414 DUN~INGTON, EAST RIDING YORKSHIRE. (KELLY'ft Jaques Frederick, farmer, Grimston Mortimer Mary Ann (Mrs.), Grey- Stabler Jane (Mrs."), farmer Jaques William, butcher hound inn . Stead George, shopkeeper Jewett John, farmer Nicholls John & George, bricklayers Sykes Charles, market gardener Kendall Charles & William, thrashing Oxtoby John Wild, corn miller (wind) & Tesseyman George, shopkeeper machine proprietors beer retailer Tesseyman James, farmer Kendall Charles, sen. farmer Palfreeman Rebekah (Mrs.), farmer Tesseyman James, jun. market gardn,l;- Leaf George, shopkeeper Palfreeman fhomas, farmer Thompson Agnes (Miss), shopkeeper; Leconby Robert, farmer, Manor house Penty Emma (Mrs.), farmer, Thorn Turner Thomas, grocer & draper Little Richmond, farmer & potato dlr Tree hill Whitwell Henry, farmer . Lowther George, market gardener Potipher George, farmer Wright John, farmer Marriott Matthew, farmer, Eastfield Sellers William, coal dealer Wyld John, farmer Milner Allison, carrier Shepherd Matthew, shoe maker Yates John, farmer Milner William, farmer, Grimston \Smith John, insurance agentj Young Joseph, shopkeeper Mintoft John, beer retailer & shoe mkr Smith J.Wbert, farmer, Grimston EASINGTON is a township, parish and village, half-a- where the Life-Saving Rocket Apparatus is kept. Sir F. A. mile frdm the German Ocean, 1 from the Humber, 6 south- Talbot Clifford-Constable bart. J.P., D.L. of Clifford Con.. · east from Patrington station on the Hull and Withernsea stable Hall, is lord of the manor and holds a court leet here branch of tbe North Eastern railway, 16 so1,1th-east from yearly; and Sir James Robert Walker hart. .T.P, of San(,! Hedon and 6 north from Spurn Head; the parish includes Hutton, the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, Mrs. Tasker, the towlli'hip of OuT NEWTON, and is in the Holderness Messrs. George and Benjamin Clubley and John Biglin are division of the Riding, south division of the wapentake of the chief landowners. The soil is very rich and fertile; Holderness, South Holderness petty sessional division, subsoil, chiefly clay and marl. The chief crops are beans. Patrington union, county court district of Hedon, rural wheat and oats. The area of the township is 2,:319 acres of deanery of H~don, archdeaconry of the East Riding and land; rateable value, £2,400; the population in 1881 Wfli diocese of York. The church of All Saints is an ancient 382, in 1891 was 371. building of rubble and Roche Abbey stone, in the Norman OuT NEWTON is a township in the parish of and 2l miles and Early English styles, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, north from Easington and 6 east from Patrington: the vil, south porch and an embattled western tower, containing a lage consists of a few sc:attered farms and cottages. Nea~ clock and 3 bells: "the north doorway is Norman and the the sea cliff is a part of the gable end of an ancient ch~til south porch of brick retains a sun-dial, dated 1BII: thechan- of ease, which now forms a landmark from the !)ea. 1'h1,1 eel was rebuilt in 1863 : at the east end of the south aisle is area is 676 acres of land; rateable value, £618 ; the ~lOPUr a mural tablet to John Overton, ob. t68o: in 1890 a sum of lation in 1891 was 42. about £300 was spent upon the church, the repairs includ- Out Newton township is included in Holmpton United ing a hew roof to the nave, the re-flooring of the tower and School Board District. The children attend Holmpt~ the erection of a stained window at the west end by W. H. Board school Mabb esq. of Patrington, at a cost of about £150, as a DIMLINGTON is a hamlet near the sea coast, and contains memorial to Annie his wife: there are 300 sittmgs. >The one farmhouse. Dimlington Cliff is contiguo11s thereto. register dates from the year 1584. The living is a vicarage, Parish Clerk, George ~rittan. united to that of Skeffiing and Kilnsea, average tithe rent- PosT & M. 0. 0. & T. M. 0., S.B. & Annuity & lnsuranre charge £43, joint gross yearly value £330, including £120 Office.-B.obert Henry Webster, sub-postmaster. Letters for a curate and 55 acres of glebe, with residence, in the from Hull, via Patrington, a,rrive at 10.10 a.m.; dis- gift of the Archbishop of York, and held since 1858 by the patched 3.30 p.m Hev. HenryMaister M.A. New Inn Hall, Oxford, who resides National School, Easington (mixed), erected in 1876, for at Skeftling. There are Primitive Methodist and Wesleyan -x2o 'Children; average attendance, go; John William chapels. A cemetery of half an acre was formed in 188~, Parkinson, master and is under the control of a Burial Board of 5 members. There is one light cart to Patrington; James Pinder, everY. A field containing 3A' 3R. 27P. of land was bequeathed in day, at 7 a.m. & 4 p.m. except sun • tJ.. IBII by R~bert Pattinson esq. for the education "f children CARRIERS TO HULL. -.- William Hodgson & .ChristophBI' and providing them with books. There is a station here Webster, mon. ; returning on rtues. evening [Marked thus • letters are received throv,gh Club1ey Benjamin, farmer & land9wner Newsam Edwin, farmer&. _clerk t,o the Withern~M.] Clubley Francis, farmer burial board ' Barnes Rev. Charles Marston [curate- Clublcy George, farmer & landowner *Newsam William,farmer,Out Newton in-charge] Clubley Robt. Hunton,farmer,Forthlme *Peacock Samuel, farmer, Out NewU)J;i. Bramwell John Milne M.B CourtenayGeo. wheelwrght.joinr.&frmr Petch Alice (Mis~), dress maker Hewetson Bendelack F.R.C.s. Mount Cuthbert George, joiner Petch Martha ('.\'lrs.) 1 biacksmith Pleasanb Cuthbert John Mason, miller (wind) Pinder James, carrier Douglas Edward, farmer QuintonHannah( Mrs.), W hiteHorse i.Iw COMM'ERCIAL. Douglas Robert, farmer Quintan John, boot ma. grocer & draper 'Baume Joseph Henry, Granby inn *Ellis William, farm bailiff to Mrs. .ij.ocket Apparatus Station (Willillm Biglin John, farmer & landowner Cautley, Out Newton England & Hy. Woodward), coastgds Bird John, marine store dealer Giles John, boot & shoe maker Scarlett Joseph Wm. grocer & drape~; B:ranton John, farmer Hodgson William, carrier & farmer Sirns Samuel, Neptune inn Bride Henry, coal dealer *Johnson Henry~ farmer,. Out Newton Stanforth Wm. farmer, Northfield oo Bride John Dunn, shoe maker Loten Philip, taxidermist Tiddy Lavinia (Miss), dress maker Carrick John Henry, wheelwright MedforthCharles,beer retailer&boot p1a WebsterChrU!topher,bric.'klayer&carrier Cemetery (EdwinNewsam, clerk to the Moor Henry, naturalist Webster Rt. Hy. grocer &c. Post office burial board) Newsam Charles, farmer, Low farm Wilkinson George, tailor Charlton Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper Newsam John, farmer, Low farm ' EASTRINGTON is a township, parish and village with and a stone coffin slab with ornamental carving in relief: in a station a quarter of a mile south on tLe Hull and Selby the south chapel ik another piscina and a stone credence! section of the North Eastern Railway, and another on the the tower arch is Norman and in the porch are some very lDOrth on the Hnll, Harnsley and West Riding Junction Rail- early car\Ting-s Tepresenting in a rude form the beasts way, 4 miles east from Howden, :19! west from Hull and mentioned in the book of Revelations, and the greater part 194! from London, in the Howdenshire division of the vf the effigy of a knight is also built into the wall : there Riding, wapentake and petty sessional division of Howden- are 26o sittings. The register dates from the yee.r Is67· shire, union and .county court district of Howden, rural The living is a vicarage, average tithe rent-charg-e £68, net deanery of Howden, archdeaconry of the East Riding and yearly value £-1-o, with 134 acres of glebe and residence, diocese of York. The church of St. Michael is an ancient in the gift of the Lord Chancellor, and held since 1883 by edifice of stone, in the Perpendicular style, with some traces the Rev. George Samuel Dunbar of St. Bees. l'he Jay of Saxon work. and consists of chancel of three bays and impropriators of the tithes are Messrs. Liversidge and Sons, nave of three bays, both with clerestory, aisles, south porch, Selby. There are charities in the hands of the Yicar and and an embattled western tower with pinnacles containing churchwardens, as trustees for the time being1 of abeut 3 bells : in the chancel wall is an inscribed stone record- £8 yearly, and bread is distributed monthly at the churcb., ing its rebuilding in 16321 by Sir Michael Warton kt. of There is a Wesleyan chapel built in 1827 and 11 frimiiive Beverley; there are also several modern tablets to the Bell Methodist chapel erected 1871. ,a cemetery of 2 acr~ was family: the eastern portion of the aisles anciently formed formed in 1875 1 and is llllder tQe conirol of ~ budal board chapels : the north chapel retains its piscina and three of 7 members.. A feast IS held on the third Sunday-in June. brackets for statues and contains also an alabaster tomb, Capt, M. Dunnington•Jefferson is lord of the manor and with recumbent male and female effigies and the date 1696, principal landowner. Bloomhill farm is the property besides se;eral ancient monumental slabs with inscriptions, of Mr. Tomlinson, of Airmyn. The soil is clayey; subsoil, .
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