t12 October. 1950.317 1179 GASCOYWE RESEARCH STATION. As to Finances and Control. Thursday, 12th October, 1050. H-on. H. C. STRICKLAND asked the Honorary Minister f or Agriculture: CONTENTS. (1) What was the amount of profit or Page loss made at the Gascoyne Research Questions: Superphosphate, as to manufac- Station during each year from 1945 ture at Esperance and sulphur supplies 1179 to Gascoyne Research Station, as to finances 1950? and control ... .. ... .. 1179 (2) Under whose direction and control Bills: Mining Act Amendment, Sr. are experiments carried out on the re- Western Australian Government Tram- 1179 search station? ways and Ferries Act Amendment, 3r., The HONORARY MINISTER replied: passed.............. .... .. 1179 Water Supply, Sewerage and Drainage (1) 1945, profit nil, loss £35 17s. 3d.; Act Amendment, 3r., passed 1179 1946, £4 11s. Id., nil; 1947, nil, £283 Os. 7d.;, Public Service Appeal Board Act Amend - 1948, £444 19s. l0d., nil; 1949, £1,263 l~s. 9d.. ment, 2r., Corn., report 11fIS nil; 1950, nil, £567 8s. 6d. Fauna Protection, 2r. .., . 1180 (2) Superintendent of Horticulture. Acts Amendment (increase In Number of Ministers of the Crown), 2r. 1181 BILLS (3-THIRD READING. Supply (No. 2), £7,000,000, fr. .. 1185 1. Mining Act Amendment. Transmitted to the Assembly. 2. Western Australian Government The PRESIDENT took the Chair at 4.30 Trrarnways and Ferries Act Amend- p.m., and read prayers. ment. 3. Water Supply, Sewerage and Drain- QUESTIONS. age Act Amendment. SUPERPHOSPHATE. Passed. As to Manufacture at Esperance BILL-PUBLIC SERVICE APPEAL and Sulphtur Supplies. BOARD ACT AMENDMENT. Hon. R. J. BOYLEN asked the Honorary Second Reading. Minister for Agriculture: Debate resumed from the previous day. (Q) Has any consideration been given to the prospect of establishing superphos- THE MINISTER FOR TRANSPORT phate manufacturing works at Esperance? (Hon. C. 11. Simpson-Midland-in reply) <2) Would it not be more economical to (4A01: During the course of the debate, bring phosphatic rock to Esperance and Mr. Fraser raised a couple of points which manufacture superphpspbate there, than I said I would check and deal with when cart the pyrite 'ore to Albany, Picton, replying. The intention is that whenever the metropolitan area and Geraldton, hun- any permanent position in the Public Ser- dreds of miles, instead of to Esperance, vice within the automatic range is raised only 125 miles? to a class above the maximum of that (3) -If the answer to question (2) is In range, It shall be declared vacant, if the occupant of the position has not passed the affirmative, would the Government the Public Service promotional examina- give consideration to the manufacture of tion. sulphuric acid from pyrite ore at Horse- man where these deposits exist, or at As members know, all permanent officers Esperance? in the service within the automatic range, proceed by annual increments to a maxi- (4) Have the economics of transport mum salary which they receive when they been considered? reach 27 years of age. This maximum is The HONORARY MINISTER replied: at present £559 per annum. Any tempor- (1) No. ary officers appointed to positions to which the automatic range applies, also proceed (2) Not at present. by annual increments to this maximum, (3) This will be investigated. irrespective of their age. No officer can (4) The whole matter is now under con- be appointed to a position classified above sideration. the automatic range unless he has passed I may add that the matter of pyrites the promotional examination or an ap- is causing considerable concern. I have proved equivalent. It will be seen, there- arranged for an interview with Mr. fore, that if a position within the automatic Cuming of Western Australia and Mr. range were raised, by appeal or otherwise, Cuming of the Eastern States next Tues- above the automatic range, and the occu- day to discuss the matter. 1 shall also pant had not passed the promotional take it up at Norsemnan in ten days' time, examination, it would be unfair to other and perhaps the hon. member will be pre- qualified officers if he retained the posi- sent at that discussion. tion. (421 1180 1180[COUNCfla I The proposal, therefore, in such cases. grown to thousands. We can remember is that the position be declared vacant im- when the Army was called out some years mediately, and advertised in the "Govern- ago to destroy emus in the Walgoolan area ment Gazette." Until such time as it is -but that experiment was not very suc- filled, the Previous occupant will remain cessful. That shows how the emus can in it and will receive the higher rate of become a pest. salary. When it is filled he will be placed The Honorary Minister in another position within the automatic for Agriculture: grade, of which there are plenty available Some people wanted to protect them there. in the service, and revert to his previous Hon. A. L. LOTON: Those are twa as- saary. Should a position within the auto- pects of the legislation to which I take matic range be raised to a higher classifi- exception. I do not like the provision cation, and the occupant be qualified by in the Bill that all notices are to be made examination, then there will be no neces- by proclamation. WVhilst I am not very sity to declare the position vacant, and keen on regulations, I would far sooner the occupant will continue in it. have a regulation than a proclamation. I Then again, Mr. Fraser was also con- am hopeful that when we deal with the cerned as to the period that might elapse Bill in Committee, the word "proclama- before the position was filled. I am as- tion" will be deleted from as many places sured by the Public Service Commissioner as possible. that there will be no delay, and immediate I notice also that the Bill provides that steps will be taken to gazette and fill any a Person who is a native according to such position. This amendment is neces- the interpretation of "native" in the Native sary in the interest of fairness to qualified Administration Act cani take game only public servants, and to reserve the higher for the purpose of food. I do not know ranks of the service for persons who have whether that means that a native can- fitted themselves by courses of study. The not get a permit to destroy game. I would amendment is requested by both the Civil like the Minister to give some informa- Service Association and the Public Ser- tion on that. The Bill states- vice Commnissioner. I trust the position Notwithstanding any other pro- is now quite clear to the hon. member. visions of this Act a Person- Hon. G. Fraser: Yes, thank you. Who is a native according to the Question put and passed. interpretation, "Native" in section two Eml read a second time. of the Native Administration Act. 1905- 1947, may take fauna- In Committee. upon Crown land or upon any other Bill passed through Committee without land, not being a sanctuary, but where debate, reported without amendment and occupied, with the consent of the oc- the report adopted. cupier of that land, sufficient only for food for himself and BILL-FAUNA PROTECTION. his family. Second Reading. If a man wishes to employ natives to Debate resumed from the previous day. destroy game, theyi should be entitled to get a permit. EON. A. L. LOTON (South) R4A5U: The objectives of most of the clauses of the Hon. L. Craig: A station owner can give EmD are quite worthy, but I take exception them permission to destroy as much game to the protection of kangaroos and emus as they like; but without permission they except when a proclamation Is issued for can destroy game for their own use. their destruction- In the North, kanga- Hon. A. L. LOTON: Only for food. roos are a menace at all times, and to ask Hon. L,. Craig: That is. without per- anyone there to give consideration to mission. them, by way of protection, Is going to the extreme. Owing to the action of the H-on. A. L. LOTOI': I read It otherwise. Protector of Game in the last few years, My interpretation of it is that the native kangaroos In the more settled areas In the can take game for his own food only on southern part of the State have become a Crown land or on property where he ob- minor menace. The trouble is not the tains permission from the owner. How- ever, the minister might be able to clear amount of feed they eat, but the quantity up that point. There are many smaller they destroy by hopping over it, and the marsupial animals within the State such way they break fences. as the wombat, the opossum and the spiny The emu can be, and is, as big a menace anteater which have become almost ex- as the kangaroo. Some three years ago tinct, because of the entry of the rabbit the emu in the southern portion of the and poisoning by the use of phosphorous. State was declared a protected bird as It if sanctuaries can be established where was claimed it would be of value if tour- these smaller, and in most cases, harmless ists could see it. Well, that might be all animals can be cultivated and reared, I right in theory, but not in practice. I feel sure that the objectives of the advisory would far sooner have to get rid of board will be achieved. But. I certainly the first half dozen emus than have to do not like the protection of kangaroos tackle them when their numbers had and emus all over the State.
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