MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library http://legislature.maine.gov/lawlib Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) l)OClJMENTS PRINTED RY ORDER OF THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MAINE./1 , DCRJN(~ YTS SESSIONS .11.UGUST.9.: .;;mTH & Co., PRINTERS TO TH~ STATE. 1842. LIST OF S'rOCKHOLDERS, (wITII AMOUNT OF STOCK HELD BY EACH,) IN THE BANKS OF MAINE. •. Prepared and published agreeably to a Resolve of the Legislature, approved March 21, 1839. BY PHILIP C. JOHNSON, Secretary of State • .B.UGUST.9.: W:M. R. SMITH & Co., PRINTERS TO THE STATE. 1842. STATE OF MAINE. Resolve requiring the Secretary of State to publish a list of the Stockholders of the Banks in this State. RESOLVED, That the Secretary of State be and hereby is required annually to publish a list of the Stockholders in each Bank in this State with the amount of Stock owned by each Stockholder agreeably to the returns made by law to the Legislature of this State; and it shall be the duty of the Secretary of State to distribute to each town in this State and also to each Bank in this State one copy of such printed list; and it shall be the duty of the Secretary of State to require any Bank, which may neglect to make the returns required by law to the Legisla­ ture, to furnish him forthwith with a list of the Stockholders of such llank, and also the amount of Stock owned by each Stockholder. [Approv,ed March 21 1 1839.] Androscoggin Bank, (Topsham.) Amount of Names. Residence. Stock. ----·--- Betsey N. Baker, guardian, Topsham, I' 1,000 John Barron, do. 2,500 William Barron, do. I 2,500 Jeremiah Clough, do. , 300 John Curtis, Harpswell, 400 Sophia Chick, Topsham, 1. 1,000 David Dunlap, Brunswick, [ 1,000 William Dennett, Topsham, 1,000 Heirs of John Given, jr., Brunswick, 500 Crispus Greaves, Topsham, 200 Peletiah Haley, do. 1,000 Benjamin Hasey, do. 3,100 Joshua Haskell, do. 2,000 Lithgow Hunter, do. 1,000 Hannah Hunter, do. 1,000 Stockbridge Howland,guar. do. 700 Mary Holbrook, do. 100 Isaac Lincoln, Brunswick, 100 Col1amore Mallet, Topsham, 700 Isaac Mallet, do. 300 James McKeen, do. 1,000 Charity Mustard, do. 500 Jabez Perkins, Brunswick, 2,000 Nahum Perkins, Topsham, 1,000 Hugh Patten, guardian, Phipshurg, 1,000 Heirs of Humph'y Purinton, Topsham, 5,500 Heirs of Ezekiel Purinton, do. 600 4 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Androscoggin Bank, ( Continued.) Residence. Amount of Names. Stock. Samuel Perkins, Topsham, 500 Woodbury B. Purinton, do. 1,000 David Scribner, do. 2,400 Charles Thompson, do. 10,000 A. B. Thompson, treasurer, Brunswick, 300 Francis Tucker, deceased, Topsham, 500 Samuel Thompson, do. 1,300 Nath'l Walker, do. I 2,000 I .sso,ooo Augusta Bank. George W. Allen, cashier, Augusta, 5,200 William Allen, jr., Skowhegan, 1,600 J. W. Bradbury, Augusta, l,300 Benj. Brown, Vassalborough, 800 Estate of F. J. Bowles, Wayne, 2,000 Cony Female Academy, Augusta, 3,000 Anna Child, , do. 2,500 Cashier of the Boston Bank, Boston, W,000 Daniel Cony, Augusta, 7,500 Isaac Coffin, Wiscasset, 500 Martha Curtis, Augusta, 1,200 James L. Child, do. 1,600 John Dole, Alna, l,600 Hannah B. Dillingham, Texas, 600 American Education Soc'y, 400 Elisha Folgier, Sidney, 2,000 William Farmer, Unknown, 300 Estate of Joshua Gage, Augusta, 2,000 Estate of James Hall, do. 2)000 S. A. Hitchcock, Boston, 5,700 J. & T. Howe, do. 8,500 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. 5 Aug11sta Bani.:, ( Continued.) Amount of :Karnes. Residence. Stock. ------------- i I State of Maine, 1· 10,000 Judah McLellan, S~owhegan, 200 John McLellan, IWoodstock, Vt., 2,800 G. W. Morton, Augusta, 1,000 George Parkman, 1 Boston, 3,500 Susanna Rockwood, / Augusta, 600 Roxana Rockwood, do. 300 Mary Ann Rockwood, Waterville, 200 Hann&h G. Rockwood, Augusta, 200 Hannah Sanford, do. 200 Hannah P. Lambard, do. 100 Sarah T. Lambard, do. 200 Thomas Rice, I Winslow, l ,000 lssachar Snell, Augusta, 2,000 Sarah H. Snell, I do. 100 Thomas W. Smith, I do. 8,200 John Smith, Readfield, 1,700 Eliza P. Vose, I Augusta, 5,000 Mary White, 'Monmouth, 400 Zilpha Williams, Augusta, 200 Henry Williams, guardian, do. 200 Hannah Williams, do. j 2,000 Reuel Williams, do. j 1,500 Gre«mlief White, I do. 400 Margaret North, Duanesburg, N. Y., 3,000 Estate of Henry W. Fuller, Augusta, 900 Willard Taylor, 1 Boston, 5,800 l $110,000 Bank of Bangor. Franklin Adams, Bangor, 2,900 Stephen J. Bowles, Machias, 2,000 John Bright, IBangor, 400 1* 6 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. If.auk oC Bangor, ( Continued.) Amount of Names. Residence. Stock. ----------- Timothy Crosby, Bangor, 600 Nathaniel Harlow, do. 2,000 Nathaniel Lord, do. 7,000 Frances A. Lord, do. 5,000 Amos M. Roberts, do. 7,100 Samuel Veazie, do. 20,000 Jones P. Veazie, do. 17,000 Wildes P. Walker, Boston, Mass., 20,000 Nathaniel L. Williams, do. 7,000 Stephen Williams, do. 7,000 The Maine Charity School, Bangor, 2,000 $100,000 Bank oC Portland. Joseph Adams, 1,000 00 American Education Soc'ty, 266 665 Thomas Beck's Estate, Portland, 1,000 00 Dorcas Bagley, do. 166 665 Mary Blake, do. 100 00 Theodore, Caroline and Maria Bradbury, Standish, 833 33! Charles E. Barrett, Portland, 3,333 33! Clarissa Brooks, do. 133 33! William Buxton, Cumberland, 266 66~ Stephen J. Bowles, Machias, 900 00 John C. Brooks, Portland, 66 66~ Mary S. Buxton, Cumberland, 233 33~ Sylvanus Blanchard, No. Yarmouth, 33 33! William Bucknam, do. 33 33! William Cobb, Gorliam, 666 66} Asa Clapp, Portland, 1,533 33! Emily Cummings, do. 1,666 665 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. 7 Bank of' Portland, ( Contin1ted.) Amount of Names. Residence. Stock. --~--- Phebe Carleton, Portland, 133 33!3 Daniel L. Choa.e, do. 66 66; Samuel Chadwick, do. 966 66~ Sarah Cumston, do. 266 66; Eunice Day, do. 2')0 00 John A. Douglass, Waterfor_d, 2;33 335 Phineas Drinkwater, Portland, J ,ooo 00 Charles S. Daveis, do. 1,233 .'33; Hannah Deering, do. 100 00 Lydia Dyer, do. 33 ,'335 Cordelia A. Dana, Boston, 100 00 Sarah A. Dana, do. 66 66; Caroline Doane, do. 1,333 331 Rufus Emerson, Portland, 466 66~ Mary H. Emery, Exeter, N. H., 233 33} Elizabeth P. Emery, I do. 366 66~ Nicholas Emery, Portland, 2:33 33} Thomas Forsaith, do. 3:33 33A Joseph M. Gerrish, do. 433 33~ Moses Gould, do. 133 33A Nath. Griffin, Freeport, 233 33A I Grand Lodge of Maine, 3:33 33A Cumberland, 333 33! David Gray, 3 Aphia Gray, do. 200 00 Stephen Gale, Portland, 33 33~ Samuel M. Gould, Gorham, 100 00 Daniel Gould, Portland, 133 33A Susan Gould, do. 100 00 Daniel Goodenow, AlfreJ, 333 s;JA Nancy Hanson, Portland, 100 00 Timothy Hilliard, Gorham, 100 00 Polly Hobart, Portland, 300 00 Caleb B. Hall, 72,000 00 Heirs (,f Daniel Stone, Brunswick, I 366 66% William Hackett, Kennebunk, 666 66% Reuben Humphrey, No. Yarmouth, 33 33! 8 LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. Danli oC Po1·tland, ( Continued.) Amount of Names. Reside11ce. Stock. -------- Parker Ilsley, Portland, 300 00 Isaac Ilsley, do. 866 665 Institution for Savings, do. 7,233 331 Samuel R. Jackson, do. 166 66; Caroline Kimball, do. 333 33! Mary Kimball, do. 133 33} James Lunt, West brook, 500 00 S. Longfellow, Portland, 500 00 Samuel Libby, 3d, Gorham, 100 00 George Loring, Port.land, 200 00 Stetson Lobdell, Philadelphia, 800 00 Luther Libby, Scarborough, 66 661 Bethia Lincoln, No. Yarmouth, 3:3 S:J! Benj. Lord, Falmouth, 783 33A Happy Morse, Portland, 400 00 Elizabeth Morrill, do. 300 00 Eliza Miller, Leeds, 133 SJA Prentiss Mellen's estate:, Portland, 533 33A Maria A. Mead, Gorham, 233 3:3! Isabella Mead, I do. 100 00 Patience Mcintosh, Portland, 333 33} Nancy D. McLellan, I do. 466 66; Elizabeth Martin, do. 166 66~ Penelope Martin, I do. 166 66~ Eliza Mayo, do. 100 00 Sarah Martin, do. 200 00 Pamela Martin, do. 200 00 Ichabod Nichols, do. 333 33; Richard Odell, do. 600 00 Harrett Potter, do. 333 331 Portland Benevolent Soc'tv, do. 400 00 President and Treasurer ~f Bowdo;n College, Brunswick, 6,200 00 William P. Preble, Portland, 1,400 00 Portland Marine Society, j do. 566 66~ Portland Relief Society, do. 333 33~ LIST OF STOCKHOLDERS. 9 Dank oC P01•tland, ( Contint1ed.) Amount of Names. Residence. Stock. ~------ Miriam Poor, Portland, 333 33! Eliza Ann Potter, do. 233 33! President, Directors & Co., Dover Bank, Dover, N. H., 666 661 Horace Porter, Kennebunk, 1,666 66j David Pease, Portland, 400 00 Portland M. F. Insurance Co. do. 333 33! President, Directors & Co., Maine Bank, I do. 1,400 -00 President, Directors & Co., Merchants' Bank, do. 1,,500 00 President, Directors & Co.,: Bank of Portland, i do. a,066 -66~ President, Directors & Co., 1 Exchange Hank, do. ·66 ·66~ President, Directors & Co., Canal Bank, do. 233 33! Lydia C. Pease, Westbrook, 100 00 Catharine B. Pease, do. ·4-00 -00 Rudduck Prince, No. Yarmouth, 33 :33! David Pratt, do. .33 33! President, Directors & Co., Brunswick Bank, Brunswick, .200 00 Susan Purinton, Portland, 133 33! Samuel Quimby, do. .200 00 Toppan Robie, Gorham, :933 33~ Portland, Benjamin Radford, 1 766 6'61 James Rangely, I do. -566 ,665 do. 166 66~ Charles D. Robinson, 3 [Gorham, 500 00 'Thomas Robie, I Elizabeth Stevens, Portland, 1,200 00 William Swan, do.
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