B-26 Mount Royal Station, (Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, Mount Royal Station and Trainshed) Architectural Survey File This is the architectural survey file for this MIHP record. The survey file is organized reverse- chronological (that is, with the latest material on top). It contains all MIHP inventory forms, National Register nomination forms, determinations of eligibility (DOE) forms, and accompanying documentation such as photographs and maps. Users should be aware that additional undigitized material about this property may be found in on-site architectural reports, copies of HABS/HAER or other documentation, drawings, and the “vertical files” at the MHT Library in Crownsville. The vertical files may include newspaper clippings, field notes, draft versions of forms and architectural reports, photographs, maps, and drawings. Researchers who need a thorough understanding of this property should plan to visit the MHT Library as part of their research project; look at the MHT web site (mht.maryland.gov) for details about how to make an appointment. All material is property of the Maryland Historical Trust. Last Updated: 03-10-2011 r,,,,, "l,, \I) J l){l ,11,., IU 1 41 SE.E INSTRUCTIONS IN HOW TO COM PLETE NATIONAL REGISTER FORMS TYPE ALL ENTRIES -- COMPLETE APPLICABLE SECTl(JNS NAME HISTOHIC Baltimore and Ohio Rai lroad: Mount Royal Station and Trainshed --A-,.N-=-D-=on_c_O_M_M_ON__ ___ _ . ~Mount Royal Station LOCATION STRH r & NUMBfR 1400 Cathedral Street _ NOT FOR PUBLICATION CITI'. TOWN C0NGR ESS10 NA~ L D------ISTRICT -- Baltimore - VICINITY OF STA IE CODE COUNTY CODE Maryland 24 Baltimore City 510 CLASSIFICATION CATEGORY OWNERSHIP STATUS PRESENT USE _ DISTRICT _ PUBLIC JLocCUPIED _AGRICULTURE :lLMUSEUM _ BUILOI NG(St ~PRIVATE - UNOCCUPIED _ COMMERCIAL _ PARK aSTRUCTURE _ BOTH _ WORK IN PROGRES I> A EDUCATIO NAL _PRIVA'rE RE S•JENCE _ SITE PUBLIC ACQUISITION ACCESSIBLE X ENTERTAINMENT _ RELIGIOUS _OBJECT _ IN PROCESS LYES RESTRICTED _ GOVERNMENT - SCIENTIFIC _ BEING CON SIDERED _ YES UNRESTRICTED _ INDUSTRl ~l L TRANSPORTATION _ NO _ MILITARY _ OTHER -.. - llJOWNER OF PROPERTY I 1 •.J •• I i .. ;. j .... ' ·- , .. ; ·.1 f ... 1. · , . · NAM E _ _ _ _____The M~ry~nA Ins ti tu_t _e ____ ______, -rr.-:~---1---<r-=--~~ SlRHT & NUMBER ___ _1 ;?00_ Mount__ Roy~q_Ayenue'--------------==-=--------­ CIT Y TOWN srAn Baltimore _ VICINITY OF Maryland IJLOCATION OF LEGAL DESCRIPTION COURTHOUSE REGISTRY Of DEE DS.UC. Land Record Office of Baltimore City STREET & NU MBER Room 610, Baltimore City Courthouse CITY TOWN STATE Baltimore Maryland , REPRESENTATION IN EXISTING SURVEYS \ \ TITLE Historic American Buildings Survey/Historic American Engineering Record DAlE --~--- - -- · - - ~-~~-~---------~- 1958; 1970 X..FEDERAL _ STATE _ COUNTY _ LOCAL DEPOSITORY FOH SURVEY REi.ORDS Library of Congress CITY rowN STATE ( '- Washington D. C. [ , DESCRI PTION CON DITION CHECK ONE CHECK ONE JJ:XCELLENT _DETERIORATED :lLUNALTERED :lL.ORIGINAL SITE _ GOOD _ RUINS -ALTERED _ MOVE D DATE _ _ _ _FAIR _UNEXPOSED DESCRIBE THE PRESENT AND ORIGINAL (IF KNOWN) PHYSICAL APPEA RANCE The station building consists of a central block seven bays wide and two and a hal f stories high, flanked on either side by 11 three-bay wing of three stories. It is of Ital ian Renaissance design, constructed of granite, trimmed in l imestone, and reminiscent of the facade of the Vendrami.ni Palace in Venice . A clock tower , 143 feet high, p;:-ojects from the center bay and is fronted by a small porte-cochere marking the main entrar.ce. Th e site is· tmusual in its locati on in a depression between two tunnels , yet does not appear sunken or insignificant because the dominant clock tower. The clock ' s illuminated faces house a 8-day pendul um clock manufactured by E. Howard of Boston. The main architectural feature in the interior of the building is a two-story waiting room }'t' h~~l} occupi;eQ. t}:i~ t?nti~~- front. of.. th.e .. .cen.t.ral .. block. •. : Upp.er. fls:>.ors c9ntained the rail_:i:oap ' ~ off~C~-?r ·. .... r 11;· : ... · ~ ;, , . .... ! : .. ~. ~ •• ~ ..... : . ... " <. .. ... ; • • • ·.' • ,,a f • I •• ~ I • ( : ; • :·. t ,, f •• ; · : • • ~ I "" •• : . • :· • : • I . :; • • ...1 • • • •. • • • ' \. • • - ~~ 1966 , when the structure was remodelled as an art school, the interior floor space was increased by constructing a second floor in the vaul ted waiting room, l eaving the center as a lobby and preserving the massive columns, stamped metal ceilings, mosaic marble floors and most of the decorative ironwor k . The character of the exterior r emains virtually unchanged, although the r ear waiting platform and the baggage r oom have been enclosed to make space for a sculpture studio containing a folmdry for cas ting bronze and a kiln. The trainshed at the rear of the station virtually fills the area between t he two tunnels and provided a shel tered access to the trains . I t is a steel f rame, gable roof structure that originally covered an area of 71 x 420 feet . The shed has been some~hat shortened at the southern end by the removal of several bays. The r oof is supported on a series of trusses with arched lower chords connected longitudinal ly by I -beams . A central monitor supported by smal l er, simi lar t russes runs t he l ength of the ridge. Al l connect ions are of t he modern riveted type. The wooden sheathing on timber purlins is covered with asphal t roll roofing. An elaborate wrought iron screen fronts the trainshed on the nor t h si de. fl;~ . SIGNIFICANCE PE RIOD AR EAS OF SIGNIFICANCE -- CHECK AND JUSTI FY BELOW _ PREHISTORIC _ ARCHEULUuY· PRE HISTORIC _ _COMMUNI TY PLANNING .X.LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE _ RELI GION - 1400- 1499 _ ARCHEOLDGY ·HISTORIC CONSERVATION _ LAW _ SCIENCE _ 1500-1599 AGRICULTURE _ ECONOMICS _ LI TERATURE 2LSCULPTURE - 1600 · , 699 JV.RCHIT ECTURE ltEOU CATION _MILITARY _ SOCIAUHUM ANI TARIA N __ 1 700-1799 _X...RT ](ENGINEERING _ M USIC _THEATE R _J( I S0 0· 1899 _ COMMERCE _ EXPLORATION/ SETTLEMENT _ PHILOSOPHY X-_ TRANSPORTATION - 1900 _ COMMUNICATIONS _ IN OUST RY _ POLITI CS/ GOVERNMENT _ OTHER !SPECIFY! _ INVENTION BUILDER/ARCHITECT remode ~ led 1965. ~aldwin & SPECIFIC DATES 1894-96 Pennington, architects STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE .. wpen . it ~~ened _in .~ ~.96, the ~-un~ ~?Y~~ ?.t~ti~n -~~d T~ain:hed_.was o~.e _of the best examp les of the harmon1ous · ~lendihg 1 or · eng1ne erink and· aesthetic val uesrin· arl Utb an environment. Sited at the north end of the Howard Street Tunnel, entirely' withih··the.. open cut between it and the Motmt Royal Tunnel, it was both unobtrusive and convenient . 111e shelt er provided by this below-grade site, combined with the trainshed, made the Mount Royal Depot a hospitable embarkation point in foul weather. The city of Bal timore used the depot as its official wel coming point to greet distinguished visitors, including several Presidents, British Prime Minister Ram.say MacDonald, Cardinal Gibbons, and Queen Marie of Romania . 111e trainshed which was partly responsible for the generally commodious environment was one of the last gable roof trainsheds built in America. Like the station, it was of a smaller less monumental scale than the l arge balloon sheds which were becoming fashionabl e at the time. It was a monwnent, however, in providing a sense of intimacy in an otherwise overwhelming urban environment. l fc.•m No 10-JOOa p _. 10 741 l'1'1 nos I .\ I l ·S DLP .. \K I \II:\ I ()I I Ill ~ l f\i ll:KIOR FOR NPS USE ONLY NA flONA L PARK SERVI CE RECEIVED NATIONAL REGISTER OF HI STORIC PLACES INVENTORY -- NOMINATION FORM DATE ENTER ED CONTINUATION SHEET ITEM NUMBER 6 PAGE 2 Maryland Register of Historic Sites and Landmarks 1970 State X Maryland Historical Trust 2525 Riva Road Annapolis, Maryland 21401 code 24 Form ll;o 10 ·30 0a ,Re• 10 7 d) L:\ 111·0 STXI LS Oll'.-\R I ~II:"\ I 0 1 1111: IN I l:HIUK FOR NPS USE ONLY NATIONAL PARK SERVICE RECEIVED NATIONAL REGISTER OF lilSTORIC PLACES INVENTORY -- NOMINATION FORM DATE ENTERED CONTINUATION SHEET ITEM NUMBE R 9 PAGE 2 Howland, Richard H. and Spencer, Eleanor P. The Architecture of Baltimore. Baltimore: The_Johns Hopkins Press, 1953. Hungerford, Edward . The Story of the Bal timore and Ohio Rail road, 1827-1927 . New York: G. P. Putnam, 1928. Meeks, Carroll L. V. The Railroad Station - An Architectural History. New Haven, Conn. : Yale University Press, 1956. Noland, Cornelia. 11 From Tracks to Torsos . " The Washingtonian. October, 1966. "Station Saved For Art ' s Sake. 11 The Architectural Forum, September, 1966. Condit, Carl. American Building Art : 19th Century. New York: Oxford Univ . Press , 1960 • Mount Royal Station, Baltimore, 1400 Cathedral Street - Mount Royal Stat. 1400 Cathedral1~~~e!:ltimore , Maryl and Mount Royal Station, Baltimore, Photo: Barrett 1400 Cathedral Street IJMAJOR BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES "Art Moves Into An Old Railroad Station." Fort\D\e. May, 1966. Beirne , Frances F. The Amiable Baltimoreans. E. P. Dutton and Co., New York, 1951. Cochran, Alexander S. "From Railroad Station to Art School." Historic Preservation. Vol. 18, No. 3, May-June, 1966. ll!JGEOGRAPHICAL DATA ACRE~~ ~ OF ~ '?~JN ~ TE<?,~~OP~~TY ,. • ~ '191''~ ~- ....... 1 . .. ., : ...... "' ...... UlM REFERENCES . Al..LJj 131610! 21 81 d l413l Srl} J 4t d a~ I 1· ·1• 1 ,. ,·'! Ld__J_! ZONE EASTING NORTHING ZONE EASTING NORTHING=--- cLi.J I I , I 1 , I I , I , I , , I DlL_J I I I · 1 I I ·I I I I I J VERBAL BOUNDARY DESCRIPTION I ~ ·: ·. .. _, J 1.1 : 11 : · ,. • I• I A tract of land in the city of Baltimore, county of Baltimore, and State of Maryland, botmded on the northeast by Mount Royal Avenue, on the east.by .
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