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Copyright: Canadian and international intellectual property laws protect the Content. Unless otherwise indicated, copyright is held by the Queen’s Printer for Ontario. It is recommended that reference to the Content be made in the following form: Bajc, A.F. and Yeung, K.H. 2017. Surficial geology of the Smoky Falls area northwest, northern Ontario; Ontario Geological Survey, Preliminary Map P.3747, scale 1:100 000. Use and Reproduction of Content: The Content may be used and reproduced only in accordance with applicable intellectual property laws. Non-commercial use of unsubstantial excerpts of the Content is permitted provided that appropriate credit is given and Crown copyright is acknowledged. Any substantial reproduction of the Content or any commercial use of all or part of the Content is prohibited without the prior written permission of MNDM. Substantial reproduction includes the reproduction of any illustration or figure, such as, but not limited to graphs, charts and maps. Commercial use includes commercial distribution of the Content, the reproduction of multiple copies of the Content for any purpose whether or not commercial, use of the Content in commercial publications, and the creation of value-added products using the Content. Contact: FOR FURTHER PLEASE CONTACT: BY TELEPHONE: BY E-MAIL: INFORMATION ON The Reproduction of MNDM Publication Local: (705) 670-5691 the EIP or Content Services Toll-Free: 1-888-415-9845, ext. 5691 [email protected] (inside Canada, United States) The Purchase of MNDM Publication Local: (705) 670-5691 MNDM Publications Sales Toll-Free: 1-888-415-9845, ext. 5691 [email protected] (inside Canada, United States) Crown Copyright Queen’s Printer Local: (416) 326-2678 Toll-Free: 1-800-668-9938 [email protected] (inside Canada, United States) Marginal Notes 84°00′00″ In 2008, the Ontario government announced plans to permanently protect 290000 m 55′ 51°00′00″ 95 50′ half of the Far North region of Ontario and launched a planning process 13 300000 m 05 45′ to support this goal (Far North Information Knowledge Management 13 10 40′ 13 13 15 35′ Program). During the initial stages of planning, the need for primary 13 16 20 30′ landscape data became apparent. A terrain mapping project to remotely 25 25′ 17 30 20′ predict surficial materials was initiated by the Ontario Geological Survey 18 13 17 35 15′ 17 18 13 18 17 40 in response to this information need. 12 45 10′ 17 13 50 05′ 18 13 18 18 17 13 355000 m 83°00′00″ 18 13 18 17 13 a SPOT imagery (4 colour bands and the panchromatic band), a digital 17 18 18 51°00′00″ LEGEND Nash 17 13 13 elevation model and its derivatives and the Ontario Hydro Network vector Lake 17 drainage shape files (Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry 18 17 17 17 18 17 18 P HANE R OZOI C 2015) are the primary data sources for this remote predictive mapping 18 17 17 13 13 17 exercise. A multiresolution segmentation algorithm, using different image 13 17 17 17 CENOZOI C layer weights, scale parameters and homogeneity criterion, within an 5650000 m 17 13 13 13 5650000 m object-based image analysis software is used to achieve meaningful Cheepay River 17 S 18 18 e 13 s 13 QUATERNARY Ontario Ge ological Surve y objects representing various surficial material types. Objects are then 18 18 13 e g 18 18 i 13 classified based on digital signature, internal variability of signature and 12 18 n 17 18 17 18 12 a proximity to certain vector layers and certain adjacent material types. g 20 Marine Mud-Flat Deposits: o Sand, silt and clay; deposited w 18 17 17 in mud flats and offshore bars within the tidal zone. 18 18 17 17 17 MAP P.3747 R 13 Limited helicopter-supported field work combined with the examination of 18 17 i 18 12 17 ve 19 Marine Salt-Marsh Deposits: archival information (Riley and Boissonneau (unpublished field notes and 17 r Stooping Silt and clay with organic photographs); Geological Survey of Canada, Operation Winisk 18 17 matter, minor sand; deposited in salt marshes along 13 17 13 River S URF I CI AL GE OL OGY unpublished field notes; Skinner 1973; Sanford, Norris and Bostock 1968; 17 17 18 17 present-day coast. Sanford and Norris 1975; and Thorleifson, Wyatt and Warman 1993, and 18 17 17 13 13 18 Organic Deposits: their unpublished field notes) provided the ground control on the 17 18 18 Peat, muck and/or marl; deposited in 13 fen wetlands. b SMOKY FALLS AREA classification of objects. In addition, information from the various other 18 17 17 13 Far North Information Knowledge Management Program projects, such 18 17 17 13 18 17 as base data and land cover information (Ontario Ministry of Natural 17 17 Organic Deposits: Peat, muck and/or marl; deposited in 18 13 18 18 NORTHWEST, Resources and Forestry 2014), has been used in the interpretation and 45 18 13 18 17 17 bog wetlands. b classification of the surficial materials. 55′ 17 45 17 16 Fluvial Deposits (recent): NORTHERN ONTARIO 13 Stratified sand and gravel; may 17 include silt, minor clay. Deposited in bars and channels of The maps show only the surface material distribution. For better definition 17 17 17 13 of wetland types, please 17 18 present-day rivers and creeks. see Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and 12 17 17 17 Forestry (2014). Older deposits that occur along many of the deeply incised 17 17 S c ale 1 : 1 0 0 0 0 0 17 17 18 17 15 Fluvial Deposits (abandoned): river valleys are only depicted where their scale is suitable for cartographic 13 17 Stratified sand and gravel; presentation. The reader is encouraged to review publications by 12 13 may include silt, minor clay. Deposited in bars and channels 18 13 18 2000 m 0 Skinner (1973) and Thorleifson, Wyatt and Warman (1993) for additional 18 13 17 18 17 along abandoned terraces of rivers and creeks. 2 4 km 17 18 17 55′ information and details on the older sediments exposed along rivers within 13 18 Marine Deltaic Deposits: the Hudson Bay Lowland. 5 18 14 Stratified sand and gravel; silt, 17 NTS References: 42 J/11, 12, 13, 14 17 13 minor clay. Deposited at the mouths of rivers and creeks 13 17 This project is funded by the Ministry of Northern Development and 13 13 entering a postglacial sea. 17 18 13 Mines. Interaction with the First Nation community members greatly 17 17 13 © Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2017. 12 17 13 18 13 Marine Beach and Nearshore Deposits: enhanced the map products of the Far North Information Knowledge 18 17 13 Stratified sand Management Program Terrain Mapping Project. 13 Pledger Lake and gravel; minor silt. Deposited primarily in the shore zone This map is published with the permission of the Director, Ontario 40 17 17 and nearshore zone of a postglacial sea. Geological Survey. 40 Attaw apiskat 91 er iv 17 R 17 18 a 18 13 12 Marine Basin Deposits: 17 17 Massive to stratified silt and clay; 86° 85° 84° 17 am 18 18 minor sand. Deposited in basinal areas of a postglacial sea. 83° 82° 81° gak 17 80° Awa 17 17 REFERENCES 13 13 53° Attaw apiskat 91A 18 17 11 Glaciolacustrine Deltaic Deposits: 17 Stratified sand and James Geological Survey of Canada. Operation Winisk; unpublished field notes, 13 17 13 gravel; may include minor silt and clay. Deposited at the P3701 Bay Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 17 18 17 mouths of rivers and creeks entering a proglacial lake.
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