20—MANCHESTER HERALD, T\icsday, June 19.1990 VACATION Bridge 0 MISCELLANEOUS I CARS RENTALS I FURNITURE FOR SALE FOR SALE CAPE COD- Oennlsport- SOFA- Excellent condi­ What's News NORTH c-19.90 A well-played dummy, cashed two trumps ending in .Cottage $520/week tion, gold & green CHfcVEROLET 1979 Ca- ♦ K J 10 7 4 dumrny, and ruffed a heart. He tL n sleeps 6. Call 429-3114. floral pattern, with 3 E N D R O L L S maro V-8, automatic, 4 6 2 s a c rific e played ace and nine of diamonds. East cushions, on wheels 2 7 W width — 50(t nir, runs good. W e d h e ^ a y J ♦ K 5 4 had unb ocked the 10 of diamonds un- Asking $100. Call 647- 13" width — 2 tor 50C $2500/best offer. Call 4 10 7 6 By James Jacoby I INDUSTRIAL 0007 If no answer call Newsprint end rolls can be 645-8287 and leave that 742-8187. WEST 1, f ^ ^ nine-spot, but no such picked up at the Manchester message._____________ EAST 1 PROPERTY H erald O N L Y before 11 a.m. 4 6 5 4 - East should have risked bidding !h H had no choice but to win the LIVING ROOM SOFA 3 PINTO 1976-Runs well. LOCAL NEWS INSIDE tables $500. Bedroom Monday through Thursday. ▼ QJ4 4A 10 98753 four hearts over North’s jump to three third diamond. Now whatever he re­ MANCHESTER. $175/best offer. 647- ♦ 86 2 ♦ Q J 10 7 spades. West would then have bid five turned allowed declarer to shed his Available July l, headboard, mans chest 9974. 4800/7200 square feet unchest, ladles triple FOR SALE: Washer, re- 4 Q 9 5 4 3 4 a K hearts rather than let South play four trldgerator, gas stove. COUGAR 1980 XR7-$1500 No doubt If West had raised to two commericalindustrlal dresser, nightable, 2 or best offer. Runs ■ FOI complaint filed SOUTH spades. Unable to get to dummy to 3 phase electric. 646- m irrors, $800. Dining Reasonable prices. take a heart finesse. East would have hearts oyer the one-spade overcall Call 649-6130 after 5:30 great. Pawer- 4 A Q 9 8 3 2 5477. room table & 4 chairs everythlng. 521-4540. against board. Page 11. 4 K the good fortune to bring down the sin­ East would have bid five hearts rather $300. Governor Wln- pm. ■WBdnesday, June 20,1990 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm than let the opponents play four MANCHESTER-$139,900 throp desk $200. Key­ Newsstand Price: 35 Cents ♦ A 9 3 gleton Heart king and probably score newer River Bend In­ 4 J 8 2 up an overtrick. All of this is immate­ spades. But I understand West’s pass board with stand $200, ■ Bolton man wins Queen-jack-queen and balanced distri- dustrial Condo's. 1600 also 4 14lnch Chevy CARDINAL Vulnerable: Both rial, since South was allowed to play square feet with over­ I WANTED TO four spades. Holding the spade con­ mags $200. Prices ne­ $25,000. Page 11. Dealer: North head door. Near hlgh- gotiable call 647-7957 IBUY/TRADE BUICK, INC. tract to down one required some good much junk to compete with when one wav and M all. $229,900 1988 Ford Ranger IS vulnerable. But West could hardly evenings after 6pm. $5,895 South West North East luck plus the right judgment to take commercial B1 zoned WANTED TO BUY: Bed- 1987Buick Regal $8,495 ■ Cheney Hall gets town Pass 1 4 advantage of it. keep from bidding one more if East building plus land and room set, dining room 19870168 Ciera $6,990 bid four hearts all by himself Coventry ► Pass 3 4 Pass East won the opening lead with the garages. Fronts on 2 set, dresser 8, misc. 1987 Isuzu Pup Pickup $4,280 _ James Jamby s books -Jacoby on Bridge'and 170 J GOOD THINGS funding. Page 13. ^ All pass ace of hearts, cashed the A-K of clubs main roads. Anne furniture. Call 524-8824. 1989 Buick Regal Coupe $10,980 his lather, M ille r Real Estate, 647- I' o I to e a t 1988 C h ^ Cavalier $6,990 I t :■! ^ and then got off lead with the queen of Oswald Jacoby) are now available at 1988 98 R ^ Brougham Opening lead. 4 Q 8000. CASH PAID tor old cars $13,490 diamonds. Declarer won the king in bookstores. Both are published by Pharos Books STRAWBERRIES- Pick 1988 Chevy Z-24 Cavalier $6,960 In good condition. Call 1988 Pontiac Sunbird Coupe $7,895 vour own. Chaponis anytim e 646-6388. [ miscellaneous brothers on Clark Park Ate $11,490 budget IFOR RENT jSS/BuiekSomefsetCpe $7480 Lodge gets coolant OK Street, South Windsor. 1987 Chevrolel Caprice $7!w Free containers. Open CARS 1986 Mitsubishi Pickup $3,M5 Summer will be no sweat for Recreation Depart­ Astrograph 8 am -8pm call 528-5741 1986 Buick Slwhawk Cpe $5,960 Immedlatelv-clean, se­ tor latest picking Infor­ FOR SALE ment employees as well as visitors to the depart­ cure garages In Man­ 1986 Pontiac Grand Prix $7,980 mation. Opening Satur­ 1985 Cadillac Sedan DeVille $9480 ment’s offices in the Center Springs Park Lodge, chester and Vernon. day June 9th. D O D G E - 1986. '150', 318 now that the building will get an air conditioning $45/m onth. 646-4144. CID, automatic, bed 1985 Oldsmoblle Calais $5480 defeated will participate with you in some 1982 Chevrolet Celebris 45k $3,995 system. ^ o u r CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) If you liner, tool box, 50K, 1982 Citation 46k $2,295 manner. expect others to follow your ideas and $5500. 742-8669. An $8,5(X) system for the one-year-old lodge LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) People with suggestions today, you must first show SPORTING 81 Adams Street building was approved unanimously Tbesday by b i r t h d a y whom you pal around today will have a I ROOMMATES VOLKSWAGON 1985 Suit threatened them how well they work. Seeing is be­ WANTED GOODS Jetta sedan. 5 speed, M a n c h e s te r members of the town Board of Directors. The direc­ strong influence on your outlook and at­ lieving, so be prepared to teach instead I titude. Try to spend time with friends M air, great condition. 64 9-45 71 tors did not debate, discuss, nor question the action. of talk. g o l f CLUBS-Used. $3800 call 646-6388. By Jacqueline Bennett June 20,1990 who are upbeat and progressive. ROOMATE WANTED- Starter and full sets Money for the project had been requested in the AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) Try to set Male or Female, Man­ HONDA 1988 CRX Civic Manchester Herald VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sepl. 22) Much per­ some time aside today for an enjoyable with bags from $35. budget for the fiscal year which begins July 1. Conditions in general look rather inter­ sonal satisfaction will be gained today chester . Large duplex, Also mIsc. clubs. 649- HF 23K miles, light Schaffer's esting for you in the year ahead. You activity. A recreational break could $315 a m anth. $630 se­ b lu e, 5 speed, air, Quality Pre-Owned Autos However, the Republican majority of the board from developments where you use your serve as a marvelous release from ten­ 1794._______________ COVENTRY — For the second time, in a vote of should be able to do well in both inde­ intellect and resourcefulness to either curity, plus '/2 utilities. AM/FM stero, 40MPG. Value Priced voted to delay the funding until money was avail­ pendent and collective ventures. Get sion build up. 643-5154 after 6 pm. MEN’S 26 Inch Full 10 Excellent condition. 7 1084-982, townspeople rejected the proposed $15.6 able during the year. overcome challenges or circumvent PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) More than 1987 ACURA INTEGRA LS 3 DR. busy. obstacles. ROOMATED wanted to speed bike. $80. 742- year transferable war- Auto. A/C, Sunroof million budget for next year in a referendum 1\iesday. But Town Manager Richard Sartor said the one matter of importance can be com­ 7475. $9,300 GEMINI (May 21-June 20) You’ll be at LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) Usually it’s share home In Man­ rantee. $8000/best The defeat has the Democrat leadership so angry project should be done sooner because the season to your best today in situations where you pleted to your satisfaction today if you chester. $300 a m onth, offer.568-4504._________ 1966 HONDA PRELUDE not a good policy to offer unsolicited schedule your agenda in proper se­ 5 Speed, A/C, Sunroof they are threatening possible legal action against the use air conditioning is upon us. have to juggle two endeavors simulta­ advice to others, but today one of your utilities Included. No­ OLDSMOBILE 1987 Delta $8,700 neously. You will understand their rela­ quence. Prioritize your list. sm okers. 646-3359. Republican Town Committee for a flier that allegedly Sartor indicated also that staff members were ad­ friends might be in dire need of your ARIES (March 21-April 19) You’re apt Raval 4 door, loaded. 1968 SUBARU GL SEDAN tionship, but others might not. Gemini, helpful suggestions. Speak up PETS AND Call 647-9199 after 6 pm. Auto, AKi, PS, PB sabotaged the budget with misinformation and untrue vised to prepare bid specifications for the project treat yourself to a birthday gift.
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