment, Putaruru. 241349 Elliot,t, John Henry, farmer, Arapuni. 421666 Gillanders, George Hamilton, pig-farm hand, P.O. Bo:it 15, 283346 Elliott, Robert Hector, farm hand, Wardville, Waharoa Opotiki. Rural Delivery. 126448 Gilmer, Hugh, farmer, Piria Rural Delivery, Ma.tamata. 016685, Elvey, Harold Bertrand, telegraph cadet, care of Mrs. 257306 Gilmore, Eric William, farm hand, Tui St., Te Puke. Mailman, Boucher Ave., Te Puke. 261660 Glover, John Charles, labourer, Whitaker St., Te Aroha. 416086 Emeny, Norman Arthur Verey, manager, Tutanekai St., 272280 Goldsmith, Lionel English, dairy-farmer, Edgecumbe, Bay Rotorua. of Plenty. 396711 Ensor, Douglas Su=erhill, carrier, Anzac Ave., Morrinsville, 397328 Gollop, Sidney Alfred, dry-cleaner and presser, 35 Spring. 265358 Erickson, Roy Emanual, porter, Opotilo. Hotel, Opotiki. St., Tauranga. 417494 Evans, Arthur Edward Hugh, dairy-farmer, care of Johnston 427223 Goodger, Lancelot, horse-breaker, Stanley Rd., Te Arob, Bros., Otakiri. 396648 Goodrick, David Robert, farmer, Rural Delivery, Whakat 375837 Eynon, Jack, farm hand, care of G. H ..Barlow, Rural 253369 Goodwin, Gordon Cecil, farm hand, Te Poi, Matam;W Delivery, Morrinsville. 272251 Goodwin, Ronald Albert, farmer, Post-qffice, Thon• C .
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