Volunteer Centre West Berkshire Charitable Incorporated Organisation 1156302 Impact Report 2017-18 Volunteer Recruitment in 2017-18 THIS year, we have given 354 near future,” – Jo Vipan, individuals advice and infor- Thames Valley Restorative mation on volunteering. 117 Justice. of these enquiries were made “We have recruited two in person and 237 online/via excellent administrator phone. There are currently v o l u n t e e r s f o r o u r 420 opportunities on our da- organisation thanks to the tabase. Volunteer Centre. They have Online enquiries: added a huge amount of value This year, approximately 93 to our organisation in their per cent of our online enquir- first few weeks of work,” – ies were received through our Grace Ryder, Scheme Manag- bespoke enquiry form on our er, Home-Start West Berk- website, or via e-mail. The shire. remainder came via other “Many thanks for taking so searches. much time and trouble going Flexiteering: through things when we This year, a further three met,” – volunteer Vic. volunteers joined our flexiteer “The ‘Big List’ is useful be- mailing list, bringing the total cause I find that various vol- up to 141 people with specific unteering sites’ filters don’t easily allow for the possibility skillsets offering their time in Chris Read, short, flexible bursts. of something unexpected coming up!” – volunteer Joel. Volunteer Quotes from organisations to Volunteer Jane came in to the Recruitment Officer whom we have referred Volunteer Centre for advice potential volunteers: on volunteering opportunities. “We received three volunteer “Free impartial, information Following this, she rang to enquiries via our advert with and guidance about how, say that she had commenced the Volunteer Centre. All where and when people can volunteering with the Nation- three individuals were volunteer is at the core of our al Trust. She commented that selected to attend our four- charitable objects. This short her first couple of shifts had day Restorative Justice report indicates that this been very enjoyable and that F a c i l i t a t o r T r a i n i n g service is valued and appreci- it was “exactly the role [she] Programme in March 2018 – ated by potential volunteers wanted”. so we hope that they will real- and beneficiary organisations ly benefit our service in the alike,” – GP. In the year to 31s March 2018, of the 354 people that we supported with advice about volunteering www.volunteerwestberks.org.uk www.volunteerwestberks.org.uk 274 gave their age range. The results of this graph frequently surprise readers. Page 2 Volunteer Centre West Berkshire Overview by the Chairman of the Trustees VOLUNTEER Centre West Wellbeing Board promoted a down to the hard work of our Berkshire (VCWB) continues ‘Knowledge Event’ held at treasurer, Chris Armitage, to thrive and take on new Newbury Racecourse and and his continual monitoring challenges despite the uncer- attended by 87 local organi- of our financial status and tainties faced by all charities sations, each of which pro- also, of course, our director, in a rapidly changing world moted its own activities and Garry Poulson, for his strict and financial stringency. how it could help others in financial control of our day- The development of the char- associated fields. This re- to-day proceedings. ity’s role as the council for sounding success will un- voluntary service (cvs) for the doubtedly be held again in In conclusion, I must formal- West Berkshire area contin- the future. ly thank our director for his ued apace, and the charity’s continuing enthusiasm and participation as a member of Whilst developing its new support in rising, as always, West Berkshire Council’s role, VCWB has not ignored to whatever challenges come Health and Wellbeing Board, its traditional role within the his way and, of course, our led to it taking the lead role community, and its more hard-working staff and vol- in establishing the West familiar activities continue to unteers, without whom we “Volunteer Berkshire Suicide Prevention go from strength to strength. could not provide the ser- Action Group. Chaired by The Thatcham Handybus vices so valued by the com- Centre West our director, Garry Poulson, service is now fully integrat- munity in which we live. Berkshire this pro-active group has ed with the Newbury service Finally, my thanks go to my (VCWB) taken positive steps to high- and, after some legal delays, fellow trustees, who give of light the problems associated the three Handybuses are their time and expertise so continues to with mental health in the now under the complete con- freely in guiding this most thrive and take workplace. It held a very trol of VCWB. We are excellent charity. on new successful workshop in Octo- grateful for the generous ber 2017 attended by 60 support of Donnington New In presenting my annual challenges participants from 50 employ- Homes for their continuing report, I do so in the despite the ers large and small to hear of financial support in funding knowledge that Volunteer uncertainties the active steps that could be this valuable service. Centre West Berkshire re- taken to identify the dangers mains on a firm footing, well faced by all of workplace stress. The Community Car Scheme able to face the future in serv- charities in a continues to thrive although ing the community of West A survey of needs of the with a slight diminution in Berkshire. rapidly changing Community and Voluntary passenger journeys over the world and Sector held in the autumn of last year. Volunteering ad- Brian Phillips, financial 2017, highlighted a number vice has been given to more of areas where small organi- than 350 clients with in ex- stringency” sations were seeking help cess of 400 volunteering va- and advice to assist them to cancies on our books. Some function more effectively. 18 clients have been support- Accordingly a number of ed through the VCMe short training sessions have scheme which provides sup- been held and a more com- port to those with mental prehensive programme is health issues seeking to vol- being developed to address unteer. the needs identified. Our Befriending project con- Another area which has tinues to exceed targets and, emerged during the year is along with the Village Agents that small charities and vol- scheme, has particularly untary organisations, along targeted parishes in the east with local authority profes- of the district during the year. sionals working in the field, We now have 26 Village Chairman of the Trustees felt they did not have ade- Agents active across the quate knowledge of the ex- district. tent of the voluntary sector in the area and the extent to Finance for a small charity is which assistance was availa- always a challenge, and from ble from other organisations. a budgeted deficit of £44,000 In March therefore, VCWB at the beginning of the year, along with West Berkshire our out-turn of a small sur- Health and plus is, in large measure, Charitable Incorporated Organisation 1156302 Page 3 Director’s Report WITH our role of supporting The level of intensity of these brought new staff and we the voluntary and communi- meetings is increasing. New have been fortunate to have ty sector comes a great deal challenges and opportunities recruited an excellent of partnership work and rep- are on the horizon. Later this replacement for Jacqui. Sa- resentational work. year West Berkshire Council mantha Raw has settled well will be announcing the into the role. Laura Hunter is Attending meetings as a full second round of adult social supporting our voluntary member of the Health and care funding via its voluntary sector support project and Wellbeing Board at West sector prospectus portal. As her great IT skills have made Berkshire Council is one yet we are not aware of the improvements to our regular such board, and there are funding levels or work bulletins and events. Along various sub-groups to include streams that the council with Sara Hanson and falls prevention committees, wishes to commission. I will Chris Read the team is work- and the MEAM (Making endeavor to keep the sector ing very well to provide ex- Every Adult Matter) group, informed. cellent and friendly service to whose role it is to reduce the the clients and organisations Garry has often said effects of homelessness and As my chairman of trustees that we support. The office to support the homeless. has mentioned in his report volunteer team, who are the sky is the limit Also included are various we must continue to remain listed in this report, are a transport groups and,, im- focused on delivering family and their service when it comes to portantly, working with the services that meet real needs above self is demonstrated CCG (clinical commission- within West Berkshire. every day. community ing Group) in their desire to Services that are adequately work ever closer with the resourced, properly run and, I am grateful to my chairman involvement. Well voluntary sector. importantly, understood by of trustees, Brian Phillips, their intended beneficiaries, whose dedication to the here he took it quite At all of these meetings my so that we meet real need. charity and support to me role is to listen and advise The project reports contained has been immense, and to literally by within the context of volun- within this document illus- the varied skillsets that our tary sector involvement and trate the type of essential excellent board of trustees undertaking a free- to ensure that the sector’s services that we provide. As bring. I thank them also.
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