Lord Hill Quarry Town: Stoneham, Ox ford County Base map: Cen ter Lovell 7.5’ quadran gle Con tour in ter val: 20 feet Type of de posit: Gran ite peg matite. strunzite, to paz, torbernite/metatorbernite, triphylite(?), triplite, uraninite, uranophane, vivian it e, zircon (var. cyrtolite). Col lect ing sta tus: Locat ed in the White Mountai n Nati onal Forest . No perm ission is needed to collec t miner als here. How- Com ments: Lord Hill is one of the fa vor ite col lect ing sites in ever, collec ting must be non com mercia l, done with hand tools, Maine, offer ing a va riety of miner als and White Mountai n scen - and not greatly disturb the mine area. ery. The best-known finds from this local ity in clude large crys- tals of white topaz, and smoky quartz crystal s encrust ed by many Min er als ob served: albit e, almandine (garnet) , autun- small phenakite crys tals. Most col lect ing ac tiv ity ap pears to ite/meta-autun ite, beraunite, bermanite, beryllonite, bertrandite, have oc curred in the larger of the two quarry pits, al though a ma- beryl, bi o tite, bis muth, bis muthi nite, bismutite, cas sit er ite, jor pocket contai n ing smoky quartz and fluorapatite crystal s was columbite, cryptomelane, damourite, elbaite (tour maline) , opened in the floor of the smaller pit in 1991. The pieces of topaz eosphorite, fluorapatite, fluo rite, gahnite, goethite com monly found here are disti n guished by their bluish-whi te (pseudomorphic after pyrit e), goyazite, heterosite, hureaulite, color (es pe cially when wet), sin gle cleav age di rec tion, and hydroxylapatite, hydroxyl-herderite, microcline, microlite, higher den sity than sim i lar-look ing peg ma tite min er als. From mitridatite, montebrasite, mont mo ril lo nite, mus co vite, the open ledge behind the upper quarry, a blazed trail goes north - olenite-elbaite, phenakite, phosphosiderite, py rite, pyrrhotite, east a short distanc e to a sce nic overlook of Horseshoe Pond and quartz (milky, smoky), schorl (tourm ali ne), sid erit e, sphalerite, surrounding mountains (good lunch spot). Di rec tions: Driv ing: From jct. of Rtes. 5 and 93 in Lovell vil - left) and drive north 1.00 mile to jct. with woods road on left. lage, drive north 2.40 miles on Rte. 5. Turn left onto West Lovell Park here. Road and procee d 2.75 miles to fork in road. Keep left at fork (on Foxboro Road) and conti nue north west for 1.50 miles. Turn Walk ing: Con tinue north on foot along the quarry road for a littl e right onto gravel road (go straight where main road curves to over one mile, keep ing to right . Road makes sharp bend to right (southeas t) shortly before reaching quarry. .
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