ARCH RECT INSWING 4 ARCH RECT INSWING 4 ARCH RECT INSWING 4 ARCH RECT INSWING 6 ARCH RECT INSWING 6 ARCH RECT INSWING 4 ENTRY DOORS Arch and Rectangular Inswing Entry Door Details — 4 9 ⁄ 16" (116) and 6 9 ⁄ 16" (167) Jamb Depth Scale 11 ⁄ 2" (38) = 1'-0" (305) — 1:8 1 5⁄16" 4 9 ⁄16" (116) 1 5⁄16" 4 9 ⁄16" (116) 9 1 5⁄16" 4 9 ⁄16" (116) 1 5⁄16" 6 9 ⁄16" (167) 1 5⁄16" 4 9(33)⁄16" (116) Jamb Depth1 5⁄16" 6 9 ⁄16" (167) 1 5⁄16" 4 ⁄16" (116) 1 5⁄16" (33) 6 9 ⁄16Jamb" (167) Depth 1 5⁄16" 4 9 ⁄16" (116) 1 5⁄16" 6 9 ⁄16" (167) (33) Jamb Depth (33) Jamb Depth (33) Jamb Depth (33) Jamb Depth (33) Jamb Depth (33) Jamb Depth (33) Jamb Depth (33) Jamb Depth 1 5⁄16" 4 9 ⁄16" (116) 1 5⁄16" 4 9 ⁄16" (116) (33) Jamb Depth (33) Jamb Depth " " 16 16 ⁄ ⁄ " " " " 5 5 16 16 16 16 7 7 (186) (186) ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 7 (186) (186) (186) (186) " " 16 16 ⁄ ⁄ 5 5 7 7 (186) (186) Glass Glass Unobstr. Unobstr. Glass Glass Glass Glass Unobstr. Unobstr. Unobstr. Unobstr. ough Opening Height ough Opening Height ough Opening Height ough Opening Height ough Opening Height ough Opening Height Glass Glass Unobstr. Unobstr. " " Unit Dimension Height Unit Dimension Height 16 16 ⁄ ⁄ " " " " Dimension from Dimension from Unit Dimension Height Unit Dimension Height Unit Dimension Height Unit Dimension Height 11 11 Minimum R Minimum R 16 16 16 16 ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ Dimension from ⁄ top of sill to Dimension from Dimensiontop of sill fromto Dimension from Dimension from (297) Dimension from Dimension from (297) Dimension from 11 11 11 11 11 11 ough Opening Height ough Opening Height Minimum R Minimum R Minimum R top of sill to top of sill to Minimum R top of sill to suboor will top of sill to top of sill to topsuboor of sill towill top of sill to top of sill to (297) (297) (297) (297) 11 11 11 suboor will suboor will 11 suboor will vary based on suboor will suboor will suboorvary based will on suboor will suboor will vary based on thickness of sill vary based on varythickness based onof sill vary based on " " vary based on Unit Dimension Height vary based on vary based on Unit Dimension Height vary based on 16 16 thickness of sill ⁄ thickness of sill ⁄ thickness of sill thickness of sill thickness of sill thickness of sill ashing.Dimension from thickness of sill ashing.Dimension from thickness of sill ashing. 11 ashing. 11 ashing. ashing. ashing. Minimum R ashing. top of sill 1to ashing. Minimum R top of sill 1to ashing. (297) 1 ⁄2" (297) 1 ⁄2" 11 suboor will 11 suboor will 1 1⁄2" 1 1⁄2" 1 1⁄2" (38) 1 1⁄2" 1 1⁄2" 1 1(38)⁄2" 1 1⁄2" 1 1⁄2" (38) vary based on (38) vary based(38) on (38) (38) (38) thickness of sill (38) thickness of sill (38) ashing. ashing. 1 1⁄2" 1 1⁄2" (38) (38) Vertical Section Vertical Section Arch Rectangular Arch and Rectangular Inswing Entry Door Details — 4 9 ⁄ 16" (116) Jamb Depth 1 (116) (167) (167) " " Scale 1 ⁄ 2" (38) = 1'-0" (305) — 1:8 " 16 ⁄ 16 16 ⁄ ⁄ (116) (116) " " 9 9 9 16 16 Jamb Depth 4 ⁄ ⁄ Jamb Depth 6 Jamb Depth 6 9 9 Jamb Depth 4 Jamb Depth 4 (116) " " 6 7⁄16" Unobstr. 6 7⁄16" 16 16 ⁄ ⁄ " " " " 7 7 5 7 7 7 7 ⁄16 Unobstr. ⁄16 9 Glass 7 7 ⁄16 Unobstr. ⁄16 " 6 " (33) 6 ⁄16" Unobstr. 6 ⁄16"6 (164) (164) 6 ⁄16" Unobstr. 6 ⁄16"6 " 6 " 1 16 16 16 16 ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ Jamb Depth Glass 4 Glass 5 5 5 5 Glass (164) (164) 3 Unit Dimension Width 3 Glass (164) (164) (33) (33) (33) (33) (164) (164) ⁄8" ⁄8" (164) (164) 1 1 1 1 3⁄8" Unit Dimension Width3⁄8" Unit3⁄8 "Dimension Width 3⁄8" (10) (10) 3⁄8" Unit Dimension Width3⁄8" Unit3⁄8 "Dimension Width 3⁄8" (10) (10) (10) (10) Minimum Rough Opening Width (10) (10) (10) (10) " 6 7⁄16" Unobstr. 6 7⁄16" Minimum Rough Opening Width Minimum Rough Opening Width 16 Minimum Rough Opening Width ⁄ Minimum Rough Opening Width 5 Glass (33) (164) (164) 1 3⁄8" Unit Dimension Width 3⁄8" (10) (10) Minimum Rough Opening Width Horizontal Section (116) (167) (167) " " " 16 16 16 ⁄ (116) ⁄ (116) ⁄ " " 9 9 9 16 16 4 Jamb Depth ⁄ ⁄ Jamb Depth 6 Jamb Depth 6 9 9 4 Jamb Depth 4 Jamb Depth (116) " " 16 ⁄ 16 7 1 7 ⁄ 16 4 16 " " " " 6 ⁄ " 12 ⁄ " (311) 6 ⁄ " 5 Unobstr. Unobstr. 9 (33) 1 16 16 16 16 ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ 7 71 1 7 7 7 71 1 7 7 4 6 ⁄16" 126 ⁄⁄164""(311) 12 ⁄4"6(311) ⁄16" 6 ⁄16" Jamb Depth Glass Glass 6 ⁄16" 126 ⁄⁄164""(311) 12 ⁄4"6(311) ⁄16" 6 ⁄16" 5 5 5 5 Unobstr. Unobstr. Unobstr. Unobstr. (164) (164) Unobstr. Unobstr. Unobstr. Unobstr. (33) (33) (33) (33) 3 3 1 1 1 1 ⁄8" Unit Dimension Width ⁄8" (164) Glass (164) Glass Glass (164) Glass (164) (164) Glass (164) Glass Glass (164) Glass (164) 3⁄8" 3⁄8" Unit Dimension Width Unit Dimension Width 3⁄8" 3⁄(10)8" 3⁄8" (10) 3⁄8" Unit Dimension Width Unit Dimension Width 3⁄8" 3⁄8" (10) (10) (10) " (10) Minimum Rough Opening Width (10) (10) (10) (10) 16 Minimum Rough Opening Width Minimum Rough Opening Width ⁄ 6 7⁄16" 12 1⁄4" (311) 6 7⁄16" Minimum Rough Opening Width Minimum Rough Opening Width 5 Unobstr. Unobstr. (33) 1 (164) Glass Glass (164) 3⁄8" HorizontalUnit Dimension Section Width 3⁄8" (10) Two-Panel (10) Minimum Rough Opening Width 9 9 • 4 /16" (116) and 6 /16" (167) jamb depth measurements are from back side of installation flange. • Light-colored areas are parts included with door. Dark-colored areas are additional Andersen® parts required to complete door assembly as shown. • Rough openings may need to be increased to allow for use of building wraps, flashing, sill panning, brackets, fasteners or other items. • Details are for illustration only and are not intended to represent product installation methods or materials. Refer to product installation guides at andersenwindows.com. • Dimensions in parentheses are in millimeters. • Clad details shown, wood also available. 2019 A-Series Product Guide Page 1 of 4 ARCH RECT INSWING 6 ARCH RECT INSWING 6 1 5⁄16" 6 9 ⁄16" (167) 1 5⁄16" 6 9 ⁄16" (167) (33) Jamb Depth (33) Jamb Depth 1 5⁄16" 6 9 ⁄16" (167) 1 5⁄16" 6 9 ⁄16" (167) (33) Jamb Depth (33) Jamb Depth Dimension from Dimension from top of sill to top of sill to suboor will suboor will vary based on vary based on thickness of sill thickness of sill ashing.Dimension from ashing.Dimension from top of sill to top of sill to suboor1 1will⁄2" suboor1 1 will⁄2" vary based(38) on vary based(38) on thickness of sill thickness of sill ashing. ashing. 1 1⁄2" 1 1⁄2" (38) (38) ENTRY DOORS Arch and Rectangular Inswing Entry Door Details — 6 9 ⁄ 16" (167) Jamb Depth Scale 11 ⁄ 2" (38) = 1'-0" (305) — 1:8 (167) " 16 ⁄ 9 Jamb Depth 6 (167) " 16 ⁄ 9 " 6 7⁄16" Unobstr. 6 7⁄16" Jamb Depth 6 16 ⁄ Glass 5 (164) (164) (33) 1 3⁄8" Unit Dimension Width 3⁄8" (10) (10) " 6Minimum 7⁄16" RoughUnobstr. Opening Width 6 7⁄16" 16 ⁄ Glass 5 (164) (164) (33) 1 3⁄8" Unit Dimension Width 3⁄8" (10) (10) Minimum Rough Opening Width Horizontal Section (167) " 16 ⁄ 9 Jamb Depth 6 (167) " 16 ⁄ 9 " Jamb Depth 6 16 ⁄ 6 7⁄16" 12 1⁄4" (311) 6 7⁄16" 5 Unobstr. Unobstr. (33) 1 (164) Glass Glass (164) ARCH_RECT OUTSWING 4 3⁄8" Unit Dimension WidthARCH_RECT OUTSWING 43⁄8" (10) (10) " Minimum Rough Opening Width 16 ⁄ 6 7⁄16" 12 1⁄4" (311) 6 7⁄16" 5 Unobstr. Unobstr. (33) 1 (164) Glass Glass (164) 3⁄8" Unit Dimension Width 3⁄8" (10) Horizontal Section (10) Minimum Two-PanelRough Opening Width Arch and Rectangular Outswing Entry Door Details Scale 11 ⁄ 2" (38) = 1'-0" (305) — 1:8 9 9 1 5⁄16" 4 ⁄16" (116) 1 5⁄16" 4 9 ⁄16" (116) 1 5⁄16" 4 ⁄16" (116) 1 5⁄16" 4 9 ⁄16" (116) (33) Jamb Depth (33) Jamb Depth (33) Jamb Depth (33) Jamb Depth " " " " 16 16 16 16 ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 7 (186) (186) (186) (186) Glass Glass Glass Glass Unobstr. Unobstr. Unobstr. Unobstr. ough Opening Height ough Opening Height ough Opening Height ough Opening Height Unit Dimension Height Unit Dimension Height Unit Dimension Height Unit Dimension Height " " " " 16 16 16 16 ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ Dimension from Dimension from ⁄ Dimension from Dimension from Minimum R Minimum R 15 15 15 15 Minimum R Minimum R top of sill to top of sill to top of sill to top of sill to (303) (303) (303) (303) 11 11 11 suboor will suboor will 11 suboor will suboor will vary based on vary based on vary based on vary based on thickness of sill thickness of sill thickness of sill thickness of sill ashing. ashing. ashing. ashing. 1 1⁄2" 1 1⁄2" 1 1⁄2" 1 1⁄2" (38) (38) (38) (38) Vertical Section Vertical Section Arch Rectangular 9 9 • 4 /16" (116) and 6 /16" (167) jamb depth measurement is from back side of installation flange.
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