NOVEMBER 2013 Honoring Those Who Serve Honoring Ironworker Veterans 4 Helmets to Hardhats 10 World War II Merchant Mariners 15 Ironworkers in the Military 18 15331_IWNov13.indd 1 11/6/13 6:53 AM 1750 New York Ave., N.W., Suite 400 Washington, D.C. 20006 p (202) 383-4800 www.ironworkers.org [email protected] INTERNATIONAL OFFICERS Volume 113 | NOVEMBER 2013 | Number 10 WALTER WISE JOE STANDLEY General President Fourth General Vice President Suite 400 1660 San Pablo Avenue, Suite C 1750 New York Avenue, NW Pinole, CA 94564 Washington, DC 20006 p (510) 724-9277 p (202) 383-4810 f (510) 724-1345 FEATURES f (202) 638-4856 MARVIN RAGSDALE Ironworker Veterans JOSEPH HUNT Fifth General Vice President 4 General President Emeritus 3003 Dawn Drive Suite 400 Suite 104 8 Union Veterans Council 1750 New York Avenue, NW Georgetown, TX 78628 Washington, DC 20006 p (512) 868-5596 Helmets to Hardhats p (202) 383-4845 f (512) 868-0823 10 f (202) 638-4856 DARRELL LABOUCAN 12 Helmets to Hardhats Canada ERIC DEAN Sixth General Vice President General Secretary #8-205 Chatelain Drive Project Labor Agreements in Colorado? Suite 400 St. Albert, Alberta T8N 5A4 13 1750 New York Avenue, NW Canada Washington, DC 20006 p (780) 459-3389 15 Merchant Mariners of World War II p (202) 383-4820 f (780) 459-3308 f (202) 347-2319 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington RON PIKSA 16 EDWARD C. MCHUGH Seventh General Vice President General Treasurer 10828 Grevelly Lake Boulevard, SW 18 Active Iron Worker Military Members Suite 400 Suite 212 1750 New York Avenue, NW Lakewood, WA 98499 Local 44 Volunteers Time for 9/11 Memorial Washington, DC 20006 p (253) 984-0514 19 p (202) 383-4830 f (253) 984-0533 f (202) 383-6483 21 Ironworkers Graduate from National Labor College BERNARD EVERS JR. RICHARD WARD Eighth General Vice President First General Vice President Suite 400 5964 Dayton Boulevard 1750 New York Avenue, NW Chattanooga, TN 37415 Washington, DC 20006 p (423) 870-1982 p (202) 383-4851 DEPARTMENTS f (423) 876-0774 f (202) 347-1496 EDWARD J. WALSH KENNETH “BILL” DEAN 22 Departmental Articles Second General Vice President Ninth General Vice President 505 White Plains Road 1445 Washington Road, Suite 1100 28 IMPACT Suite 200 Washington, PA 15301 Tarrytown, NY 10591 p (724) 229-1110 p (914) 332-4430 f (724) 229-1119 29 Lifetime Honorary Members f (914) 332-4431 RONALD C. GLADNEY 30 Official Monthly Record JAY HURLEY General Counsel Third General Vice President Hartnett Gladney Hetterman, L.L.C. 191 Old Colony Avenue, 4399 Laclede Avenue P.O. Box 96 St. Louis, MO 63108 S. Boston, MA 02127 p (314) 531-1054 p (617) 268-2382 f (314) 531-1131 f (617) 268-1394 Headquarters Office: (202) 383-4868 THE SKY’S THE LIMIT Headquarters Fax (202) 638-4856 INTERNATIONAL DEPARTMENTS On the Cover Apprenticeship and Training Ironworkers Political p (202) 383-4870 Action League Vietnam veteran and Local 468 f (202) 347-5256 p (202) 383-4805 f (202) 347-3569 (Cleveland) shopman and retired Computer Department General Organizer Bill Purdy p (202) 383-4886 LU/DC Staff Retirement and f (202) 383-4895 Shopmen’s Pension Fund lays a wreath at the Tomb of the p (202) 383-4874 Davis Bacon Office f (202) 628-6469 Unknowns in Arlington National p (202) 834-9855 Cemetery to honor the sacrifice f (202) 393-0273 Magazine p (202) 383-4842 of our fallen heroes. Department of Canadian Affairs p (780) 459-3389 Mailroom f (780) 459-3308 p (202) 383-4855 f (202) 638-1038 Department of Ornamental, Architectural & Miscellaneous Maintenance and Jurisdiction EDITOR: Scott Malley, 1750 New York Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006 | ASSISTANT to the EDITOR: Nancy Folks Metals (DOAMM) p (202) 383-4860 p (630) 238-1003 f (202) 347-1496 THE IRONWORKER f (630) 238-1006 ISSN:0021163X Published monthly, except for a combined June/July issue, for $15.00 per year by the International Organizing Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers, 1750 New York Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. Department of Reinforcing p (202) 383-4851 20006. Preferred periodicals postage paid at Washington, D.C. and additional mailing offices. Printed on union-made paper. Ironworkers f (202) 347-1496 Postmasters: Send change of address to Ironworker, 1750 New York Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006 p (866) 336-9163 f (386) 736-9618 Safety Canada Agreement Number 40009549. p (202) 383-4829 f (202) 383-6490 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE International Association of Bridge, Shop Department p (202) 383-4846 Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers f (202) 783-3230 15331_IWNov13_X.indd 2 11/6/13 4:37 PM 1750 New York Ave., N.W., Suite 400 Washington, D.C. 20006 Thankful for Our Armed p (202) 383-4800 www.ironworkers.org [email protected] Services, Our Rights, Our Union he correlation between the decline of the the future of our union and organized labor will T middle class and the decline in union mem- be the future of the middle class. We can’t run bership is irrefutable. The United States has the from it, so we had better fight. worst income inequality of any country in the November cannot pass without three things developed world as the wealth of the one percent taking place: Elections, Veterans Day and Thanks- continues to rise as median incomes fall. giving. As evident from the recent three-ring antics on Capitol Hill, every election is significant and there are no “off ” years. Each election at every lev- el is of critical importance to your union and your WALTER WISE future. We remain committed to pursuing a leg- General President islative agenda that increases your ability to earn a living as a union ironworker and continue our political philosophy of rewarding our friends and punishing our enemies, regardless of what side of the aisle they inhabit. For every election, you have a duty to vote and a responsibility to make an in- …enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends and remember those less fortunate. We have a lot It also presents a simple solution for our coun- try – increase union membership! And that was to be thankful for. After all, we are union ironworkers. the thrust of the recent AFL-CIO convention held in Los Angeles. Millions of workers in hundreds of occupations support the ideals of organized la- bor but have not had the ability to join a union or demonstrate their support. Now they do! Every formed decision. It is the only salvation for our worker will be able to become part of the AFL- democracy against the onslaught of mega-dollars. CIO through Working America; a chartered, non- November is when we pay special homage collective bargaining union to build union densi- to our veterans to whom we owe a great debt of ty, support and political power as an introductory gratitude for protecting our nations’ freedom. step for millions of workers to secure a union in The Iron Workers have always recognized this their workplace. The Iron Worker organizers have debt and fully embraced all returning veterans by used Working America members to secure com- providing support and job opportunities within munity support for our organizing campaigns our union. Your support for Helmets to Hardhats and have expanded our relationship to a Working has enabled young men and women like Katie America Ironworker Associate Member Program. Sanicky of Local 17 (Cleveland) or Nathan May Working America provides our organizers with of Local 492 (Nashville) to pursue their dreams. additional contacts through their neighborhood As Nathan stated, “Being in a union is like being canvassing programs; an existing database struc- in the military. You don’t have anybody but each ture enabling the Iron Workers to better organize other. And to have that brotherhood is priceless.” NOVEMBER the unorganized; and the means to identify and It is our veterans who are priceless. educate the non-union workforce. Now active in And lastly, enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday Texas, Florida, Michigan, Connecticut and Ten- with family and friends and remember those less nessee, our organizers can enter contact informa- fortunate. We have a lot to be thankful for. After tion directly into the database from their smart- all, we are union ironworkers. phones. This will lead to broader ironworking 2013 Thank you for helping to build our great industry campaigns, while providing an affinity union. and pathway to fulfill our constitutional obliga- | tion to organize all ironworkers and their employ- ers. The chart above is a constant reminder that 3 15331_IWNov13.indd 3 11/6/13 6:54 AM Ironworkers Political Action League would like to recognize and thank our veterans for their dedication, courage, sacrifice and service to their country. All ironworkers listed below have responded to Honoring veterans who gave their lives in service to our country are Local 361 (Brooklyn, N .Y. ) Matthew our request for information in The Ironworker. If Chartrand, business manager; Genero Gabbe, member you are a veteran and would like to be listed in and veteran; and Anthony DeBlasie, president. The the next update of ironworker veterans, please fill Local 361 member and officers laid a wreath at out the Union Veterans Council Membership Form Arlington National Cemetery on 9/11 of 2013. in this edition and return it to the IPAL office or complete the online form at www.ironworkers.org. Local 1 Local 7 Local 15 Henry Adamic, Dale Allen, Robert Aikens, James Anderson, Ronald Baika, Ronald Walter Brown, Jr., Lamar Burt, Wayne Camp, Michael Andruch, III, Ladell Bonds, Stephen Bernardos, Tom Broderick, Michael Cain, I., Patrick Fries, Charles Loredo, Roger Martin, Borozan, Cliff Bura, Victor Cancialosi, Thomas William Cain, Carmen Caterino, Joseph Joseph McGloin, Lawrence Montgomery, “TC” Carmody, II, Bohdan Chase Chalus, Chittick, Kevin Collins, Richard Connolly, Sr., Sydney Mundell, Paul Noel, Richard Donald Christian, E.
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