GM Packard}3Electric MARK-OF EXCELLENCE L L/VE W/RE% dirwion of General Motors Corporation Vol. 3 1, No. 2 i« ' , ' · j WARREN, OHIO January, 1970 1969 Suggestion Awards Approach Quarter Nlillion Mark Payroll Increase $12.3 Million t Five Wind Up '69 With Suggestion Awards 1969 A Record Year 12*1. =*"7-r-rSZ'-TY'L '1 -·3 UE An increase in excess of $12 million in pavrolls and add- . -:..I ..f.'. ' fir . ::,1 ed employment of more than 1200 people highlighted a rec- ord year during 1969 at General Motors' Packard Electric Division, General Manager Bert Olson announced. r..4- rfei Li '. *®'. pay Forchecks1969,totalingan average$95.6 million,of 10,770up fromemployes9500 employesreceived ' L,44<4 and $83.3 million in payrolls during the Division's previous ,/i: all . -, 't. A /1 + I.- ' ..1 record year of 1968. 6.6., W awi¢lw , Electric continued its active spon- , ' Construction of 121,000 square sorship of two Warren Junior -'*", : · feet of floor space was completed Achievement "companies," and hi. at the "Live Wire" Division's its financial support of the Jun- Ff 1 North Industrial Park, while ior Achievement program. Mary Delucto 421// ,£./ Act/ /: another 407,000 square feet of With its co-sponsor, the War- Dept. 1274 new construction $2484 Angelo Palmer - ......-1 was started ren Tribune Chronicle, the Divi- Lee Smith sion initiated Dept. 949 Bob Ballentine during 1969. the Green Pennant Dep*. 949 John Smi*h School Safety Campaign for the $1344 Dep*.522 In announcing the year-end $722 Deph 973 $2292 ninth successive year. The local $722 statistics, Mr. Olson pointed out safety program, which is conduc- , that Packard Electric made sub- ted in cooperation with the War- stantial contributions to area ren Police Department and the ': business through extensive local Trumbull Sudranski Retires purchases. Expenditures of $28; County Sheriff's De- Division Pays partment, now numbers 49 area New Record ' 850,0001260 districtwere firmsmade forin supplies1969 to schools among its participants. After 36 Years and services. As the year ended, there were 36 schools maintaining perfect Of $235,000 in 1969 The Division and IUE Local safety records. Service With 717 combined efforts for the ben- One hundred percent participation in the GM Idea Pro- efit of the community as a total Packard Electric was host to gram was attained for the eighth straight year, Goal for 1970 j of 412 pint@ of blood was donated thousands of visitors from all Is a quarter of a million dollars says Jim MacLaren of Sug- Corporation I by employes during an inplant Continued on Page Two gestion Supervision. visit of the American Red Cross took a load of toys for kids into ¥ r-*Ke**45'.19,<p,frip Bloodmobile. In addition, the an- During the 27 year history of Kentucky to the Canyon Falls the General Motors Suggestion 5. ·.S ' ·. --2 '' - 15..1:11']:-3 .r·i: nual Warren Area United Ap- Mission Center at Christmas for I:-3·, . peal fund was aided CAR SALE ..:. by a Gen- haveProgram,beenPackardawardedElectricover $1.4peoplemil- his church. He said, "I didn't · ' : · ,. oral Motors The 1969 fleet of company know anything about the sug- ,·:. , Corporate gift of lion for their constructive ideas. $42,500 and Packard Electric automobiles will be offered gestion award until I got back. I ". ' ' ' . ' employe contributions of $140,180. for ale to Packard Electric 1969 was a big year for sugges- was really happy because we had f , ' . .. · . employee, Saturday, tions with June Williams and taken During February part of our finances to run -. - , the year, employes of 7, Lillian Begeot each receiving this trip down there. It cost us p , the Warren-based GM Division Tlze cars will be on display $10,000 maximum awards. $37.00 out of our pockets. God re- E ,¢P , , ' invested over $3.7 million in from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the ;In helping us wind up a rec- plenished our $37.00 very fully." [ ..£ ': ...94e.. I1 , 1 , United States Savings Bon* parking lot at the rear of the orti year were six Live Wire sug- Angelo Palmer of Dept. 949 f ._. A-. through their participation m Administration Building on geFtion winners, all with over won $1344 with an idea for im. ' r the payroll deduction plan. Dana St. on thut date. $1060 to their credit. Mary De- proving skids to hold terminal i·, . *- Long interested in the devel- Information on the cars will Lucia of Department 1274 won reels more securely. Angelo has r ,i; opment of tomorrow's leaders and be publislied on bulletin boards $2184 with a better idea for po- turned in 54 suggestions in 1969 # 7' the safety and well-being of child- prior to the sale. sltioning molds in the mold ma- and has been awarded for 19 of i . <. 1 '3 zen and young people, Packard chines. Her key: "I wait until them. I see a problem. I just think up So deal yourself in for 1970 i a solution and turn it in on a to win a suggestion award. 1 suggestion." Mary plans to ilse 1- Packar,lp'/Ectric her money to take a long vaca- 1 tion with her husband. New I.D. Cards To i Bob Ballentine of Department Improve Payroll i 552 won $2292 on an idea for re- leasing Mylar overlays from a die. Reporting Lester L. Sudranskl His key to success: "Be persis- -I--1=9·,r; - 11- tent. I have been paid over $5000 , I '1+ r . '_- November Ist marked the re- on 42 awards and I've been paid I '. 1,1-* tirement of Lester L. Sudranski, for seventy-five percent of all the _ -* former Director of Plant Engi- suggestions I've turned in. I al- neering at the LIVE WIRE DI- ways talk my suggestions over ! VISION. Mr. Sudranski leaves with the foreman when I see an , 0 the Division after 36 years ser- idea." Bob might be able to use ill vio-10»*00'S: vice, having transferred to Pack- ard Electric from Delco Division cars and working on his prize Lb' 7149 . -al in 1939. his money for rebuilding sports 1 11, ':AA" . " :' w dang»i;t r.Harley motoreyel i, f , 'Aw'22.- . A licensed professional engi- At press time Lorraine Black L n neer, he is active in engineering and planning groups in the area, of Dept. 1343 was on sick leave, A new system is being de- but she was happy to learn that as well as the Warren Chamber she won $1791 on an idea for veloped for hourly payroll. A wallet-sized identification card of Commerce and will continue improving a sonic weld operation will be distributed to each his activities through his associ- that she had submitted prior to hourly Packardite printed with ation with Trumbull Memorial her absence. his name and social security Hospital as a consulting engineer. Lee Smith of Dept. 949 and number. The card will be used John Smith of Dept 973 hitched Mrs. Sudranski is the forrner in a new style time clock calI- Maxine Winters of their minds together and devel- ed a badge reader terminal Cortland. oped an idea for a new hitch on that will be located where we They are the parents of three * fork trucks. Together they won presently have time clocks. daughters, Mrs. Paul (Lynn) $1445. Lee is going A steady rise in payrolls to use his This system will provide in- Hanen of Cortland; Mrs. Rodney over the last nine years has been accen*ed money for a camping trailer, formation for computing (Kathryn) Green of Warren, and by the record 95.6 million an dollar payroll for 1969. This tops the 1968 while John is going to use his employe's earnings. Mrs. Richard (Diane) Ackerman record by 12.3 million dollars. money remodeling his home. John of New York City. PAGE TWO Packard Electric Cablegram Plan* 8 184 Pints Donated Cus+omer Corner By Carolyn Wolanzyk Once again the annual Plant 8 Christmas Party was a great Bloodmobile Again Visits Packard Maximum Contribution By success. It was attended by ap- proximately 150 people and a I '.1. good time was had by all. Hope A 1 . to see you all there again next .A. I Packard Important To year. Rick Kaleda, 851, recent- : ·UN· ly vacationed in the Bahamas. Rita Ruttinger, Desk Clerk, re- 7.1.3- turned from Florida with a great ··; · · * 1 H Success 1 3 - ..'**i,» tan. Leslie Moseley, 844, has re- *,W: I.r r j In talking with Mr. Owen L. IlWT< c- -- turned from pregnancy leave and Sellers, Central Purchasing De- is the proud mother of a boy. partment Buyer for Internation- IW - = Fi'-- Dennis O'Malley, 805, is the . I .5 al Harvester Company about 4 - i-: 7 - ..,1 proud father of a boy. 2/ Marie Rowe and Liz Williams, mi the buyer-seller relationship of , 842, were both very happy recent- . 5.m "1 today, he pointed out the sig- , I , " '1 1 ly to receive phone calls from ff« · 71 ; A plier can make to his customer's , - 10; , their respective sons who are nificance of contributions a sup- i - - L stationed in Viet Nam. Best b.,.W success in the marketplace. He {,Elli „Ill .: ·- _/49- - wishes to Jan Ciortan, 845, who .=m stressed this fact in stating, "We - 1 . is engaged. Our sympathy goes "l wonder how many people we can needle for blood?" Thinking in the, expect (Packard's) maximum con- I Ll out to Dick Mazza, 834, for fa- right veln about soliciting for blood are: Lena O'Grady and Nancy tribution possible to Internation- .
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