ArcelorMittal Ostrava For a better life in the region Corporate Responsibility Report 2012 port 2012 port Inside a booklet about the 10 th anniversary of ArcelorMittal in Ostrava ArcelorMittal Ostrava – Corporate Responsibility Re Responsibility Corporate – Ostrava ArcelorMittal 2 Contents )DFWVDQGùJXUHV • We produced 1.93 million tonnes of hot metal. • We produced 1.81 million tonnes of steel. • We manufactured 472,583 metres of safety barriers. 70 % of Czech roads are equipped 5 7 8 10 16 20 22 with ArcelorMittal Ostrava Message from the CEO About ArcelorMittal Our corporate Investing in our people Human resources Manufacturing safe Environmental protection safety barriers . responsibility strategy sustainable steel • We won the 2nd place in the Employer of the Region competition and we are the 5th best employer in the Czech Republic. • Our employees´ average salary was CZK 34,213 . • We organised 132,545 hours of training for our employees. • We reduced particulate emissions to a record low of 584 tonnes . • We distributed CZK 900 thousand among 28 30 32 34 36 40 46 85 projects of non-profit organisations through the Our plants Enriching local Supporting health Supporting education Supporting culture Social projects Transparent governance Minigrants. and investments communities • We donated CZK 28.8 million to support local communities with a total of 79,448 beneficiaries . Our 2011 Corporate Responsibility Report was awarded the Top Professional Quality Certificate in the prestigious business periodicals competition „Golden Semicolon 2012“. 4 ,QWURGXFWRU\ZRUG Dear ladies and gentlemen, Corporate responsibility is not an empty phrase for us; it is an inse- parable part of all of our activities. We want to continue producing safe sustainable steel, without which it is difficult to imagine our everyday life, we want to take a good care of our employees and support this region so that it can further develop. I personally enthusiastically monitor the development of the projects that we sponsor and I am glad that as a company we can help make the life in this city and this region better and better. Last year we achieved several significant milestones. Thanks to the environmental improvements in our operations, for several years in a row we were able to reduce an- nual emissions of dust. We achieved a historical minimum of 584 tonnes. And even though most of our operations have already achieved the emission levels that will be mandatory in the European Union only after several years, we have not stopped working to improve our environmental footprint. In 2012 we were able to apply for subsidies for our environmental projects for the first time. With the support of the European Union we would Thanks to the steps which we had Within the framework Dear readers, on the following like to implement projects worth implemented in order to increase of our corporate responsibility pages you can read more about more than 2.6 billion crowns whose efficiency and reduce our produc- activities we have been focusing the activities we pursued last objective is to reduce our environ- tion costs we were able to become on supporting the Moravian- year. As it is exactly at the time mental impact beyond the scope more resilient to economic crisis. -Silesian region, its culture, of the publication of this 2012 CR of what will be mandatory for us In the same way as in the previous schools, charity sphere and the report that we will be celebrating from 2016 onwards. We care for years our priorities included health environment. This is possible 10 years since the acquisition the city and the region where we and safety both of our internal thanks to our Minigrants pro- - operate and for this reason we also employees as well as the employ- jects where I would like to thank -national company we have also supported the local house boiler ees of the contractors working in our employees for their personal prepared for you the highlights of subsidies programme through which our operations. Despite all of our engagement in numerous non- this period. we contributed to our fellow citizens efforts, however, we are not sa- -profit organizations. Another for purchasing of new boilers that tisfied with the results in this area. important project of ours is are more environmentally friendly. This means one and only thing for Dance for Life through which we I appreciate your interest, us – to pay even more attention support non-profit and charity In the production area we were fa- to prevention of injuries as we see projects also with the involvement Tapas Rajderkar cing an uncertain market situation in most situations these can, and of the visitors of Colours of Ost- CEO and Chairman of the Board which has been around since 2009. therefore must, be avoided. rava and Festival in the Streets. of Directors 6 $ERXW$UFHORU0LWWDO ArcelorMittal is the world‘s leading integrated steel ArcelorMittal in the Moravian-Silesian Region Subsidiaries in which and mining company, ArcelorMittal Ostrava with a presence in more owns a majority stake than 60 countries and over 245,000 NOVÁ HUŤ – Projekce, spol. s r.o. We are employees. ArcelorMittal Frýdek-Místek a.s. ArcelorMittal is ArcelorMittal Tubular Products Karviná a.s. ArcelorMittal Tubular Products Ostrava a.s. the leader in all major Karviná ArcelorMittal Distribution Solutions Ostrava global steel markets, Czech Republic, s.r.o. part Frýdek-Místek ArcelorMittal Energy Ostrava s.r.o. including automotive, ArcelorMittal Engineering Products construction, Ostrava s.r.o. household appliances of the largest and packaging, with leading R&D and technology, as well as sizeable ArcelorMittal in the Scope of the report steelmaking Czech Republic captive supplies Since 2008 we have provided in- of raw materials In the Czech Republic ArcelorMittal formation about our activities and and outstanding is represented by ArcelorMittal advances in corporate responsibili- Ostrava and its subsidiaries. ty every year through the Corpora- distribution networks. JURXS te Responsibility Report. The data ArcelorMittal Ostrava a.s. is the used for the purposes of the 2012 largest steelmaker in the Czech Corporate Responsibility Report Republic and one of the biggest primarily cover ArcelorMittal LQWKHZRUOG employers in the region where it Ostrava, and in component indica- is located. ArcelorMittal Ostrava tors also some of its subsidiaries. and its subsidiaries employ more than 7500 people. It has an annual production capacity of 3 million tonnes of steel. Besides the Czech market, the company sells its pro- ducts to more than 40 countries around the world. 8 2XUFRUSRUDWHUHVSRQVLELOLW\VWUDWHJ\ Our corporate responsibility strategy is based on the global ArcelorMittal strategy, which we have adopted and adapted to the conditions and environment in which we operate. The proof that responsible behaviour has a direct influence on the company’s business is the expansion of our strategic goals, including maximum environmental 2XUFRUSRUDWH protection, supporting the society, and strengthening the influence on a healthy community development. We communicate and actively of e.g. the Steel Federation, the our experience with other entities. we comply with the global Arce- cooperate with all our stakeholders. Confederation of Industry of the Our business influences our wider lorMittal procedure for external responsibility ArcelorMittal is a member of many Czech Republic, and the Union for surroundings through its pro- stakeholder engagement. Our app- global organisations, including CSR the Development of the Moravi- ducts, services and manufacturing roach in this area is regularly exa- Europe, the World Business Council methods. We work to be successful mined to ensure that we can apply for Sustainable Development, in these organisations enables us while at the same time focusing on the current trends and suggestions EITI, and the UN Global Compact. to be involved in debates relating the needs, rights and expectations from our stakeholders. strategy ArcelorMittal Ostrava is a member to business activities, and to share of all our stakeholders. This is why $PDSRIRXUVWDNHKROGHUV 2XUUHODWLRQVKLSV 2XUHQJDJHPHQW Stakeholder interests Investing Making steel Enriching Transparent in our people more sustainable our communities governance Our employees are the key We use our experience We play an important role Our business strategy, to our business and our in the steel industry to in all the communities operations and most valuable asset. We develop environmentally where we operate. everyday activities treat them with dignity friendly processes. We We act in an open are all underpinned and respect, invest in their invest in the environment. and transparent way by open, transparent development and provide We try to minimize the and work in active communication and open, them with a safe working environmental impact of partnership with local responsive management. environment and respectful our manufacturing. organizations. working conditions. 10 ,QYHVWLQJLQRXUSHRSOH Investing Health and safety above all Health and safety projects In 2012 we continued our coope- Ostrava, ArcelorMittal Energy Ost- ration with the Technical University rava, and ArcelorMittal Distribution LQRXUSHRSOH Our main priorities are to eliminate of Ostrava, Faculty of Safety En- Solutions Czech Republic. serious and fatal injuries at work, gineering. We helped the students while at the same time reducing prepare their theses and participa- We continued on from this success the number of all injuries
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