A Technique to Combine Meshfree- and Finite Element-Based Partition of Unity Approximations C. A. Duartea;∗, D. Q. Miglianob and E. B. Beckerb a Department of Civil and Environmental Eng. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Newmark Laboratory, 205 North Mathews Avenue Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA ∗Corresponding author: [email protected] b ICES - Institute for Computational Engineering and Science The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, 78712, USA Abstract A technique to couple finite element discretizations with any partition of unity based approximation is presented. Emphasis is given to the combination of finite element and meshfree shape functions like those from the hp cloud method. H and p type approximations of any polynomial degree can be built. The procedure is essentially the same in any dimension and can be used with any Lagrangian finite element dis- cretization. Another contribution of this paper is a procedure to built generalized finite element shape functions with any degree of regularity using the so-called R-functions. The technique can also be used in any dimension and for any type of element. Numer- ical experiments demonstrating the coupling technique and the use of the proposed generalized finite element shape functions are presented. Keywords: Meshfree methods; Generalized finite element method; Partition of unity method; Hp-cloud method; Adaptivity; P-method; P-enrichment; 1 Introduction One of the major difficulties encountered in the finite element analysis of tires, elastomeric bear- ings, seals, gaskets, vibration isolators and a variety of other of products made of rubbery mate- rials, is the excessive element distortion. Distortion of elements is inherent to Lagrangian formu- lations used to analyze this class of problems. Rubber components often have geometric features 1 that give rise to very steep or even singular gradients. Elements in the neighborhood of these features inevitably become highly distorted, often to the point of material eversion (negative de- terminant of deformation gradient). This event effectively terminates the solution process and renders the model useless for further simulation. For finite element models with coarse elements, it is often possible to achieve the desired degree of loading before element failure occurs. These model, however, will not provide accurate solutions. When fine meshes are used this “element collapse” can occur under very small applied loads. Too much is demanded of an element adja- cent to, for example, a singular point. The analysis must then trade load level for accuracy, since accurate solutions for the necessary load levels can not be obtained. Meshfree methods such as the hp-cloud method [15, 16], the method of finite spheres [9], reproducing kernel particle methods [26–28], the element-free Galerkin method [3–6, 22, 37], the finite point method [34–36], the generalized finite difference method [24, 25, 45, 46], the diffuse element method [32], the modified local Petrov-Galerkin method [1], smooth particle hydrodynamics [19, 43, 44], among others, offer an attractive alternative for the solution of many classes of problems that are difficult or even not feasible to solve using the finite element method. In particular, meshfree methods have shown to be very effective for the solution of problems involving large deformations like those described above [7, 8]. Excellent overviews of meshfree methods and their applications can be found in, for example, [3, 27]. In meshfree methods, the approximation of field variables is constructed in terms of nodes without the aid of a mesh. The actual implementation of some meshfree methods, however, re- quires the partition of the domain through the use of a “background grid” for domain integration. Nevertheless, due to the flexibility in constructing conforming shape functions to meet specific needs for different applications, it has been reported [7, 8, 12, 13, 15, 16, 30] that meshfree meth- ods are particularly suitable for the simulation of crack propagation, hp-adaptivity, and modeling of large deformation problems. The use of smooth shape functions appears to be particularly effective in dealing with large deformation problems. One of the main drawbacks of meshfree methods has been the fact that the computational cost is too high in some applications due to the fact that one has to use a great number of integration points in order to integrate the meshfree functions and their products over a computational domain. One approach to ameliorate the computational cost is to use these methods only in parts of the domain where they are strictly needed and use a finite element discretization elsewhere. Besides reducing the overall computational cost, this approach has several other appealing features. It facilitates, for example, the implementation of Dirichlet boundary conditions [22] and the coupling with classical structural finite elements, like rods, shell, rigid bars, etc. Several techniques to couple meshfree and finite element methods have been proposed. Belytschko et al. [6] proposed a coupling technique in which some finite element nodes are re- placed by meshfree nodes and a ramp function is used to build the transition between the finite element and meshfree discretizations. Linear consistency is attained with this approach. A gener- alization of this idea was proposed by Hegen [20] based on the use of Lagrange multipliers. Huerta and Fernandez-Mendez [21] proposed a technique to couple finite element and 2 meshfree discretizations based on consistency or reproducibility conditions of the resulting shape functions and moving least squares techniques. The support size of the meshfree functions and their distribution must obey some rules in order to be admissible [21]. A related technique was proposed by Liu et al. [29] with the goal of improving a finite element discretization with meshfree shape functions. Many of the meshfree shape functions like moving least squares and Shepard functions, constitute a partition of unity. In other words, these functions add to the unity at any point in the domain. Lagrangian finite element shape functions also possess this property. In this paper, we present a technique to couple meshfree and finite element discretizations that explores the partition of unity property of these functions. The procedure, while simple, is quite flexible and generic. The only requirement on the finite element and meshfree shape functions is that the union of their supports completely covers the computational domain. H and p type approximations can be built in the finite element and meshfree parts of the domain. Exponential convergence of the resulting coupled approximation is demonstrated though a numerical example. Another approach to reduce the cost of numerical integration of meshfree shape functions is to use a finite element mesh to build them and enforce that the support of all functions coincide with the support of corresponding global Lagrangian shape functions defined on the same mesh. In this case, the method is no longer strictly meshfree but some of the attractive features of meshfree approximations, like high regularity of the approximation, can still be retained. Edwards [18] has proposed such approach and have shown that it can be used in any dimension and for any kind of finite element (triangular, quadrilateral, tetrahedral, hexahedral, etc) while rendering C 1 finite element shape functions. Edwards’ approach however, has a serious practical limitation– It requires that the support of the functions be convex. It is not possible, in general, to build finite element meshes such that the support of the corresponding finite element shape functions be convex. In this paper, we generalize Edwards’ approach to handle non-convex supports with the aid of the so-called R-functions [38, 39]. In the following sections the formulation of the proposed coupling technique and the gen- eralization of Edwards’ approach [18] to build finite element shape functions with arbitrary regu- larity on non-convex supports is introduced. Illustrative numerical experiments are also presented. 2 Partition of Unity Shape Functions In this section, the construction of partition of unity shape functions is briefly reviewed. Examples of this kind of shape functions are hp-cloud [15,16] and generalized finite element shape functions [11, 12, 41, 42]. Let the functions 'α; α = 1; : : : ; N, denote a partition of unity (PoU) subordinate to the N n open covering TN = f!αgα=1 of a domain Ω ⊂ RI ; n = 1; 2; 3. Here, !α is the support of the partition of unity function 'α and N the number of functions. We call !α a cloud and associate with each one of them a node, denoted by xα. 3 From the above we have that s 'α 2 C0 (!α); s ≥ 0; 1 ≤ α ≤ N 'α(x) = 1 8 x 2 Ω α X Let χα(!α) = spanfLiαgi2I(α) denote local spaces defined on !α; α = 1; : : : ; N, where I(α); α = 1; : : : ; N, are index sets and fLiαgi2I(α) a basis for the space χα(!α). Functions Liα are also denoted by enrichment or local approximation functions. The partition of unity shape functions associated with a node xα are then defined by α φi := 'αLiα; i 2 I(α) (no sum on α) (1) Different choices for the partition of unity functions are possible. Each one of then will lead to a different class of shape functions. Some of the possible choices are discussed below. 2.1 Shepard Partition of Unity Shepard’s formula [23, 40] is a very simple approach to build partition of unity functions and it is n often used in meshfree methods [9, 15, 16]. Let Wα : RI ! RI denote a weighting function with s compact support !α and that belongs to the space C0 (!α); s ≥ 0. Suppose that such weighting function is built at every cloud !α; α = 1; : : : ; N. Then, the partition of unity functions 'α associated with the clouds !α, α = 1; : : : ; N, are defined by Wα(x) 'α(x) = β(x) 2 fγ j Wγ (x) =6 0g α = 1; : : : ; N (2) β(x) Wβ(x) which are known as ShepardP functions [23, 40].
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