Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program Curriculum Resource Room Holdings Listing by Author Note: Roman numerals represent the section in the Resource Room where the materials may be found (Weidensall 408). I- Sciences VII- Women’s Studies Course Readers II- Social Sciences VIII- Pedagogy & Curriculum III - Fine Arts & Humanities IX- Women of Color and International IV - History X- Feminist Theory and Activism V - Bibliographies XI- Miscellaneous VI- Introductory Texts and Anthropologies A Guide to the Data Resources. The Henry A. Murray Research Center of Radcliffe College, A Center for the Study of Lives, 1988. (II) AAUW Report. How Schools Shortchange Girls: A Study of Major Findings on Girls and Education. AAUW Educational Foundation and National Education Association, 1992. (VIII)(+ one photocopy) Abbas, Azra. Voyages of Sleep. Pakistan Association for Women’s Studies, 1998. (III) Abel, Elizabeth and Emily K. Abel (eds). The Signs Reader: Women, Gender and Scholarship. University of Chicago Press, 1983. (XI-B) Abu-Habib, Lina et. al. Gender and Development: Women Reinventing Globalization. An Oxfam Journal. Volume 11.1, 2003. (XI-J) Academic and Workplace Sexual Harassment: A Resource Manual.(XI-B) Ackmann, Martha. The Mercury 13. The Untold Story of Thirteen American Women and the Dream of Space Flight. Random House, 2003. (IV) Adams, Carol J. and Marie M Fortune. Violence Against Women and Children: A Christian Theological Sourcebook. The Continuum Publishing Company, 1995. Adelman, Clifford. Women at Thirty something: Paradoxes of Attainment. U.S. Department of Education, 1991. (II) Agnew, Vijay. Women’s Health, Women’s Rights: Perspectives on Global Health Issues. Centre for Feminist Research: York University. 2003. (IX) Albrecht, Lisa and Rose M. Brewer, eds. Bridges of Power Women's Multicultural Alliances. New Society Publishers, 1990. (IX) Alexander, Jacqui and Mohanty, Chandra. Feminist Genealogies, Colonial Legacies and Democratic Futures. Routledge, 1997.(IX) Listing By Author Page 1 Alexander, Linda Lewis and Judith H. LaRosa. New Dimensions in Women's Health. Jones & Bartlett. Boston, 1994. (I) Ali, Agha Shahid. Ed. Ravishing DisUnities: Real Ghazals in English. Wesleyan University Press: New Hampshire: 2000. (IX) Allen, Paula Gunn. Grandmothers of the Light: A Medicine Woman’s Sourcebook. Beacon Press, 1991. (IX) Allen, Paula Gunn. The Sacred Hoop. Beacon Press, 1986 & 1992. (III) Amott, Teresa and Julie Matthaei. Race, Gender and Work: A Multi-Cultural Economic History of Women in the United States. South End Press, Boston 1996 (II) Amnesty International. “Pakistan: Violence Against Women in the Name of Honor.” Amnesty International, USA, 1999. (IX) Amnesty International. “Women in Pakistan: Disadvantaged and Denied Their Rights.” Amnesty International, USA, 1995. (IX) Anderson, Margaret L. Denying Difference: The Continuing Basis for Exclusion in the Class Room. The Research Clearinghouse and Curriculum Integration Project, 1987. (VIII) Andersen, Margaret. Thinking About Women: Sociological Perspectives on Sex and Gender. Seventh Edition. Pearson Education, 2006. (II) Andersen, Margaret L. and Patricia Hill Collins. Race, Class, and Gender: An Anthology. Wadsworth Publishing Co., 1992, 1998, 2001, 2004. (VI) Andersen, Margaret L. "Thinking About Women and Rethinking Sociology." Wellesley College Center for Research on Women, 1983. Working Paper No. 113. (II) Andersen, Margaret L. Thinking About Women: Sociological Perspective on Sex and Gender. Allyn and Bacon, 1997. (II) Anderson, Mary, Lisa Fine, Kathleen Geissler, & Joyce R. Ladenson. Doing Feminism: Teaching and Research in the Academy. Michigan State University, 1997. (VIII) Anzaldua, Gloria. Borderlands La Frontera: The New Mestiza (2nd Edition). Aunt Lute Books, 1999. (IX) Ariel, Joan, ed. Building Women's Studies Collections: A Resource Guide. Choice, 1987. (V) Armitage, Susan H. "Women and Western American History." Wellesley College Center for Research on Women, 1984. Working Paper No. 134. (IV) Armster, Charlotte and Temma Berg. Gender Work The Female Experience. Gettysburg College Senior Scholars' Seminar 1988 -89. (XI-B) Asian Journal of Women’s Studies. Volume 6, No. 4. Ewha Womans University Press, 2000. (XI-J) Listing By Author Page 2 Askin, Kelly D. & Koenig, Dorean M, eds. Women and International Human Rights Law, Vol. 1. Transnational Publishers, Inc. Ardsley, New York. 1999. (IX) Askin, Kelly D. & Koenig, Dorean M, eds. Women and International Human Rights Law, Vol. 2. Transnational Publishers, Inc. Ardsley, New York. 1999. (IX) Askin, Kelly D. & Koenig, Dorean M, eds. Women and International Human Rights Law, Vol. 3. Transnational Publishers, Inc. Ardsley, New York. 2001. (IX) Association for Women in Development, Membership Directory October 1991 (III) Association for Women in Science. Mentoring Means Future Scientists. Association for Women in Sciences, 1993. Atlantis: A Woman’s Studies Journal. Volume 28.1/Fall, Special Issue One 2003. (XI-J) Austin, Gayle. Feminist Theories for Dramatic Criticism. University of Michigan Press, 1990. (III) Auvine, Brian and Betsy Densmore, et al. A Manual for Group Facilitators. The Center for Conflict Resolution, 1978. (VIII) Ayub, Nasreen. The Self Employed Women of Pakistan: A Case Study of the Self Employed Women of Urban Informal Sector in Karachi. Elite Publishers Limited, 1994. (IX) Aziz, Nurjehan ed. Her Mother’s Ashes 2. More Stories by South Asian Women in Canada and the United States. TSAR, Toronto. 1998. (IX) Badran, Margot and Miriam Cooke. Opening the Gates a Century of Arab Feminist Writing. Indiana University Press, 1990. (IX) Bagley, Kate and Kathleen Mcintosh. Women's studies in religion. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2007. Baker, Christina Looper and Christina Baker Kline. The Conversation Begins: Mothers and Daughters Talk About Living Feminism. Bantam Books, 1996. (XI) Ballentine, Susan Frank and Jessica Barksdale Inclan. Diverse Voices of Women. Mayfield Publishing Company, 1995. (VI) Balliet, Barbara J. and Patricia McDaniel, eds. Women, Culture, and Society : A Reader. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 2002. (VI) Balzac, Honore de. Lily of the Valley. Carroll and Graf Publishers, 1997. (XI-B) Banner, Lois W. Women in Modern America: A Brief History. Harcourt Brace and Company, 1995. (IV) Listing By Author Page 3 Baring, Anne and Jules Cashford. The Myth of the Goddess: Evolution of an Image. Penguin Books, 1991. (III) Barlow, Judith E., ed., Plays by American Women: 1900-1930. Applause Theatre Book Publishers, 1985. (III) Barnard Center for Research on Women Staff, The. The Barnard Occasional Papers on Women's Issues, Vol. III, no. 1. The Barnard Center for Research on Women, 1988. (I) Barnard Center for Research on Women Staff, The. The Barnard Occasional Papers on Women's Issues, Vol. III, no. 2. The Barnard Center for Research on Women, 1988. (III) Barnet, Morton Berman, William Burto, and Sylvan. Literature for Composition: Essays, Fiction, Poetry and Drama. Scott, Foresman And Company, 1988. (III) Barreca, Gina. Babes in Boyland: A Personal History of the Co-education in the Ivy League. University press of New England, United States, 2005. (XI-B) Barreca, Gina & Weingarten, Gene. I’m With Stupid. Simon & Schuster, New York, NY. 2004.(XI-B) Barth, Else M. Women Philosophers A Bibliography of Books Through 1990. Philosophy Documentation Center, 1990. (V) Bartkowski, Wendy and Kolmar, Wendy. Feminist Theory: A Reader. Mc Graw Hill, New York, NY. 2005. (X) Baxandall, Rosalyn and Linda Gordan. America's Working Women, A Documentary History 1600 to the present. W.W. Norton & Company, New York, 1995(2nd edition). (IV) Baxandall, Rosalyn and Linda Gordan. Dear Sisters, Dispatches of the Women’s Liberation Movement. Basic Books, 2000. (IV)\ Bechdel, Alison. Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic. A Mariner Book Houghton Mifflin Company, 2006. Beechy, Veronica and Tessa Perkins. A Matter of Hours; Women, Part-time Work and the Labour Market. University of Minnesota Press, 1987. (II) Belenky, Mary Field, Blythe McVicker Clinchy, Nancy Rule Goldberger, and Jill Mattuck Tarule. Women’s Ways of Knowing: The Development of Self, Voice, and Mind. Basic Books Inc, 1973. (II) Bell, Rudolph M. Holy Anorexia. The University of Chicago Press, 1987. Belles Letters: A Review of Books by Women. Spring 1992 vol. 7, no.3. (III) Berer, Marge, ed. Reproductive Health Matters. Vol. 8, No. 16. Nov. 2000 (XI-J) Berger, Iris, ed. Women in International Perspective: Selected Course Outlines. IROW, 1995. (IX) (2 copies) Listing By Author Page 4 Berrian, Brenda F. and Aart Broek. Bibliography of Women Writers From the Caribbean. Three Continents Press, 1989. (V) Berrian, Brenda F. and Aart Broek. Bibliography of African Women Writers and Journalists. Three Continents Press, 1989. (V) Bird, Stefanie. Association for Women In Science. Mentoring Menas Future Scientists. Assoc. for Women in Sciences, 1993. (I) Blackwell, Maylei and Linda Burnham, and Jung Hee Choi. Time to Rise: US Women of Color- Issues and Strategies. Report to the UN World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance. Women of Color Resource Center, 2001. (XI-B) Bleier, Ruth. Feminist Approaches to Science. Pergamon Press, 1986. (I) Bleier, Ruth. “Social and Political Bias in Science: An Examination of Animal Studies and Their Generalizations to Human Behaviors and Evolution.” University of Wisconsin-Madison,
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