EUROPEAN ARACHNOLOGY 2003 (LOGUNOV D.V. & PENNEY D. eds.), pp. 319332. © ARTHROPODA SELECTA (Special Issue No.1, 2004). ISSN 0136-006X (Proceedings of the 21st European Colloquium of Arachnology, St.-Petersburg, 49 August 2003) A contribution on the gnaphosid spider fauna (Araneae: Gnaphosidae) of east Kazakhstan Äîáàâëåíèå ê ôàóíå ïàóêîâ-ãíàôîçèä (Araneae: Gnaphosidae) âîñòî÷íîãî Êàçàõñòàíà T.K. TUNEVA Ò.Ê. Ò ÓÍÅÂÀ Department of Zoology, The Perm State University, Bukireva Street 15, Perm 614990, Russia. email: [email protected] Êàôåäðà çîîëîãèè áåñïîçâîíî÷íûõ, Ïåðìñêèé ãîñóäàðñòâåííûé óíèâåðñèòåò, óë. Áóêèðåâà 16, Ïåðìü 614990, Ðîññèÿ. email: [email protected] ABSTRACT. A new genus Heser gen.n. (type species: H. malefactor sp.n.) and seven new species: Drassodes charitonovi sp.n. (#$), D. cupa sp.n. (#), Gnaphosa ketmer sp.n. ($), Haplodrassus rugosus sp.n. (#), Heser malefactor sp.n. (#$), Micaria seymuria sp.n. ($) and Sidydrassus rogue sp.n. (#) are described. Two new combinations are proposed: H. aradensis (Levy, 1998) comb.n. and H. infumatus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) comb.n., both ex. Zelotes. Berlandina xinjiangen- sis Hu et Wu, 1989 is synonymized with B. spasskyi Ponomarjov, 1979. Three species: Aphantaulax seminigra Simon, 1878, Berlandina apscheronica Dunin, 1984 and B. spasski Ponomarjov, 1979, are redescribed on the basis of new specimens from the region of Lake Zaisan and Uigursky district, Almaty area. Three species, Berlandina apscheronica Dunin, 1984, Micaria tuvensis Danilov, 1993 and Zelotes latreillei (Simon, 1878), are recorded from east Kazakhstan for the first time. In addition, the distribution of 12 species in east Kazakhstan is refined. ÐÅÇÞÌÅ. Îïèñàí íîâûé ðîä Heser gen.n. (òèïîâîé âèä: H. malefactor sp.n.) è ñåìü íîâûõ âèäîâ: Drassodes charitonovi sp.n. (#$), D. cupa sp.n. (#), Gnaphosa ketmer sp.n. ($), Haplodrassus rugosus sp.n. (#), Heser malefactor sp.n. (#$), Micaria seymuria sp.n. ($) è Sidydrassus rogue sp.n. (#). Ïðåäëîæåíî äâå íîâûå êîìáèíàöèè: H. aradensis (Levy, 1998) comb.n. è H. infumatus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) comb.n., îáå ex. Zelotes. Berlandina xinjiangensis Hu et Wu, 1989 ñèíîíèìèçèðîâàíà ñ B. spasskyi Ponomarjov, 1979. Òðè âèäà Aphantaulax seminigra Simon, 1878, Berlandina apscheronica Dunin, 1984, B. spasski Ponomar- jov, 1979 ïåðåîïèñàíû íà îñíîâå íîâîãî ìàòåðèàëà èç ðàéîíà îçåðà Çàéñàí è Óéãóðñêîãî ðàéîíà, Àëìàòèíñêîé îáëàñòè. Òðè âèäà, à èìåííî: Berlandina apscheronica Dunin, 1984; Micaria tuvensis Danilov, 1993; and Zelotes latreillei (Simon, 1878), âïåðâûå óêàçàíû äëÿ âîñòî÷íîãî Êàçàõñòàíà. Êðîìå òîãî óòî÷íåíî ðàñïðîñòðàíåíèå â âîñòî÷íîì Êàçàõñòàíå 12 âèäîâ. KEY WORDS: spiders, Gnaphosidae, new genus, new species, fauna, east Kazakhstan. ÊËÞ×ÅÂÛÅ ÑËÎÂÀ: ïàóêè, Gnaphosidae, íîâûé ðîä, íîâûå âèäû, ôàóíà, âîñòî÷íûé Êàçàõñòàí. Introduction [Mikhailov, 1997]. The majority of the material considered in this paper was collected by D.E. The gnaphosid spider fauna of Kazakhstan Charitonov and A.G. Ovsyannikov during their comprises more than 100 species in 24 genera expedition to Lake Zaisan (east Kazakhstan) in 320 EUROPEAN ARACHNOLOGY 2003 1936. This gnaphosid collection was brought to 0-1, r1-1-1, v2-2-2(a); IV d1-1-0, p1-1-1, r1-1-1, the Department of Zoology of the Perm State v2-2-2(a); metatarsi I, II v2-0-0; III, IV p1-2-2, r2- University where it has hitherto been unstudied. 2-2, v2-2-2(a). Embolus attenuate. Retrolateral tib- In addtition, the gnaphosid collections taken by ial apophysis wide at base, curved, armed with distinct denticles, and has a bifid apex (Figs 29, 30). Dr A.A. Zyuzin (Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan) from Female. Total length 10.05. Carapace 4.55 long, several localities around Lake Zaisan in 1998 3.10 wide, yellowbrown. Sternum yellowbrown, and by Dr S.I. Golovatch (Moscow, Russia) with dark thin margins. Abdomen yellow to grey from East Kazakhstan area and Uigursky district yellow. Legs and palps yellowbrown. Chelicerae of Almaty area in 2001 were also examined. brown. Femur II 3.55 long. Spination of the palpal Most of the studied material is deposited in the femora and legs as in male. Epigyne with a broad collection of the Department of Zoology of the Perm median plate (Fig. 34). Spermathecae widely sepa- State University (PSU). Some of the type specimens rated and sinuous (Fig. 35). are deposited in the Zoological Museum of the Mos- cow University (ZMMU) and the Zoological Muse- Drassodes cupa sp.n. um of the Zoological Institute, St. Petersburg (ZIN). Figs 13. The following abbreviations are used in the text: a = apical, d = dorsal, p = prolateral, r = retrolateral, MATERIAL. Holotype # (ZMMU), Kazakhstan, East v = ventral. Chaetotaxy is as follows: basal-medial- Kazakhstan area, Lake Zaisan, Mambet creek, under stones, 1936, A.G. Ovsyannikov. apical spines. For example, tibia I v1-2(1)-2(a) means ETYMOLOGY. The specific epithet is derived that tibia I possesses one basal, two (or one) medial from the Latin word cupa meaning ladle, a char- and two apical ventral spines. All measurements are acteristic of the median apophysis. in mm. DIAGNOSIS. The new species is most similar to D. pubescens (Thorell, 1856) (see Figs 3840), Descriptions but can easy be distinguished by the curved embolus (straight embolus in D. pubescens), the pointed tip Drassodes charitonovi sp.n. of the median apophysis (bifid in D. pubescens) and Figs 3035. the long and narrow tibial apophysis (short and bifid apically in D. pubescens). MATERIAL. Holotype # (PSU), Kazakhstan, East DISTRIBUTION. The type locality only. Kazakhstan area, Lake Zaisan, Topolev Cape, in house, DESCRIPTION. Male (holotype). Total length 16.07.1936, D.E. Charitonov. 10.05. Carapace 4.55 long, 3.10 wide, brown. Ster- Paratypes: 1 $ (PSU), East Kazakhstan area, Lake Zaisan, Aletay passover, under stones, 6.08.1936, D.E. num yellowbrown. Abdomen yellow. Legs and Charitonov; 1 $ (PSU), East Kazakhstan area, Lake Zaisan, palps yellowbrown. Palpal femur with one dorso- Kara-Chek Mt., under stones, 1936, A.G. Ovsyannikov. median spine and a distal group of three connivent ETYMOLOGY. The specific name is a patro- dorsodistal spines. Femur II 3.25 long. Leg spina- nym in honour of the collector, the famous Russian tion: femora I, II d1-1-0, p0-1-1; III, IV d1-1-0 p0- arachnologist, the late Prof. D.E. Charitonov. 1-1, r0-1-1; tibiae I, II v2-0-2; III p2-0-1, r1-1-1, v2- DIAGNOSIS. D. charitonovi sp.n. seems to be 2-2(a); IV d1-1-0, p1-1-1, r1-1-1, v2-2-2(a); meta- closest to D. serratidens Schenkel, 1963, but can be tarsi I, II v2-0-0; III, IV p1-2-2, r2-2-2, v2-2-2(a). distinguished by the monochromous abdomen (a Retrolateral tibial apophysis long, flat and narrow clear pattern in D. serratidens), shape of the retro- (Figs 1, 2). Embolus aciform, slightly curved, situat- lateral tibial apophysis and the median apophysis in ed laterally; median apophysis broad, transverse and males, and in females by the foveal margins and the with a pointed tip (Fig. 1). spermathecal structure (cf. figs 1925 in Marusik & Female unknown. Logunov [1995]). DISTRIBUTION. The type locality only. Gnaphosa ketmer sp.n. DESCRIPTION. Male (holotype). Total length Figs 4, 5. 10.05. Carapace 4.55 long, 3.10 wide, brown. Ster- num yellowbrown. Abdomen yellow. Legs and MATERIAL. Holotype $ (ZMMU), Kazakhstan, Al- palps yellowbrown. Chelicerae brown. Palpal fe- maty area, Uigursky district, c. 5 km south-east of Kyr- gyzsai (= Podgornoe), Ketmen Mt. Range, 1 5001 900 m mur with one dorsomedian spine and a distal group a.s.l., PiceaBetulaPopulus forest, 12.06.2001, S.I. of three connivent dorsodistal spines. Femur II 3.25 Golovatch. long. Leg spination: femora I, II d1-1-0, p0-1-1; III, ETYMOLOGY. The specific name is a noun in IV d1-1-0 p0-1-1, r0-1-1; tibiae I, II v2-0-2; III p2- apposition taken from the type locality. T.K. Tuneva. Gnaphosidae of east Kazakhstan 321 Figs 13. Drassodes cupa sp.n.: 1 male palp, ventral view; 2 male palp, lateral view; 3 tibia and cymbium of male palp, dorsal view. Scale: 0.1 mm. Ðèñ. 13. Drassodes cupa sp.n.: 1 ïàëüïà ñàìöà, âèä ñíèçó; 2 ïàëüïà ñàìöà, âèä ñáîêó; 3 ãîëåíü è öèìáèóì ïàëüïû ñàìöà, âèä ñâåðõó. Ìàñøòàá: 0,1 ìì. Figs 45. Gnaphosa ketmer sp.n.: 4 epigyne; 5 spermathecae. Scale: 0.1 mm. Ðèñ. 45. Gnaphosa ketmer sp.n.: 4 ýïèãèíà; 5 ñïåðìàòåêà. Ìàñøòàá: 0,1 ìì. 322 EUROPEAN ARACHNOLOGY 2003 Figs 69. Haplodrassus rugosus sp.n.: 6 male palp, ventral view; 7 male palp, lateral view; 8 embolic division, dorsal view; 9 apical part of male palpal tibia, dorsal view. Scale: 0.1 mm. Ðèñ. 69. Haplodrassus rugosus sp.n.: 6 ïàëüïà ñàìöà, âèä ñíèçó; 7 ïàëüïà ñàìöà, âèä ñáîêó; 8 ýìáîëþñíûé îòäåë, âèä ñâåðõó; 9 âåðøèíà ãîëåíè ïàëüïû ñàìöà, âèä ñâåðõó. Ìàñøòàá: 0,1 ìì. DIAGNOSIS. Based on the wide epigynal scape, Chundzha, Charyn River Canyon, 650 m a.s.l., riverine this new species probably belongs to the rufula FraxinusPopulusSalix forest, 2931.05.2001, S.I. Golo- group [sensu Ovtsharenko et al., 1992], but in the vatch. structure of the spermathecae it is most similar to G. ETYMOLOGY. The specific epithet is derived ilika Ovtsharenko et al., 1992 from the nigerrima from the Latin word rugosus meaning wrinkle group. Gnaphosa ketmer sp.n. is easily distinguished and refers to the creased nature of the terminal from other members of the rufula species group by apophysis in this species. the wider median ducts and from G. ilika by the DIAGNOSIS. The new species is somewhat wider anterior region of epigynal atrium. similar to H. belgeri Ovtsharenko et Marusik, 1988 DISTRIBUTION. The type locality only.
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