2 THE SHOW WORED June 12,15D9 The Pick of the European Product THE nCST MOVNG PKTURES E~ WORLD M] RELEM jyilE II The Product of the European factories controlled exclusively for the American market by the International Projecting and Producing Company Will Help to Swell Your Box Office Receipts NOTICE TO EXHIBITORS: Upon application we will be pleased to furnish you with a list of film exchanges that can supply you with our films. Exhibitors projecting our motion pictures are assured of an individual service and an adequate supply of carefully selected subjects. WARNING TO EXHIBITORS. Do not be intimidated by the latest Trust circular, this time in the form of a letter issued by a firm of attorneys to give it the semblance of legality. The Trust must issue a circular every month in an endeavor to force the exhibitor to submit to its dictates, which up to the present time it has found impossible. The Trust knows full well that it may not interfere with International Projecting and Producing Co.’s film, and Exhibitors and Exchanges need have no fear as far as our film is concerned. To those handling other film we cannot guarantee protection, but we will legally defend on interference with International Projecting and Producing Co.’s film. Advise us promptly if any attempt is made by Trust agents to intimidate users of our goods in any way. International Projecting and Producing Compeiny Schiller Building.CHICAGO THE TWENTIETH CENTURY AMUSEMENT WEEKLY Published at 87 5oatb Clark 5tr€et, Chicago, by The iShoiu IiIorld Entered as Second - Class Matter WA RREN A. PA TR/CK , OenERAL D/RECTOR. Office at Cbj^blSS , • June 25,190? Volumn IV—No. 25 CHICAGO June 12, 1909 morris boston house MIKE ROONEY TRIES LEASED FOR STOCK CO. MURDOCK BUYS ALL TO TAKE HIS OWN LIFE. Lindsay Morrison Gets the Orpheum Circus Rider Attempts Suicide While for the Summer and Will Put in Depressed by Illness.—Found Strong Company. iASSOOATION STOCK by Father-in-Law. Boston, June 8. Corry, Pa., June 10. lind.say Morrison, the present resi¬ Magnate Becomes Sole Owner of Western Vaudeville Man¬ Michael Rooney, principal rider dent manager of the Orpheum theater, with the Cole Brothers, until forced lias leased that house from the Will¬ agers' Organization and Abandons Thought to leave the show a week ago on ac¬ iam Morris Co., Inc., for the summer of Retirement. count of illness, attempted suicide at season, to present his all-star stock Harbor Creek, Pa., Wednesday morn¬ company. Mr. Morrison is the best ing. Martin Beck Together With C. E. Kohl and Fred Henderson Take known stock producer in Boston and The windpipe was severed but he has been for 14 years. His success Over Theater Interests. missed the jugular vein. He will re¬ three years ago at the Empire theater, cover. now the Orpheum, gave the Empire J. J. Murdock is now the sole owner ress, resolved itself into a machine of stock company a wide reputation, and of the entire stock of the Western clock-like regularity. Each depart¬ His father-in-law found him and he his success with the Boston theater Vaudeville Managers’ Association. ment is so constituted and is in such was rushed to the Hamet hospital at Erie, Pa. stock company last season is fresh in Such was the outcome of the sev¬ splendid working order that Mur¬ the public mind. Mr. Morrison’s big eral' -meetings held recently in New dock’s attention will only be called to Harbor Creek is his home, and the favorites, formerly associated with York city and-the meeting held at the the most important details of its con¬ winter quarters of the circus. His him, including Howell Hansen, Mary Majestic headquarters in this city last crete operation, thus permitting him wife, who is with the show, has been Saunders, Rose Morrison, Walter Tuesday afternoon where the board plenty of time to devote to his motion notified. — BERLINER. Walker, James L. Seeley, will again of directors of the association met in picture interests, which are daily as¬ join his forces. Under Mr. Morrison’s secret session. suming a broader form. It would ap¬ management the Orpheum has proved It was a friendly and well attended pear that it is Murdock’s intention to • New House for St. Louis. gathering, and developed into a sort make -of the International Projecting a success on three different occasions. St. Louis, June 9. He.-ts publicly well liked, genial and of give and take proposition. Mur¬ and Producing Company a structure accommodating.—LOU. dock sold his interest in the several similar to that which he has been in¬ Plans for a new theater to be lo¬ theaters which have been under his strumental in erecting in the vaude¬ cated on the southeast corner of McConnell spectacles control to Martin Beck, C. E. Kohl ville field. He left for Washington Grand and Olive streets have been and Fred Henderson of Coney Island last Tuesday, following the meeting submitted to the building commi.s- TAKING BIG MONEY. fame. , It is understood that Beck and expressed himself as being highly sioner for approval. This theater will Seattle, Wash., June 8. bought the bulk of the Murdock gratified at the turn of affairs. be of first class construction and will The Monitor and Merrimac did holdings and paid a goodly sum for be used for a first class stock com¬ $:i,250 on the opening day of the ex- their possession. pany. The principal owners of the Airdome to Open. piisitioii. The admission was fifty By this transfer the question of building will be Storm and Parish and cents. The battle of Gettysburg took Murdock’s retirement from active op¬ Flint, Mich., June 10. Ben Aiseman. They contemplate fin¬ $2,700 at fifty cents. The Igorotte eration in the vaudeville field has been The airdome will open Monday next ishing the theater by early August. village and Thompson’s scenic railway definitely settled. The W. V. M. A. with The Three Armstrongs as the The name of the new manager has also did well. has, through its many years of prog¬ headline act. not yet been divulged.--WEBB. ' SHUBERTS ACQUIRING KLAW & ERL ANGER GREAT MANY HOUSES SECURE THE OLYMPIC High Street in Coltimbos to Play Mary Mannering.- New House i Report From New York That Future of Music Hall Has at Last Been Indianapolis.—Developments. Determined. Columbus, Ohio, June 9. It is stated here to-night that the New York, June 10. mar, while Harry E. Reynolds as¬ C W Harper, manager of the High Shuberts will have many houses next It is reported upon good authority sumes the heavy role, Dave Cook. Street theater, received a telegram season which have heretofore been that Klaw & Erlanger have secured Exceptional care has been exercised from Mr. Dickson, of Dickson & Tal- affiliated with the syndicate. the Olympic theater, Chicago, on the in choosing the cast, which gives Iwtt, who is in New York, to the The report on the streets is that the same terms that they have the Chi¬ promise of doing full justice to this effect that Mary Mannering in The “open door” will stick with the West¬ cago opera house. clever little act. Sendent Miss Gower would play ern Theater Managers. It is more than likely that musical igh Street theater June 16. attractions will be seen there next Woods Gets Theaters. This i.s taken to indicate that the season. New York, June 7. I Shuberts have arranged with Dickson Springfield, O., June 7. The future of the Olympic has been A. H. Woods has purchased the Talbott whereby independent at- Although Manager Daily of the a source of speculation for some time Liberty theater in course of construc¬ Itractions plav the High Street instead Grand opera house says he has signed and there have been numerous ru¬ tion and has leased the Amphion in "f the Colonial. no contracts and that his theater will mors, none of which have apparently Brooklyn. J. V. Howell, rnanager of the Co¬ book shows independently, it is re¬ been so well substantiated as this. ported about town that the Shubert Don’t Like American Show. lonial, is out of the city and no defi¬ London, England, June 4. nite information can be obtained from attractions will be seen at the Grand New Vaudeville Act. next season.—GOODFELLOW. The Woman in the Case was pro¬ In.'! representative.—GRAFF. Cleveland, Ohio, June 8. duced at the Garrick Wednesday night Charles F. Young, Cleveland repre¬ and while the English players were Indianapolis, Ind., June 8. PANTAGES SECURES sentative of THE SHOW WORLD, well received the critics pronounced A lease has been signed for a new will produce this week at one of the the play crude and garish. Yi'W.OOO theater to be erected here. It MINNEAPOLIS THEATER. local vaudeville houses a vaudeville Minneapolis, Minn., June 9. "■ill be built by the Murat Temple As- novelty in the shape of a tabloid West and Willis Score. Western melodrama. A Triple wriation, and will be so arranged that The Orpheum and the Princess the¬ Lexington, Ky., June 10. aters closed their season Sunday Round-up was successfully produced be used for grand opera. It will West and Willis opened on the Sam night. F. C. Priest, manager of the ^^^ked by the Shuberts in addition in the East under the same direction DuVries time here Monday and the ^Sises in Toledo and Columbus, Princess, announces that his house as the Cleveland production. It is act is scoring a hit.
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