C Vol. V, No. 1 Published by and ior the Students of Boone Junior College, Boone, 1ou;a October, 1960 Boone J. C. Sponsors U. N. Observance Today, B. J. C. will sponsor a cit'r- wide observance of th; fifteenth an- niversary of the United Nations Char- ter. Highlights of the day will be a flag raising ceremony conducted by B. J. C. student officers in conjunction with the Mayor's Committee on United Nations Week, a display of the flags of all the United Nations, and a free 90-minute united Nations film. Power Among Men, at 8:00 P.M., at the Boone High., School Auditorium. The purpose of these events is to promote an understanding of the idea and purpose of the United Piations. Originated by 51 nations dedicated to the principle of world peace throuyh peaceful co-operative effort, the U. N. now has 97 members. with other coun- tries soon to be admitted. The first 15 U. IU. years have not been easy ones. The promise of big- power harmony h3s given way ts 'cold war' distrust. International ten- sion and open hostilities have added to the problems of our atomic age. but the L. h. has proved equal to its numerous challenges. Politically. it has evolved flexible methods of deal- in% with internstional disputes. Eco- Gary Sanders, Jlr. B. J. C., and Dee Eldien, .Vliss B. J. C. nokically, its resesrch hashelped la)- -- the "groundwork for sound national Mr. and Mrs. B. J. C. and reyional economic policies. So- Liberal Arts Club Officers cially, its activities have awakened the Elected The Liberal Arts Club met and conscience of the world to recognition elected officers Wednesday, October of the worth and di~nityof the indi- The Mr. and Miss B. J. C. Ball was 5th. in Mr. Porter's room. Officers vidual. held Saturday. October 13th. at the elected were: president. Mike Hum- In its first 15 years, the U.N. has Holst Hotel. During the intermission. mell; vice-president, Gary Sanders; already become part of the fabric of tlle election of Mr. and Miss B. J. C. and secretary-treasurer. Marilyn international life. Thus, all free na- v7a3 held. The c-ndidates were: Dee El- Smith. tions unite in celebration of the anni- dien, Marilyn Smith, and JoAnn Mor- In a previous meeting the Student versary of its founding. avetz for Miss B. J. C., and Gary Council representatives were elected. Sanders, Mike Hummell. and Jerry They were hilike Hummell, Marilyn Bravard for Mr. B. J. C. Miss B. J. C., Smith, end Danielle Hartzell. Alter- Late Sews! The Young Democratic Dee Eldien, and Mr. B. J. C., Gary nates were also elected. Party has just been organized. The Sanders, were presented with their Coming events at B. J. C. to be halls are again filled with campaign honors by last ye~r'sMr. and Miss sponsored by Liberal Arts Club in- articles and pictures. Officers have not B. J. C.. Darrell Fagen and Irene clude the Thanksgiving dance and the been elected as yet. but the members Smart Christmas dance. predict a full-swing operation soon. BEAR FACTS October, 1963 Delta Tau Had a Busy Weelr B. J. C. Presents Films fhe Editor The Delta Tau, the prospective To promote an understanding of teachers' club, has begun a full sched- the idea and purpose of the United Speaks ule. Their first meeting included the Nations, the Boone Junior College election of the following officers: pres- Film Society will present at the Boone ident, Mary Lou Doran; vice-presi- High School Auditorium Wednesday, Back the attack! How often have dent, Jan Larson; secretary, Roberta Stream ; treasurer, Wanda Carlson ; October 26th, at 8:00 P.M.. Power you heard this? Someone is always historian, Connie Miller; ~ublicit~,Among Men. This is the first feature wanting you to back some cause. It Dena Porter, assisted by Martha Sul- length film to deal with the idea and seems you have forgotten to apply livan; program, Dee Eldien ; and Stu- purposes of the United Nations. It is a them to your lives at B. J. C., however. dent Council representative, Nyla film built about two forces which co- You students are always wanting to Black. Since its organization, Delta exist in humankind: power to build; know what social life B. J. C. has to of- Tau has had a busy agenda. Included power to destroy. fer. Our Student Council, your repre- in their meetings and responsibilities 'This is a 90-minute film, and is one sentatives, and our various organiza- were a luncheon for the freshmen recommended for both children and tions have gone to great efforts to pre- sponsored by the sophomores, an all- adults. It is being presented in co- pare a full schedule of school func- college coffee, and the Student I. S. operation with the City of Boone E. A. Regional Meeting. tions, yet when it comes time to sell Mayor's Committee on United Na- Seventeen members and Mrs. Bar- tions Week. There will be no admis- tickets and get co-operation from the quist spent an interesting day at Grand student body, you fail to respond. sion charge. Everyone is invited. View College for the Regional Meet- On November 16th, a French film, You ask for parties and dances, but ing held on October 13th. The theme when the council and clubs ~lanthem God Needs Men, will be shown at the for the meeting was 'Guidance in the col!e.re. The film offers a deep insight for you, you don't attend. Elementary and Secondary Schools.' into the fundamental impulse to wor- You were in fair attendance at our Highlights of the N. E. A. Conven- ship through the role of a reluctant first social event, the picnic. We imag- tions held this summer were given by fisherman who is called upon to take ine maybe half of you attended, but Marcia Foley and Kay Sobaski, presi- the place of a priest. It is endorsed by when it came to the first dance you dent and vice-president of the state the Protestant Motion Picture Council didn't do so well. We saw almost as Student I. S. E. A. Miss Kathy Bryant, and the International Catholic Film many guests as we saw B. J. C. stu- the regional president, presented Dr. Office. This film was a Grand Prize dents. You were given the opportunity Stuart Tiedeman, who Save many in- winner of the Venice International to have a Mr. and Miss B. J. C., but did formative points on 'The Role of the Film Festival. most of you vote? No, of course not. Classroom Teacher in Guidance.' Af- Only about 50 out of 124 bothered to ter a question and answer ~eriod,re- turn in names. ports were made by the local chap- Vogler-Nieman Chevrolet, Inc. The council and a small per cent ters. Lunch was served and the Grand CHEVROLET: CORVAIR: BUICK of the student body are now working View chorus provided entertainment. to construct a snack bar for you. A Nyla Black, the regional vice-presi- Home of OK Used Cars chorus, under the direction of one of dent, presided at the afternoon ses- your fellow students, has been or- sion. Two educational films on coun- I Sixth and Boone Tel. GE 2-5150 1 ganized. A basketball team is also seling and individual differences were starting. Clubs are planning meetings. shown. The meeting was then ad- The school has even provided movies j ourned. HAMILTON for your entertainment as well as en- Delta Tau also has been making richment. plans for the all-colleye Hallowe'en HARDWARE & APPLIANCES Let's each make it our special duty party-dance, to be held October 29th. to get behind these activities and to This will be a costume ball. Special BOONE, IOWA support all of the school functions entertainment has been planned. provided by B. .I. C. Our school may not be biy in numbers but it can be bio; in spirit if we all work together Holst Hotel Barber Shop and BACK B. J. C. Daryl Anderson, Dan Veeder BEAR FACTS Barbers Quality Groceries and Meats Published by and for the student body of Boone Junior College, Boone, Iowa -- - FOOT-SO-PORT SHOES EDITOR : Nyla Black. IOWA ELECTRIC REPORTERS: Dena Porter, Paul Nally, Danny Fine Shoe Repairing Eldien. Dave Johnson. LIGHTAND POWER STUDENT COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVE : Anderson Shoe Shop Paul Naliy. ADVISOR: C. W. Schaeffer. 722 Keeler Street Boone, lowa PRINTERS : Sunstrom-Miller Press. BEAR FACTS Enrollmelit Has Increased Calendar of Events Fitzgerald Heads Student Body The annual election of Boone Jun- The final enrollment at Boone Jun- Announced ior College officers was held on Sep- ior College has reached 124 this year, tember 16th after a very quiet cam- an increase of 10 students over the Several events of interest to the students of Boone Junior College will paign. As a result of the election, the total enrollment for the fall semester new college officers for the year 1960- last year. There has also been an in- occur during the next few weeks. The first of these will be the Hal- 1961 are Mike Fitzgerald, president; crease in the percentage of non-Boone Keith Ablett, vice-president; Dena High School graduates. This figure lowe'en party sponsored by the Delta Tau on Saturday, October 29th, at Porter, secretary ; and Ed Dittmer, has risen from 47% to 5376 of the treasurer. 8:00 P.M. This is to be a costume total enrollment. What usually turns out to be a 'slam- Eighty-three students are classified party, and all students are requested to comply.
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