: '•# '«£ . V ' * - iAI _ [$1.00, a Year Founded in 1800. J An Entertaining and Instructive Home Journal, Especially Devoted to LoGdk^&ws gm^ Jjibe^e?ts. &JL,: T > M *** " m PRICE TWO CENTS YOY. XcftL—No. 29: NORWALK, CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1893. |jpf• Swallowed Her False Teeth. Long Island City Fire. Roton Point Re«atta. The merchants who have the tact to. VOTE FOR THE CITY CHARTER Commodore Burritt, at the request A picnic from New Canaan enjoyed - Tote for City Charter! AND REDUCE YOUR TAXES. |, St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, the cool breezes at Roton Point, Thurs­ •s~ keep on sale what the people want, and parochial school and priests' house, in of the small boat owners along the sound, has added to the several classes day, and several young ladies took *3S>-PolIs Open Saturday from 6 A. M. then to let the public know it, through the central part of Long Island City, advantage of the high tide in the after­ were burned early this morning.^ , fo be sailed at Roton Point, August - • * to 5 P. M.at Town House. v; the newspapers, is sure of patronage, The town clerks of the state will noon to indulge in a bath. One dash­ Vote for the city charter. ^ 9th, class J jib and mainsail 16 feet and ^1:6 and the more attractive the advertise­ meet and have a shore dinner at Hill's under, class K cat-rigged boat 16 feet ing little blonde who is noted for her Homestead, West Haven, July 26. • : and under. He will also give two good looks and false teeth, was more , Reasons Why. ments are made, the surer and larger Vote for the city charter. " , t ^Collision Near Winsted. > daring than the others and romped and the return. The advertisements in the special prizes of 35 foot pennante. We trust that our new city charter Two freight trains collided head on Vote for the city charter. I\• splashed the water at such a rate that ^ " will be adopted by a large majority of GAZETTE from day to day are as inter­ —AH parasols sold at cost for the next five miles from Winsted, Thursday the other young ladies became envious esting and readable as the matter in its thirty days at Scofield & Hoyt's, Nor­ night on the Philadelphia & Reading of the attentions which were paid to _. ^ a large vote. The word "Borough" is her by the young men present. Finally ^fejT'4•K " news columns, and are generally as at­ walk and South Norwalk. r railroad. The locomotives were wrecked USE DANA'S SARSAPARILLA.IT'S as well as one car. Many cars were t 'THE KIND THAT CURES. one young man was allowed the privi­ misleading and misdeecriptive. That a tentively read. Indeed, the advertising lege of "ducking" the blonde, and this Mrs. Frank dure, of Yonkers, N. Y., thrown from the track. The trainmen - municipality having within its border a columns should always sparkle with im­ escaped injury by jumping. The tracks *>•- She Baptized Them, v he did with a good deal of pleasure. is a gnest of Mrs. John. T. Hayes on He grasped her by the shoulders and 1 ^.population of over 7,000, with tide- portant news to buyers, and reliability Wilton avenue. " f were blocked until morning. - « , . Vo,te for the city charter. Families living in the buildings on pushed her under the water, but in an water and railroad facilities, an excel- should be stamped on every line. The Vote for the city charter/ ' either side of Main street have for a ungarded moment the young lady ne­ •'it; long time been annoyed in the late c house that advertises in a slip-shod way, glected to close her mouth and swallow­ . "- lent water system, a wisely planned or that is reckless in statement, simply Vote for the City Charter and reduce Safe Burglars at Work. hours of night by the loud talk of men ed a large amount of salt water. This E. S. W. Pickett, a Fairfield merch­ and honestly built sewer system, side- wastes money in advertising. yo r taxes. • '• and boys who congregate in knots on made her cough violently, and in one ant, was awakened early Thursday the sidewalks under the windows. One of her paroxysms she dislodged her ''' . walks, paved and macadamized streets, Advertising here in Norwalk is now morning by his burglar alarm ringing. woman having tried all other means in false teeth, which stuck in her throat, so cheap that it should be greatly mul­ Mr. Charles W. Hoyt, and his neph­ He hastened to the store to find a her power without abating the nui­ ~»f electric lights, street railways, eight ew, Master Fred. Scofield, are at Sara- nearly chocking her to death. The tiplied. The GAZETTE pi vrs its adver­ burglar at work on the safe in the sance, one night this week went to the bathers gathered around the young > houses of public worship, three nation- nac Lake, in the Adirondacks, for a postoffice adjoining. Mr. Pickett fired front window and emptied a couple of tisers the largest circulation ever at­ iorteight's outing. lady, some patting her on the back t w- al banks, two savings banks, an insur­ a shot, he says to arouse the neighbor­ buckets of water on the heads of a par­ while others rushed to the shore in tained by any newspaper in Norwalk. Vote for the city charter. ; hood and the robber Vith an accom­ ty of young men who were talking search of medical aid, but the teeth ance company, a state armory, parks It is read by all classes of our people, plice, who was on the outside, made quite loud on the sidewalk, and prom­ were finally dislodged and the young and a historic. "Green," should still and especially the purchasing masses, A lot of youngsters visited the home good his escape. * ised to repeat the dose every night if lady retired to her bath house, robed Vote for the city charter; : they did not keep away. We refrain and its advertising rates are only about of George Jennings on Leonard street, herself and returned home. It is said cling to the discredited name "Bor- yesterday afternoon and ruined a num­ from publishing names as the treat­ that she does not now speak to the Oagh,5' is an astonishment to those who half that charged by journals of simi­ ber of flowering plants. No arrests USB DANA'S S ARSAPARILL A .IT'S ment is said to have had the desired young man that ducked her. effect. : ,t lar standing elsewtiere. were made. ; ' THE KIND THAT CURES." , Vote for the city charter, i;. : %Ti( P > v inventoried " our resources and our " * -• • " — - Vote for the city charter. ^ y r '>», k;* ^ . fJ If our local dealers want to increase Vote for the city charter. X ••• — -V- ,-rV . ... , f natural, artificial and material aavant- their sales, they should advertise in the ' s/lt - A New Fad. : Robbed and Then Jailed, ii- Cleveland girls have a new fad— '* ages. This is not the jargon of western GAZETTE. The following postmasters for Con­ VOTE FOR THE CITY CHARTER ATLANTIC CITY, July 21.—The raid o! | necticut were appointed yesterday : E. nothing less than millinery lessons. AND REDUCE YOUR TAXES. ttie faro den on Arctic avenue, conducted ^ «boomers," but the unvarnished truthj M. O'Connel, Broad Brook; W. E. They do not go into a milliner's shop and learn the trade like an apprentice, by Thomas Dwyer and Paddy Gray, has ^ " and entitles us to become a city. In VOTE FOR THE CITY CHARTER Trnesdale, Burnside; F. S. Hitchcock, Big Defalcation. resulted in the placing in jail of Louis | AND REDUCE YOUR TAXES. Woodmont. oh no. They hire the queen of all mil­ Jerome, an agent for the National Casl | the minds of outsiders the word '' Bor­ Vote for the city charier. liners to give them lessons in their own The flight of E. L. Gunn^ the insur­ Register company, of Dayton, O., on the boudoirs and it is said that already they ance and loan agent, has been the cause : ough " describes an unimportant coun- have acquired some wonderful know­ charge of embezzling $196 of the company's TERSE TALES OF THE TIMES. —Big reduction in furniture for the of a most profound sensation. It has funds. This, with 1300 of his own money, S try village, with two or three kerosene ledge of the profits their hat makers been found that he has defrauded vari­ theagent says, be was fleeced out of in the next thirty days at Scofield. & Hoyt's, have been reaping in the past. It was ous Hartford people of not less than >•' gtreet lamps, a watchman and a lockup. Yote for a city charter. Norwalk. a revelation that a $20 hat could be got­ $15,000. The Hartford School Fund den. ^ r-.. i" ten up for $3.75. Loan company, of which he was agent, A Thousand Idle Iron Workers. Every man who wants Nor walk to be The racing board of the League of ! —Take your best girl to K. of C. pic­ American Wheelemen has decided by a Vote for the city charter, i ^ will lose at least $35,000. A dispatch PLATTSBURG, N. Y., July 21. — The known to the world as she should be, nic, July 29, Noiwalk Park. small vote to reinstate jQhn S. Johnson, from Lima, O., to the Hartford Times, Chateaugay Ore and Iron company, whoM 8»:$ will vote for it to become a CITY.
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