B u c h a n a n R ecord. PHOTOGRAPHS! PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, First-Class and in All Styles! — me— .T O T T -K T O r . HOLMES. A FIN E LINE OF FRAMES, MATS, CORDS, TASSELS, TERMS. SI.50 PER YEAR, Buchanan R ecord Andoverytliing pertaining to tlie Photographic PXYATO.'E IS ADVASCE. trade. CALL AND SEE ME! ADVERTISIHG RATES MADE KNOWN ON APPLICATION, NUMBER 18. Second door east o f Post-Ofllce.- VOLUME 7 BUCHANAN. BERRIEN COUNTY, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL BO, 1885, C . IE. K E R B , OFFICE—In Record Building, Oak Street. Business Directory. XOBODY REALLY CAKES. “Wonder what Ed ’ll say to that,” with a garment, fighting her way Pearls of Wisdom. A Baking Powder Trick. " Business Directory. If you've anything to grieve you, said the postmaster, as he pulled down through drifts higher than her smoke­ Behavior is a mirror in which every A ll kinds of schemes and tricks are - the shutters and lit the two dirty stack, scattering them to right and a r m e r s & ata x i -f a c t p r e r s b a x k , Bu­ And fill your heart with fears, one shows his image. resorted to by unprincipled persons to * lamps that served to illuminate the left. The head-light burns brightly, SOCIETIES. F chanan, atich. All business entrusted to this If poverty hldosncar yon, A latent discontent is the secret obtain unfair advantages over tlieir- Bank will receive prompt and personal attention. And your days arc dimmed by tears, store. “1 always thought that would huttlie air, thick with finejlying snow, Wm. Pears, Pres.; Geo. H. Richards, Vice Pres.; spur of all our enterprise. neighbors. The latest and most dis-~ If you find with soul despairing be a match. Ed’s a good feller, and is so dense that its rays penetrate but 0 .0 : F.—Buchanan Lodae No. 75 holds its A. F. Ross, Cashier. honest of these that has come to our” Xo answer to your prayers, worth property—or will be when old ■ a few feet in front ojher. The engin­ Openness of heart and gentleness of 1 . regular meeting, at Odd Felton s Hall, on. fOHAXAX atARBLEWORKS. .Monuments notice is one by -which certain manu- - Don't say a word about, it, for eer, with one hand on the throttle, manner are always engaging. each Tuesday evening. and Headstones of all designs and kinds of man Hardy dies. He sets a good deal facturers of baking powder have sought ~ Marble. Beistlb Bnos., Proprietors. X o b o d y really cares. by Sade, too, well—about supper-time, peers, anxiously forth into tlie dark­ Every one can master a grief but he to prejudice consumers against the use - Til & A. 5t.—Buchanan Bodge No- bS holds a ain’t it?” ness. that has it. P . regnlar meeting Friday evening on or before O. HAMILTOX, a tilk Dairy. Delivers M ilk If health and strength iorsako you, of other brands that have an establish- * the {nil moon in each month. W . in all parts of the corporation daily. Resi­ Old Ben Hallidav took this gentle “You’ve never failed me yet, my The two most engaging powers of ed reputation as the best and purest in - dence, head of Front street. And pain and sickness bring hint, and, rising, buttoned close his beauty,” lie says. “This is a tough one, OF H.—Buchanan Grange No 40 meets on A gloom that clouds the sunshino an author are to make new things fa­ the market, for the purpose of intro­ well-worn coat, and pulled his old fur but I guess you’ll through if nothing P . the second and fourth Saturday of each aiOXTGOatERV, Grainer and Decorator. And shadows everything, miliar and familiar things new. ducing their own. Their method, we. month, at a o'clock v\ m. May be found at Straw's Paper Store. cap farther down over his ears. He breaks. Keep up the fire there,” he B I f y o u feel that lo t so w eary are informed, is to heat a can of bak­ still lingered by the cracked stovi?, how­ says to the fireman. “If our steam Our aim m life, to be effective, needs O. G. T.—Buchanan Lodge Xo S3S holds Its But seldom mortal tears, concentration; the . marksman who ing powder of a •well-known brand over - , regular tneetiug on each Monday evening. ever, as if in no haste to seek the bo­ fails, God only knows what’ll become I Don’t say a word about it, for a lamp or stove, when, if there is a gas * som of his family. of us.” aims at the whole target will seldom Piano and Organ Xobody really cares. given off having the odor of ammonia, * A. R. -Wm. Perrott Post Xo. SS; Regnlar “Stormy weather, stormy weather,” IIe glanced at the steam-gauge. hit the center. • meeting on the first and third Wednesday the powder is condemned as being made- a This world is fond of pleasure, he muttered as the postmaster came “By George," lie exclaimed. “ We’ve The inequalities of life are irremedi­ evening ot each month. Visiting comrades al­ of ammonia and unfit for use. T h e- ways welcome. And, take it at its best, out of the back room, ready to go out. hardly water enough to take us down ably based on four pillars, which stand ’Tis sadly bored unless you “ What’s that?” said he. “Mean the to the Junction in fair weater. I’m as firm as the perpetual hills—strength, prejudices of the unsuspecting are thus- excited against the baking powder su b ­ ATTORNEY . Moot it With smile and jest; condition of things out side or home? afraid we can’t make it.” talent, wealth and rank. Tuning & Repairing. it yawns o'er Want’s complainings, mitted to the so-called test, and th e' Well, it is kind 0’ tough on a man to But he resolves to do his best, gives The age of man resembles a hook; grocer who has a quantity of it on ” V A X RIPER & WORTIHXGTOX, Attorneys A t sorrow coldly stares, turn him out on such a night, when a scientific touch here and there to the infancy and old age are the blank hand suffers a serious loss in conse- < V ami Counselors at Raw, and Solicitors in Chan­ Reasonable Prices, and Satisfaction So never tell your troubles, for he’s sure to encounter a worse storm mysterious screws, and the engine, leaves, youth the preface, and manhood cery. Collections made and proceeds promptly X o b o d y really cares. quence. remitted. Ofliee over Rough Bros'. Store. at his journey’s end; but then you puffing like a living thing, crawls Guaranteed. "the body or most important portion of I f the intelligent consumer will stop- know I give you house rent and fire along the blind path. life’s volume. AVID E. HIXMAX, Attorney and Counselor the most of the time when you are Inside the passenger-car a few sleepy a moment to think, she will readily- Dat Raw, and Solicitor in Chancery. Collec­ Orders mailed to P. 0. Box 241, Bu­ Nothing is more silly than the pleas­ perceive that this “ test,” if successful, “ tions made and proceeds promptly remitted. POWDER From Demoriwt's Magazine. not at your meals, old man,” he added, travelers dozedaway the time. How and ure some people take in “speaking their proves nothing but the superiority of ” Office in Rough's block. chanan, Mich., will receive prompt jocosely. then onescrapes away tliefrost from the attention. Absolutely Pure. “ 0 . K” minds.” A man of this make will say the baking powder tested. The aim of * HORXTOX HARR, Attorney and Counsellor “ Tes, yes,” muttered the old man, as window-pain, tries to look forth into v . e . x > j\ r v x r > . a rude thing for the mere pleasure of all baking powder makers is to produce* Tat Raw and SoUcitorin Chancery, Buchanan, Tills powder never varies. A marvel ol parity A Tale of Waves and "Cycles. they stepped off the porch into a deep the black night, and settles back into saying it, when an opposite behavior, Michigan. strength and wholesomeness. More economical snow drift together. “A n’ ’tan’t as his seat grumbling at the road, or the an article that shall most readily, un­ than the ordinarv kinds, and cannot he sold in full as innocent, might have preserved der use, give off its leavening gas. Tlie, competition with'themnltitnde of low test, short though I wa’n’ t used co it. But yon brave men who are trying to do their A EMERY, Attorney and Counsellor at Raw HELEN M. IVINS?LOU'. his friends or made his fortune. powder that does this with a moderate - A , and Solicitor in Chancery. Conveyancing weight, almn or phosphate powders. in jest say to your friend, Ed. Hardy, best to get through The temperature promptly and correctly done. Office in Bank etuis. Ruyai. B.vklni: Powpeu Go.. 109 Wull-st., that it" he wants Sadie Woodbury, he’d has been sinking all day, and Since Luck is ever waiting for something heat, at the same time evolving th e- building, Buchanan, Mich. BEST BUILDING BRICK, X.Y. ('ll APT Ell I. better be ’tendin’ right up to her, or dark the cold is intense. Tlie passen­ to turnup; labor, with keen eyes and largest quantity, is scientifically the- best.
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