THE NEWS AflP OBSERVER, j y. A »5, I*UB. 7 sustaining poww GRAIN AND PRODUCE. gressed the lnek of NOTICE. in strength of sjh'cnil stocks, whio i Jan. 14.—At the close the Chicago, 111., The annual meeting of has Umi the marked characteristic of the of a scalping session in wheat to- the StockhoJd to dull era of North market for several days past, came slliowed a of about half the Carolina Home Insur* IRREGULAR v day, May decline anc Co. GO 9N at STOCKS Will YOUR -will be held their office, in 'l he BOKO. l Ih* mum* ami more ifelt. uisuosi- h cent. Firmness at Liverpool steadied this city, eldsely for signs of a re- on Wednesday, the 2nd day tion to watch the market early, but weak continental American Bonding and Trust Co., Baltimore, Md., of February, 1898, 12 o’clock action, became more marked and the cables and selling by the Lieter inter- at m. a very general throwing ASSETS OVFR ONE MILLION DOLLARS. BUSINESS CONFINED BONDS, CHARLES ROOT. final hour saw ests caused marked weakness late in the T 9 SURETY Secretary. of holdings by professional traders. day. Corn and oats were practically at Course of th3 Market Some- over Accepted sole surety There was no special news to account a standstill and closed unchanged. as by TT S. Government and the State and Counties of NOTICE. what Perplexing. for the break and it was probably due Provisions showed 2*6 cents declines North Carolina. forthe moat part to technical conditions. as the result of exceptionally heavy sell- recntly promi- SOLICIT THE BONDS OF The annual meeting of the stockhold- Stocks which have been ing. ers of Blackwell’s for strength were conspicuous in Durham Tobacco nent ohicago, Jan. 14. y and Federal Officers, Administrators, Company will be held at the office of POWEg to-day's break by reason of profit-taking. Ooenirg. Clos'rg. Executors, Arc., the NO SUSTAINING Corporation and Railroad Officers* Guardians, Receivers and Assignees, company, at Durham, N. C., on Tues- There was a feeling of more or less un- W». hat. ueputy4 Collectors. Gaugers, Cotton and of news January • 91 9 1 * Tobacco Buyers, day, January 18th, 1898, at 12 o’clock easiness also over the tone the -insurance and Fertilizer Agents. Huilders, I*«V COX w i Contractors and noon. J. M. Havana iu regard to what is ex- ostmasters, Letter &c.t DUNCAN, from July 81X 80X Carriers. Tobacco and Cigar M’f’rs. Jan. 6tdm. Secretary. SIGN** OF A REACTION CLOSELY rather than what has happened. JUT?*7 . pected ?8X The fear that, the Spanish government’s January USX OCCUPYING POSITIONS OF TRUST AND RESPCMSIBIUTY WATCHED FOR. the V„y..... 29* H»X MORTGAGE SALE. scheme of reform is on point of July ... 30* Ni* Reasoxabee Rates axo Prompt Attention CoßUKspoxnENrF. breaking down is coupled with the appre- oaTB 10 By virtue of authority conferred In a v r 23* *3X hension that the time is imminent when av mortgage executed by P. It. Bailey and save Ju y S&* 22X REi 'ABLF AGENTS WAMTEO TAKING A SPECIAL FEATURE intervention by the United States to *1438 POke Per U 0 recorded in Register's office of Wake PROFIT anarchy impera- January the from will be .... 49 SO 9 2ft In all seats county, island Mj.y county and important towns In which we are not at present represented N. C., in Rook 75, Page 191, persistent weaknes of Sugar, (V 42* V4O Address, I tive. The U«i). *. Januar 17th, 1890, will, on Monday, factor by rea- Per ino Ll a more or less dominant January... 44 oft 4 *7* General Agent for North Carolina, I bruary 7th, 1898, at the court house and Oats trading in it, also RH« RU. RANIlnllLt.F Y Dry Goods Slowly Improving—Corn son of the volum of RALEIGH. N. C. door in Raleigh, at 32 o’clock in., sell to market. The open- July.... fro 4 85 helped to break the ft the liighest bidder for Practically at a SUndstiil-'Provisions was due to the somewhat suota HI On. Per 100 L>is. cash, ing strength January — .... ft— 4 pc forty-three acres, (more or for traction less), of land Declined 212 Cents. feverish demand local May ....S' 72* 4 70 situated In New light township, Wake duo to si>eeial causes and to the Casn quofatmn- ner- aa follows: county, being the lot stocks Flour dull. ca*y. Vr t>eat. No. i spring 8C; drawn by said P. York, Jan. 14.—'There is a slow execution of a large volume of buying B. W. BAKER, R. Bailey the Now. No. 3 spring 76*99: No. s ie„, »lj>(aj.r2. torn. m division of the land* noticeable improvement iu the dry orders for London account. Quotations No. A, *.*837 Oats, Nm. 2 !f-X: No. 2 of his father, Priestly Bailey, adjoining but higher before the wbiry - b Kye, goods have come came from London for N<>. -hits so .-a 5 the lands of Martin Bailey, Ransom goods market. Cotton opening and probably 25000 shares of *0 tm% -6 Usriey No. 2, f<' b:8a38; No. S, —; No. Flaxseed ’. Joplin and others. into a more extended demand with the the stocks were bought in Nc. Pi ini* international Turothv seed 52.77* M* oork pt ib' 9.25 JOHN M. CRENSHAW, Mortgagee. buyers aeocunt. There ati.iH). Karct es influx of -western and southern this market for Lonodn per luO lbs H. 6 *. Short r.b sir Wane Forest, N. C., Jan. l«t, were also commission house orders es- (loost) t< 4 anTf* iJry ealuc sboulders <oozed) 1898. in t-.e market. 4*r»a bhort .or.r -,ie.- <box«‘.i) Sißt)a6.Cv. I—4—3od. pecially for investment demand in the ly uiskey, per gallon demand is well diversified too, dlrtilJerM' finisher «rot's Qeal This gilt-edged railroad stocks. <1.19. and Wood, as MORTGAGE and includes brown goods as well The profit taking, invited by the ad- SALE. nowhere nor- cases, serves to NEW YORK. bleached. The sales are vances in special only By virtue of authority conferred In a the late weaknes of stocks mal, but there is a distinct gain, whicu increase NEW Vohh., January 14.—6’lour wng neg- TELEPHONE mortgage executed by Tamar Hockaday had failed to benefit from the ltcteu and weak on ah but low grades. cit> 140. and into the operations of sed- which <6..0aM6; recorded in Register's officeof Wake has put heart strength. As a consequence mid patent tt>.«sau.9 do clear f-.u.* county, early Ddsota p. tents*-. at ; Minnesota ¦¦-r.kvrs N. C., in Book 84, Page 27th, the woolen goods division the very general of ers. In there was a break about 4.265 winte patents Sl.b as. 16 do. straight! February 6th, 1895, I will, on Monday, lively as yester- <4.fto©4.w>; vmve< ex BJ.isai.oo; wittier dav has been fully as a point. iraa February ih, 1898, at the court house the newly Covering ion grade s6i.Mlais.iK). day. Buyers are inspecting of shorts served to retrieve tanej door in Raleigh, at a Hye flour dull, superfine <2.50; 12 o’clock in., sell to opened lines and are seemingly after part of the decline, but net losses of the highest bidder for cash the the through klm lands de- large quantities. The sales on new point or over are frequent all iJuckn heat flour quitt at <1.27*1.35. HFiuiffiiiElscribed in said -toady a< mortgage, situated In goods are of very fair proportions. Buy- the list. Money tended to become some- Puckwheai SftHaS'*. New Light township, any Corn oiea: quiet; yellow western 68; cl y r\ f Wake county, ad- to secure bar- to-day without fri* - ' actual '¦ - ers are, of course anxious what easier ¦7 brandywiuc «£ 00 i-; >k- joining the land* of W’illis Smith, rates -; Terrell is subject to the ueing made in the quoted Rye ; No. 2 western 6‘* a .- 8 . gains and the demand change easy ; car lots ft* r>•--*. :-^v- V ; . Lowry and others, being the lands pur- brought about by h.gher prices for call loans. There was a brisk de- S2/i boat .oeds 35. by said conditions Haric; sleadj; wi-s-ern fe-dIOF 85. rtu- t chased Hockaday from said wool and the necessity for keeping mand, however, for commercial paper y on in;- barley m«lt quiet: weston. ftSsaKfi - --p -: :y.£ a ; * Smith and Lowry. ready-made clothing, rates to a range spin, V'- the prices of with- which drove the down Wheat, stetdj; .40. t red iOiX afloat; »T 'i ¦' JOHN M. CRENSHAW, Mortgagee. 4 cent for choice grades. options. No. 2 red Januaiyeosei 9c*;May V<4--' v f* in present limits. But woolen dealers of 3 to per the Wake N. C., Jan. 1898. willing conduct business un- Kink statement will show closed 9 X. '3% . fmt Forest. Ist. who are to To-morrow’s vHiru, spot, ea-y No. 2, ?tX fob afloat- ¦¦ ¦ 1 —4—3(kL their time large increase in the cash holdings. —; May •- der these conditions can find a options, January closed alosed 3 *. tv• -• J*. :V «* t; . .)«r* spot, stea options well employed. In detail staple cottons The bond market was active early in t y. no. 2, -'3*, February —. May SALE and closed closed 2?*. < VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. no change in price renditions. the day.
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